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File: 20545213[1].gif (3.76 MB, 444x250)
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3.76 MB GIF
you know the drill
215 replies and 32 images omitted. Click here to view.
File: 7outofbreatheyeahs.webm (3.88 MB, 1920x1080)
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>I lay down and she starts blowing me raw
>she then puts a condom on me and we start fucking in a bunch of different positions
>she hops off, takes off the condom and starts jerking me off while sucking on my nipple. This actually felt really awesome
>primal brain took over and I ask "Can I fuck you with no condom? I'm clean"
>she said "What?... Okay baby. Just don't cum in me. I don't want to make baby"
gotcha anon

Asked to take shoes off at foot of stairs, up to the second floor into bedroom with queen bed and typical MP adornments. Cute girl in sailor suit undresses after I told her wanted everything. Paid house and tip, $200, and got comfortable on the bed. CBJ, CG, Mish, Doggie and finished up with a good HJ. Nice time and would repeat, however not sure if this place will be around in a month if neighbors get suspicious
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I started filming less at this point. I wish I did the ending but I was focused on cumming at this point. I still have like 1 or 2 vids left.

>She starts riding me and I already felt close to climaxing
>I switch to missionary and pumped until I was about to bust
>I tell her I'm about to cum and she says "You can come inside me baby"
>that turned me on more and I do without hesitation
>I get off of her with postnut clarity thinking "What the fuck have I done?"
>she goes to the washroom and call me over
>she squatting in front of the faucet washing her pussy
>she then fills a pail of water and starts cleaning my dick with that and a bar of soap
>we go back to the room and dress up. She kneels in front of me to put on my socks and shoes on for me while I sat at the edge of the bed
>we talk for a bit until we left the room
>we walked to an ATM and I paid her 5000 pesos

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.

can you do this one? ty bro
can anyone recommend good spycams for this kinda thing? i wear glasses so im thinking i could install somewhere on the frames and take some vids. inb4 thats immoral blah blah blah.

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WMBF, BWC, hot black women, PMV
104 replies and 58 images omitted. Click here to view.
>bbc is just pro porn who don't get posted when israel is under attack
>bwc is amateur content with new shit on daily basis
shalom btw
>the beep

File: painal6.webm (3.81 MB, 1024x576)
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female posting this. don't be weird and spam with rants about incels and little dicks, I literally don't care. we all have fantasies :)
273 replies and 65 images omitted. Click here to view.
Unless it's Bakky
>Read various fiction novels written by female authors for female audiences
>Lots of different genres and styles
>But they all heavily feature rape
>Including some of the most popular and bestselling romance series out there

but yeah sure rape fetish isn't incredibly common among women not at all
There are white men that have raped toddlers to death. So unless youre ready to accept that as a fair portrayal of yourself stop trying to do that to other people.
Been mentioned a few times that studies have found that almost half of women will admit to having rape-themed sex fantasies at least a couple times a month. Usually if you break down their fantasies it's more accurate to describe them as BDSM fantasies with plots and maybe a safety hatch, but they're there.

>Rough Sex
>Mating Presses ONLY
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3 more
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Need sauce on this, can't see the girl's face

>not a celebm general
57 replies and 36 images omitted. Click here to view.
Can someone make it so some poop falls out when she Walks away?
HNNG!!! Wish she did one without the dress.
Margot Robbie with a better body.

Post girls that are fit and muscular, the prettier they are the better
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>Bad form
>Dropped some

I'm not fucking interested.

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post recognizable or popular characters doing lewd shit. dont post hentai, scat, guro, gigantism, overwatch and vore shit, anything else should be ok.
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File: Ciri witcher r34 webm.webm (3.96 MB, 1920x1080)
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Princess Cirilla.
File: Ciri 60fps AI WEBM.webm (3.62 MB, 1920x1080)
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I know exactly what you are talking about. Why do you want to find that lmao?
We can say it's during FF7 just to annoy you.

white women feasting on black cocks
better if homemade
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its my "ex" we never really dated
File: whiteboi sad.webm (3.43 MB, 1662x1080)
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need to know if his mom picked him up!
Keep your shit in one thread. You've overstayed your welcome years ago.
this is their thread... why you coming in here?

you like it don't you!
It's a police report from a famous true crime case. The case is a meme on /tv/

File: Walking (1).webm (1.04 MB, 720x1280)
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them big bootys walking
272 replies and 102 images omitted. Click here to view.
makes me so sad her ass is fake
she has has no sign of surgery, bbl always leave injection scars around the ass and the belly button looks weird from the liposuction, her legs and ass are also proportional
ok but you still aren't a virgin, that was taken from you long ago fag
>I wouldn't wish rape on anyone. But if I could, I would rape
Why are you cockblowers defending and glazing this spergy peice of shit? he came out with a gay ass sob story on a fucking coomsite and expected some sort of respect from a bunch of porn addicted freaks whilst condoning rape himself in the most comically contradictory fasion possible. no wonder this beta bitch is afraid of girls, just come out the closet already.
How TF is this perfect?

File: lost Kitten.webm (2.85 MB, 720x960)
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The only thread that keeps me sane in this shitty garbage board edition
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Feels rejected for implied lesbianism.
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File: Itsover.webm (3.76 MB, 666x444)
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Anon's come and go, but kino is forever.
Thanks anons. This was cathartic.

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Straight porn with intact cock, bonus if the girl gives extra attention to the foreskin
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4 MB
I really need to get laid.
Dude has thicker forskin than some peoples dicks

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378 KB
post 'em
14 replies and 7 images omitted. Click here to view.
Damn that was loud asf
File: kitsuneforeplay.webm (2.05 MB, 802x1080)
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Full video

Full video

Full video >>27321190
Oh those enchiladas..
god i want to smell girl farts so bad
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I don't like it when they push their ass checks, I prefer when the farts can barely escape from their anuses so they end up making loud noises.

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Some more oc and general YLYL thank you.
112 replies and 73 images omitted. Click here to view.
me on my way to the feminist book club
fuck, now I want breakfast
Bro what the actual fuck?
First of all, door's not even closed lmao but my coomer brain and logic brain are fighting over if this is the saddest thing when they kept going or the nastiest/hottest thing I've ever seen when she started twerking on it.
And at first I figured single mom but that better be his fucking dad because his dick was way too close to that kid.
Somebody please add the executioners chariot theme to this kek
that's just fucking depressing
the world has fallen

File: tight-anal.webm (984 KB, 640x360)
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tight anal where the woman does all the work. straight and white only
31 replies and 3 images omitted. Click here to view.
faggot, tattoos are totally different, hair color is different, kill yourself
I kinda just wanna see how many she can Russian nesting doll it.
why so upset?
I'm so confused now
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