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Calling all uncock cock owners.

Post pics of your skin pulled right back as far as you can, Bonus points for red/pink shiny heads.

Size doosent matter, soft or hard aslong as that skin is pulled right back.
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nice dusting of cheese, bet that smells delicious

nah femanon cope, most women i know find this disgusting
Probs a tranny, post pussy to prove?
Amazing cock anon, please post more. Would love to see some side shots to see your string stretched hard
I saw an operation on this like with only scalpel to fix the tightness below the head and frenulum snip to fix the back pull it was magnificent ... anyway surgery is the only answer when it is a bad roll

Post contact, make your offer, and win or lose.

sleepy.geek on kik. Pretty fucking big, but always happy to see bigger. Good luck trying to beat me though lmfao

Can wager self or ex pics.
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Easy wagers (ass or ex/gf pic) or only comparing :)

27M FR

sleepy.geek on kik. Pretty fucking big, but always happy to see bigger. Good luck trying to beat me though lmfao
love comparing to others, not interested in real competition <3
I have a lewds folder.
It has pics of me crossdressing, pucs of my naked body, and pics of me sucking and fucking myself with a dildo.

If u beat me I will post it all
kik is
Anyone wanna compare using a bic lighter? Wagering ex gf pics and my kik is _big_bill_00

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Long overdue edition
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Would love to share nn pics of a petite 18 year old high school crush with a great ass! Especially if you are a bull or have a big cock! If interested dm me maybe you'd want to chat about playing with her in front of me. 18m

Kik: Raven19852
21 F (Eb)
I’m back on kik looking for BBC or Asian tribbers only to enjoy stolen nudes of a white mature.
If we’ve chatted before hit me up haha
My kik MalaveVictoria F20
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My name is Chanell Tiffany, a lovely Mistress with a kind heart. I'm honest open minded, reliable. I like adventures trying new stuff. I am looking for a sub for active participation and meeting a sub to own, use as my personal property. both his heart, body and soul. I am a perfect trainer, and I intend to give my sub the basic needs that makes him a real sub. I practice what I preach and answer to no man nor do I depend on one. When I allow you to serve, it's not because I need you to, it's because I enjoy having you do it, I'm a professional mistress and I have been doing this for 4 years.

If you're seeking a journey into submission where trust is the ultimate currency, you've found your guide. My domination style mixes a naturally nurturing personality and a perverted passion for all things extreme. Meaning, I thrive in a variety of dominant settings.

I'm an experienced professional dominant mistress. I am a powerful mistress looking to meet a serious minded slave that understands what it means to serve a great Goddess like me. It doesn't matter if you're a newbie or experienced. I will simply mold you to serve me my own way. I'm 5ft 9inch just as imposing in nature, one look will bring a well trained submissive to their knees. If you wish to serve a stern and unforgiving mistress like me, look no further.

5'9 / 165lbs / Have several tattoos / Single / Live alone

KIK : Princesstiffany20
Long time lurking femanon here, wanna chat with some interesting and kind people, pls don't be rude or boring I will not respond. Wanna answer whatever questions you got for me, and maybe even make some friends with you crazies.

Sorry if I cannot respond to everyone at once, I will get to your dm eventually! <3

My kik is: aureliaxwhite

(and yes I have no problem verifying!)

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Calling all cocksuckers and cocksuckees to find your perfect match. Post your ASL, contact info, what what you’re looking for, and let’s get some eager cocks connected with some eager mouths

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30 m bi

I’m here to give blowies and receive loads. Send me your cock!

Kik TurnMeAnon
28 / m / 561
7', white and 6'1
Looking to get blown

Kik+Discord: Filldew737
I wanna suck penises.
And If I can't suck them at least I wanna look at them and trade lewd pics.

M 22 Connecticut USA
Here is a preview
Also my discord is cringe.patrol

sorry i forgot guys
Need a huge cock forced down my throat, let me choke and gag for you

Kik dattern

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/feet/ - Female Feet Thread

>Girls, post your feet

females only!
Are you new? Timestamp please!

from:>>32655274 (404)
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Got more of her?

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Read the rules first >>17318579

Do not post content of others, do that on >>>/s/

Cis-fem only. Looking for other content? Search the catalog >>>/soc/catalog
Please don't post content without a timestamp proving you're real.
Do not post or request personal info of any kind.
No bullying, stalking, spamming, or harassing.
No contactfagging, soliciting, or advertising.
Have fun.

old thread

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Juicy thighs you got there. How about soapy boobs? Also tell us your kinks please
Sorry anon I have things to do, my time is very compressed these days. Probably gonna gym, my gym has a June challenge to see who can go the furthest on the stairclimber for the month :) and since I started a dumb little retail job I’m always too tired to try but todays a day off
Aw, shucks. Please dont be a stranger
I’m already out and making my breakfast lmao. But kinks I’m into anything “”extreme”” (porn sites are cucked tho) where I’m sub. I showered because I was all nasty from cooking to the thought of being strapped down and my mouth held open with a spider gag and being fucked in the throat lol
Things like that

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New girls welcome and encouraged to post booty and moar.

Read the board and site rules: >>17318579

>Self posts only.
>Cis-females only.
>Timestamp if new.
>No contactfagging, soliciting, or advertising.
>No bullying, stalking, spamming, or harassing.
>Report posts that break the above rules.

Want to post vids?
For short clips, use https://www.redgifs.com/
For longer videos, use https://www.erome.com/ (account takes 24 hours to activate)

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Handpicked for (my) bwc
will you be my Summer love?
Also, do you like mangos?
i love naked but this one got me going

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Obscure Reality is a new 18+ server for people of all kinds to come together and relax. Most people are from VR Chat or friends from gaming! Expect fun events like movie nights, party games, and funny convos! We also have channels dedicated to hobbies and interests so you can learn more about your new friends! Join and have a wholesome time!

I will buy nitro for anyone that invites 10 or more people from their own invite!

We are looking for members to help grow our community and staff!

the first rule is "no racism" lol

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You know the drill, post your cock to get some ratings. I'll start.
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understandable but not even disc??!? something.. anything..
sorry brody :/
well thanks anyway for flaunting such a perfect cock and physique. i hope you have a good rest of your night (or day depending on where you are) good sir :>
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I would rate these cocks as "Fuckable", there's just dick I know I'd drop to my knees and worship and there's dick I wouldn't.
I'd suck a load or two out of each of these beautiful dicks, and that should mean a lot, since I generally only fuck Black men.

I'm a passable sissy faggot, 34, very sexy and experienced. I've always had a tiny dick, around 4 inches in my teens. I've been in chastity for 3 years (basically 24/7) and I only have a nub at this point. On the rare occasion I can get hard I'm between 2.5" and 3". But my cock is basically worthless especially after years of chastity and I've accepted that. I actually quite enjoy it.

I've been a size queen since 17, for whatever reason I was never jealous of guys with big dick but I do admire big cocks and wonder what that experience is like. I'm sure I've never given a woman an orgasm on the occasions I have fucked pussy. It must be thrilling to pull out a huge cock and stretch a chick out.
I've had condoms slip off my little dick inside a chick, that's embarrassing.

If I could magically wake up with a 10 inch cock tomorrow morning I would pass. I'd prefer to keep my useless little clitty and be a dickless, feminine cum dump for real men with real dick.
I'd rather suck and fuck big cock then have one.

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/boob/ - Boob General
>Post, critique, rate and discuss boobs

females only!
Are you new? Timestamp please!

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I used to believe in love...then I started talking to women.

It's dead.

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Welcome to the Shut-In Contact Thread

>Old thread >>32831794
>What do I do in the threads?
Talk to people, make conversation. Don't try to get into anyone's pants. It is a social thread on /soc/, for actually being social, without nudity!
>Wait, is this some super-secret cool kids' club where you can only be some sort of shut-in freak to participate in?
No, we are moderately tolerant of normalfags here. Feel free to participate, just don't be a dick.
>I DON'T LIKE ___________
Discuss it with us, but civilly. If you are spouting out cusswords and insults because you don't like something, chances are, it is not going to change and you will be blown off as some anally pained droll. Now, if you are civil, people will work with you.

>Can I put in contact info?
Sure, you may use this template or any of your own.

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is there something wrong with that????
what are you saying....
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>>Contact info
Discord: uncle_salty1
>>Favorite Book
>>Favorite Movie
The Lord of the Rings

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>>Contact info
Discord: queer.com
Florida (moving soon!)
>>Favorite Book
More of a comics guy desu. All Star Superman is great.
>>Favorite Music
Stuff ranging from Linkin Park to Kanye and the Smiths. Love finding new sounds, too!

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sora is fine as a nickname for now
>Contact info
>Favorite Book
No Longer Human
>Favorite Movie
Howl's Moving Castle
>Favorite Music

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Hi I'm looking for someone who can nudify/bimbofy/edit clothes



A place for chasers and ftms or mtfs to meet, be nice to each other retards.
>About you
>Looking for
>Not looking for
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M 28 BWC cis looking for trans girls with foot fetishes.

Kik: thrwaways
>24,M,East Coast
>silly billy
>human hobbies
>ftms only for research purposes
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26 M Aus, Melbourne

>Looking for
MTF Trans friend/s in Melbourne to try building a genuine connection with and then potentially do more if we like each other. If you don’t care about a committed relationship then I don’t mind if you’re not in Melbourne.

>About you
Goth musician, amateur writer, digital artist, aspiring kickboxer. I am a chaser specifically because trans women have treated me better, have generally been more self aware and in total have given me much more enjoyable sexual experiences too. Overall, trans women when compared to bio women in my life have been funner to interact with. Not sure why that is but it makes me want more.

>Not looking for
No minors, no men. If you want a relationship then be in my state.

>About you
6'2" (188cm), slightly possessive, introverted and thus not too interested in saying more here ^^
Variety gaming, music, dumb trivia like 'dles and Sporcle
>Looking for
MtF gf
>Not looking for
FtM, platonic shit
>About me?
Insomniac with way too much time on his hands. Tall and awkward. Takes pictures like dogs do taxes.
>Looking for?
Someone with similar interests who want's to message, chat, hangout and maybe more.
>Not looking for?
People who are distant and obtuse about how they feel and what they want, people who might get
annoyed at my ghoulish sleeping pattern.
/tv/ - Pro wrestling, horror, westerns, martial arts, gundam/mecha
/v/ - Fighting games, survival horror, character action, stealth
/mu/ - Black metal, country, pop punk, post rock, eurobeat

A thread for lonely, pathetic and desperate people who will do anything to feel loved. I need someone to fill the void, I'm so fucking lonely

>describe yourself
>looking for
>not looking for
>contact info (discord, kik...)
67 replies and 25 images omitted. Click here to view.
26m california
6’ 190 white
I’m a pretty normal guy, I’m into sports, finding new music and movies. I have no friends and I struggle with depression and social anxiety. I’m looking for a lonely girl to help me find a reason to keep going
Kik pillowfortking
I'm not literally a baby boomer I'm probably top 1% in age on this site thought. I will forgive your autism KING.
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we're not pathetic or desperate i promise
just join trust we want friends
> i don't do drugs or drink but i don't mind doing them to make friends
thats what it is. you figured it out. youre in this world now. if you make friends, try not to quit on them or be real bad/toxic to them, and try to live your truth.
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39/m/midwest usa
>>describe yourself
5'7" average build, brown/grey hair, green eyes
>>looking for
F - partner, cuddle buddy, someone to talk with
>>not looking for
if you don't want to talk
>>contact info (discord, kik...)
discord - bigcitynights

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Previous thread >>32999878

>Female Sexy Audio

2012-2024 Celebrating ten plus two years of suborning community standards!

Be as tame, as romantic, as sensual or as filthy as you like. Record your masturbation, try some scripts, improv, sing, play music, talk about your favorite sexual fantasies, or just look for requests on the thread.

All content is welcome to be performed here, but please keep in mind:
>Please keep long and extreme scripts in some sort of text hosting site (see FAQ for list)

>Name and picture requests are generally ignored. Contactfagging is also generally ignored and discouraged by the /soc/ rules unless given permission by the performer.

Please use the request and delivery anchors below

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Haha I actually really loved this. Please can we get something like Dr Suess, maybe Green Eggs and Ham?

Haha, when my therapist hears about the weird new green eggs kink I got from 4chan I'm sure she'll have a lot of questions.

JK I don't have a therapist.

And who needs therapy when they have FSA...?
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That’s what they said.
They said that if I press zero...
Then I could talk to girl at the front desk.
So, I did that. [giggle]
Anyway... Um, can I talk to her...?
Really? She just left.
[huff] Well, I thought that if I called down there...
I mean, I thought I could just talk to her if I wanted to.
And um... I’m not really sure...
I mean... Do you think you could help me?
Huh, Mister?

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HOLY FUCK! Dr Seuss was writing some absolute smut.
Honestly I've listened to some depraved shit but this is just straight up weird in the most fun/funny way. Thank you so much, I didn't expect it to be so hot. Some lines you made sound absolutely filthy. I never would have guessed I'd get off to a shitpost

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Let's play truth or dare.
Post Kik and what you're looking for.
If you are f and wanna play hit me up. Kik slothman9000
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Forgot user

I wanna play truth or dare with kinky pervs... im m25... my kik is miowwwnope
27 F - escort going to Quebec city for the weekend. Looking for clients to meet. Have a breeding kink and I love to be eaten. Also love cock. Charging 200 irl xo

add my kik. anonymequebec
18m spain
28 m uk

Looking to play truth or dare!

Kik: danheyes

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