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sauce for image?
NSFW: "Into the Deepest Most Unknowable Dungeon" Chapter 26

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I'm looking for a new browser suitable for normie activities like using youtube or displaying DRM content. I use waterfox, but it's currently crashing constantly, probably due to a memory leak.
Must haves: Gecko/firefox based, able to use UBO, open-source, doesn't spy on you out of the box, can optionally display DRM content, keeps cookies and logins (normie browser)
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Regular Firefox with arkenfox user.js, or Librewolf. You're gonna have to create a few overrides to retain cookies, but that's easy as well.
Yeah I guess librewolf it is. Wish browsers didn't suck.
Browsers are just the product of insane web standards and shitty consumers. The trick is to relegate as many things as you can away from the browser, and using less harmful sites if possible.
My personal choice is Firefox with arkenfox user.js, My next choice would be Librefox, and my final choice would be Brave but, it has a lot of bloat.
dont want spyware browser while using spyware like youtube and drm content
what the fuck?
that makes no sense
if you are on windows just use microsoft edge with ublock origin
you wouldnt be watching jewtube if you used any other os
>Do not assume that "hardening" Firefox or other browsers will make it private; it won't

are there any game OSTs that primarily uses jungle like Ghost In The Shell: Stand Alone Complex or I think armored core original.

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Looking for an ebook of Natsume Sōseki's Kusamakura, in the original Japanese. Not looking for an English translation. Epub would be ideal, but PDF or whatever would be fine too.

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i'm looking for a song that samples the Boa - Duvet solo. can't find it on whosampled but i'm sure i've heard it recently. it's not a remix of duvet.

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Requesting quick photoshop to edit month and year on this receipt to current month and year. Please help out bros
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fyi when they scan barcode (or punch in the number), it'll pull up their record of the sale
Thanks for the help bros.
Yeah this is for something else. I'm not using it in the store like that.
Wow, good shops
I member that year I could get free movie theater tickets just for taking a picture of a receipt showing I bought skittles
I got like 100 movie tickets, had to give them to friends to use them all

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Looking for the resource pack/texture pack for this world, or for the individual textures/sounds used so I can reconstruct it:
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Decided to recreate it on my own.
Will post to planetminecraft some day and inevitably get flak for "stealing" this guys work.

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Anyone got a link to where I can download this series?
While it'll take time to download them 1 by 1 this site has every episode:


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Requesting more memes like this
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Looking for a short video or webm of a Japanese girl who holds hands with a guy after sanitizing his (or maybe it was her) hands. It was set in a bus or train. Image not related.

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What are the must watch OVA of the 80's and 90's? I feel like there was just so much that came out during that time that I really missed out on because I just didn't know about it.
There's a shitton of cool OVAs from that period I don't even know where to start
From the top of my head I can recommend angel's egg, gunbuster, cyber city oedo, golden boy, and patlabor

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I'm considering upgrading my $30 XP-Pen tablet to a $373 Wacom Intuos Pro.
I wonder if the expensive tablet 10x the price provides a better experience.
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>Cintiq is so expensive
Not if you have a job. The only problem is having a GF that expects you to spend your spare money on her (thus improving her lifestyle) or she gets pouty once she has an idea of how much you make and how much of that isn't being spent on her.
There are highly portable meta products out there such as ones that digitize drawings on paper. It can be useful on a job site if you need to have a "carbon copy" of what was drawn on the proverbial napkin or back of an envelope.

Digitizer that saves to your smartphone:
>Is Wacom really superior to other drawing tablet
Generally, yes. But remember that "superior" means little if you don't benefit from that margin of superiority. At that point, you overpaid.

I think whatever drawing tablet is "good enough" for you to use throughout the next year or two is what you should use. There's lots of youtube reviews, but you should find channels or websites that cover a variety of tablets. Beware of websites that concentrate on comparisons between just only one or two brands. Chances are it is semi-fake site meant to promote one brand, and other brand competitors are mentioned only to provide a little bit of credibility.

Reasonable comparison between tablets:
There's a new Wacom product called Wacom Movink. What are your thoughts about it?
At $399 for a 22 inch, the XP-Pen 22E Pro is what I regarded as the best large AND affordable video graphics tablets of 2020. This was before the money printing inflation of 2021+ that inflated equivalent tablets 200% or more despite tech still improving and driving the price downwards. The xp-pen 22 series has multiple version releases and the "e" was first released in 2018. The "e" I would not buy now even at $399 because it isn't a laminated/bonded glass screen. But at $399, everyone else may bite because it was nicer than the Huion equivalent. But the parallax of the thick glass screen of "e" annoyed me. I have no experience with xp-pen newer than "e".

>I wonder if the expensive tablet 10x the price provides a better experience.

I once tried using a basic graphics tablet of 5x7 size to see if I could translate my meager (but at least existent) drawing skill to cleaning and redrawing doujin images for scanslation. It was too alien to me to move a pen on a tablet while looking away at the monitor screen. I think if I had a video tablet it would have been far more natural to do touch ups and redraws.

The biggest thing for selecting a tablet is first to determine how serious you are about drawing. If it is going to be an activity you are not going to quit due to lack of perseverance, then you should find someone with a video tablet or go to a store that has a video tablet and try it out.

My university has video graphics tablets now for the sophomore and up art students. But I've graduated long ago, so I'm no longer a student with art student friends able to access tools to use off hours. But if you're a student, you might investigate if you can use any visual graphics tablets at school. Or at least be allowed to "trial test" one to see if you like them or not.

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Anyone got any idea what this is from? Yandex and google didn’t do shit for me.
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It's from The Lady Loves the Maid Too
I owe you my life.

Link me please to some roblox free skatepark roblox studio game template.
the absolute state of this website lmao

I use an Acer Nitro 5 laptop. 1650 GPU, Ryzen 5, 32 GB RAM.

I didn't have much issues with anything at all. Every game with the optimal settings (which in most cases was the maximum) ran as smooth as butter.

I got a 2 TB SSD a year ago. I already had a 2 TB HDD and 512 GB SSD, which I still do. For the last few months my laptop gets immensely slow at times. it's very apparent when I play fast paced games like Sekiro. and just today I found out that even fucking codeblocks took more than three seconds to load a code. I don't understand what's causing this. The only change since I've gotten an SSD is that I've downloaded lots of heavy games like Baldur's Gate 3 or Tekken 8, which also get pretty laggy at times.

Can anyone tell me what I'm supposed to do? it's like my laptop was downgraded.
How full is the drive?
around 50%. C is almost entirely full
Free up 20-30% of your full drive. Full SSDs are slow.
I'd like to keep C almost empty but there's next to nothing I can throw out
Thank you for the advice. I think I'll upgrade my 256 GB C drive to a 1 TB one. (I mistakenly wrote 512 GB earlier). I really, really hope this fixes everything

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