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>hehehehe telling someone who hates X he may actually be a coping X means you think it sucks to be X!!
>You must really want to fuck spiders
I wasn't aware that bottom surgery fixed inherent imbalances in brain structure and chemistry
Isn't that account not really him?

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Imagine being in WWE but everyone recognizing that you’re so shit that you still need to train as if it’s your first year in the business.
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You'd think he'd find somewhere closer to train
You are an emotional thinker, similar to a female (but you will never be one). Normal people aren't thinking in terms of defending Natalya or Dawkins. They are processing the information given and coming to a rational conclusion regardless of what name or brand is involved. Someone going the extra distance to improve themself is usually seen in a good light.
It's not healthy to train in a cool place, yu want your muscles to be heated and there to not be a huge disparity between your outer body temperature and the temperature of the environment. Try to avoid straining yourself when cold and never stretch a cold muscle.
This is pretty common in wrestling training.
I go to class with plenty of people who travel long distances multiple times per week, if you want it bad enough you're going to make the trip-- not to mention that's kinda part of the job if you plan on being a success? Wrestlers are on the road or in the sky constantly.
I trained for 17 hours last month alone. Get on my level, Dawkins.
Most spammers here spent their life posting online and touching themselves for hours a day. They can't even fathom using the internet for productive means, leaving the house and facing the world is completely out of their comprehension.

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OP here
You're right. I keep thousands of tranny photos on my computer and post them whenever I feel threatened to cover up the fact that I'm a massive faggot (literally and figuratively - I'm a 500 lb fag) and I should be more thoughtful of this during pride month
Ya seem like a worked bitch bro.
I say this and kind of look like this but my hair isn't purple >>14816005
I look like this. But you know the best part? I also say this.

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spots that pop you every time
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Smoking crack is pretty thug I do it from time to time

we dont deserve jd
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Trust AEW to fucking ruin this spot with dumb meta kayfabe breaking nonsense. Why would you react like that to a wrestler evading your dive?
You gotta love the Waller you just gotta

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For me, It's the artist formerly known as Tyler Reks

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is this achievable natty
I found a porn star that kinda looks like her
You unironically would, /pw..

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/sp/ here.
Watch a real sport, faggots.
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>real sport
Just as much of a work as wrestling is ya dingus. Get a clue.
Which goat fucking inbred should I watch then?
You right.
It's sports entertainment. Thanks for being a retard
guys patting each other on the ass
guys patting each other on the ass
guys in shorts patting each other on the ass

hmm there seems to be a pattern here

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People have been using AI LLM's to roleplay the Nash rape for almost a year.
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Oh boy, wolfcoon did NOT like this thread at all
I wouldn't call pajeets people
why is blud sliding?
But...he's seven foot tall? How?
he's fuming kek
all his work undone with 1 post

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i think he uses a lot of swearing and creative insults as a coping mechanism because he got bullied a lot for being such a nerd. I don't think he could back up even a third of what he is saying.
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“AEW has no issues, Cucknette is just le heckin traumatized from childhood and that’s why he hates it.” Please take your meds and don’t forget to dilate!!!
tony khan is the same way only he has a rich dad so he just throws money at people so they pretend to be his friends
> I don't think he could back up even a third of what he is saying.
That was his gimmick for more than 20 years
Show me in the post where AEW was mentioned, ya fucking obsessed weirdo.
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>I don't think he could back up even a third of what he is saying.
He held his own against the Dragon of Dojima

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that is indeed the case
Many people are saying this
We have a situation
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It was no accident what happened way back in the summer of 92, it WAS a gay magazine and I saw that big massive guy protecting Shawn Micheals and I knew I'd never be able to get him alone, so I paid the brothers to decimate Nash and then waited 10 years for the effects to sink in then made my move on Shawn, damn security got and now he's not breaking any hearts, I hate you Kevin Nash I blame you!!!!

Raped lol

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poor nash
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Rfraid so
>C & U
>cock & you
did they know?
Nash Bros...not like this...
'd 'o
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This is the destination for all based webms, brother
On tonight's docket: NJPW Best of the Super Juniors, NOAH, DDT, AJPW and more!
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i had not seen this but funnily enough was telling a friend about the japanese being immune to concussions and used tanaka as the example. god damn this is brutal

How does he get away with only working like one month per year? Why does TK put up with it? Does his wife work, like how can he even afford it? Former world champion btw
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He was also the one from the Elite who insisted on not going to WWE when they had that beef with Punk. I wonder why... maybe because they wouldn't have allowed him to pull these kinds of stunts.
Taking advantage of a billionaire is based
>It works for Drew

Because Phil is actually there to work with him, retard.
He already is the anti-Phil because he's actually a based proletariat instead of a cosplayer of them.

Having paternity leave IS worker's rights, you fucking bucketcrabs.
He's 32, by this time for example stone cold was red hot, making money and building a legacy that keeps him rich to this day.

This guy is sitting home being a stay at home dad, they think they have more time than what they actually have, life and opportunities are just going to drift pass him for being lazy.

He's going to end up just like Kenny, a broken down Indy champion that "made it" who is going to be sitting in half empty wrestling conventions when he's 50.

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Why did AEW fail?

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>Big Show
>The Great Khali
>Brock Lesnar
>Mark Henry
>Bam Neely
Pick two. They are on your side in a bar fight. The other six are unbelievably angry with you. You broke into each of their houses on Christmas Day and pissed on their children. How dead are you?
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Every single one of those pussies could come at me at the same time and I would wreck em all by myself. I am shoot the baddest nigger on the planet.
I pick Satnam. He makes sure nobody tries to redeem on me
Is Bam Neely, dare I say, the biggest wasted talent in the history of professional wrestling?
>the other 6
You listed 8 DUMPASS

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