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Remember when everyone loathed him on /asp/?
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still a channel changer for me. People talk about bad indie habits, but I think Seth is the textbook example of bad WWE habits.
It never stopped, OP.
He's based.
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He can never recover from this
Seff main roster before Becky is called up
>He's based as hell
Becky called up but hasn't fully gotten over
>He's still good but slightly off peak
Becky gets over with The Man gimmick
>Seth starts to decline
Becky starts to fall off
>Seth starts getting GOATed
They share a power level. If Becky actually leaves then Seth is going to be unstoppable.

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- DOMINION 6.9 / BOSJ Finals airs on June 9
- Fantasticamania USA in San Jose takes place on July 13

Previous Thread >>14174391
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Never seen this expression on her before
>I send you my boobs pics, why don't you respond?
Following Eriyoshi during work day.
Chashu chomping
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>Kevin, this isn't the normal Bloodline... they are Jungle Nig-
did paul heyman cross the line here?

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Where is she?
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Aka no one has offered her any kind of deal. If she were smart she'd at least jump onto OF to make a few bucks but seems to be too stubborn.
so many whores here
literally who
shes in my bedroom rn
Tk needs to sign her

i just realized they got rid of most of the secondary locations in nxt. no more fallon's bar, no more italian restaurant, no more diner, no more barber shop, no more gallus' pub, no more lake of introspection, no more hotel pool, no more beach
You just know they finna holed Kevin R Nash
looks like the beginning of a gay porn scene
Huh ya know I hadn't even noticed but it has been very Lockeroom heavy as of late. We do still get nebulous locations for certain vignettes but nothing with personality.

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poor nash
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his poor butthole. rectum? it nearly killed him
Poor Kevin Nash's anus
Rfraid so
>C & U
>cock & you
did they know?
Nash Bros...not like this...

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When's she coming back ?
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Never. This stupid Jew bitch is done. Fraid so
Wipe clean Lexi
finna this tbdesu
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Now these are some good fakes, doesn't give her a random generic body but actually keeps it anatomically accurate
This man right here? He speaks the absolute gospel truth.

>gets nothing but awesome themes since hes shown up
how does he do it?
this theme is underrated
he writes and sings his own music. Similar to how Big Show did it

One more run.
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wwelc was dimes
What about this cute midget? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FCqx0GtzkWY
but he's wrestling right now as part of Judgement Day??
AJ is still in WWE though.
he is? well shit, he used to look so much better

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Half of /pw/ are the "kids crowd" lmao based Dave
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After all, diversity is our strength.
but seriously, what's wrong with having kids in the crowd
Nothing, Dave just wants wrestling to die.
So then it's a pretty bad midcard match if it kills the audience for the rest of the night

Have you ever met and/or interacted with a wrestler? If so how did it go?
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I met MxM - didn't go well
From what I've seen from the handful of interviews he's done lately, he seems incredibly chill. Very happy with the life his promos have taken on since TNA, happy to even still be remembered. Rick is the nutjob in real life.
Honestly cute.
slags still exist bro, they start even earlier now
yeah he was CJ Parker at the time, who else did you meet? interested to hear your stories bro

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you want to see Miu Watanabe
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pov: she's coming to GET you
Idols don't have bush
i don't believe you
If she ain't got fur she ain't pure

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Will she get pushed more this month so WWE can represent the Trans Community better?
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I have no idea how someone can look at that face, that jaw, those negative hips, that fridge body in general, and say "wow what a gorgeous and sexy woman!" just because it has orange skin and yellow hair. Is that really all it takes?
E Drones are just gay I think
Jessica s a woman. Typical blockheaded pole/slav.
>Pole slav

Holy shit I got fooled the white Starbucks girl gimmick

So she is a europoor?
I love this utter bimbo slag

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>ITT: Fictional TV characters and their wrestling brand of choice

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tony would be the worlds biggest sammartino mark
the Original NWA
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Its double or nothing Jerry!

What? You missed it? Well your loss buddy.

Darby allin brought a FLAMETHROWER Jerry. A literal Flamethrower. He was settin people on fire Jerry!

That was more entertaining than both nights on mania combined you dumb jew fuck

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>smark attends a wwe show and realizes the internet isn't real
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>finna bix nood nigga fr fr no cap
kek why do smarks larp as blacks?
You clearly have gay lust for austin theory. You are also mentally unstable
Remember, all these "If I go to a show and see a drone cheer for X..." dorks and geeks are all fat shut-ins who never leave their houses, let alone go by themselves to a wrestling show.
Most of them live in smaller towns that wouldn't even get a show anyway.
if you're gay you're gay. this is your month dawg.

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