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I folded these birds 4 or 5 years ago from a CP i found on japanese twitter. I can't remember the designer anymore, and i dont have a CP either. can anyone help me in finding the designer of this model?
new thread by new thread the clock thread dies
since you folded two, unfold one gently and lay it out flat .Either press it down under a book then take a photo like that .

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>Most easy diagrams are too boring and done too quickly
>Most hard diagrams are impossible with most origami paper

Anybody have books or diagrams that require more than your basic origami skills, yet don't require very fine paper to complete? Some of the easier diagrams from amazing origami is what I'm looking for.
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For information, it will be available on the 1st of June; pre-orders have started.
>For information, it will be available on the 1st of June
I already knew that. That's why I said it ain't out yet.
My bad. That information was more for others, I just quoted the 2 messages as it was related to the topic.
No problem.
instead of asking for c.p ask about the paper ,a number of easily sourced papers of between 15gsm up to 50gsm is suitabe for intermediate models of up to 200 steps ,even some thin gift wrap . Kraft paper in packs of 25-5- or on the roll just be sure its the recycled type .As the kraft paper for packaging is thicker and tends to rip

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I finally found the NOA magazine 202 but I don't have an diyzhen invite so can you guys get it for me?
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Just because someone or a group says they have something, doesn't prove that anything actually exists. I would have to call them liars, unless they can prove it.
Think 1 or 2 of those was shared before. Can anyone upsome new books
Can anyone please repost VOG3? I was told it was shared here but I can't find the link, not even in the archive, or can direct me to it if it's still valid? Thanx.
Please share if you have any of these.

Does anyone have the template of this old model of Data from Megaman Legends series? I have been looking everywhere for sometime now and every link or site is dead... Thanks in advance.
Stop it you're killing the clock thread
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Thank you so much, anon. You really made my day!

My stuff

Say nice things about it
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I wanted to share this, but didn’t want to make a new thread for it, this thread seems appropriate

I recently went to an anime con and this company was promoting their vtuber by giving out paper craft kits of her for free

This is my first paper craft since I was 12, now I want more
Nice dubs
They're medabots. At least the red one is
You are correct! The red one can be found here as well as a yellow one.

Here is another one


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Please share
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You really like to torture people.
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He looks like he's helpless
On behalf of Loser, can you share the CP of this model? Then we will see
I'm My name is LOSER (Just a Happy troll). I also really thank you for sharing (you also know the model I like).
If it don't have CP, can you share the Precreasing steps?
That's not it. It's just a challenge and the person who accepts the challenge :))))
there are pages missing/repeating in Chinese 2024 book in syn loong a page between step 84 and 97 is missing

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Ey /po/, one of the new Pokemon from Pokemon Sun and Moon version is Kartana. It looks like this. Can you make it in real life with origami, and if so, how?

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>Sun and Moon was 8 years ago
>Happy April Fools Kartana Thread
damn, this thread is old. desu
welp since this thread is still here, anyone know if there's any instruction for any bug pokemon?

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These days I have tried to make more difficult figures but sometimes I can't find a tutorial or books and they only give me a diagram like the one in the image, how can I use that to get to the final design?
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ok kid
Anything u willing to trade for dinosaurs premium (or chinese new year 2024)? or where to find it
That dude ain't got nothing to trade. He just comes in here to talk shit.
Nah, aint got that kid. Tha chinese one is up

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REQUEST: Side-by-side classic shotgun

Are there any good weapon paper model makers that would either have a plan already made, links to some, or any help to making one?

I've been trying to find one for Quite A While now and have been attemptin to create One by first modeling it out etc. but hit a "bit" of a setback with my computer frying up completely during a thunderstorm.

Looking Now for the classic type of shotgun. Attempting to acquire the level of detail and possible function that are akin to the "Paper Manufacturing" brands level of quality.
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That's the turtle one. Not the train guy from asdf
What is super cool is the savage model 24 It is and over under combination, one rifle barrel, on shotgun barrel
no double barreled shotgun, but found some guns.
Might be a help.

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The threads that have torrents are gone, but I am still seeding.
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Papercraft collection 2.part6.rar is missing from the 1st torrent
OP here, just mirrored this on my seedbox.
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Is there any good origami book collection torrent that is still alive?
I lost everything because I dropped my external hard drive.
I tried to look for old torrents and links which I've downloaded before. But they are all dead.
There's the 8-part 20 Origami Books Collection. But it's kinda meh. There are also Tanteidan torrents, mostly dead.
Seems dead now, sadly. Anyone mirroring it?
Phonefag here, how can I download it?

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how did I do?
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I also downloaded a load of papercraft on Pinterest and some from deviantart.
Made a tiny book today, going to make more so I can build a mini library.
Good call with Pinterest. I usually forget it even exists but I just did a search and found tons of models.
usually i use my finger to wipe the glue onto the tab so its not so much, i have tape strips on my table I can wipe my finger on then lol, qtips are goot for cleanup too, I have some gundam ones that are hard and pointy I like to use.

I use tacky glue too, i only ever rememeber it because gold and purple bottle
I'm getting better at this. I *almost* completed a Herbie the Love Bug model but ended up ripping it when I foolishly decided to use CA to bond two tiny parts that were different to hold together. I figured it would be easier to do it that way so that it would dry quickly and then use regular glue for the rest. It did work well until I pulled back my finger which somehow got itself stuck to the paper. I won't do that again.

This is a very fun hobby.
get yourself a tweezer set, i have a few bent ones for purposes of holding stuff together

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Here's one of a '92 Chevy. Feel free to contribute your own or construct the ones in this thread and posting the results.
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as well as the final result
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What's the name of that paper that feels kind of like thin plastic but you can still print on it? Or what paper you recommend to print them that feel a bit solid but not too heavy?
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Anyone got something like guillotines or the like that could go with 1/12 scale?

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>be me
>"im a neet but ill never be a 4chat kinda neet"
>sometimes browse boards
>origami hyperfix hits
>oh fuck yeah they have an papercraft board
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you're very welcome
This one is also good for beginners.
also has easy models; good quality pdfs are here in same thread:
You can link to catalog searches the same way you link to posts in other threads if you keep it lowercase with no spaces (I'm not sure what else breaks it) >>>/po/lft
Oh, nice! I didn't know about that, thanks.

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As the last thread won't take any more posts, starting a new one...

Cerastus knight castigator

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Apothecary Biologus to go with them. Pretty much the same instructions will work here
I went to /po/ instead of /pol/ by accident and don't regret it because this is amazing
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I've made a few
wave serpent
Windrider Jetbikes

Post your favorite Origami sets
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Nothing special here.

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