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Previous thread: >>8028401

This thread is for discussions about commissioning non-Western (primarily Japanese) artists through platforms such as Skeb, Pixiv, Fantia, and similar sites.
Feel free to ask questions and recommendations for specific kinks/fetishes.

>Skeb (requires a Twitter account)

>Skeb Button/Skebify
https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/skeb-button/onjegdbehgoamaiochjfnkokondpgoim (Chrome-based browsers only)
Displays on Twitter whether an artist is currently accepting requests.

>SkebUe - Memo Box

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>so it's more convenient than the defunct doc
Thank you for reminding me I need to do a replacement for that
Anyone got some artists recommandations for extreme guro drawings?
Depends who's getting fucked up and in what way
I want to request some pokegirls turned into necromorphs, snipemare style, so, really fucked up.
Maybe you wouldn't miss my fucking deadline if you didn't go on 3 hour nature hikes, play gacha, and eat out all thr time you fucking jap.

post waifus with their big dick lover and some small dick beta somewhere
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Oddly specific..
Why is this board just filled with cucks. Half the threads are either rape or NTR
Buddy, this would work better in the SPH thread on /d/. >>>/d/11017061

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Kicking it off with Iria from the Zeiram duology and her eponymous prequel OVA
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nuku nuku has only 39 pics
Amazing Nurse Nanako - 17 pics
56 pics on paheal and 50ish on pixiv
Space Adventure Cobra really got screwed
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Paheal is a good cheat code to seeing more obscure things. Since a lot of people only think of Rule34.

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Been thinking about making a H game to sell on DLsite or something, made this little mock up, learnt my lesson with the hair, the front hair layer shouldn't end so high on the head. (been learning adobe animate)
If the outlines look a little thick on the tits I was experimenting with resizing layers.
Anyone else have experience with stuff like this or have thoughts on the animation?
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The penis holding is okay, though the boobs look like they're growing and shrinking rather than being pressed up against him.
Also very much not a fan of "randomly disappearing parts of body", like where is the dude's leg.
And +1 to what everyone said about writing / plot. Good text can make up for subpar art, but not the other way around.
Less frames but traditionally animated > More frames but overtweened Flash garbage, in my opinion. But if you're going to go with that style of animation, at least study other animators with that style, like minus8, or all the Rhythm Heaven porn animations out there. As much hate as they get, they're popular and work well enough for fanservice or a quick fap, and I enjoy some of them myself despite my preference for traditional. Experiment with different angles, positions, and sex acts and pay close attention to the anatomy. The one you chose for that test gif is awful for that type of animation, the way her arm moves is kind of immersion breaking. The hair's already been mentioned, but since nobody gave advice on how to fix it I'd like to point out that part of it is that the top of her hair should track with her head and not move a cm more because it's growing out of her scalp then flowing down her head. It's only the hair hanging down that should move. So her hair in the back, the sides, and her bangs.
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Yeah the cock and the hairs the same colour, kinda rushed the dick here, was mostly just for practice.

Been Practicing with tweens and I think I'm improving a lil bit! (image attached)

Also to give you guys an idea of the type of game I have in mind, I like games where the sexual stuff is woven into the gameplay, think Vitamin Quest or Momoa Succubus.
But yeah I agree with the writing part.

Also for future reference do any of you know where I could find royalty free sex sounds?
Half of the shit I find for free is very obviously trans girls moaning for practice lol
I hear you with the frame by frame thing, only advantage I have with the tweening is the ability to swap out parts to make a bunch of variations which I kinda want
Keep up the good work, the more you do the more you'll learn.

Because psychically active, sport playing teenagers are well-known for being very horny.
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New tech
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Thread discussing inactive and missing hentai author

I miss Chuuka Naruto Oyaji, his last active works was in 2021. Seems like license money from AV was enough to fill his stomach and paid his biike hobby. He still active on twitter and his blog, but no words from him for returns to drawing another manga.

Previous thread

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I just learned about Cotoji (or Cotojikan) who was making stuff aboht 10~ years ago. Seems to be mostly FF and DQ stuff from what I can tell. The quality of his work seems way better than a lot of stuff from around then. I’ve never felt there was that much good Tifa stuff in particular, but the ones he made are solid (though pic related admittedly looks perhaps a bit off). From what I can tell, he didn’t publish stuff online himself, so I don’t actually know if he’s still publishing and I just don’t know.
After a bit of research, he seems to still exist. I was a bit uncertain if it was the same person, but his pixiv indicates it is him.


Looks like he might have gone 'legit'
Hoshikuzu Namida was pretty damn good.
I'm interested in this topic in particular, so I would like some names.

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Drop ur favs full nelson, anal, DP... All of them
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Who's this getting fucked?
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Ur sis

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I found this work a while back and love the concept of a harem but it’s just one girl with D.I.D.


I started looking for anything with a similar concept but I don’t even know what tag I should be searching for assuming it even exists.

Anyone have any works that are similar or any tags that might be semi-relevant in looking for more?

Gonna storytime this while waiting for replies.
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This is just mental illness
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And it’s hot as fuck.
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>suddenly, British Asuka comes in

You gotta be shitting me
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An absolute travesty.
Yeah the author seemed to be going for the Eva nods with the sister's "colder" personality being teh Rei, guy is Shinji and the half British cousin is Asuka

This is also one of his relatively few works that aren't milf, I like his style but it's too bad

Previous thread >>7990131

Mothers day is over. But its almost summer.
Is it time for mother-son beach dates?
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Yeah, you can thank the MTL argument from around last month that somehow motivated an anon into translating it
now i need someone to translate all those momcest asmrs...
wish I understood Japanese so i could check out their momcest audios. the English scene has slowed down significantly and the few that do come out are stepshit most of the time
Some anons have been talking about those momcest asmrs and how good they are.
Of course I got curious.
I listened to the voices and I really thought that this are such lovely mothers. Totally a different vibe from english asmrs. Its not 'mommy-like' but a real 'mother' like voice.
But I have no idea what they said but I loved the voices. It made me really excited.

really wish someone would translate it.

So I've been thinking of creating a hrpg game in near future.
But for now I wanna ask what are some things you will love to have in your dream hrpg game?
For me, it's the detailed pregnancy system of Violated Heroine game. That feature alone makes it a must play for me. So I would love to have that feature in my hgame.
So what are some things that will make a h-game must play for you?
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>what are some things you will love to have in your dream hrpg game
Good art is a must. Pixel animations even better. But yeah pregnancy is excellent, but also I like monster rape/breeding fetish. If you go for a h-game then soft game-overs/rape loops are a must and the more intricate the monster society, the better. Like goblin caves, orc strongholds, worm/tentacle dens.
Male protag, every flavor of girl imaginable, different routes based on your choice with romance, corruption/purification, and harem endings.
Have u played Violated Heroine? It pretty much all those things.
No instant bump. Belly slowly enlarges with time with mc reacting to her belly states. There are safe days and danger days. The best pregnancy system imo. It's why VH is one of my fav hgame.
Tho i would have loved if they could have come with some ways to make births more meaningful. The baby is born and it just gets sent to an orphanage.
VH probably has the single best pregnancy system of any hgame out there.... and it's basically a clusterfuck of abandonware and personal projects at this point. haven't even heard about the porting project in fast fucking minute
Well that's the tragedy. But I'm surprised no other developer has ever tried to implement a similar pregnancy system.

Quickly Anon! As your country's birthrates have hit a critical low, you have been given the highest seat of power as an emergency measure, along with absolute power to push through any laws and legislation to ensure that people have babies at all costs. Foreign relations and societal consequences be damned! What do you do?
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This is the current end-state of all the advanced economies, Japan just hit that point before the rest of us did. Income and education go up, birthrate go down.
Public sex
Should become a reality desu
I love the idea of socially obligatory sex, like rape without a rapist. No idea what to search for to find it though.
Don't worry when the demographics collapse becomes a real problem governments will start to reconsider women's education.

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Happy year of the dragon!
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Can we discuss this doujin? Almost everytime people talk about Nudist Beach, but for me, this one was way better.

What do you like about it? Is it kino to you? Your favorite scene/girl?
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like playing STD russian roulette with six bullets in the chamber
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I want to impregnate Okina's girls brehs.
Do people really enjoy the nudist beach manga? I hated it.
The girls are really hot and we're promised a class orgy but the class president drugs all her classmates (minus glasses MC) and they are left blue balling for the whole tank and they just forget it was her fault? Am I supposed to ignore the fact that she never asked for forgiveness?

AND when the hot teacher takes responsibility and finally gets some action it ends up in like 3 pages?

Can someone explain what am I missing from enjoying that tank? I don't really get it
I don't like gangbangs so I liked it. FFM threesome stuff is harder to get right than the way more typical gangbang stuff. I also don't like anal because it's fucking disgusting and unsanitary in real life. It has enough stuff that I do like and keeps out the stuff I don't like. Also it helps that the protagonist himself isn't disgusting to look at.

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Previous: >>7945667

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His mom was basically blushing the whole chapter. If his dad didn't fuck her yet, he is very close to if mc doesn't intervene.
And her seducing him at the end feels like a bit of a set up by dad to ruin mc's relationship with the step mom.
Why would he cockblock his dad? He wouldn't be born otherwise.
>His mom was basically blushing the whole chapter
The only time she blushed in that chapter is when asked if she's in a relationship with dad
>If his dad didn't fuck her yet, he is very close to if mc doesn't intervene
I doubt it, mom acted too stiff when they first met at uni and dad even said they hadn't seen each other for a long time
>And her seducing him at the end feels like a bit of a set up by dad to ruin mc's relationship with the step mom.
I think it's her own initiative since she seems to hate the idea of stepmom dating mc
from the way the dynamic between the mom, step-mom and dad played out in the past, it looks like the mom became sad because she realized that the dad only became close to her in order to be close to the step-mom. the mom being pregnant with the MC is basically why the dad married the mom.
the blushing could mean that the mom has a crush on the MC, whom she doesn't know is her son from the future.
but since korea doesn't really do actual-blood-related incest, that's probably just reader bait.

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When the girl is ready and willing to fuck, but then she sees the guy's gigantic dick and considers backing out because there's no way it's gonna fit, but it's too late now.
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Ever think it wasn't like that nearly a month ago? Why are people on here so fucking stupid?
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god he's hot
no homo
Crossdressed Kouhai-kun x Man-Hater
Does this count? Despite how horrible it looks in this page the doujin's actually very hot.

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