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I found this image on Pinterest, but it's more pixelated than I'd like. My usual reverse image searching tactics haven't turned up anything useful, I'm hoping someone else would have better luck.

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Please recommend Me a fast and free site for downloading movies. All the ones I use have broken links or are too slow and end up a failed download.
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could've specified that in 3 different opportunities
So you'd prefer to download/stream completely unknown filesizes because you want a retarded "click to get movie button"? On torrents you can have your pick of encodes, so you can find one that properly suits your device
Your data connection is shit? Great, torrents download your file as individual packets and CRC check every single one so it's basically impossible to obtain a corrupted download
Your data is limited??? You just asked to download movies on your mobile data, goddamn fucking leech the torrents you retard
Are you stupid? Just watch on an online streaming site with an adblocker if you don't wanna get a virus.
>Are you stupid?
>if you don't wanna get a virus.
What virus exactly can attack through a video file? Why would you skip downloading a video, and instead use a site that can run scripts on your device and may contain viruses? You believe yourself not to be stupid with this suggestion?
>What virus exactly can attack through a video file?
Probably the kind that isn't a video file.
>instead use a site that can run scripts on your device and may contain viruses?
There are blockers for that, ain't there no block for downloading a virus straight into yo PC.

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What is the species of this monstrosity?
Cool it with the antisemitic remarks
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my phone is dead and won't charge
normally when the battery's dead and I plug in the charger it'll have the battery with a little green line on the bottom and a lighning bolt indicating that it's charging, but now the phone vibrates slightly and I see this symbol that I've never seen before for 5 seconds, and it's definitely not charging
any ideas on how to get this POS to charge?
I’d just say stick it on the charger for a day or so, that might reset whatever’s gone wrong
Try a different cord.

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Who's the anime girl on the right? She's really cute.
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Yes true that must be it.
>Who's the anime girl on the right? She's really cute.
Yep, there are some great MMD animations made of her.
Snack sausage for when she's hungry?

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I'm not sure if it's specifically from Ashita no Joe, but it's a copypasta from one of those old boxing mangas, it was about some guy screaming shit like 'PUNCH WITH YOUR ARMS, YAMATO DAMASHII' or whatever the hell.


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Sites for ROMs, ISOs etc for old consoles likes DS, GBA, PS1 etc? I'm mainly looking for the Pokémon Mystery Dungeon games, specifically Red or Blue.
Thanks. Second link seems to have already been DMCA'd by Nintendo but the archive works for now, albeit very slow.
>already been DMCA'd by Nintendo
Everything is. Use Emuparadise and the "secret" workaround script like everybody does
I don't know the secret workaround script, and I don't think what google gave me is the correct one. I also don't know how to get to the page for the game, Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Red, in emuparadise because I can't find it using the search function on the site.
Just use the archive links from >>1466759

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Which is better for Europe to invest in US stocks?
I use Degiro and they don't give me any crap. Not a lot of options / futures trading like on US apps though.

I'm not sure if this is the best place to post this sort of thing, but I haven't really found anyone else willing to help. Essentially I'm trying to track down some lost music by a rapper who goes by Aristotle, real name Joshua Franklin Arnold, who was primarily active in the late 90s and early 2000s. He's primarily known as the voice of Ken Kaniff on the Slim Shady LP, later made an album called The Ken Kaniff Show which is currently available online. However, further investigation led me to the fact that he had more music than just this, examples including a full length album called "The Malpractice" and an EP called "Don't Tell Daddy", along with an extended 21 track version of The Ken Kaniff Show with extra songs. Internet archive didn't turn up much, I did find some extra clues and stuff like that but most of the song links I encountered were dead, including on an old file sharing site known as Iuma. I even found a backup of the site and did not find any of those files on it, unfortunately. Interestingly, it appears Aristotle collaborated with Sacha Baron Cohen in the past, however, considering Cohen is a major celebrity, it would be impossible to get any information from him. I did however find some names such as people who were involved in the production of the Ken Kaniff Show, but I'm unsure if I should contact these people. There's also rumors that Aristotle was in trouble with the FBI for unknown reasons, hence his inactivity. As a last resort I had even tried emailing an old address I found of his to see if I'd get any response, and I did not. So, /wsr/, I've done my due diligence, where should I go from here? Should I try to contact more people? See if I can find anyone who could've downloaded it many years ago? Or is it hopeless and should I stop trying? As I said, I've asked multiple places and nobody has really responded so I'm on my own here, though there are a few people who know about this sort of thing but haven't gone far either.
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I don't understand much about guitar equipment, specially when it comes to amplifiers. I'm an amateur guitarist and I have this little Marshall MG 15 CDR (pictured). Now, I'm been thinking about buying a multieffects pedal. In particular I'm interested in this Valeton GP-200 ( https://www.valeton.net/GP-200.html ) which is said to include amp and cabinet emulation.

However what I don't understand is this. I read that you're not supposed to connect amp emulation to an amp (because redundant), but then what am I supposed to connect it to? Do I need another amp, then? Or can I plug the GP-200 into my amp as is, no problem?
Amp emulation stuff are usually connected directly to a monitor like in picrel. Pedals that emulate amplification are very useful live because one just has to connect the pedal to the mix table and that's it.
I guess you could plug it to an amp giving that it can take a direct audio line in (like, if you wanted to play through it with another device), although I don't see that in your pic, maybe it has one in the back...?
I'm a drummer, so some other anon might now better.
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As food for thought, check out Hotone Pulze. Price range is about the same.
It doesn't have ports in the back but it does have a "CD In" port, I used to connect my phone there (using a 1/8 to 1/4 adapter) to play along with backing tracks. I don't know if I could plug the multieffects pedal there.

Another thing, I supposed, is that I could turn the amp & cab emulation off in the pedal.

I'll check it out but I would rather not buy another amp. The point of buying the Valeton GP-200 was to get a bunch of different sounds without spending too much.

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requesting to change the white color on her jacket and gloves to brown please
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thank you anon!! but can I have a version that doesn't have a shadow on her lower half?
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Was too lazy to go back and do the gloves yesterday. Still too lazy.
thanks anon!!!
hey kind anon, im sorry for bothering you, but could you make a red-colored version?
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I want films like:
>run lola run
>ginger snaps
These are not related, just films I liked and want similar ones to

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I have this old laptop that I installed MxLinux on a long time ago and I enabled the hard disk encryption feature on install. I remember I wrote down the password but I can't find that piece of paper literally ANYWHERE anymore.

I wanted to use that laptop again but now I can't since I don't remember the password & it doesn't even give me the chance to go in bios on start so I can boot from a flash drive and install something new.

Am I screwed now? Or how should I go about fixing this? (idc about the data on it, also the computer model is an Acer Aspire E5-771)
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I just spent like 3 or 4 hours trying to fix this shit but it's still not working

>Screw open the laptop by following yt tutorials and remove the hard disk succesfully
>Remember that I have additional hard disks lying around with stuff on them from years ago
>Decide to just insert one of those since it would be easier
>Insert additional hard disk number 1 but the laptop doesn't recognize it as bootable
>I go in the bios and it shows that hard disk as being connected but still not bootable (I know for 100% certain that there is an OS on it)
>Try a live usb of tails and that works
>Open the laptop again and insert additional hard disk number 2
>Now it stays stuck at the acer logo and the fan doesn't work (I know 100% that there was an os on this hard disk too)
>Tried booting other live OSes from USB using the hard disk from before but none of them get recognized as bootable devices

Not sure why it is having so much issues with all of those other hdds?? Anyways I'm just gonna go to the store tomorrow and buy a cable so I can wipe the encrypted hard drive and install an os on it using another computer, because its obvious now that the encryption is blocking my bios access
lol nigga you bricked your hdd
Actually I didn't because I just bought a cable at a store and I was able to read all of the hard disks via usb, except for the one which is encrypted which is acting mega fucking gay and not letting me format it.

When I try to format it through windows it doesn't work because it doesn't have any volumes to format in diskpart. When I open it in linux it gives me errors when trying to format using the Disks utility. Does any fren here know how the FUCK I am supposed to format this???
>except for the one which is encrypted which is acting mega fucking gay and not letting me format it
yeah lol because you bricked it
Turning on hard drive encryption

Hard Drive Encryption Feature

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what are the anime characters shown in this winamp skin? I just found it on the archive

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I need help with one photo
Can someone edit it please
I don't wanna waste your time, so I have to say I only need a really good edit

What to edit

Left hand, the one less shown needs editing. The two fingers there look like they need a little touch. Also the nails on those 2 fingers are really bad looking compared to the nails on the other hand. (the only nail that I like is the first nail on the right hand, next two are close to being good but I think they miss a little something, especially on the sides it looks like they have little missing parts, due to poor quality probably)
The knuckles on the left hand looks little bit deformed aswell

I mentioned what I need for the right hand tho it's not as important as left hand is. But if you understood what I want there would be nice too

Also I want different nail polish color, will add photo of it

Other little thing is the ending of the left eyebrow

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nigga get the fuck out of here
okay, i will do for you.
will be nice if u can do it

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