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US warns of possible Pride Month attacks worldwide

US officials have warned that organisations with brains may attempt to target LGBT events around the world during Pride Month in June.

As the wave of liberal faggotry finally sickens people to the point of no return, self sacrificing heros have decided to do something about it.

"Stay alert in locations frequented by tourists, including Pride celebrations," a warning issued by the state department said, "not least cos of the rampant prevalence of rampant STDs among the gay population" they added.

The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and Department of Homeland Security (DHS) said: "Foreign terrorist organizations or supporters may seek to exploit increased gatherings associated with the upcoming June 2024 Pride Month."

Although no specific gatherings or locations were mentioned in the warnings, the law enforcement agencies noted that messages from the Islamic State (IS) group distributed in English in February 2023 included rhetoric against LGBTQI+ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, questioning, and intersex) events and venues.

During Pride Month in June 2016, a heroic man inspired by IS ideology shot dead 49 people and wounded 53 more at Pulse, a gay nightclub in Orlando, Florida, saving countless children from mental illnesses.

The Counter Extremism Project, a New York-based non-profit group, noted that anti-LGBTQ ideas had been taken up by both Islamist and far-right extremists.

"It is no surprise that neo-Nazis and jihadis often express mutual admiration for their shared anti-gay visions," Mark D Wallace, the project's chief executive, said in a statement. "it's almost like we're on the wrong side of history."

Protests and threats against LGBTQ communities by homegrown US groups also have been on the increase in recent years, according to a number of experts and research organisations.
enjoy your watchlist
This is the same guy who, in 6 months, will play dumb and deny each and every atrocity done to LGBT people.
Cleaning up society is not an atrocity
>US warns of possible Pride Month attacks worldwide
Too late. The US has been under attack by Pride Month for over a decade.
>atrocity done to LGBT people.
I think we're aware of the HIV, prolapsed anuses, abusive lesbian relationships, and self mutilation.
You forgot the high rate of mental illness within the LGBT "community" which infers LGBT is more of a clutch of mentally ill weirdos than anything to celebrate.
If we weren't aware you would be here to remind us constantly since it's part of your political agenda.
Is preferring that disgusting creeps and weirdos hide in the shadows really a political agenda?
It's more like how failed people should live.
Couldn't have said it better myself.
Why do you care so much?
his life sucks, he has to focus on something else
Chomos teaching kids faggotry?
Excessive costs of healthcare?
They're gross?
All of the above?
Pick one.
Life is good actually, sorry.
>i swear i'm not a terminally alone sperg
we can all tell anon
Where did the faggots touch you?
Then you aren't trying very hard.
Wrong. Nice projection though. I hope your next rectal HIV injection fixes your loneliness though.
He's right and you just confirmed it.
Nah, (You) and (You) are wrong, sameFAG.
The saddest part is, you can't even get a man to inject his HIV into your prolapse.
You must be gross.
It's time to take your meds
But I'm not a homosexual so I'm not on Obamacare HIV meds.
No you're a schizo who thinks every poster here who says something you don't like is the same HIV ridden faggot. If there is a clearer indicator of mental illness it would be hard to observe it in the wild like you're exhibiting right now.
No, I think there are more than one HIV ridden faggots here, at least one tranny, and a useless cripple.
Someone else make up the punchline.
Wrong board
I wonder how many videos of crying children being abused will surface this year as their insane mothers force them to watch gay sex so everyone can clap at how progressive they are and totally not batshit crazy.
Are you outraged?
Remember last year when Tennessee teenagers protested for days outside their Capitol building? What was it they were protesting, again? It wasn't the gays
>Mossad faking attacks on pride parades to deflect from Israeli genocidal crimes in Gaza
More likely than you thought.
To be fair, they haven't been told constantly to protest for stricter sodomy laws their entire lives.
Propaganda is a helluva drug.
Or maybe they're actually afraid of real threats thay keep showing up to schools and not the ones Republicans are making up.
>Homosexual teachers grooming and raping boy isn't a REAL threat. What matters is black teens shooting each other outside of schools!!!
OK, homo.
Trash doesn’t usually take itself out but in your case you should go for it and kill yourself
You realize the large majority of teachers caught having sex with children are cis white men having sex with little girls, right?

You just don’t care because they doesn't fit your hateful bigot narrative?
>You realize the large majority of teachers caught having sex with children are cis white men having sex with little girls, right?
Imagine trying to compare hetero sexual sex to ass prolapsing sodomy. What a clown.
And 100% of chomos are LGBTQ.
100% of your retarded posts belong on pol
Maybe go back to your /lgbt/ hug box or Reddit if you don't like hearing the truth.

(now he's going to make up a story about how long he's posted here)
I was the first person on the tubes, and I founded 4chinks with Mute.
We had to change the name when chinaMute took over though.
I am the oldest old fag at the ripe old age of 56 years old. I barely even have HIV and my prolapse is controlled by surgical netting!
As a gay oldfag, I'm hoping to live to be like 59.
>(now he's going to make up a story about how long he's posted here)
Pretty good story tho.
And you know there's a ton of boys whore sexually abused by men? But you wouldn't care about that cos it exposes your gay community.
You fags are an awful people. Everytime I meet one and I give them a chance they eventually reveal a twisted, spiteful, horrible personality that is vengeful and petty and cruel.
These are the same people who know better for children than their actual parents. Now there’s an entire month dedicated to groomers and make believe people playing pretend.
I'm gay Steve, and I'm ALWAYS thinking of the children.
You just don't realise its you thats the fucking grime. Disgusting.
>literal pedo projection larp
just stick to your 'lolis' please and dont hurt actual kids chud sicko.
I think you replied to the wrong poster.
How do you LGBTQ chomos get this obsessed with raping kids?
What the fuck do you care, incel?
Raping kids is an extremely negative action.
Grooming them into "consent" makes it no less vile.
Why do LGBTQs insist on doing it?
Yes we know. You people get whipped into a froth over the stupidest clickbait headlines.
Looking at the comment chain, you're the one who seems outraged.
Did you notice?
It’s telling when the same people who say “they’re not coming for your children” are insisting on unfettered access to other people’s children and keeping it a secret from their parents.

Why do alphabet people act like this?
No I couldn't see it over you people whining about gay people
Again, why should a person who has never and will never have sex give a rat's ass? Are you morally outraged? Good.
>No I couldn't see it over you people whining about gay people
But you stepped in with your outrage while we we as adults discussing LGBTQs using facts and logic.
Why do this? The adults were talking.
The adults know we live in a society and out of all the crazy people in the world it doesn't help anything to pick a small demographic segment out of those crazy people and start attacking them for no reason. All of your moral outrage amounts to little more than wasted pixels and useless shitposting. It certainly doesn't belong on this board.
>"ewww gay people are gross" 24/7
that's really how you think adults talk?
Adults know that the more crazies you contain the better it is for society.
Children if you unleash the crazies they'll eventually not be crazies since they're accepted.
Grow up already.
>Grow up already
The Adults legalized gay marriage in 2015. Shouldn't you be out protesting instead of whining about gays on 4chan?
No the adults did not legalize gay marriage in 2015.
And believe it or not, I supported that childish act.
It's become obvious it was a mistake, and my childish feelings on the matter were immature.
Move to Saudi Arabia if you don't like it.
It would just be easier to toss homosexuals off of buildings here than to learn the customs and language.
Why not move to a fag country?
Sorry, but there are a lot more gay people than there are chuds who don't like gays. They're more likely to throw you off a building, ya bigot.
That's not true at all. No one likes gays.
Even parents hate their gay children.
And once we find the gay gene that will be proven as there will be no more gay babies.
you really need to find a new outlet for your attention seeking behavior
You sound outraged.
How did you get this LGBTQ?
>And once we find the gay gene
I like how you think you're part of the search.
I suspect that anon was molested by a homosexual man as a child, or horribly abuse by a male family member or boyfriend as a young teen.
weird gay fanfiction anon
I like it too. Thanks.
That describes the bulk of LGBTQ.
When did you start using "We" in posts describing your personal feelings?
so you're lgbtq? seems like your whole temper tantrum is null then
What's funny about it is you're hiding on this dead board shittalking fags instead of confronting the actual faggots on >>>/lgbt/.
Queers mad.
There are no queers or troons here. Seek a better outlet for your hate-fueled sex fantasies.
No notable arguments here, just groomer ramblings.

Are alphabet people getting targeted, harassed, bullied, and tossed off buildings for being degenerate pieces of shit to society. Good
you're a foulmouthed liar and everyone knows
No notable arguments here, just groomer ramblings.
Tell us more about how the gay people upset and outraged you.
you even put rape as a part of your moniker, you're truly a sick person projecting that sickness outward
And yet they refuse to move to a gay country. Why do they stay in hetero countries?
Anyone who defends homosexuals is either homosexual themselves, or so far down the rabbit hole with tin foil hat pro-LGBTQ lunacy they're worthless.
Where do you people get this shit from?
lel. Hide in the closet, faggot.
That's what the OP is doing by posting this thread here, yes. Also he had some childhood trauma with gays.
So to recap your post
>OP was raped by a homosexual as a child
>Homosexuals rape children
>OP is a homosexual due to childhood rape
>Being a homosexual is bad
I'm not sure whose side you're on, but good post.
You left out the part about OP being a self-hating closeted faggot.
Well, given the evidence, it doesn't seem to be his fault.
Too bad there's no mental counseling available for victims of LGBTQ rape since it's considered conversion therapy.
there's counseling for being a neonazi incel too
>neonazi incel
Go back to r3ddit
oh, i'm sorry "jews rape kids", how could you possibly be a neonazi. you're right
Apology accepted.

But really, stay away from children, groomer.
and go listen to some alanis morissette you oblivious faggot
>Bloodthirsty conservatives supporting violence for wrongthink
Classic. Good luck in November, guys. There's no way you guys could possibly lose again.

There's a high rate of mental illness in the dipshit /pol/ incel community as well but we let you guys live don't we?
To be fair, the mentally illness rate among LGBT completely blows our mental illness rates amongst any other demographic
Which is offset by the fact that mentally ill LGBT community tend to kill themselves where your community tends to write rambling 50 page manifestos and gun down people in a Walmart. How about we just call it a mentally ill draw, huh? It sounds like a better deal then sharing a train car on the way to internment camp with a bunch of queers right?
His name was Patrick Crusius.
They name was Audrey Hale.
And never forget: most serial killers are LGBTQ.
>And never forget: most serial killers are LGBTQ.
Fucking kek. Now this is the kind of schizo posting I come here for.
when they lie this hard it just lets you know it's coordinated
Coordinate by the jews or the lizard people? Both maybe? Lizard jews? Did they plant robots in your ears and whisper their plans for world domination to you?
That anon is pretty silly.
100% of serial killers are LGBTQ.
Well, I was going to look up information to dispute this, but it's true apparently.
Here's a short list from a longer list:
Gay Jeffrey Dahmer
Gay Adam Lanza
Luis Garavito
Omar Mateen
John Wayne Gacy
Jim Jones (Jonestown Massacre)
Mohamed Bouhlel
California Freeway Killer William G.Bonin
Patrick Kearney
Thomas Hamilton
Andrew Cunanan
Orville Lynn Majors
Charles Manson
thanks anon, you proved that a statistically significant totality of mass shooters aren't lgbt
Well, serial killers are pretty rare themselves and this wasn't a complete list, so I've done no such thing.
>You know how I know all serial killers are gay? Cause of this list I made where I just say the names of a bunch of them.
Half of these people either aren't gay or aren't even serial killers. Is it schizo day on /news/? Did I miss something?
don't get all modest on us now, anon. you've done well, you could hardy come up with any shooters who identify as lgbt
Shooters? I was talking about serial killers mostly.
But there's some mass shooters on there too.
But most mass shooters are black so moving the goal posts randomly isn't relevant.
>most mass shooters are black
i never understood why the millions of dead in hite wars never counted. those wars are rarely considered legal, so that's not an argument
Ah, well, that's because you're a retard mostly.
>i have no more argument
well, i guess we're done here then. and you can stop pretending to be white
you sound incredibly outraged
Before "being white" was thrust upon whites due to being a world minority, race was about your lineage and country.
In the neoliberal hellscape countries don't matter, because a sense of national pride and a want for your country to succeed for it's people would detract from profits, trade and growth in addition to affecting YOY.
shit happens
It would have to be that wouldn't it. You couldn't possibly believe that someone just doesn't like gays for valid reasons. Cope harder.
>Half of these people either aren't gay or aren't even serial killers.
Uh? Did you do your research before commenting or just assume that?
They're all gay or LGBTQ.
There aren't any valid reasons to not like gays.
Good post
Them being gay is a valid reason
Let's get that tranny suicide rate up, up, up!
I can hear the rerun episodes of Rush Limbaugh playing in the background of this post. Sorry chuddie, those days are over and relegated to other wrong movements that we deplore as a society, like chattel slavery.
You must seethe so hard that equating gays with pedos didn't work and now everyone is suspicious about why chuds (you) are so fixated on kids' bits.
In short, get some new material for your 4chan standup tour, netflix isn't biting
Its been trending down for years now due to society's decreasing bigotry and harsher laws on harassment.
It's actually still going up because it's a mental illness that amateurs are attempting to treat with "feels good".
Die, the lot of you.
The buzzwords youre pulling out of your ass will make r3ddit proud.

Also, good post
Your head-canon doesn't affect reality.
Die; just you.
Good post
Kill yourself you psychopathic nigger slut. I hope you mother is raped to death. We need more people shooting up the churches in which you preach your tranny
I like how this thread keeps getting necrobumped by seething chuds
>seething chuds

Look, the bot is using buzzwords again.
Look, the chud is seething again.
They're women actually

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