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>Consumer price hikes outpace producers' costs

>Corporate profits drove 53% of inflation during the second and third quarters of 2023 and more than one-third since the start of the pandemic, the report found, analyzing Commerce Department data. That’s a massive jump from the four decades prior to the pandemic, when profits drove just 11% of price growth.

>“Businesses were really, really quick, when input costs went up, to pass that on to consumers. [But] had they only passed on those increases, inflation would have been maybe one to three points lower,” Liz Pancotti, a strategic advisor at Groundwork and one of the report’s authors, told Fortune.

What are some similar situations in the past? Is this the mania phase of the whole economy? If so, when will the economy crash and burn?
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1940's is a better match to this current business cycle. Corporations are realizing consumers are a bunch of shit eating retards so they can easily pass costs onto them. The ecnomomy crashes and burns when Japan grows a spine and stops the exploitation of the Yen Carry Trade. Japs are low T as fuck so this is unlikely to happen any time soon. Everything will be financialized, BNPL will be the norm.
>1940's is a better match to this current business cycle.
wdym? a war economy? we aren't at war, not at the same scale at least.

>Everything will be financialized, BNPL will be the norm.
everything already is, and people are suffering. it's at time like this when shit hits the fan. have you ever read history books?

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Is he just going to post memes? I thought he had power. The weekly candle is the worst pump and dump we've seen all here. I was genuinely happy for GMEbros. What happened? Also fuck your schizo thread.
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That’s cuz you follow the hype. Whereas true traders know sharkroll is where the utility is
it's MQQN retard
yea hang in there so he can sell his options for another 50M and u can bag hold for another 3y

WAGMI or something right? kek

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What's a good way for NEETs to make money? Like, what's a good way to generate passive income or what jobs allow you to work from home? I'm in America and I don't live in abject poverty so gibs are unfortunately out of the question.
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The only positive expected value strategy with shitcoins is making them yourself and pumping and dumping on the retards here that you shill the coin to.
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Gamble everything you have into a specific shitcoin, like super
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You would be surprised at the amount of tokens out there that are made to celebrate national heroes. Trump? I bought it. Conan? I bought it. Washington? Bought it as well. I bought all of these when they just launched and i made myself a nice fortune just by virtue of believing americans are stupid and will buy anything that jerks off their nationalism. That's my personal secret to neetism, embrace american nationalism
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Is this a motherfucking Retardio reference?!
What do you flip

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>partners with literally the biggest financial institutions imaginable

>shtcoin does nothing or some fake rumor

honestly how do you cope with being right but it being irrelevant in a retarded irrational market?
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checkmate op now please, PLEASE stop these threads it's boring you're literally the only person saying this shit
No it’s because the token doesn’t have much value. Chainlink as a company is big and the private investors in chainlink as a company are making a killing but token holders do not get the same benefits as token is not a stake in the chainlink company like a stock is, the token represents a use case that is like 1% of what chainlink is as a whole, so by buying chainlink token you are only investing in like 1% of chainlink
Buying LINK is an inverse investment. You allow Sergay to dump on you to pay diversity leads and HR roasties 300k/year. By buying LINK you donate your money to another man (Sergay).
Link to mug? I wanna buy
get your own name and stop using mine

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Bros... I bought a stock because some man was tweeting movie clips and now I'm down thousands of dollars. How could he let this happen to me? Can we sue hedgefunds for this?
Forty. Five. Million. Shares.

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>guhhh im never selling!
Why do so many tards romanticize being a bagholder?

You know successful traders take profit often right?

You know retail loses because they never sell, either to take profit or cut losses, right?

Is it some sort of comfort in being a permanent community member or what?
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It implies that you're holding your bags for well thought out fundamental reasons. Of course everyone has a plan to sell but the implication is you're not selling until your very well thought out plan plays out because you're smart and confident.
OP has crab in a bucket mentality, he lost a lot trying to daytrade after watching youtube video tutorials and now is trying to make others share that fate.
dont fall for it.
There's no way in hell you saw it going from 1 to 20 usd then back to 2 usd and never sold
There's no way you didn't panick in 2014 3ith the mtgox fiasco
Or in 2019 with tetherultrafud
>I am generationally wealthy from having bought and held btc for many years.
>No 'trading' required.
Nigga you traded crypto

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>put a nigger into a samurai game
>stock crashes
let's all laugh at Ubitrannies. are you shorting anon?
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More red flags than a Chinese embassy
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It looks like it's been in the same place for a year.
>people were waiting for a new assassin's creed
series sucks dude
He wasn't and no one wants to see negros in media

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>feel bad about the state of my X holdings
>open pic related and multiply my X holdings by an imaginary unrealistic price
>fee better
what's her name, /biz/?
Jasmy, I calculate how much I'd have at a certain price to see whatever grifters say it is (Jasmy is gauranteed 15X etc)

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Golden, like Vesta!!

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is anyone really interested in this? i mean, it's a gigantic purchase that is almost not worth it, an apartment is more convenient in the long run, plus it's something i can pay for by selling a couple of bags i have in dextools
yeah, this. It's funny to see people still argue that mass importation of poor brownoids somehow decreases the price of housing using some convoluted nonsensical argument, despite that idea being objectively utterly disproven of the course of the past 4 years
For me, it's earning 84k/yr while living with my parents.
Everything else got 4x more expensive, it’s just inflation anon, they aren’t any richer

King of shitcoins
We know. Why do you have to keep spamming this? Sell your bags and move on.

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We switched the Funny Number from USD to EUR. I Sergay mocking us?
trying to get euro investors for his obvious scam

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does anyone have that song?

Where my real world asses at?
Bought this at 0.20c back in January and took profits this morning. Such a comfy coin.
why didn't i buy this at 22c?
wise anons were saying
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>tfw I went with QAN
i sold about 10% of my stack.

how high can this go unironically

>20k in crypto
Is there any chance of me actually making it in the next 5 years? I have to get a job, right? I'm taking about 2M or so. What is a good path to get citizenship in Canada/US and get a good paying job? My options, regarding fields of work:
>actuary (would have to take the exams)
>computer science (code monkey, machine learning, cybersecurity, I can learn whatever pays the most)
I have a STEM degree in a (the) hard science and I wouldn't be learning2code from scratch.
>pic related is the gf I'm willing to leave behind in order to make it
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I traded $500 cad into 1.4 million cad since march so yes theres a chance just stop buying midwit shit like chainlink and start gambling
why leave argentina? isn't the economy turning around? lots of canadians talking about moving there. don't come to canada, it is a sinking ship. cost of living does not match wages, don't cuck yourself, USA is better.
The wages here are useless for propping up my crypto portfolio. It's just a matter of making and saving as much money as possible. I would still prefer to retire here, though. So 1M might go much further. But I'd like some freedom to travel around or whatever, I don't want to be confined here forever in exchange for not wage cucking.
if the money is easy come then it is easy go. So sadly you are going to lose all that
seems like canada is letting in anybody these days
just get a student visa and then you can work and apply for PR
we have millions of indians doing it, can't be hard for an argie

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I need to diversify. It's starting to freak me out.

I currently have 978sol to my name. Most is staked or providing liquidity and earning interest. The vast majority, in fact.

I keep ~50 in a hot (photon) wallet for large cap plays + farming their eventual airdrop. Never more than a day at a time in a single position. The final 15 are for my daily pumpfun launches, where I'm still actively earning a ton.

I NEED to diversify a bit. I have VERY small allocations in btc & eth (~.08btc and .5eth). That's it.

What else is out there that's worth my attention? I don't want a shitter. I can find those on my own.
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Eat my ass

>wait until you have a large amount of money to diversify.

Anon... I have nearly 200k. This is a LOT for me
Why aren't you all in LINK?
What proportion of your overall net worth is in SOL/crypto?
Well damn, you about to make it sir. Getting early into shrl with just 5 of those sol would make you a millionaire tho
For how much?

How do I drive traffic to an e-commerce site?
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A trap house.
I know nothing about social media (don't even have any except a facebook account I haven't logged onto in years).
Do you know how receptive influencers are to reviewing/plugging free stuff you send them?
black hat SEO
abandoned house
dont know if thread is still active, but the smaller the creator is, the higher chance they will plug your merch. Scout some creators wtih small growing followings that aren't big enough to be in the Youtube creator program and therefore making money from their monetization program - they'll be more open to it.

But, you don't even have to do that. Find the target demographic of your product(age, gender, interests) and buy some ads on Instagram/Snapchat that target it. Their ad algo's are fucking godteir. as long as what you arent selling isnt dogshit, you'll get some hits.

Last but not least, make sure your marketplace can integrate directly with Instagram/snapchat/etc's shops. this makes the experience much easier for the user - just one click as opposed to them having to input all of their billing, shipping, personal information just to buy something for 5$

Lower the barrier of entry for people to buy your slop. thats the name of the game.

>still only have 250k
>everyone is catching up to me
what do I do? I feel like I'm way behind here
You have to invest in the fastest growing asset in the market. That way nobody can catch up to you.

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Why are newfags losing their minds over blockdag when many projects have been doing something similar for years? Zenon Network for one. Literally no one cares about it but tech wise wipes the floor with this shit and is years earlier. Why is crypto like this?
it's shit
Elaborate. Not based on price but on the technical flaws you see as….shit.
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Not this shit again, it was a scam anon, years ago they paid people to shill, their list got exposed and they never build any tech. kys
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you are projecting so hard lmao dumb paid jeet fell for his own shilling

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What's the cost of running and maintaining a diplomatic kitchen?

As seen below, even the principality of Monaco has one .




How is this relevant to business? These are not commercial enterprises, they're public spendings financed by the tax payers.
Scamming the government is big business
This depends on the quality of your ingredients. As per your videos, the finest ones will cost more.

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