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Why don't you just spend all of your money? Who cares if you went broke, It's just paper!
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Dirty or wiped?
I know but my mom would worry if I became poor and I don't want to see her sad, although I think I try too hard with Kendu
is she Japanese?
what will you do when your mom dies
My parent used to literally say this.
“You have to spend your money. If you keep it in the bank, it’s just a number.”

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What would you do with $10,000,000?
Keep in mind, this is the minimum to /makeit/ now.
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I'd keep 20k because that's all I'd ever want in my life.
I will basically go all in on AAST. It's one of the hottest utility tokens out there.
I am buying mor aast and keep some to slurp any dip on it
oh boy another 4chan thread talking about making millions with some shitty memecoins how original you know what's better than a memecoin chooky it's gonna revolutionize the world of shitty tokenomics but hey if you want to spend all your cash on some memecoins go ahead just don't come crying when chooky beats them all

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Robinhood is now offering an uncapped 3% cash back card. Has anyone here gotten this card yet? This is the highest all-category card that I am aware of. I'm not familiar with the issuing bank (Coastal Community Bank), does anyone here have any past experience with them? I'm wondering how tolerant they will be of manufactured spending type activities.

Also, it is rumored that you will be able to deposit the cash back directly into a Roth IRA (coded as a bonus). This gives an additional tax benefit on top of the 3%.

link for the lazy:

What does the mouthbreathing whore have to do with your post?
She's rich and attractive. Those are things worth striving towards. You are neither.
>30+ y/o tranny
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How dare you talk about mommy Tay like that.

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Give it to me straight /biz/, would I be a f*cking r*tard if I bought a house within the next couple months?
There are people desperate to sell so they can move in order to start new jobs in new places. It's about to turn into bloodbath when agents start getting the "sell my house, NOW" calls.
wait til after the elections when it all implodes
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I’ve been fantasizing about becoming a homeowner at the end of this crypto cycle. Would I run into any problems trying to buy a $400k house with cash? I don’t have a job so I won’t qualify for a mortgage.

When am I gonna make it? Also portfolio rate
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32+ eth validator
5k+ staked link
simple as
Being an ETH validation would be nice. What benefits are there? Might start to move to getting 32 ETH
Is there any bigger top signal than “rate my portfolio”? We are definitely about to dump again
Yu not going to make it without qan in your portfolio pajeet
Not retarded enough.
Bow before true retardation.

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/biz/ is anyone here experienced this issue with google adsense? I've had a decent number of impressions recently, and the 'Today so far' earnings was showing as $12.36 and I've just refreshed and it's back to $0.00 ???

There hasn't been any clicks on the ads? Just lots of impressions. Is this a known things with adsense?
I don't know anything about Adsense, just that you use it with your blog or something like that
You're correct. It's for a blog. But why was it showing $12.** and now $0.00?

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>TFW I have 400k€ doing nothing
Should I go all in on MSTR? I have no income and no job or education, I made this on YT before they ruined my fucking life so now I have to get to financial freedom. I need 2 million €, so I can buy a 800k home and then with the rest live off passive income from dividends or just sp500 withdraws.

MSTR is leveraged BTC, the best play at this. It's risky, but there's no liquidation risk as you would with options.

BTC is too pumped to get rich from it anymore, so some leverage may be better. Of course I need to get the fuck out before the crash.

I like this chart. If this is true, we will pump. As long as they can keep the fake economy up and avoid recession BTC should pump, also as long as no other black swans like war, covid or whatever the fuck. This would suck since that would be the dream scenario where I would go all in on the crash as I should have done back on covid but I was too scared thinking the world was ending kek what a retard.

Anyway I need a fucking way out. I need to fucking move from my mom's appartment. here in EU I need 2k€ a month and im good. Man I was making 15k a month online, THE DREAM. But fucking retards ruined my business. So now im fucked. And no I cannot repeat this again, I doubt I can. There's too much luck involved. You are at the mercy of algorithms. Scammers will try to convince you that is all skill, but is like 50% skill 50% algorithm luck. inb4 muh patreon or YT alternatives no one visits.

Anyway, before I kill my fucking self here, lets get this money to 2 million. I need to save at least 20k in cash to pay for expenses. So I have 380k clean to get to 2 million. NO SHITCOINS OR RETARDED SHIT THAT CAN LIQUIDATE ME (OPTIONS ETC). And no im not buying your GME backs or penny stock. inb4 get a job. lol at wagecucking after I have experienced true freedom. I got here on the firt place because I refused to wagecuck. Without all that free time I wouldn't have made it. Free time is Everything.
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Surely even Bitcoin will exceed 5% in the long run. Obviously nothing like before, but still better than 5%. Yeah?
I feel like a fucking God for moving from Europe to Southeast Asia with only 10k€ at that time, I'm blessed when I see people like you with way more money than me but still unable to live correctly due to your own lack of proper drive
wow bro just throw it all into chooky token it will 100x in the next few weeks the meme coin is the only way out trust me bro it's not a shitcoin when memes are made of your project it's like investing at the earliest stages of doge or pepe
Tell me more about life in India nowadays
Do it, it's the optimal risk/reward play.

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If you are so good, why aren't you rich?
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hard to know who these nobody's are
Aast would have been a better hold jeet.
Nastassia Ponomarenko.

There's a thread about all her fuckery on another chan. https://alogs.space/cow/res/10914.html
That's not hate fren. It's jealousy

$50 Chainlink approaches quickly

This stock isn't over by any means and I won't claim to know everything. I will say that if I was smarter I would've listened to my tinfoil hat on Friday expecting a dump to make the 100k+ in the money options expire worthless. It made complete sense in hindsight that market makers that sell retail options will do everything in their power to make them unprofitable. This stock only has options expiring once per month, so by surviving yesterday they hope this will blow over by next month and run off with everyone's money. This stock was already extremely shorted but they doubled down and shorted yesterday really hard. Now if everyone gives up on this stock the double down will work in (((their))) favor, but if this pops off again then they are even more fucked.
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I was able to lower my avg from 3.17 to 1.70 slurping the dip. I invested enough that I'd rather not take a hit, but a 5X or even a 2X would be a nice strike. I imagine Monday will likely be one hell of an open.
The ffie subreddit is actually booming and they have started with ape bullshit oh god..
Ape together strong.
Hell yeah, fuck roaringkitty
Someone should make the meme of shares owned of FFIE and your feudal class/escaping hell. We need memes that we can post everywhere else to attract attention.

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i love chainlink
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Have any holders been as dedicated as the linkies?
Only XRP holders, as much as linkies and XRP people argue they will both be used. Both will make people pretty happy once the new system comes into play.
chooky dev here to address the chooky hate just bought $000001 of chooky and it's already 10x'ed this is the next pepe but on base chain so it will be way bigger

don't miss out or you'll be a chooky loser #chookynation #pepeisdead #basechainisbetter
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I hate chainlink so much

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surfing the great material continuum edition hehehehe


>Stock market words:

>Risk management:

>Live Bloomberg stream:

>Educational sites:

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While you guys were masturbating to cartoons, I was building an LSTM model on QQQ. I took close price, volume traded, open, high, and low values for every single day going back to 01/14/2016. I threw that shit in my magic 8-ball simulator and asked it for the opening price of QQQ ten times and averaged them together.
Thatt gave me $451.19.
I plan on building price prediction modeling on real-time data once I have the money for it (might be never, since I've been unemployed for ~2 years). Ultimately, I think my model is as unproductive as your goon session, but we'll see. Thanks for reading my blogpost.
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FFIE actually looks like a good idea to just ride the meme stock wave. Sale when peak euphoria happens with retail saying how it will replace the global currency. Over 96% shorted last I saw. They say only put in what you are willing to loss, but if this does even half of what gme did I would say the risk is worth it. I hope it dumps for a few more days so my transfer can go through. Would be pissed to buy at 4$ when it's around 1$, maybe sell at 10$ for a 10x. What do you guys think? The market cap is what makes me think it'll pull through when shitty memecoins reach 100 million like nothing.
its hilarious seeing a new generation of baggies get born from that literal pump and dump of GME last week.
that redditor kitty needs to be in prison
At least FFIE is heavily shorted compared to GME. GME's pump case was always "squueeezieee" so if anything they should be jumping ship to FFIE.

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Is life changing money
Correct. Anyone who disagrees should consider themselves fortunate to not be destitute.
I really hate being poor but I've also had it worse as well.
I try to find the silver linings, it's the only way to cope with being on the bottom rung.
Shutup zeemus
>account occasional fluctuates by that amount in a single day
I don't even know what a large amount of money is anymore.
Must be nice.

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All of crypto will eventually be KYC-ed, so what's the point?
I have some in case I'm wrong but I agree, non kyc wallets will be blacklisted and won't be able to cash out or used to purchase anything online. You'll still able to swap your monopoly money with others though.
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you wouldn't get it, as being a slave is your destiny, vaxxcuck.
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number go up
the opposite, jew

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>can't walk on its own
When DOGE dies, how big will be the PUMP?
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A coworker of mine is putting her old ass dog through chemo. I can't imagine the bill. All for maybe a few more months of pained life.
As having had a similar dog who became very old frail feeble and weak as well who constantly pissed himself and if he'd fall he couldn't get up I can testify that he still found joy in life and still loved his family until the end. I still miss him very much.
sounds like your dog invested in a shitcoin and lost 99% of its value just like you will when chooky launches rip
I hate frogniggers so much it's unreal
Imagine marrying your bags so badly you start mocking and wishing death of real life dogs.
Kill yourself westoid

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Holding comfy and waiting for the June 12th and then can just sit and wait. Only a fool would pass up at least suicide stack at these prices. Might really be the last time we see around $0,30
It's over
I doubt it hits $10 this cycle, that's a 100 bil market cap. I'm staying "conservative" and aiming for $2-3. But it all depends on what the market is like. If the market looks really overheated and a BTC top appears to be in, I'll sell most of my GRT even if it's only at $1.
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If you only knew how over it truly is

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It's dumping again...
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it's still dumping
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As the OP, I say cheers to the current and future dumps
I never miss any aast dip

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I don't understand market cap at all and i feel like a retard. If a coin has a huge market cap is that good or bad?
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I knew this board was retarded… but damn.
This is why I never own a bitcoin egld, mcm and aast are better options
It’s grim that something as simple as price multiplied by supply is too complicated for zoomers to understand. It’s something 10 year old kids used to be able to grasp with ease.

This thread reminds me that zoomers are scoring an average of 10 IQ points lower than every other generation before them. Probably because they spent their developing years being able to find the answer to everything through a simple google search instead of having to actually use their brain and develop complex thought processes to find answers
Depends on how deep the liquidity is

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toadline bully cum is selling for more than its weight in gold on nigger markets.
have any /biz/raelis invested in this?
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Hi all.

I feel bad for you guys always losing money no matter what y'all do. Starting Monday (5/13/2024), I will be posting my trades for free whenever I can.

I will be posting 2 categories of trades: Crypto and Stocks.

For Crypto, I will be posting crypto futures.

for Stocks, I will be posting scalps / swing trades.

In either case I'll try to post what my TP's / SL's are.
WR is between 70-90% depending on the month and state of the market.

I am NOT asking for compensation, all this info is free to view for anyone.

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Thought I'd make it simple for you, seems like you need it
well it sure seems like 4cybpbtv has all the answers on how to invest in crypto let's just throw all our money into pajeetcoin like he suggests i'm sure nothing could go wrong
Yes you definitely should do that
Doge is quite a bit of a stagnant coint. My first baby steps on crypto were on Doge and it resulted me on net loses. Hopefully it does go up, if not tomorrow, by the week. And let's also hope that a BTC crash doesn't happen because that would be cancer.
Yeah, that’s why the SL are in place. I always size lightly for shitcoins like this. I’m plenty green from my Myro and Link play, so I’m playing into doge with profits. So I can afford to fuck about a bit.

I’m not telling u to buy doge, hell even I ain’t buying. Im just stating my positions online, do what you wanna do.

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