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>Paperboots get smaller
You mean paper boats not boots.

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A thread for discussion and posting of anything related to sonobe, kusudama, bascetta, Chinese paperfolding and similar stuff.
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Here's a crease pattern for it. Only took me a few hours to figure out the model. I'd love to see yours when you finish
Filling my archives, the file seems gone. Mind reupping it?
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This model is odd because it requires tape to stay together (or glue)

by siun_kusudama
Rather I should say that tape makes the construction much easier. I think it might be possible without, but very difficult.

I know it's been 3 years, but I gotta point out how incredible it is to make this model, so cleanly, out of newsprint. Honestly wondering if it's photoshop.

I am really interested in this one:

https://www.yoycart. com/Product/42956856534/

but I have never heard of the site, have no experience and have no idea if it's fake or not. Does anybody know? Is it an actual physical paper print they send you or just online files?

Or does anybody know if these boxy One Piece papercrafts are somewhere to be found online maybe?
Those are cool
its a chibi

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Here's a (imo) article on origami: https://www.guokr.com/article/63817/
Thank you for sharing
The page is all in Chinese.

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Saw this on Twitter, wanted to repost it here, someone might appreciate this.
Thanks anon
Didn't bother coloring the edges
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Oops forgot image lmao
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Thank you, it was exactly what I was looking for!
A gente encontra um BR nos lugares mais inesperados
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Stupid grapes

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Hey guys anon from /tg/ here.
I'm making a dungeon that will have a final room a play on escher stairs painting. I already did the modeling and templates for every detail but I wanted to make ask you guys since you have a bit more experience with it.
1st I wanted for it to be transparent since it will be a battlefield with minies and shit
2nd I wanted for it to be easily turned around in every way so it will be easier for players to navigate it
But I am worried about next problems
First one is a stability. I want to use thick paper for this but I am afraid even that wouldn't do the trick. I thought of maybe making a skeleton for a box or something but I'm not exactly sure how to do it right.
Second, I need to stick minis on vertical surfaces and upside down. I thought about double sided tape but I'm not sure it will grip on the stairs. I could do slopes but it would be lame.
If you have anything else in mind that can go wrong, do tell
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Magnets seems like both will add too much weight and waaay outside of my abilities.
Maybe I will do special tokens for this section instead of using minis. Should be easier to stick them up.
Paper strips are a good idea though. I just hope that templates will hold the thing together.
Ooo that looks fun to build lol
Tokens are a good idea, could always probably tape those then too
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Sheets finally came to me from printing and I'm trying to assemble the thing.
How do you shape stairs properly?
I did half cuts already to make a clean fold but having so many of them so close makes things retarded
coz you are the retard for making it so hard. You got to glue the stairs first and then close with the larger bottom part. And as you go down the stairs, glue each of the stairs on the same level, left and right, at the same time. Easy as hell. It's only a slightly more complicated box design, that's not even a real papercraft. Just think how the thing is folded at the end and pre-bend them like that. Simple.
This is cool and I'd like to see the papercraft end product but you might get better results with wood or 3D printing. Another option would be to ask a local weldor to cut the pieces out of steel sheet and weld your prop together, which would let you use magnet-based miniatures more easily. >>>/diy/ should have some relevant threads.

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share ur fav sticky note origami

hello, can anyone help me to convert pdo to pdf?.
i found the nilou character pdo but i have a hard time accessing the fdo file because it's too big and besides i don't have a pc.
please help guys!
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that is designer not viewer
are they gatekeeping and excluding builders who are not papercraft designers?
and this won't directly install on my mac, linux test machine, or smartphone. gatekeeping against anyone not on winblows?
i'm starting to wonder why anyone would ever use this thing.
cos its the one that works?
The download includes both the Designer version and the Viewer version nowadays. Search Paper-Maker and you'll find a website where you can open PDO files in your browser without having to install anything. You will have to make an acoount I think.
Cambio el papercraft de Marín hololive por el papercraft nilou
Hello, I would like to know if anyone has the instructions for Hatsune Miku 5th Anniversary Symphony

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I've made several custom paperized papertoys, based on upcoming Oppenheimer film.
First one up is J.Robert Oppenheimer as played by Cillian Murphy.

Download PDF here: https://www.blog.private-universe.net/2023/07/13/papercraft-paperized-oppenheimer-papertoy-trinity-site-version/
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I've started series of Good Omens papertoys with versions of main characters from TV-show (they are a birthday gift for a friend).
I plan to make book versions too later.

Download here: https://www.blog.private-universe.net/series/good-omens-papertoys/
Papertoys of characters from Good Omens book, inspired by book covers and fanart.
Crowley: https://www.blog.private-universe.net/2023/11/13/papercraft-paperized-good-omens-crowley-papertoy-book-version/
Aziraphale: https://www.blog.private-universe.net/2023/11/16/papercraft-paperized-good-omens-aziraphale-papertoy-book-version/
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Latest addition to my collection of Paperized customs - "Our Flag Means Death" main characters.
This was a commission from a fan of the show, who wanted to give smth back to the fandom in thanks for keeping them sane through 2022-2023.

Download free PDFs: https://www.blog.private-universe.net/series/our-flag-means-death-papertoys/
Recently I reworked my Tenet papertoys
Download free PDF here: https://www.blog.private-universe.net/series/tenet-papertoys/
lol at the paper cranes.

anyone who has this model to trade please
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Like they said
It's fucking 6 bucks
Buy it
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Not OP. That's what I did. :3
hell yeah
support the artists and we'll get more
Fuck off lmao
Commented on a shit ton of posts for what

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Hello, does anyone have this model? Please let's trade
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I don’t have it
hi friend, can u share model Faruzan please?
post it

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Endless garden 6 modular units
Nice work anon!

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Modified sonobe ball made of 3 inch units
That's cute, not as good as another thread's but I like it

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6 slide together squares. modified sonobe units, and a dodecahedron from playing cards
That's amazing!

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Recently got back into Quake with the release of Quake II remastered, and came across some photos of this model online-I thought I used to have a copy of it, but can't find it-I can only find the similar Ninjatoes version.

Does anyone have a copy of this model they could scan and preserve for the future? It is pretty old; from 1997! I've been searching for it for awhile with no luck.
Does this help

>I can only find the similar Ninjatoes version.

Sorry dude, I've got this one already! I appreciate it though :)

This place still has and sells them, at least as of 3 months ago. Pretty cheap. Someone should buy one and upload it.
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He-Man re-color

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