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New Midwest meetup thread
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Would love to share nn pics of a petite 18 year old high school crush with a great ass! Especially if you are a bull or have a big cock! If interested dm me maybe you'd want to chat about playing with her in front of me. 18m

Kik: Raven19852
31/M/Cook County Illinois. Not sick figures but I have a good job and make enough to live comfortably here. I need friends and I fucked up with everyone on Duolicious.

Grew up as a farm kid. 12 years in the Corps, most of it in Iraq. 6 years driving truck. Now I am an alcoholic wreck.

Most days I just want to forget.
29, bi guy, lots of tattoos and more on the punk side. Well-groomed, respectful and easy-going. I enjoy having fun with couples, both in a cuckold or stag/vixen context.

Message me if you’d like to see if there’s some chemistry there. Please include that you’re from/in MI.

Kik: Mittencasual
west michigan guitar player looking to play some black sabbath and iron maiden songs with a band

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Agegap Thread. Post ASL orientation, what you're looking for, and some kind of contact. Protonmail is highly recommended!

No dick pics please.
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I think this is a larp or a scammer
New kik: dontXbanXme
My old one got banned by kik jannies
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Looking to find a role model that can help me in my life.

Kik is Loerresxxx
Any older F wants to watch? Hit me up then
Kik creepyloner

37 m southwestern WV USA
Recently divorced
Looking for female in 20s
I'm into ultrarunning, fishing, hiking, outdoorsy stuff. Looking for someone who can keep up. Also likes beer and weed. I have my own place too. Sooo Tomboyish types maybe? I'm introverted but adventurous. Hmu

Thought it would be nice to have an optimistic thread. Post your discord and goal you'd like to work on. Connect with others with that goal or similar to hold each other accountable.
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Gotta say i do not like being called a friend by a natzi....so....gonna be a no from me.
Looking for an accountability partner for gym stuff. Preferably a bikini or figure competitor and/or powerlifter, but other divisions of bodybuilding are cool too. Or anyone who is kind of competitive in either sport. I'm having trouble with weight loss so don't necessarily want to talk to hard gainers, sorry.

I've done three shows and about ten powerlifting meets. Currently have a coach but am not in prep for anything.
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I like movies, games, history, and probably other stuff.

My life is mostly together but my social life is not what I want it to be and I'm a little lost on how to fix that and very bad at keeping up motivation and doing things like making weekend plans on time. It would be great to have and accountabilibuddy in a similar position to bounce thoughts off of and help keep each other on track. Maybe even a friend-making-for-retards groupchat.

discord: emperorlondo
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26, M, Michigan
Mitigate or get rid of weed and achieve me goals of weightlifting and losing 30lbs.
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I'm a visual artist, would love to talk to creative types, get to know each other. I'm going through a rather rough patch motivation-wise, so connecting with interesting people could help a lot in that regard.

Discord: magic_man777

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Post what you're looking for with contact details extreme blackmail/exposure edition

30 yo trans fem / sissy girl Looking for cruel exposer to transform me into a perfect webslut. Make profiles on any website like twitter and catfish/expose me any way you like. Maybe setting up a video feed in my room. I can buy outfits from Shein if u want to control how i dress. open for any hot proposals, ideas or exposure games Kik alissx333 telegram @aliverv
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28m My name is Craig Donley and I'm from Burton Michigan. I'm a little faggot cuck looking to expose myself and some girls I went to school with. Sharing nudes and full names.
Kik Craigthecuck1
Seeking long term serious online dom/bull
I want you to slowly save my gfs pics and use them to torment me and control me…my biggest turn on is having her pics sent back to me. Turning me into your sissy slave. Focing me to make humiliating videos, cum eating, dressing in her clothes and some they forced me to purchase girl clothes, anal, begging, forced intoxication.

Horny and looking to have my wife exposed. BlordBr
Ruin my life. I’ll give you my crush’s first name and initials, a pic of her, and a pic of myself naked. If you find her, blackmail me into liking or tributing her pics, cbt, cei, or whatever you want. I can also give you her number or snap if you find her. Start by telling me how you will find her.

Make me regret this

Kik: tribber26
I lose a bet with u and u make me strip naked for a minute but u make me wear my wife's panties. She comes home and i run to closet to hide since u hid my clothes. She comes home and u fool around with her. What would u say? Sharing her pale tight ass. Kik: thecuck10 Telegram: applesauce1234

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Thread for anons looking for loving, long-term BDSM relationships.

>Role (dom/sub)
>open to long distance (y/n)?
>physical description
>life situation
>religious beliefs
>political beliefs
>dating experience
>looking for
>not looking for
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30m USA cuck. Looking for females to rate and absolutely destroy me. 21+ kik: mike4you1992
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29 / mtf / Ontario / sub
poly + in an open long-distance and mostly non-sexual relationship
>open to long distance (y/n)?
Yes, willing to relocate too if things go really well
>physical description
5'7", 135lbs, freckles, auburn hair that goes down to my butt. Skinny arms, curvy hips and thighs. Brown / blue heterochromia
I like to think I'm pretty kind and empathetic, like listening to people's passions and special interests or helping with their problems if I can. Super cuddly and affectionate. Can get a little clingy if I get really attached. Almost always horny or easily turned on but I keep it to myself, I get embarrassed / flustered easily. I mostly come across as relaxed and easy going.
Painting, playing guitar, singing, creative writing, been slowly trying to learn 3D animation, making mods for a game no one plays, horror media, wh40k, TTRPG's, FPS's, team based / coop games, typical nerd shit like anime and comics.
>political beliefs
far left
Pet play, praise, biting, bondage, light masochism, orgasm control / denial, free use, casual sex, cum on clothes. Lots of others but it's embarrassing to list every single one, esp if a lot mostly pertain to porn / rp
>looking for

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tag doesnt work :( you seemed based fren
Should work, I just double checked.
Could post yours just in case.
mine is ewewewrawr:(

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Nude women with a hairy bush, armpits, legs, thighs, etc. All body types/ethnicities/hair colors welcome.
Naturalness is highly encouraged - there is no such thing as 'too hairy' here

Read the site and board rules. Mods do ban. >>17318579

>Women posting pictures of themselves ONLY. No gf/wife pic dumping.
>Timestamp if new or haven't posted in a while (pic of you with today's date written on paper)
>Asking for/posting contacts is strictly prohibited. Do that in the appropriate threads.
>No trolling, off-topic discussions, bullying, stalking, spamming, or harassing.
>No coombrain replies like 'mOaR pLS'. Keep the girls engaged by making specific requests.
>Report posts that break the thread, site, or board rules.

Upload videos here:

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also this is fantastic. best post i've seen in here
I'd love to see a pussy spread timelspse of your hair growing, maybe we can see the before and then when grown
hmm the before has passed. it's halfway grown out.
If you don't show me i cannot make myself an idea
I need pics of Athena walking around the house naked or bottomless.

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For those for whom the toxic relationship thread is not toxic enough. Fucked up relationships only.

>describe yourself
>looking for
>not looking for
>contact info (discord, kik...)
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all i want is a girl who will let me make her feel as bad as i do, i want to spread whatever is wrong with me into her mind through verbal abuse and neglect. I wish i had a gf with an eating disorder i could make worse by telling every little detail about her body that i don't like. I wish i could make her cry and want to commit suicide then hold her against my chest while she cuts herself. i want to do depraved things to her while she wont stop me and i will remind her that no matter how much i hate her, she'll always hate herself more. But obviously im probably not gonna do that to a girl cuz its kinda fucked ngl
Fucking bottom feeding scum.
M23 usa

White, 5'9" Fresh out of long term relationship and looking for a mean bitch to put me down. Bully me and tell me all about guys who are better than me. Otherwise, looking for guys who enjoy the humiliation too.

Not looking to talk about said relationship, I want someone who cares about me for the wrong reasons to dominate me.

Disc: skakris.
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>looking for slavic man
>not looking for non-black

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Dont have the template?
Let me help you out there.
Save this pic and crop out the gender that ISNT you.
Write some things about you that people may want to know.
Spruce up the pic and give it some pizzazz
>Welcome to the party.
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Put YOUR ASL in your posts from now on
This is a post yourself thread
Might be a fit. 25/M/France, PhD student in the sciences.
Pfp is from a game, so don't panic.
discord: mr_filish
You think i'm a retard or something? i know this game you fucking degen. Be gone.

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1. i need cuddles
2. i need dick
3. my body is squishy and soft
4. guys r cute i like how they're literally just mfing guys, daydreaming abt being a commando or a street racer or overpowering a school shooter or smth
5. being next to a guy makes me feel small and my tummy tingles and i like it

my ideal bf would be:
>plays video games
>likes my attention
>likes me

where are uuuu where are u where are u where are uuuuuuu

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damn i see u everywhere
whyd u delete ur discord?
Can you give us a ballpark estimate of where you are in LA, I'm tempted
Too bad not from norcal would demolish
>plays video games
Cool lego Concorde set. If you weren't on the opposite coast I'd be interested.

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Contact, hookup, dating, or just share some pics!
This thread is for all BBWs and chubby women and their admirers.

>About You/Hobbies
>Looking For
>Not Looking for
>Contact Info
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>About You/Hobbies
Average built but more muscular on the side. Hispanic. I lift, read, play guitar, sketch, gaming, I also write down stuff too. Also make vids.
>Looking For
Chubby to extremely overweight, just a chill bitch to talk and perhaps (maybe) get to tier 15. (Sending nudes and etc)
>Not Looking for
Transsexuals, scammers, you know the deal.
>Contact Info
I’ll send my discord, telegram, and snap once I get a reply
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>About You/Hobbies
I'm way too skinny, psychology student, out going, I rather talk about this on chat. My hobbies are entomology, videogames (I'm addicted to the binding of isaac), spend time with my dogs and listen edgy 2000's music or anything related
>Looking For
A fat girl (the bigger the better) for talk and maybe start a relationship, I'm fine with long distance but it would be better for me if we can personally see irl
>Not Looking for
Men, transexuals, scammers and ghosts
>Contact Info
m/31 in Maryland

big girls
toy/object insertion especially glass/transparent toys
girls peeing
taking virginity (real or roleplay)
somnophilia,or touching/groping girls while they do something else like play on their phone or clean

kik: wave.existence
einhander ost slaps
F/early 30s/US
>About me
Poly wife and mom of 3, apple-shaped BBW, writer. Mild autism of the pathological demand avoidance and mild social anxiety varieties. I like writing and recording audio smut for fun. Enjoy the DDlg kind of lifestyle, and various aspects of kink. Other interests include medicine and various science topics, leftist politics, feminism, learning about others intellectual interests. I’ve been known to enjoy fishing, hiking, and boating (but not for a while) and I really want to get back in the habit of working out regularly (bonus points if you do regularly and inspire me!). I have a dumb sense of humor but I’ve been told I’m funny.
I like talking but I sometimes clam up and worry my convo partners are not enjoying what I want to say, prefer someone who can be understanding about that. (Also I get busy, especially during the evening hours of CST until around 9pm)
>Looking for
First and foremost, a friend. Someone who shares similar views and interests, someone supportive and who can hype me up and wants to be hyped up. Someone who likes silly memes and videos, appreciates the dumb little things I find and send them. SILLY CONVERSATIONS is a must. Someone who wants to banter and flirt and rile each other up, but also someone who isn’t prone to pressuring for sexting or pics… it’ll take some time to work up to that. Someone who is fun, kind, intelligent, and maybe wants to be daddy but can be satisfied with it staying in the online realm. Someone who doesn’t expect me to message first all the time (I really like good morning and good night messages :3). I have an online friend group (my husband and his partner and others sometimes) that plays games together and it would be great to find someone who fits with us and wants to play games together!
>Not looking for
A serious real life relationship. Boundary tramplers. Trolls.
>Contact info
Discord and kik: puzzleprincess423

Where's my Scots at?
Post info below!

27/M/Not Edinburgh

>Looking for
Cool new fun frens that would like to have interesting chats (Lewd/Degen is fine)

>Not looking for
Hooking up with guys,

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looking for fellow degenerates to jerk off to porn and/or hentai together, longterm friends is preferable, love 3d/cg/sfm the most
travelling from the southern hemisphere to scotland soon. what's good to do in edinburgh/glasgow? any weird little places to check out?
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Music (speedcore, gabber, happy hardcore, mashcore, breakcore, makina, extratone, etc.), tetris, old internet, flash games, arcade shoot-em-ups, obscure youtube videos
>Looking for
someone who likes similar things to me and likes to share old websites, videos, music, games, stuff like that but mainly just general chatting
>Not Looking for
e-daters, clingy people, people who expect instant replies
Depends on what atmosphere you want to get drunk in for the most part, good few bars and clubs to enjoy.

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Hey! I'm looking for friends and a potential relationship in Michigan. I like listening and writing music, collecting vinyl and instruments, art, anime and aquariums! Add me on Discord if you wanna chat and meet up somewhere! Discord's fataldisease
I'm also 27 too!

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Thought these were cool so bringing em bk
Props to whoever invented these
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Your interest being Hitler is retarded
you want to date a jewish woman yet ur interest is hitler... curious
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Where do you think you are, you ugly tard?

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Hey! I'm looking for friends and a potential relationship in Michigan. I like listening and writing music, collecting vinyl and instruments, art, anime and aquariums! Add me on Discord if you wanna chat and meet up somewhere! Discord's fataldisease

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A place for low-lives and mentally unwell people to meet-up and let themselves go without judgement ; conversing with normies or LARPers can be quite difficult and tiring often
Drop your discord tag and a short description if you fit any of these
>friendless, talentless people
>NEETS shut-in
>low-functioning autists
>people into SH or guro or other extreme kinks
>people who are quite low in life, or in a bad situation

Unallowed :
>LARPers who pretend to be "autistic" or "schizophrenic"
>doesn't check at least one of the boxes above
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imagine being so successful you need to spam 10 different threads to get anyone dumb enough to entertain you

kys faggot larp

20/closeted FtM/UK

>Mental Illness
schizoaffective, depression, social anxiety, occasionally suicidal, sometimes self harms, alcohol/weed addict, daddy issues (idk if that counts as a mental illness)

>About Yourself
im a loser degenerate who works a 9-5 wagecuck job that i hate. i’m also kinda chubby (146lbs, i’m trying to lose weight) with body hair. i’m not the cute trans twink you’re probably imagining. i’m closeted because my family is super transphobic but i dress masculine. intp. i am not a good person.

Reading, painting, warhammer AoS, black metal, programming, mlp, age regression, gaming (fear & hunger, resident evil, dungeon defenders, darkest dungeon, tf2, dead by daylight, boomer shooters)

praise, diapers, pet play, age play, shota, grooming, brainwashing, humiliation, plushophilia, forcedmasc, autoandrophilia, joi, chastity, incest, age gaps, edging, watersports

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disc: Runowasabandonded
>Looking for people willing and able to let me know when I fuck up (I will) and how I can fix things.
people already tried to tell you
you didn't listen to them
bro literally never replies

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