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I see a lot of people saying that they don't need topology in Maya. How does that work? How does Maya handle subdivision? How do meshes generated by Maya look like? What does Blender lack in terms of modeling tools since its users need to resort to topology knowledge?
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>No. There is no such thing as "edge flow". The deformation is entirely defined by [proceeds to give a roundabout definition of edge flow]
wtf I thought the newest Maya solved topology?
If you don't want to understand, you're not going to understand. It's fine with me.
That's a nice showcase of how little topology actually matters for animations or anything else really.
He won't because it doesn't exist
>I see a lot of people saying that they don't need topology in Maya
Nah, it's just one troll messing with my topology thread.

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Where the hell is autosmooth normals?
Not a blender user but I think I heard they moved it to a modifier. Some anon was crying about it and people told him it was similar to how max's smooth modifier works.
In the modifiers if you are using the new one
press Q you'll find it in your quick favorites

I follow Andrew Price tutorial
thank you chris, very cool

What's the best way to import a fully textured, rigged Blender human model into 3dsmax, is the pictured Connector any good?
Import model with textures and re-rig it using CAT
Or maybe a better question would be how can my friend model/change the face of a fully rigged character that was made in Blender. My friend knows 3dsMax
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if he knows Max all he needs is an exported fbx. If he doesn't know Max, import fbx, use skin utils to extract vert weights, delete face from SkinData mesh so its just the body, modify the original import as desired, select both and use skin utils to import and map bones by name to retain the body's skinning. It takes less than 5 minutes minus the face editing. Material mapping IDs to UV channels/condensing isn't difficult either. I dont use blender so i dont remember how the export->import handles bones precisely, but it shouldnt matter.

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We have this over in /ic. I'd like to see anons portfolios and works. Post your socials.
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So you are telling me that you roam on 4chan and still take everything seriously?
4chan is an aspergers website though...
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made $400 on here last week https://becomeamillionairetime.blogspot.com/
>money bag.jpg
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Anyone has this?
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The old paradigm where people would spend money and then share the product with everyone is over
nvm it seems that you gotta pay 16 bucks to access the course
better than paying $156
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>need to pay 16 bucks to access stolen content

Creating garment assets for game environments.

Seems it's a bit niche?

Pivoting from a Rhino + SolidWorks / Blender (to render) background.

What should I know?
Do you have tutorial/ resource recommendations?
**yes i have checked the intro guide**
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Does it make more sense to texture in CLO or bring it to blender and texture it there?
No. Marvelous has a view to layout uvs, just do that, export and texture wherever you normally do. Marvelous will export stitching at geometry iirc. You're better off building that into the textures with something like substance painter (or redo the stich geo procedurally in Houdini or geo nodes if you need autistic levels of detail)
is what you export from it meant to be bake-ready, or do you need to sculpt on top of it in zbrush?
how do i make hot underwear for my hot women models
i tried looking for tutorials specifically for underwear and got some super sussy suggestions on youtube
Do you retopo in MD, or do you export to some other program?

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the eternal debate...

spoiler: only Z-Up is based. Z-Up came first in history, so it must be right. CAD enginners and cartographers used 3D graphics long before any of you animators dicking around in Maya.
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>what unit are the units?
>"nah bro its unitless"
>default gravity is 9.82
OpenGL doesn't have an up convention, you can use whatever you want.
Well clip space is Y-up I guess, with Z as depth. But the convention for cameras is different than for the world. Blender uses Z-depth/Y-up for cameras, despite the world being Z-up.
>Blender uses Z-depth/Y-up for cameras, despite the world being Z-up.
HOLY ratardation
You are the ratard anon. What happens when the camera is rolled 90 degrees? What happens when the camera is pointing straight down on the scene from above?

There is no relationship between camera space and world space so they don't need to "line up".
I understand both, have intuition for both and I can work with both.

I am superior being.

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How hard is it to make your own engine and make your own content in it compared to using unity or unreal?
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No, that's entirely unrelated.
its kind of like building a plane in 1920 vs a plane in 2024.

back then all you needed was wood, canvas, and knowledge of aerodynamics.
now you need to understand jet engines, combustion, materials science, and a billion other things.
It's not that. The difference is the amount of "regulations" or "industry standards" or "APIs" that are completely useless but that you're expected and in some cases bullied into learning.
cuz I want my cool 3d dino spinning in my cool 3d engine
Similar to the difference between building a piano and playing a piano. They require some shared knowledge, but two completely different skillsets.

There are plenty free open source game engines available. It's easier than ever to avoid sketchy companies.

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Stylish tacticool reloads
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The fact you have to watch it that many times to pick it up means that the illusion works.
LayzuhCatz is pretty good animator.
Why are the anime grills trying to kill each other with lollipop sticks?
>get stuck on animation
>it never looks right
so annoying

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>Research Project Bernini is experimental generative AI from Autodesk that can quickly generate multiple functional 3D shapes from a variety of inputs. While Project Bernini is exciting and at the leading edge of generative AI, its models will become increasingly useful and compelling when trained on larger, higher-quality professional datasets.
Oh GOODIE. More AI slop to get investors excited.
Another reason to pirate all autodesk shit. They don't care about us
Looks like dogshit. Unless the prompt was to replicate a jug made by someone with down syndrome or something they failed.

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Ladies and Gentlemen of /3/,

The next 4 upcoming years, i will spend every single day in the production for the pilot-episode of a new Berserk adaptation.
>Narrative - 100 % faithful to the Manga
>Art Style - inspired by Netflix Arcane (pic related)

Without any doubt: this project is a Behemoth, but i am dead serious about the production.

Truth to be told, i am lacking experience, which is why i created this thread in the first place.
I would like to know your opinion on certain topics - Roughly spoken about project-management, planing and execution.

I am not asking for direct involvement in the project - at least not until i proved myself with regular updates and progress that i am the real deal.
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The AI reference sheets were disgusting. Fuck... at least try to get decent at 2D before you get into projects like this, even if its rough storyboard-tier art.
I can't even blame this quitter: He became what we knew him to be. But you guys who believed in him and defended his virtue... You faggots are the problem.
maor progress
keep struggling bross!!! just like gutsu would want us to
we take it up the ass from big black men

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Previous thread: >>973562
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idk if this helps anyone but i was trying to model a finger based on an older model i made where i copied the fingertip from online models, i was gonna recreate it for my new model because i wanted a perfectly symmetrical base to duplicate on all fingers.

but then i realized i can just align the finger as best as i can along the X-axis, object mode, apply all transforms, go into edit mode, enable x-axis symmetry with topology mirror enabled, and just selected half the verts and the other half snapped into perfect symmetry. didnt need to recreate it
I really like the freedom that comes with dyntopo but sculpting without the mask tool cripples me
What good is being able to pull limbs and tentacles if I can't sculpt them without affecting the rest of the sculpt
I’m not exactly sure what you mean, but when I sculpt the basic form with high very count I only use the dynotopo mode to add vert density to an area (face, hands, ears) then turn it off and continue as normal. Usually do this on and off when needed such as when verts become too stretched after being worked with
I use dyntopo at the early part of the process to blockout from one object, mostly for large shapes and not details

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>13 years of production experience
>Modeler/texture artist.
>Worked on big budget production.
>Writer strike happens, vfx house basically closes down
>Running on 11 month of not working.
I'm dying inside little by little. I hate any past colleagues who finds work. We're all clawing and scratching for scraps. Keep this shit a hobby, don't try and go pro.
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No, same problem with 3D artist. Corporate is running on skeleton crew with overwork VFX people. It matters not if you are blender or Cinema 4D, Corporate America refuses to hire more people to help overworked artists.

Oh and don’t buy anything that says you’re will learn through YouTube or pay for things. Those are scams and often never teach you 3D art. The scam teaches you (insert program) U.I with no help on creating models. These scammers never went to school or follow the 12 principles of animation (they claim it but you see they only use it as a trick to bait people).
>The scam teaches you (insert program) U.I with no help on creating models
I'm a hobbyist and I've always had this problem. Courses have little to no information that carries between programs even though 3D is built on certain universal principles.
I'd search animation mentor. I know a few coworkers back in the day went through their programs to get better at animating for 3d. Honestly, I spend time learning something completely different outside of the industry for the time being. Rates are lowering across the board in the united states. My rate was 60 but now I'm getting asked to do jobs for 40, I'll agree and still not get the gig. Video games had layoffs but their is still a decent amount of opportunity in that industry. I'd focus on animating for games dont bother with film/tv for the next year or two.
The problem with Indians is that all of their shit is jank. Same reason something made in China costs 4 cents and the same something made with pure freedom is $100 (minimum).
>Keep this shit a hobby
that's everything creative with the rise of ai

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I’m new to sculpting. What tips should I know to help me better understand and visualize the things I want to make?
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Mouths are not in a plane, that's your problem.
When you sculpt always remember what's behind the skin
Your teeths are not in a plane, they are in a curve, so your mouth will set that way.
There's a million other problems with the sculpture, but for the mouth first change this.
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I sculpted this in blender
then I gave up because it's hard as fuck and I have no talent
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you're sculpting your lips into the faces, even if you plump up the lips later it still won't look right. It's the bones and the teeth that cause the mouth to come forward a little, as well as the flesh, so your sculpt looks like it's missing teeth.
You have to draw out a sort of mound that you sculp the lips into. You can probably just pull them forward now with the move brush, but it'll be easier if you do this beforehand.
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>https://www. youtube com/watch?v=J2_uiUEcY7w&list=PLtZ2rrCuza-oyVD-sPjB7J80qRBufWODi&index=14&t=1s

this guys sculpt series really helped me get to a good level. Just switch his reference image with any human male or female image and go from there. pic related is what i made after this vid.
Professional aaa 3d character artists here.
Look up anatomy for sculptors on artstation. They have a lot of good posts that would help you understand the shapes of the human body.
One of the biggest mistakes beginners make is making the faces super flat, as you did. Every shape, buldge, wrinkle, angle or whatever on the face flows into another and there is a reason why they are the shape they are. Those images hopefully will help you understand it

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