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1) Be nice to drawfags, they draw for us for free after all. If youre looking to add criticism, please do so respectfully.
2) Specifics details & reference pics IN ONE POST are MANDATORY. Be Mindful before hitting post. Combine them in MSPaint & compress with TinyJPG. No excuses.
3) Dont expect your request to be done straight away or at all, not every request is going to get done. If you're repeating a request in a new thread, try including more refs.
4) Stick to fictional characters. Characters from live action film/television are fine, just not the actor themselves. ie MCU Captain America requests are fine, but not Chris Evans.
5) DON'T BE GREEDY- no begging, repeating filled requests, It's ungrateful to the drawfags filling for us for free.
6) Usual board/global rules apply - no yiff, cuntboy or other hardcore /d/, make sure theyre legal, etc. Use catbox if youre worried a request/fill is too extreme.
7) NO THREAD DERAILMENT, Dont bother arguing, report filter or hide them. if (you) want to contact the jannys:
8)NO AI deliveries (unless the requester says so) Keep ai in ai threads.
9) When the thread reaches bump limit, PLEASE wait until the current thread reaches page8 of the catalog before making a new one.
>Collection of Deliveries:
*use your extra time to archive deliveries in the booru or r34
>Drawing books, tutorials, practice websites & drawing programs:
>Drawing books, tutorials, practice websites & drawing programs:
>Drawing tips >>>/ic/1579290
Previous thread: >>3036806
>(you) can join incase theres too much spam
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Anchor for requests
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Anchor for fills
hell yea much better op
love anon guys
This is a good OP
Requesting Geppetto-bot from Pinocchio 3000 with an erect robot cock.
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Requesting Jon Herron from My Mom and Sister are Size Queen Sluts getting fucked by his grandfather. I tell ya, that series needs more gay fucking
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Requesting Rourke tied similarly to the ref + given a facial. ty!
Question: If I wanted to see a dude in some underwear, like a jockstrap or something, would that go here? Or is it not nude enough?
(Not thread bakie)
Yeah, it's fine to have that kind of request as long as it's a dude.
Just as long as it's actually pornographic like having an obvious bulge for example
otherwise, just having a guy in underpants would be better suited for /cm/
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Requesting: Green anon smoking while squatting & jerking off.
- Outfit: Formal wear (Business suit, trench coat, tuxedo, etc.)
- Location: Any wealthy quarters (Boardroom, lounge, courtyard, etc.)

Outfit refs, if you need:
Requesting Macaron having sex with Chai from hi-if rush in his cat costume while telling him ”you’re doing so well, little guy.”
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FusionFall!Dexter in the pose to the right, but he's fully clothed w/ his dick out and holding a lollipop in his right hand, looking embarrased. Nuff said. Thank you in advance for reading my request!
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Requesting Martin Mystery and his dad Gerard bonding like picrel please. I'd imagine Gerard would be hairy all over so body hair would be a big plus. Thanks for considering!
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Requesting a Solo nude on Luther Von Ivory from CaptainHowdie's RanFren.
Thinking of finally dusting off my drawing skills and bringing my Ocs to life or get commissioned art

Any tips ?
This is not the place for that
If you read the OP, you would have seen that it tells you where to go for drawing resources
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Requesting masked Amon plumbing Tonraq. Make Tonraq holding his dick up, looking at the viewer, embarrassed. Thanks!
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Requesting for Gary Prince to be secretly fucking Human Marshall Lee behind his counter while taking an unsuspecting customer's order
Yeah my bad kinda zipped past ngl
Requesting an anal train between these adult versions of Wybie Lovat from Coraline, Alberto Scorfano from Luca, Camilo Madrigal from Encanto, and Tyler Nyugen baker from Turning red.
>preferably in that order since that’s the order their movies came out, but any order would be fine
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Requesting Franz from Fire Emblem: SS chained up with his mouth dripping with cum after already having his mouth used.

His armor is gone, but he still has some of his under clothes.
Beginner artist
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Requesting Fake-Rabi from Sequel Blight in a bunnysuit getting fucked like in the reference in the link. https://files.catbox.moe/5qd9vx.jpg
Not bad! I love the eyes and body build so far! And amazing detail with the hair.
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3041386 (from the last thread)

took too long to finish this one but anyways here it is, hope the op is still around
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Requesting my snake dude wearing a sexy cow costume, and jerking his cocks off
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To the amazing drawfag who drew this - if I chased you off by being too direct and harassing you I'm sorry. Please come back your art is great!
This isn't helping
not OR but what's your tumblr account
I'd like to request Shaggy and this drunk dude fucking.
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Requesting Lance and his oldest son Shane to be drawn naked. Lance is on his back and Shane is on top of him looking at his dad's erect penis.
Fuck off roastie, learn to read the rules.
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Requesting Spiderman India hungerly swallowing up the cock and cum of Chai from Hi-Fi rush
Optionally, I'd prefer it if Chai exclaims
>"I bet you've never drank "chai" like this before"
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fill from the last thread for officer and rebel soldier, enjooooy! super fun req

ty to all the nice comments on the other thread too, keep the old man yaoi reqs coming
What the actual fuck are you talking about you lunatic?
Hi McNeil
OR here, thank you anon. Fucking awesome.
Ignore the resident schizos.
On that note, requesting a crazy anon in a straitjacket surrounded by phantom cocks tormenting him.
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I got a soft spot for that cute biker dude so here you go anon hope you like it.
NTA but 3d porn is against the rules even in references
>even in references
Not them but jannies and mods for the longest time didn't enforce this on refrences
You can see thousands of requests in the archive with irl refrences that never got deleted
They only started getting deleted when the schizo chose to have a stick up her ass about it before she got perma banned like she did with "boobless dickgirls"
But there's also nothing stopping anons from just CatBoxing irl refrences either way
You are proof why autistics need to be shot on sight. What a pedantic, cunty, womanish thing to even care about. Is this really your life? Picking pepper out of gnat shit on a half assed message board over nonsense literally no one cares about? Policing a drawn gay porn thread. I want you to stop and take a good long look at yourself and consider self ending. You where probably that kid in class who reminded the teacher about a pop quiz or writes to their city council about a noisy bar or the kind of person who complains about what color your neighbors paint their house. You're a real piece of work you know that? Get help you pedantic faggot.
OR here too. THANK YOU. I'm very happy and grateful. And again pedanto autismo? Go fuck yourself. I got my fill anyhow. Go cry into your cum sock.
You're a mentally ill retard and only women pretend to be this angry about women posting on a yaoi board. Not a woman either way, remember to let the door hit your ass on the way out, sperg.
relax you edgy ftm tranny
pooners are always angry like that heshe, it does that in all the bara threads too. they think being hyper-violent, aggressive, and schizo makes them seem male, but in reality it’s the emotional schizo shit only hormonal imbalance from a ftm or mtf tranny could produce
just report the shim’s schizo shitposts and let them cry about it
That's sad. It's disgusting how awful this place has gotten in the last few years, full of the most mentally ill twink and woman-hating retards.
dont give shim the satisfaction
Epic meltie even for /y/, bravo.
Btw if you don't have autism you belong on reddit, it's not the gotcha you think it is.
Lolcow fujos love using autism as an insult especially when they larp as male here, never understood it.
How did this statement trigger her so hard jfc
/y/ and /cm/ have all the hair trigger psychopaths that never mentally aged past high school
LOL wtf did i just see
why dafuq is this bitch wigging out over one post, sheesh can we have 1 drawthread without her going on insane rants. bro even said he’s not the anon who reported it, relax your tittys bih.
Where does it say that?
You just know this is the only place this retard behaves like this. Since 2020 now. Remember how nice these threads where before this one random tumblr refugee found there way here?
Just answering a question, so hopefully we don't set the tard off again.
She’s gonna sperg either way, bitch already brought her aspergers-projecting ass into other threads to melt about autism and post her violent fantasies.
Wish the janny would stop fingering himself and do his job.
Not the OR, but nice work.
Go back to lolcow you sociopathic cunt.
Stupid new faggot retards like you should stop being backsteat jannies. Shut the fuck up already and let us coom in peace. 3DPD refs have always been allowed here
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Requesting a flip fuck between Nightwing and his #1 fan Nite-Mite, who's essentially a cute reality banding chibi version of himself

Preferably have Nightwing saying
>"I didn't know my ass was this good"
when topping Nite-mite like the refrence at the bottom left
And then Nite-Mite saying
>"i can't belive I'm getting to fuck Nightwings famed ass"
when he gets to top like the reference at the bottom right, preferably with a comically large cock
>4) Stick to fictional characters. Characters from live action film/television are fine, just not the actor themselves. ie MCU Captain America requests are fine, but not Chris Evans.
Isn't this in violation of the general board rules then? Genuinely curious why requests of live action characters (i.e. 3D) are allowed but you can't use a 3D image as a reference. If the request is of an obscure character with no existing artwork, wouldn't that necessitate using a 3D reference?
>Genuinely curious why requests of live action characters (i.e. 3D) are allowed but you can't use a 3D image as a reference. If the request is of an obscure character with no existing artwork
Read >>3044135 so we can finally leave this shit to rest before any more bump counts get wasted
Fuck off troon, none of those posts are backseat jannying the 3d pictures. Neck yourself and stop being a retarded newfag cunt.
just an fyi, the bitch telling everyone to ignore the rules is the one actually reporting them. she did this last time too but at first she didn’t report the ones in her duplicate spam thread to use it as an incentive to post there
tl;dr she’s a mentally ill ban evading goreposter and should be ignored. just catbox link shit if you want to be safe.
That's not a board rule that's a thread rule someone made up years ago and nobody ever followed it anyway. Saying 'no shota' in the thread rules is also redundant but threads still do it.
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Ref pic if you can’t google.
I want to stick my dick in that
Anchor your request and give references, newfag retard.
That rule should be deleted next thread, only moralfag womanish autismos get triggered over porn of real people. Remember the pendantic Taylor Swift fangirl faggots on twitter crying over /aco/ AI? Like 3DPD here, it existed for years before they found out and screeched for a ban.
>'autismo' schizo
You have a point though it's a stupid rule.
Gotta love old man yaoi!

Love hot bikers too.

Nice work artists, please stay and just ignore the drama, it's just a sperg who wants to kill this place for fun.
stfu reddit spacing retard we’re grown ass men we don’t need you telling us what to do like a backseat janny
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Requesting sexy old man Triton fucking his son, a femboy Ariel, in this pose.
Stop giving her attention then.
I forgot to mention; please keep him muscular and very bara and keep male Ariel lithe and slim.
Not the original requester, but great job!
Get your head bashed in backseat janny new faggot.
How new can you be ? This is the exact thread for these kinds of things you newfag

Don't mind the naysayerw. post your art, get opinions and promote yourself
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Requesting these dudes 69-ing, frotting, or mutual masterbating at gay vidya porn.
I wanna see them fucking a Laura blow up doll!!
I'm literally telling you to quit feeding the drama that wastes posts and trying to encourage drawfags to stay here. I fucking hate that drama-loving asshole too, but at this point it seems like a wasted cause due to people not knowing the first thing about feeding trolls, don't feed them in the first place. The last thread was perfect, no drama bullshit, people ignoring blatant bait and a bunch of drawfags having a great time filling dozens of requests. And now we're back to square one where that crazy fujo makes retarded posts and people can't help but bite the bait and give her attention. The exact thing that troll wants.

I swear, we have one good thread, but the next one is a flame war and trolls trolling trolls.
The real solution is to give her weird violent shitposts another 30 day for evading.
Hot chub. That gape would look good on Billy's dad from The Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy.
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I'd like to request a picture of Geoff and Brody fucking behind one of these surfboard-stand things, please and thank you.
Requesting for the Sightseer NPC Trainer from Pokémon Sun/Moon to use his phone to film himself fucking either the Swimmer NPC trainer or Hiker NPC trainer
Alright you shitheads, give me one good reason why my request >>3044344 was deleted.
This is actually hot. Shame that it got deleted.
>she's still at it
NICE! Thanks! I'm not sure if you're stopping here or not, but the pecs look really nice.
>she scared the drawfrens off
>she will never have her shitty reqs filled
Yep still at it even now. She got hers so she'll keep ruining the board until we use her shitty troll drawthreads.
>schizo roastie is a spic
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Terato/monster request here, wanna see a pale crawler monster (humanoid in appearance, grayish skin, clawed hands and feet and really thin) masturbating in the woods, and maybe some random cute hiker dude is watching and jerking it too.
No seriously, why was my request deleted?

>inb4 rule 4
The character in my request is literally unknown and anonymous
>inb4 rule 7
My posts are my own and I don't associate with those trolls itt
>inb4 irl ref images not allowed
Irrelevant whataboutism
Stop replying to the retarded baits please.
Don’t let her derail the thread even if she keeps trying this hard.
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I'd like to get a picture of Jack (the muscular guy) either getting felt up or fucked by Brad Boimler.
I can't tell who's supposed to be the muscular guy here
the blonde one
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Jack is beefy.
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I might color it later.
not OR but niceee
Can someone remove the pee
And have the bottom cum a little but the top is splashing cum over the bottoms butt and remove the text thank you
Again with the big inhuman nipples.
>That rule should be deleted next thread
Nah, people would def abuse it to hell. Only like a third of the requests that could come from that would be genuine; the rest would probably just be people shitposting.
>only moralfag womanish autismos get triggered over porn of real people
If it's of people that are underage, than not really.
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Requesting a smug Isagi (black haired guy) shoving his cock on Kaiser's face.
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Requesting a picture of Aussie, the blonde guy, popping a boner while getting manhandled by Lucas.
>mind immediately goes to porn of underage people
Seems like a you problem.
OR here, looking great! Thank you so much!
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Requesting Bridget dressed as a goth giving a sloppy blowjob with lipstick smears on the cock.
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He is so fuckable it hurts, enjoy. Also B&W version because of your ref

Ty! Old man yaoi will save the thread.
to the guy shouting shit people wouldn't say irl a few replies above, are you done with your eleventy zillionth mental breakdown? cause it feels like you genuinely need a damn therapy.

also i appreciate everyone's stuff drawn in here you guys are damn talented
can you give a reference of a pose and outfit or do you just want whatever?
Looks like we found cenafaggot
Still malding no one wants to draw your ugly shit skinny oc and a washed up chinese asset?
>> 3044200
Oh I didn’t even know this was a rule
Oops I volatiled it
(OR) this is amazing, thank you drawanon TT
>> 3044874#
My request is of Justin Bieber
Which would violate the not real people rule
why are your quotes broken

request it anyway only the schizo roastie cares
OR here, here's some references you could use, I bunched it all together in one link, I even found an existing goth Bridget pic you could use as well. https://files.catbox.moe/0fr3gj.png
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ROTTMNT Leo tentacle request from the previous thread. Hope the requester is still lurking and hope they like it.
>Furries >>>/b/
We where filling TMNT long before you came here Zigger. For real, almost nine years ago so fuck off.
They're scalies not furries, there's a difference. Furries only even count as furries here when they have snouts. See: some post of non-animal demons from helluva boss(?) getting deleted in another thread because he had a snout.
>worrying about people requesting or making porn art of minors le bad
There is nothing wrong with stating drawing porn of actual minors is troubling, since it would've clearly been by an actual pedophile, but in that speck you call a brain it was probably too complex to register that the "it's fictional" reply doesn't cut it if it's real people.
>They're scalies not furries, there's a difference.
Not to the jannies, although i can understand why newfags wouldn't know
"Furries outside of /b/" refers to all anthropomorphic animals, mammalian or otherwise
Posting an anthro Garchomp is still going to get you banned from /vp/ just as much as you would for posting an anthro eevee
you can ask them yourself in the IRC if you don't belive me
Not even close to new, I've been posting on the site since /l/ was still a board.
It's never been punished before, in any single incidence that I've ever seen, unless they had snouts. Obviously the same logic would apply to scalies.
you are a pedo stop thinking about kids on a porn board
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No arguments? Lmao. Anyways reupping since it was falsely reported.
Kindly requesting half naked masked anon with his shirt on getting straddling a cock please.
they’re from twitter, tumblr died in 2018 and tumblr fujos were into way weirder stuff than they’re trying to police
I want to fuck that cuck in the top pic.
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Reuploading mine too since it was also falsely deleted an reported by the autismo that needs her brains splattered on a wall.

Pose is reference for >>3044211 Beast Boy.

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Alternative pose, and I’d prefer his cock out in this one.
The Tumblr fujos migrated to Twitter in 2018 when Tumblr introduced the NSFW content ban. Different social media platform. Same creature. A rose by any other name.
Those shitcord troons made this thread. What do you expect?
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Requesting Gray getting fucked by some anon dude, crying or blushing heavily
what game is he from he's a cutie
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Requesting a picture of Wes wearing only this shirt on the floor of some bathroom/locker-room, crying studio ghibli tears as a jock stomps on his massive cock.
Perhaps have Wes cumming as well?
But anything is appreciated.
Requesting Pierce Thorndyke III (brown haired dude) fucking Troy Jeffiers (blonde) hard like this. They are from Beverly Hills Teens, a cute 80s toon.
Could you at the least actually make a reference image
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OR here
Thank you anon, its every bit as kek inducing as I would've hoped

Think ya got the wrong anchor
This is epic!! Do you post your content anywhere?
I want some lewd art of this guy, but no more bandages/eye patches, instead, have him either greasy as he's sucking a cock or drinking piss, or being bullied by Gundam Military looking people. (Zeon or federation, idc) I want it to be hot but tragic.
Requesting either Archie (bottom right) or Matt(middle) from Pokémon ORAS power bottoming for a male Team Magma grunt (bottom left)
It almost looks like Shota porn.
Not gonna be that guy but isn't this umm problematic?
Just let people enjoy their request. Don’t expect much from a Nightwing fag, the most basic example of shit taste.
What child has a ballsack that huge? And way to go infantilizing petite guys.
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Requesting John Dory from Trolls 3 and Barley Lightfoot from Onward having sex
I'm fine with either one topping
Yes, he drew that a little too well in my opinion.
Scan jank as fuck but I hope you like it :^)
I swear one of these days I'm gonna finish one of these drawings lmao
Back to >>>/Instagram/, moral-thots
Outdated rule. Almost nobody cares anymore hence why it's rarely enforced at times when it seems like it should apply.
I don't get his appeal either. He's by far one of the most boring and overrated capeshit characters. Although >>3045417 still did a really good job even if it isn't everyone's cup of tea.
yeah, and?
>rarely enforced at times when it seems like it should apply.
stop making up shit, nobody ever posts furries and tmnt aren't furries.
Also Nite-mite? Really speaks volume on what that anon actually is into. Deplorable.
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Requesting a slightly beefed up/older version of Scott Denoga getting full nelsoned by Rowdy Russ Stanton from Hailey's on it! Stomach bulge optional

Have Scott's green outfit be torn at the bottom for easy anal penetration and to expose his penis
>Stomach bulge optional
Stomach bulges should never be optional. It's a hot detail!
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Requesting pale skin boys getting melanin enriched.
You know what, that sounds hot! I like how you think!
Did I say optional? I meant Mandatory!
read the OP
>Pls draw this underage boy so I can fap to it legally comfortably guilt free
Can you not? Fuck off with these kind of requests
Well, this draw thread had fallen apart. Because now people are just bitching and talking.
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requesting young cricket from warioware being forced to wear embarrassing and revealing outfits like pic related, please
Shut the fuck up roastie sperg.
would /y/ be into simple nude requests? looking to practice a bit and maybe anons can give me a character or pose they'd like to see for a nude or semi-nude sketch
Post your art first
I don't see the problem
Any specific type in men you're looking for?
So we can know what to suggest
At this point I'll take anything lewd without the bandages/eye patch of this boy, maybe with a Gundam space suit?
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Requesting Bang Shishigami from BlazBlue nude while relaxing on a hammock.
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Requesting a picture of Sledge (Slut Edge) getting railed by this black teen I made.
And if you want to hear Slutty Edge getting milked check out Trailer Park above s2e5
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Requesting Jesse Cossay, the shorter Native American boy, topping Simon Leurant, the taller blond boy, on a bed as seen in the refrences at the bottom
It's optional, but I would also appreciate it if you make them 4 years older to match the fanfic that inspired this
This shit again.
>no one paid attention to her false flag for two days
>has to pretend to be the angry replies she wanted to happen
>ropes in a random anon for making a request instead of taking her b8
How sad is this cows life
Requesting a vault boy gangbang
you're allowed to request even if you get filled in another thread, go seethe about "autismos" on /r9k/ instead of wasting time on a dead board trying to be a shitstain
Requesting Hex Hatfield getting his organ rearranged by cactus McCoy. Please draw McCoy's dick bulging out of his belly as well.
TMNT are more humanoid though
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Requesting Ryan from Infinity Train railing an another version of himself in the referenced pose. Both of them have their jackets on, with one not fully worn (as seen in right pic). Their guitars laid on the bed.
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seems you had a specific vision in mind, but i took some liberties. he was a fun addition in book 4: headcanonned him as horny gay and Min as vanilla straight. i imagine him totally down to fuck himself to finally get laid on the train.
Not OR but nice pic! They're very cute
OR here, you're right on the mark with one. nice work anon
Requesting Duane fuck Ravi like this and Ravi moaning in Gujarati. They are from Craig in the Creek.
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an early father's day request
Lynn Sr. + Arturo

anyone can do
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Requesting Venti in this outfit giving an anon a thighjob.
>>3045456 still here

If you want to do something else with him but NSFW, I'm okay with that, just want some art of him cleaned up a bit.
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Requesting Ted Kord as Blue Beetle tied with his arms behind his back, getting fucked in a position similar to the bottom left.
Requesting an anime/ co style Native American male OC of New England Native Americans (Wampanoag, Narraganset, or Pequot), eighteen years old with long black hair done in a pony tail, average male body, and wears a traditional loincloth/ breechclout, a red headband, and a tribal necklace. Could I have either a SFW or NSFW art with the NSFW are of him with an uncut erect cock.
Stop keeping that crappy thread >>3020802 alive.

Use the one right here.
it's the lolcow sperg that made it doing it
she keeps derailing threads whenever she pokes her ugly head in
can't do anything about it but nobody's gonna use it
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/r/ing rule 63 Ava from Ava's Demon, blushing madly, with lipstick marks all over his body (especially his cute leaking cock). Could be just some pinup, or he could be lying in bed with rose petals
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Hi Anon!
I tried your request. by the way, this is my X account.
Requesting Mike (guy on the right) raping Will (guy on the left). Mike is holding Will down while Will is crying in humiliation. Bonus if they're both wearing clothes, just with their pants down.
you're a crazy motherfucker but i might take a crack at this
Those are some impressive looking muscles.
Think you could do >>3046030?
Thanks a lot anon, I really appreciate it
The male Sightseer npc needed some love
Don’t forget to anchor btw
No begging.
not OR but that's really hot
I will love you forever if you do this
not OR but that's really hot
Do you take requests on your account?
This work is awesome anon!!
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Requesting Joe Logan(white) and Higan(asian) play sword-fighting. They are the same person from Ninja Kamui.
If i draw Femboy, It's a disaster. But maybe i will once?

I know, They are more need love. it's serious.
oops, I forgot anchor!


I want hear your requests. Please send my account.
Now that you mention it that ref does make him look kind of like a femboy. Never really noticed that.
But even if nothing comes of it, I'm still very grateful you considered it.
Pushing this thread up since the lolcow anti-bara/trap roastie schizoid keeps bumping hers.
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idk who they are but here is my warmup for today (i hope it at least is a Little similar to what you wanted LOL sorry if it isn't)
Not OR, but excellent work!
thank you! if you have any requests with similar characters let me know! i'll try and get something cranked out for you :]
THANK YOU SO MUCH FRIEND! This looks great!
why not check the request anchor
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It’s always the most oddball ones that spark my interest
not OR but wonderful! anchoring
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here you go.

Liked the idea, I feel like Jack is a douche that needs some training.
Not my request, but nice work. I give it a 8 out of a 10.
he looks better on the left than on the right
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Sorry I’am too lazy but I liked your idea
awesome! think you can do mine?
I love it. Thanks for your time and hard work.
This isn't begging, this is asking a drawfag to consider another request. They've already drawn porn of the show, maybe they will do more.

Also, we are 232 posts in, maybe they might have overlooked it.

Not the OR but this is fucking amazing dude! I love the size difference and the cum.
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Kindly requesting satori Tendou in a position like the reference picture. I’d love to have him spreading his cheeks and looking over his shoulder back at the viewer with words like “what are you waiting for?” I’d love for him to have a fat uncut leaking cock with the foreskin completely covering the tip please.
Hey, do you have an account on Twitter, Baraag.net or Pixiv?
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Requesting my cyborg giant getting his ass ate out.
Fuck I missed the request anchor
no do mine please they match your body types
Stop begging already.
We can post real life pictures as references again? I don’t wanna get banned again, can someone confirm?
Original requester here, I’ve never posted on a drawthread before, so maybe I broke the rule??
At this point I'd just ask the jannies themselves to avoid having another discussion about it here that goes nowhere
Especially if the schizo uses it as a pretext to cause shit again
ok pumpkin
I'd recommend using an artwork as base/reference (or something similiar), then insert a Catbox link (https://catbox.moe/) for the irl image within the post to be 100% safe.

*For multiple images, try Imgbox: https://imgbox.com/
There isn't a rule, just some moron with too much time on their hands shitting up the thread.
People using real life references as poses for their requests has always been a thing here, only recently has some trolling asshole made it an issue. Unfortunately there is some pissed off fujoshi who will have issue with just about every damned request and will bitch about "real life poses in requests/ cartoon characters/twinks", for whatever drama she can make and waste the threads time and piss off requestors and artists alike.
Gaslighting? I got banned for it last time from /y/ for 'no real life images' or whatever the fuck. Starting to think you're the bitch trying to bait us into getting banned.
that might be the case
fillion makes her extremely mad so use references of his poses if you can find any you like
so do big meaty baras and femmy twinks
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requesting the genshin impact character on the left with the pose and gape of the right
keep his muscles from the reference please

you did nothing wrong since there’s no rule against using 3d alongside a 2d image in the rules pin
janny is overstepping herself if she deletes your image
Character is Wriothesley, you should include that in case they need more refs.
I never come to /y/ cause generally the quality is terrible but I'll definitely be checking in more now/
No, and thanks for your interest in my work <3
Why do you keep posting your hideous lumps of flesh?
You have never gotten a fill.
>uppity cunt can't ignore things she doesn't like take 350295038592385
It is a genuine question.
Much like the wrestler faggots no one is ever happy to see >>3048850 post.
Are centaurs furry?
I've made centaur requests here before, no problem and the monster threads have centaurs in them so it shouldn'tbe an issue. They're half human and don't have a snout, so its not like some sparkledog anthro bullshit.
Do you have a blog and if you do, what is it?
Post more real men's holes with requests, it makes me hard
This. Tranny jannies can fuck their female holes in jealousy.
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preferably fit so anything from twink, lean, slim, athletic, ottermode, to beefy are all good. mostly lean or twink starting out before really diving into muscle specifics

here's my attempt. thanks for giving me a prompt. if this is good enough, I'd like to come back sometime next month and take another prompt
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Putting this in the correct thread.
the fuck
No, minotaurs are but centaurs aren't. The only thing it seems that matters to 4chan mods in dictating whether or not something is furry is if the face is 50% animal or more.
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Requesting Fake-Rabi in a cheerleader outfit getting fucked like in the reference.
Weird right?
Requesting Bill Dickey (glasses) and Pete Dinunzio (hat) from The Eltingville Club having a mildly violent hatefuck, with Pete on bottom. Not necessarily too rapey but not the most consensual in the world either
Anyone else really wanna fuck the dad and the son from the shitty conservatard show? Requesting the son humiliating his dad on stream bc he has a much bigger cock. Make the son HUNG uncut and hairy, the rest of the art is dealers choice
>shitty request
>low effort
>shit looking characters from dogshit show for kike loving boomer bitches
Well anon, you've managed hit three boxes, so that's at least something.
How was that request any worse than the other ugly kosher cartoon requests?
Nta I respect you wanting to see incestuous sex out of mediocre seasonal adult cartoons but you would probably get less flack if you posted more references + didn't use buzzwords in your request. I don't think you're being disingenuous but I can see it coming off that way to the gigaautists this board is populated by
Sorry for fillless/requestless posts anons
I'm not even the guy who asked for it.
Or here, thank you!
Okay well even if you aren't that still answers the question
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I've had a vision and I'm hoping an artist will take it up because I cannot draw.

I want to get a picture of Eddie (brunette) getting his dick sucked by my OC (the dude with the red hair).
It is late at night; Eddie is in the middle of an important gaming session and my OC decides to be a dick and give Eddie a blowie. Illuminated only by the screen and the soft glow of the LEDs Eddie sinks into the chair, exposed cock bobbing in the air. He lets out a strangled moan when the redhead's tongue swirls around the tip then swallows his dick down to the base. His eyes squeeze close, and he bites his lip, trying and failing to keep quiet. The game controller dangles in his hand, and his teammates shout at him in his headset; but Eddie can't hear them past the pounding of his heartbeat as he is driven over the edge.
He cums hard.

If you can make any sort of imagery out of that terrible bit of writing I will be extremely thankful. The only other thing is if you can see my OC's dick, I'd like it if it were bigger than Eddie's. And give the brunette some chunk to him. Like a little heft, not obese.
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Kinda rushed through this.
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Here's the WIP, anon. Feedback appreciated.
I go sleep now.
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Can you make the pupils hearts?
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Requesting Saitama from OPM getting fucked by Captain Continental from Legend of The Blue Wolves.
Not OR, but amazing work!
These dorks need more smut. Thank you foe for making this!
Requesting any male orc character with gigantic pecs like this.
Does it have to be an actual orc character or could it just be a random orc?
Random orc
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Going to try and finish it but no promises, it’s been like a decade since I filled any requests and I haven’t been drawing for a few years so most of the time I was drawing this I was trying to remember how the fuck to draw

Also Apple Pencil is a fuckass piece of shit to draw with wth
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Requesting L Lawliet from Death Note crouched down and submissive after receiving a cream pie. Bonus points if there’s a close up reaction on his face where he looks aroused and overstimulated
Pose reference: https://files.catbox.moe/s2f1f1.png
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Here. I was hoping to make a climax alt but I'm all out of stamina. Even though fRabi was cheering me on. I failed you boy...
OR here, Venti looks so cute servicing the anon in that outfit! Thank you for the delivery friend.
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Not OR, but lovely lighting
Looks awesome so far bro.
Not OR but nice job, he's adorable.
Also not OR but amazing and hot, gape looks perfect- great job.

So many great fills this thread.
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requesting X and Zero from Megaman Zero (the versions of them from the references provided specifically) frotting and grinding against eachother like the pictures on the right, preferably mostly clothed with just their cocks out.
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Why would you bring your oc somewhere like 4chan? Look what has happened to the poor thing
That's.... needlessly antagonistic.
Edgy poltard
Based af. Need more bucks to break in.
Dunno what /pol/ has to do with this, I've never browsed it.
Yes, yes it was. And I may do it again, or I might actually fill a request as its requester wanted. Depends on the requesters.
Yeah, I'd suggest you take that attitude elsewhere and leave.
You aren't needed.
Ignore the other. All are welcomed here.
Oh, sweaty, no
It appears you have a fundamental misunderstanding about how this website works
And if you're going to shit up the drawthread with useless policing attempts, at least try to post a filled request with it so you're not breaking the derailment rule, seeing as you're so keen on policing others ok bb
can you all shut up and draw or request, ignore wannabe jannies
love when retards keep derailing threads for no reason
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I think its time we got another anchor
Requesting a new anchor post with a naked Luka Redgrave from Bayonetta 3 holding Cassiopeia, the anchor shaped weapon
>(Bayonetta is on the left holding the anchor for scale)
Since retarded faggot op couldn't post here
New thread

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