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Kyle Fletcher is a lucky guy.
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Human women are something else bruh. Can you imagine if a lioness started flaunting herself around the pride looking all sexy and when the alpha male is like "aight im finna breed you" she gets all uppity and hits him with a "nah fuck off creep." Shit just wouldn't happen.
you will never have sex
They do be doing that tho. I saw a nature show and two of these mother fucking simps were killing each other to breed this one hoe and she still curved the winner. Shit was tragic bro
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>good looks

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how would he book AEW?
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Male lead in any good Hideo project would be someone with a sympathetic but rugged face so Kyle O'Reilly would be the hero and main focus point.
he probably wishes he was
jack perry kidnaps darby and cuts a 15 minute meandering promo in the back of his van where he lays out his entire biography all while darby just vacantly stares, midway through whoever is driving turns on the radio and jungle boy's old theme starts playing for the remainder of the ride
they get to wherever they're going and it's on fire, jack screams something completely inane and melodramatic as the building collapses, then darby has a match with a guy who's on fire (it's luke harper's ghost)
>*Codec ringing*
>Use your Cody Cutter after you stun him with a Disaster Kick to the head. This is the only way to defeat Brock!
>I tried, Brandi, he absorbs the recoil every time.
>You can do it kid, we believe in you.
>You're not alone. We've been watching your every move from the encrypted Peacock satellite transmission.
>You too, Dustin?
>1... 2... 3
>You're pretty good
>*Brock hugs Cody*
>*Kingdom stats playing*
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Death Stranding 2 is gonna be shoot worse that Fight Forever. i wish i was memeing
maybe on planet retard
I don't know how you could shit on it after that trailer with Higgs

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Fucking what?
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Roddy has only lost one match this year it’s not undeserved
who cares anymore. he's not even gonna practice the setup for his finisher so its still gonna look like shit.
> Well, I was a pretty good midcard champion who lost to the guy who's now challenging for the world title, so maybe I'll beat the guy who might beat the guy who beat me?

I guess.
I think Tony's consolation for making Swerve a transitional Champ to Ospreay at All In, is giving him like 7 defenses with BANGERS for the SICKOS

yeah this is another retarded thing about Tony's booking some title shots require Eliminators and some just get handed out for fucking free. Makes the eliminator concept pointless especially because NO ONE ever wins them lmao
If Swerve reigns until ALL IN his reign will be longer than Joe's / the 6th-longest in the history of the title.

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>me laying on the floor, completely helpless, watching Bryan Danielson get mugged by four guys
What did he mean by this?
like how dead quiet the arena is. thats always a good sign and just like with the bucks these guys look like they are shrinking. tony is visibly taller than both of them now? wtf tony has always been a midget but im sure with age hes near 70 now hes shrunk
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>they/them is wearing the cock sucking shirt

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MJF in December vs now
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Dude it's fucking crazy how much he looks like a generic southern dad on the left LOL
aj styles if he had let himself go
None of that changes his height lmao.
snuka was always extremely muscular. look at macho man during his last wcw appearances for obvious signs of steroid abuse. his arms were so big they stuck straight out from his sides
It's not necessarily the muscles it's how lean they are/got.

Filming this massive dub
film these dubs nigga
Ok how you know?

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>a shoot 6'7''
>a shoot 342 lbs
>bench max: 600lbs
>squat max: 850lbs
>deadlift max: 900lbs
>40 yard dash: 3.9 seconds
Why would you let a commentator mog your entire roster like this?
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Jfc how hot was the girl on the left in her prime?
Dude, you don't even know. She didn't either. Very poor self image. That's why she became besties with Soleil Moon Frye (Punky Brewster). I read her book hoping she'd talk about her dating Waltman.
201cm is 6'7'' lil bro
i swear i saw this dude do a SSP at wargames
okay well he's 185cm you mouthbreather

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how is it so hard to just make real life costumes like this for the movies. the latest batman movie is the closest to the 2nd and 3rd
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if it's not blue and grey it's cringe
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bale was absolutely fucking horrible. his "batman voice" is the most cringe inducing, second-hand embarrassment producing SHIT i ever had the displeasure of watching in any capeshit. the dark knight is an awful, overlong, boring, predictable, by the numbers overrated movie that wasn't even half as good as the first one.

fuck you
I love OsGOAT

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erm i love roxanne
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>Roxanne 3:16 says I just ate your ass
I popped desu
touch grass
Does she think she's AJ Lee?
she's working on it
she's gonna do to AJ what AJ did to lita
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Lo más importante en tu vida será el culo. El culo de un hombre blanco. Butthole, conseguir un poco de butthole es más importante que comer, es más importante que beber agua. Si veo un chico blanco que me gusta, se lo digo así aquí. Me gustas. Y te quiero. Ahora podemos hacerlo de la manera más fácil o podemos hacerlo de la manera más difícil. La decisión es tuya. ¿Qué va a ser?

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CARD for tonight:

Tag Team Match
D-Lo Brown & Mark Henry (w/Ivory) vs. The New Age Outlaws (Mr. Ass & The Road Dogg)

Tag Team Match
Ken Shamrock & Test vs. The Acolytes
(Bradshaw & Faarooq)

Non Title Match
Hardcore Holly vs. Al Snow
finally some good wrestling

the Sunday night heat before summerslam 98 was the first wwf show I ever saw

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he would actually kill cornette in a shoot fight.
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I'm honestly not sure btw
Neither man is a confirmed hardass or a confirmed coward, much as Jim claims smacking halfhearted yokels with with a weapon was life or death combat
He looks sardinian as fuck
>show 30 year old picture of a man
Russo is a geriatric fuck just like Cornette

It would be a retard fight and they'd probably both break their hips
Cornette is a confirmed pussy, go watch his confrontation with Santino where he goes crying to the (female) security guard
To be fair Santino is a bonerfied MMA fighter

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post your signature/finishing move
amazing move
my favourite wrestling moves:
>single leg crab
>fisherman buster
>captains hook

what the fuck is his problem?
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lmao that fat hideous fuckin retard
He still has a lot left in the tank.
its a work
Kid seems pretty based. Don't judge a book by its cover. Do better and try to be more inclusive of other peoples views.
the styles clash off the steps on the floor looks scary as fuck to take

Your /pw/ wrestler of the day is Wolfgang. Use this thread for all Wolfgang discussion.

What are your favorite matches of his?
Favorite promos?
What are your favorite Wolfgang moves?
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sick of tall indie shitters covered in terrible tattoos doing moonsaults. british josh briggs
He was on TV at all last week did they get him?
he's a nonce

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Sarah Logan (Valhalla) tummy, legs and soles.
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>you will never get a foot job while lounging outside on a sunny day from this chubby hippie
I bet your she dreads her pubic hair too.
Disgusting, fat, hairy, smelly bitch.
Honestly I'd rather lick Liv's BBC-gaped pussy over Sarah Logan's disgusting unwashed hippie pussy, shits probably dark as fuck
Why does the sun hate ytoids? They can’t sit outside for 5 minutes without turning into lobsters. My strong, superior melanin skin can withstand the Sun’s rays for hours.
we can just rub some cream in so we won't burn but you will forever stay a nigger, not worth really

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