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Dating thread for people looking to date.

Template (all questions optional):
>ASL (if large country, for the love of god give specific region)
>open to long distance (y/n)?
>physical description
>life situation
>3 songs you like
>3 movies you like
>religious beliefs
>political beliefs
>dating experience
>looking for

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>very right leaning
>very invested in politics when i started using this site 4 years ago
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>open to long distance (y/n)?
yes, it has to be long distance for a while because i am living in a different country this winter for work.
>physical description
white, blue eyes, dirty? blonde hair (it has got much darker as I got older). lean, but not skinny, or jacked. 5'9 or 5'10 i haven't measured for ages.
>life situation
just finishing exams. work remote in software and as a skiing instructor in the winter.
skiing, mountain biking, exploring nature, the internet. i play video games sometimes too. i love anything to do with the mountains. thunderstorms. i have a cute cat, i'll send plenty of pics if you'd like. photography.
>3 songs you like
salvia palth - i was all over her
the temper trap - sweet disposition

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i have no clue what you are implying
here goes nothing.
32/m/southern ontario
>open to long distance (y/n)?
>physical description
white, olive skin tone, average height, fit, medium-length wavy hair with some streaks of gray (genetics).
>life situation
first time home-owner, have a job that I love, have a spirited sense of connection to the universe, trying to build a meaningful life here.
music, vinyl, guitars, cooking, plants, learning Italian, cycling, fitness, fashion, road-trips, concerts, outdoors, meditation, etc.
>3 songs you like
stars of the lid - december hunting for vegetarian fuckface

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he is implying you are no better than the faggots who groom young kids into think LGBTQ is cool.

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Any other black anons here? Post in this thread!
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Discord: fentanylcore

I’ve learned how to emulate the quirked up whiteboy sexual style, hmu for the method real yakub shit g
White guy who loves black girls.

Any cuties in UK?

Discord: btb2690
The light skinned/dark skinned discourse is cringe. People will find anything to cause division.
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Anyone in Baltimore wanna go out or something?

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postem uma música que vocês gostem e a tag de vocês do discord
op começa:
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dormi666 meu discord, caso queiram me add
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discord: cerradinho
se quiser mandar um salve

Where is Omegle 2.0? I just want to flash my dick to strangers.
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did monkey disable new email accounts?
Why not just show off here? or use disc or some shit.
showing off on here:
>not real time
>not seeing another person
>website auto scraped constantly so everything is kept forever

on discord:
>attached to username
>have to either go through the process of finding someone from another place to add and hope i like them or join some public degen server where i can sift through them there
>if i don't like someone and don't want to talk, have to tell them that and deal with their possible schizo rage

omegle was perfect because i could open it, spend under 2 minutes clicking until i found some guy with a nice cock and then show off until 1 or both of us came and then not ever have to think about them again
Flingster is one I go to regularly
chitchat has a new video feature in beta mode. anyone try that?

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Discuss and connect over mathematics, physics, engineering, chemistry, biology and human progress in general. The social sciences and especially pop culture "nerds" are not the focus here.
Can talk and shit post about:
/vr/, /a/, /co/, /mu/, /toy/, or /fa/
>Looking For
Someone else online that wants to know, learn, study, or teach:
Galician, Scots Leid, Irish, Welsh, Breton, Asturian, Scottish Gaelic, Doric, Shetlandic, Glaswegian, Dundonian, Orcadian, Ulster Scots, or Edinburgensian
>Not Looking For
Server, video, voice, horny, lewd, or porn
I know you are out there, friends!
how about you start by posting your contacts?
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Here I am:


I'm a massive nerd, looking to connect with another human being and learn something new. At the moment my day consists of self-study (computer science lectures) and reading (Steven Pinker at the moment), so I am just looking for some casual conversation throughout the day as a break. I like playing board/card games, but you will probably have to teach me your favourite game.

Specifically interested in formal languages, fractals and graph theory.

Not looking for anything romantic or sexual (it doesn't work over the net).

Will not talk about things not under my control (friends/family, life situation, obligations), would prefer to talk about our interests and to learn something new! Would love to hear your recommendations for various media, I may give them a try.

Don't be someone who hates a particular group, let people have fun and enjoy things.

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My main interests are: History, more in the political, geographical and military aspects. I sometimes like to center around one specific country and read its whole history, although most of my knowledge comes from youtube videos/documentaries I watch while I eat or do other things. I'm currently reading the End of The European Era 1890 to the Present. I'm in summer vacation and currently not working, so I use some of my time to study Italian and read history too. I'm also interested in geology and the natural sciences and have been recently interested in aviation to the point I want to take flying classes after I graduate from college. So please add me if we share interests! although I'm not very knowledgeable in physics and chemistry aside of what is emphasized in geology, I'm always interested in learning more.
>Not looking for
As the anons previously mentioned, not looking for anything sexual or lewd. But talking about things, like how's your day going, is totally fine.

just idk post itt if you're not a stupid nigger and you're actually genuinely worth talking to

here have a fucking prompt
>asl or something
>do you have a room temp IQ and/or a dent in your skull?
>can you prove it?
>discord tag
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very intelligent Male /m/


Looking for a bisexual, straight or even lesbian girl (biological female) who is into 2D loli, and wants a relationship/family with a man. Contact me at rel587@protonmail.com

I am wealthy, come from a good family and some attractive women have found me good looking. Not larping, I just want to find someone who is like me, but that has been almost impossible.

If you want to contact me anonymously, just make a protonmail. It won't ask you to use a phone number nor alternate email account
>about me
alcoholic gamer with too much time on his hands, moviebuff, no IRL friends after I have abandoned them all, cliche of being introverted but opening up the more we talk

If you own Ultimate Chicken Horse on steam you are required by law to contact me, otherwise there's Battleblock Theater, Animal Crossing, Uno, L4D

>looking for
if you have any of these games and would actually like to PLAY THEM with me then you know what to do, am also open to watch movies or even tv shows you suggest

>NOT looking for
transgenders, posers, people with no similar interests, people who expect me to carry the whole conversation all the time


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We like pictures of girls showing off their feminine curves/big booties/big tits and soft tummies!

Read the board/site rules >>17318579

>Asking for/posting contacts (AKA contactfagging) is strictly prohibited. Do that in the appropriate threads.
>Females posting pictures of themselves only.
>Provide a TIMESTAMP if you're new (today's date written on paper)
>No nevernudes (tits/ass/pussy REQUIRED).
>No trolling, bullying, stalking, spamming, or harassing.
>No generic 'mOaR pLS' replies to the girls. Make specific requests and try being creative.
>Report posts that break the thread, site, or board rules.

Upload vids:
Longer videos - https://www.erome.com (new account takes 24 hours to activate)

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I miss Poncho.. so sad :-(
>what you are looking for
Daddy Dom searching for his little princess.
I'm emotionally mature, caring, possessive, and strict when I need to be.
I'd like to be the father figure in your life
and provide the attention, care, and validation you've always longed for.
>not looking for
Guys, sellers, larpers!
Discord: pizza2732
who cares?

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any girls taller then 5'10 on this board?
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get married and have tall kids !!
Not sure about him, but I'd go for the kiss. :p
disc: mr_filish
I am a 5'4 guy that wants a 6ft tall wife so she can beat up my enemies
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woah calm down I don't even know you.

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Linux users thread

>About me
>Your favorite distro
>Looking for
>Not looking for
Name: Anastasia, may or may not be subject to change
A/S/L: 19, boymoder on HRT, Poland
Interests: Linux (obviously), Arch to be specific; vidya, especially indie platformers/RPGs; movies
Likes: cats; sleeping; cuddling; good, seasoned food
Dislikes: social situations; mean people; creeps
Mostly looking for talking with like-minded people, though wouldn't oppose a relationship if we click (I'm bisexual, attracted to feminine people with some exceptions)

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>Your favorite distro
>Looking for
kik: linuxdudeplus
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kys chud nigger
>Looking for
Bio f near me
if anyone like that exist, reply to this post amd we'll figure something out
shit thread, dedicated /g/ thread for /fucko/ and other autists would have been better
arch is non free malware and so are you video games
avoiding pisscorp is all you have to do

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UK thread. Just general UK thread, from anywhere in the UK, not one specific county. SFW.

>about me
>looking for
>not looking for
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22M North London
>about me
White, 5'6, straight, virgin. I don't really have any friends and am online alot, I am quite shy with abit of tism but i just try to be cool with everyone, I occasionally use drugs, I am banned from driving but am unbanned in October, I am currently unemployed but actively looking for work
I like video games; been playing paper mario the thousand year door recently, anime; I am currently watching yugioh, cars, motorbikes, and gym. It would be cool to find new interests too, ive recently been getting into cooking, raves look pretty fun to go to.
>looking for
friends or a girlfriend
>not looking for
ghosts, sellers, lgbtq obsessed, timewasters
discord: witheredconsciousness
19 femboy uk Dumfries

video games, music, night walks,

>what traits you look for in a partner
preferably over 35 but close is fine. Looking for incredibly controlling men. Aggressive men. Men that don’t care about my well being

>long distance?
Perfectly fine

>Looking for
Long term extreme TPE owner.

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My kik MalaveVictoria F20

33/M/UK (WM)

>About me

Introvert, homebody, 6'3, white guy who rides a motorcycle. Dirty mind and even dirtier imagination dark humour, and sarcasm are present! Like memes, video games, motorcycles, history, marvel.


Femdom, feet, light cbt, tease and denial, facesitting, praise, bondage, light humiliation, pet play and more.


Gentle Mommy domme, to start a monogamous relationship with, with dirty mind, high sex drive, who will praise, look after me, torture my aching

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33/m/North West
>about me
General loser/gooner
Hentai, Vidya Games, Jerk Sessions, Goon Sessions
>looking for
Jerk Buddies and Gooners
>not looking for
Close Minded people

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all my friends are busy so… is anyone interested in going to pride with me? specifically either philly pride or nyc pride
23 afab nb :3
discord is uniz.
go blow your brains out you stupid cunt
do it yourself coward
do us all a favor and neck
nobody wants to go to the pedophile parade

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Post those sweaty stompers ITT
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Gorgeous looking feet you have, would totally give them a good rub
Gorgeous soles. Kik/snap?
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Anyone willing to eat my foot dust?
Snap: crittycamp

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A thread for soc anons to chat, share, and contact over similar music tastes

Music links as examples help in addition to just naming genres and bands

Drop contacts if interested
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last month
disc is vuuuur
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it works. all you have to do is put the things in the right order. :)

love you.


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It's time for another Canada thread.
Post your:
>Province / Region / Area Code
>About you
>What you're looking for
>What you're not looking for
>Contact Info
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My kik MalaveVictoria F20
Where do you meet them?
All I find are basedboys and idiots
sadly all the woke left wing liberal socialist communists think
that everyone more right wing than them are propagandized
when in actuality it has been them that has been brainwashed
Is there anyone in Calgary who wants to idk.. smoke weed or something? No seggs
Where in calgary are you ?
I don't smoke.
I'm in the nw

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last thread hit bump limit, let's see those tiny dicks
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I would love to see more of you
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I am proud of my small dick. Sharing my googledrive link if you want more. Kik gapedsissyslut
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Kik - ilyfunhehe

What would u do to it?

Wrong Kik lol
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Anyone wanna talk or have some fun
Younger the better
Kik craigy204

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