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basically stuff like beyond the minds eye
ive been watching a lot of 90s 3d demo videos lately and i just love it, but im having a hard time finding similar stuff
please post them here if you find any
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this subreddit has a lot of videos:
>unironically linking reddit
are you new here or something

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Is it now time to admit that Blender has "won", /3/?
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I was thinking the same, this smells like Maya glowies
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Maya glowies are in this thread, I can feel it
no, everything that comes from blender for some reason looks like a blob of wax, that's why the donuts are so popular, because they are one of few objects that don't look weird in Blender
What about chicken mcnuggets?
yummy but unrenderable in blender

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Lets see how you're using AI to generate content and discuss the role we (the humans) will take once AI is doing most of the heavy lifting.

I'll start.
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You are insane my friend, if you think that they don't scrape the internet every day to keep training you are deluded.
you think prompters won't be on the fucking breadline too?
protip: when the point of a technology is to reduce the skill requirement towards zero, people who want to prompt all day aren't going to be well paid.
It takes way more skill to be a barista than a prompter btw.
I literally make over $100/hr prompting for the past 2 years.
I make 1000$ a minute doing your mom in the roughest way possible on camera

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How do I improve sculpting bros? Does this look like I need to know more Zbrush to improve? I feel like I can’t draw the planes and I fuck up on the mouth a lot
I want to improve and I’m really stuck. I’ve been following a head anatomy course and while I have improved a bit-it’s only a little bit, I think I’m not understanding a lot. I know I sound extremely naive in this whole thing, I just don’t know where to start. I can’t keep up in this course and make turd after turd without knowing I’m knowing how to improve after each turd
I bought anatomy for sculptors book too
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my perfect korean waifu
when I use dynamesh to fix my stretched eyelid, it also undo some of my work on the lip. What do guy?
Remove smoothing, it's usually set at 2
Hot, but needs more chicken meat. If it comes in tube form it's much better
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here's some brush that might help you improve your head sculpt anon, I usually use crease/mech brush for making sharp line, it's perfect for hard surface and making head planes I'm surprised zbrush doesn't have this by default, the fill brush will smooth out the surface without altering the shape too much, I also included the original brush because I might have changed the brush a little bit to fit my preference

tip: always start with low poly, it's hard to block out shapes if u have too much geometry

credit: mahlikus & 3dcw


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how can i recreate 90s style 3d renders in modern blender? i know i could just learn bryce3d but i don't want to. ive heard eevee has phong shading but i can't find it.
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It's even easier than messing around in Compositor. Literally just setting the View Transform in the Color Management to "Raw" will do it. You don't even need to re-render, either, since tonemappers themselves use Raw data when they adjust colors.
It really is amazing how effective tonemapping is at selling compelling lighting. I've only been dabbling in 3D for the past week or so but I've been doing color-managed digital art for a while, now, and it's just as effective there as it is here, while allowing for comparatively simple Multiplicative shading setups, now unlike that of a deferred lighting engine.
You will not get good results using this
I admire the dedication. This is the type of autism that is needed

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What does /3/ think about the Metalheart aesthetic?
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yeah and not just their work but they're all like having really edgy names like XCOCK, Too Advanced, Designer's Anarchy etc
>blender can't make this kind of art!

>2023 zoomer tryna emulate 2000 soul
literally, figuratively, and unironically forced soul.

its not just about soul either. blender's rendering just cant match the crispiness and the cleanliness of 3ds max scanline render. its not a placebo thing, theres a real algorithmic difference between bucket based vs scanline based render.
>I miss it, I'd go searching for old tutorials on how to make it on Deviantart if the site wasn't so infested with A.I.
Use google image search and append "before:2022" at the end. That helps me get to the older stuff
It's not too awful. If you have an account you could filter out ai, midjourney, dall-e and the like in the Muted Tags setting.
>they can just not tag
Most of them don't tag for shit so it won't pop up in a search in the first place. A bulk of the uploads have a generic title or number and absolutely no description either

How do you even justify a stylization like this? It's so disproportionate.
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I like long ladies. Lanky ladies, even.
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>hoop earrings
good shid
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Whaaaat? Why would Giger sculpt something so disproportionate and fucked up like this? He must have not known what he was doing and/or was trying to shove his weird fetish in front of everyone in public.
So gross....
Are you even aware of Gigers work if that piece stands out as being weird to you?

it's so over bros
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not everything needs to be a quad bro, just leave a few ngons and triangles here and there
I rest my case.
no I don't, ask /ic/.
go back to your aijeet containment generals.
Finally we have confirmed that piracy is theft.
Factually wrong.

AI art these days is awesome because it stole a lot of work from a lot of people without their consent.

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I hate geometry nodes.

So I wanted to get an array that has a offset for example every repeated part is -5 of the original distance.

This is impossible to get in the array modifier (despite the devs being retarded for not including it)

So lets see how I can do this in geometry nodes.
Repeat something node yes???
WTF? What is this shit.

Youtube search.

LOOOK AT THIS GARBAGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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>You don't need to follow the tutorial, just grab the nodes. I use them quite a lot. The circular array is really nice, since you don't have to do the retarded "add array on first object, add empty, rotate empty, add object offset to the array on your first object" rigamarole.

I remember doing something like this like in blende 2.3 and it used something (not geometry nodes) I think it was the particle system

>just grab the nodes
Why are geometry nodes so counter intuitive?

No they keep changing them in every new version. Get your shit together!
I was waiting for the first adopters to get burned however it is blender 4.0 and they keep on fuckign with the nodes!

>>You don't need to follow the tutorial, just grab the nodes. I use them quite a lot. The circular array is really nice, since you don't have to do the retarded "add array on first object, add empty, rotate empty, add object offset to the array on your first object" rigamarole.
If blender was not retarded and god portions of it being stuck in the 90s other in the 2000s they literally give you a extra box in the array modifier that says.

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Oh, I see you're just throwing a temper-tantrum and venting for people to agree with you.
Hence you putting words in my mouth. You know, because I never once said anything about you "learning" anything.
I offered up something that might help (an existing setup that you just apply like any other modifier), but you're just looking to sperg out because something was added to Blender that you don't want to engage with.
Don't engage with it then. Simple as that.

geonodes was created as an excuse so that blenderfags and devs can say that it has """"parametric modeling"""" capabilities. you just have to DIY all the presets imaginable to do the most basic shit parametrically.
Any info on this?
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I only use Geometry Nodes along some Addons like Geo Scatter and for making quick, advanced and ready to render environment art.

Never use it for anything else.

Geometry Nodes are engineering, not art.
You need to be extremely autistic or mathematical to understand this.

>For example:

Instead of using Arrays in Blender, I literally just use Nanomesh and Arrays in Zbrush, which is what I know.

>"But I know how to use Geometry Nodes! It's not hard!"

Well good for you! But most people do not know how to use this, it's far too complex.

Hello, Last saturday i was informed by an internet chum of mine about blender. I have never used 3d modeling tools before and was interested to give it a try, had an old housemate show me some stuff about 10 years ago and it looked tedious and overly complicated and i had no pc at the time either.
I have now used blender for less than 24 hours in total and am enjoying learning, have made 2 (well 1.5) things so far.
My E-Chum also informed me about this board, as he said it can have good info here now and then so here i am.
I like sculpting the best so far and spent 3 hours today experimenting with geometry and extrusion, inset tools etc, so may check out this more often.
Thank you for reading my blog.
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they look fine on my monitor and in viewers etc. but dark on uploads, any tips are appreciated.
It happens sometime with PNG on macs. Try to export as JPG instead. The difference is that PNGs carry over the color profile of your monitor, so it can be re-created on other people's monitors but that rarely works.
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I keep seeing you guys begging for jobs and having software wars but when was the last time you actually had fun with 3D artwork?
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You must be the best 3D artist in the whole country.
>truth is I only enjoy stylized stuff, whenever I'm making something "realistic" I have a melt down
Same,I just find it boring to do anything realistic
Me too, except for waifus, I like making realistic 3d big boob waifus
Same, realistic models are nice when you're a noob and need to practice or as a portfolio for entry level work. It gets boring after a while and I'd only do it if it's my job. I'm not an AI fag but realistic models will definitely be the primary target for AI and automation.

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i think im finally starting to understand blender im going to try 3ds max and maya next, is there anything i should know before i use them
(robot made in blender )
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3ds max is garbage bloated with 5gb of bugs and unpleasant workflows. Blender with pirated addons is much better and can do more than max in a more effecient and clean way.
>t. used max before moving to blender
Learn no-topology workflow in Maya

>blendlet who never used 3dmax
i used 3dsmax for 1 year, autolet. your software is ancient rubble slowly collapsing onto itself and the company is abandoning it just like it was the case for mudbox.
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>no-topology workflow in Maya
what is this? seen it here a few times. sounds like a meme.

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le donut of blender. based!
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more like Mr Führu
This would unironically be a superior donut shape. Good for dipping, eating whole, sharing...

Each arm could be shaped like a little Walther P-38 they stick into their mouth to emulate their fav mustache man.

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I spent so much fucking time trying to get a pirated version of Cinema 4D working When i get it working the Redshift not working right when redshit working some other shit crashing

Why the fuck did i think just because that shit more expensive it was better than blender when blender addons & renderers are so easy to install

>but in reality i do want to go into mainly motion graphic simulations & animation so it might be better
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I've been hearing this for over a decade now.
Blender is still not even close to 3ds.
How long did this take?
I think. Cinema is b
If you're actually good, it won't matter what software you're using. They all do the same shit, especially these days, the differences between them is negligible in 99% of cases. Blender's free and convenient, so just use that until you're good enough to make money, then pickup whatever your studio/client wants you to pickup.

Unless you're some kind of small brain who can't handle learning new software. Then get Maya, Zbrush, and Houdini.
c4d with redshift or octane rapes blendjeet "foss software"

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"He look like he fuck human women."
That's not a donut, OP
Thats two men in a costume you liar.
Where is cock and balls
The donut is under the dock, silly Anon.
You always start with that when modelling a horse. Always.

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