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Hey, could you remove the upper text without butchering the background unlike me? Removing the MANHUNT text while keeping the background character and the bat would be nice but i mostly care for the upper text

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a 12 kg indestructible baby was launched into low earth orbit (7.8 km/s) by getting hit by a car, what was the speed of the car and how much force was applied to get it up there?
2 replies and 1 image omitted. Click here to view.
also means 936m/s^2, crazy fucking 2024 cadalac escalade
Conservation of momentum doesn't work like that. You can't make a momentum balance in a gravitational field where 1 side is significantly time shifted. A correct momentum balance would be something like

p_car_initial + p_baby_initial = p_car_after + p_baby_after (where the after subscript signifies an infinitesimal time after the collision)

Not that it really matters anyways, because OP's question has too many unknown variables to be able to solve something like this.
>>1466596 choose a car weight, the height of the baby's orbit, and tell us in which way the baby was hit (aka how the momentum transfer takes place) and maybe you will get a serious answer to your question
1930 km altitude
2640 kg car
west to east
cape canaveral
I don't see E_initial = E_final anywhere in there and energy must be conserved.

There are too many assumptions to be made.

Even if we assume 100% energy transfer between car and baby, which doesn't happen because the masses are so different and momentum must also be conserved, we don't know the mass of the car. While we know that the baby has to have received at least 365 MJ to be travelling at 7.8 km/s so the car had to possess at least 365 MJ that only tells us that v_car = sqrt(730x10^6 / m_car).

Even if we assume that the mass of the car is 1 t that implies a car speed of 854 m/s = 3000 kph = mach 2.5 and a car travelling at mach 2.5 hitting an indestructible, assuming the writer meant rigid/non-deformable to be included in that statement, 12 kg mass is itself going to deform considerably.

While kangaroos have a more mass than 12 kg, a stationary 65 kg kangaroo being hit by a 28 m/s = 100 kph car is very likely to lead to the car being written off due to the severe damage. While we're looking at 5 times less mass from the baby we're also looking at 1000 times the energy and the baby unlike the kangaroo is in destructible even if real world kangaroos routinely collisions with heavier trucks at the same speeds

There's also the fact that we don't know what sort of animal the baby. The term baby without qualification is normally used only for humans and 12 kg is not the mass of a human baby. 4 kg is the well beyond the typical maximum for a baby boy at birth and 12 kg is three times that. 12 kg is the mass of a typical 3 year old which is not a baby.

That question si so flawed that its only merit is invoking a discussion on the question, how to solve problems, and how not to write questions.
didn't account for aerodynamic losses

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I would like some funny 4chan screenshots
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Ive read this several and I never understood what I was supposed to be getting from it
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This is really, really stupid but can someone help me find a specific image I've been searching everywhere for? It's basically a fake (but realistic looking) image of a man balancing atop a rope. The kicker though is that the rope is actually protruding from the wall and his strength alone is the only thing keeping the rope in place, i.e. he is fucking flying. I really need this image to troll and waste people's time by asking how hard it is to replicate this excersize and then acting likeTHEY'RE the idiots when they try to explain to me that it doesn't work.

picrel is a recreation of the pic in question
OP is probably a cool fellow, and I wish I could give him better than a bump.
But I cannot, so here's a bump.
I'm pretty sure I saw this in a Portal memes thread on /v/.
I'll try looking later.

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Any Booru project alternatives that aren't Hydrus Network? I want to make one for papercraft templates.

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My PSU (EVGA 500B 500W) made a really loud boom noise and died on me because of a faulty power extender.
I'm very stingy and I don't want to spend money on a new PSU yet, so I grabbed the old PSU from my old computer. (LC6600 600W - No efficiency)

Everything seemed normal until I tried gaming. Then the fan gets really loud and stays that way even when I stop playing and quit the game. I have to shut down or sleep for it to stop.
Is it because it's an old PSU and I was spoiled with my new silent one or is there something wrong with my setup? Should I play it safe and just get a new PSU?
The graphics card might be drawing too much power so it overheats the PSU. That might trigger the fan to go 100% and it simply doesn't turn off on its own.

Check the max draw of the card and see if the PSU can deliver that much at once from that connector or if it's getting above the limit.
>power extender
You mean an extension cord?
something is wrong with gpu or motherboard
It's an old GTX 1060. How could it be going above the limit?

>It's an old GTX 1060. How could it be going above the limit?
The EVGA power supply had a generous 40A limit on the 12 volt power to the GPU plus all the 12volt hard drives.

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any place where I can download/torrent/watch this movie online?
I can't find it anywhere, and I only find some netflix shit with a similar names instead.
If possible with the original spanish audio, please.
24 replies omitted. Click here to view.
I think this will be my last bump
maybe the movie doesn't even exist on the internet (I watched it more than 20 years ago, on an open TV channel from Spain).
I tried searching the title on 3 4chan archives, 0 results.
yeah, I asked here after failing to find it myself too (I don't even know how to search in 4chan archives). It's my first time asking that here, but I think it may not even exist in digital format.
Helpful link:
Desuarchive, 4plebs, warusu (I can never spell it properly), and arch.b4k cover about 95% of the site.
You can put stuff in quotes to search for an exact phrase, which is what I tried in this situation.
Also helpful tip that most people don't know, this character * works as a wildcard in most archives.

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Looking for anime, manga, shows and comics where the protagonist feels like he can save his love interest. Doesn't matter if they fail or succeed although I do prefer the cautionary tale a failure brings.
Id: Invaded
Only ones that comes to mind is Mirai Nikki and maybe Elfen Lied. I think Beyond the Boundary works too, but I haven't seen it. Fyi, you can't save her/fix her, but she can always break you. Just a friendly piece of advice :')

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please webm and use this thumbnail image. https://youtu.be/IDRf7AkayGg?si=pJAafcI3Oz3afATZ
super sexy!!!

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Can I please get a translation of these notes?

Just letter them into an image.

Is there anyway of using the /v/ fireden archive to search things up? It has been static for ages and never loads either, even on the alt. onion link it always failed. I can't tell the purpose of it being there if it's inaccessible or if there have been alternatives made for searching through that era of archived material. The same goes for yuki.la archive that died long ago, I'm not sure if that was backed up at all anywhere to use.

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sauce for image?
NSFW: "Into the Deepest Most Unknowable Dungeon" Chapter 26

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I'm looking for a new browser suitable for normie activities like using youtube or displaying DRM content. I use waterfox, but it's currently crashing constantly, probably due to a memory leak.
Must haves: Gecko/firefox based, able to use UBO, open-source, doesn't spy on you out of the box, can optionally display DRM content, keeps cookies and logins (normie browser)
5 replies and 2 images omitted. Click here to view.
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Regular Firefox with arkenfox user.js, or Librewolf. You're gonna have to create a few overrides to retain cookies, but that's easy as well.
Yeah I guess librewolf it is. Wish browsers didn't suck.
Browsers are just the product of insane web standards and shitty consumers. The trick is to relegate as many things as you can away from the browser, and using less harmful sites if possible.
My personal choice is Firefox with arkenfox user.js, My next choice would be Librefox, and my final choice would be Brave but, it has a lot of bloat.
dont want spyware browser while using spyware like youtube and drm content
what the fuck?
that makes no sense
if you are on windows just use microsoft edge with ublock origin
you wouldnt be watching jewtube if you used any other os
>Do not assume that "hardening" Firefox or other browsers will make it private; it won't

are there any game OSTs that primarily uses jungle like Ghost In The Shell: Stand Alone Complex or I think armored core original.

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Looking for an ebook of Natsume Sōseki's Kusamakura, in the original Japanese. Not looking for an English translation. Epub would be ideal, but PDF or whatever would be fine too.

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