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>housing is unafford-
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I started listening to Karen American rappers a couple months ago which lead me down the rabbit hole of researching their diaspora. There are articles about Huron's dying economy getting revived by its new inhabitants. There's a big chicken processing facility that was having trouble hiring until they showed up
>Karen rebel rap
Rpg-7 is a great track even if idk what the fuck they're talking about
Tatmadawcucks line up against the wall
These threads are reverse rent cope. You can't afford a home, you will never afford a home. Posting shitty property in the middle of nowhere is just cope to justify renting.
kek damn, no matter how niche your interest is there's gonna be someone deeper into it than you. I should check out more rappers that are still over there. There's dudes actually rapping while living in refugee camps.

I'm not sure if these guys realize they have a growing fanbase outside the Karen community. I wish there were more subtitled videos. From the subtitles I have seem the lyrics actually seem pretty deep

do you americans use asbestos in everything too like in leafland?
actually for that price it is still worth to pay for asbestos removal, probably.

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Day 1029 of snailposting every day until BTC is at 100k
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day 1029 of watching my flur ai bot tell me puchaina potaxie doge is more bullish than btc i cant make this shit up
day 1029 of seeing u shill that stupid scam site on every single post u see. Why dont u share results anon? if the bot is so fuckin good.
this is now not so hard for me to believe, memecoins and dogshit out of nowhere went back to green, and my maga just keeps going up, we are close to the promised day
time to fix that
*unzips dick*


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Why is Kraken not allowing me to spot buy coins and only allows me to buy margins?
/biz/ is my Kraken support line, bump.
Kraken doesn't trust you.
yeah but it trusts me to make margin buys? What's the issue here, my money isn't green like everybody else's?
you aren't part of the bgi club

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*silently moons*

I bought a few bitcoin back in 2012 to trade csgo skins
I could've been a millionaire
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You didn’t know it was gonna go that high. Even if you held for a couple of years you still would have sold too early. When everyone and they mama knows that they should’ve bought you get a stable boomer asset with less risk and less gains in a similar timeframe. Just how the cookie crumbles. I’m gonna try to avoid this type of regret by keeping 10% of my real projects bags for long term.
>0.13 btc
Prices were waaaaaay higher back then
Weed was like 1.5 btc a g
At least you bought earlier than 99% of the people, don't stress over using something as it meant to be used
The ones who made are those who mined in 2009 and forgot about it for 10 years
Everyone else is larping
There were tons of digital currencies before hitching and they ended up collapsing or getting seized/shut down by the fed. If you sold for a profit don't think too much. It could've gone either way.
but you didn't
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darknet cannabis has been the main way I've taken profit while accumulating crypto since 2015.
on the one hand, the Bitcoin I've spent would be worth six figures if not seven.
on the other hand, every bag of weed costs less Bitcoin than the one before it.

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crypto trading/investing is literally just 2,000 people making decent money, 8,000 people making some money, and the other 1 million traders losing everything
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they should just hodl
Just don’t trade. Buy gems, hold through cycle sell. Simple.
wait till you find out about the pareto distribution
unironically this is still the best strategy, I will have earned more just by holding KENDU than by trading garbage

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its actually kind of amazing how many of these shilled shitcoins just vanished overnight with email verification that have seemingly returned now that email isn't required anymore
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No you fucking faggot anonymous and 4chan means your post quality is all that matters. You only want flags because you are a dumb fucking faggot who cannot read text on a screen and make up your own mind. You need to appeal to an authority like the faggot retard you are.
>"hurr but I lost 1k to pajeet"
Good. And while you were doing that your low IQ shit for brains posts were not shitting up threads I was in. You board ruining retarded faggot.
He wants flags so you can easily filter spam instead of HAVING to read all of it, retard
Your email and search engines do this for you
Amerimutts are bigger scammers than pajeets
not really

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how much money would it take for you to never have to work again?
how would you use that money to ensure this?
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>never work again
and what would be the point? what would you do with your life? just consume memes all day?
make yourself useful
i'm not telling you to be a slave to someone else
i'm telling you that work that you enjoy doing is good and honorable if it makes the world a better place
i used to think i'd need only 1-2 mil, but now im at 7mil and i want to hit 50mil now. the hedonic treadmill is real
A million + paid off house. Put the million in a mix of high to low dividends. That should grow between 10-20% yearly. And income should be $1k a week after taxes.

Learn to cook/eat. Buy the bare minimum.
Genuinely, what would you spend it on?
20 mil mansion in texas, rest is put into SPY + QQQ and i live a lavish life style off the growth.

I invest money into my local community, friends and family. And I donate generously to whereever i deem fit.

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Does LINK have any good news ahead of it? The recent news was just news about a pilot with DTCC. Sounds like a nothing burger given it's just a pilot. Give me some high grade hopium.
>The one and only crypto working with anyone of relevance (not to mention some of the biggest organizations on the planet) having tests go extremely well
“Yea its just a nothing burger bro”

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Strap in for the altcoin bullrun, the bottom is in
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You're unironically going to rope in 3 to 6 months.
How are there retarded faggot tranny baggots who still have conviction in rose? He won't rope because even if rose "pumps" every other project will pump 5x more.
i used to think it was impossible to "marry your bags". it was a foreign concept to me because you could literally just sell. but then i see all these rosebaggies and it makes sense.
can't fud rose but i just don't want to buy. better to wait for SUPRA tge if you like good project.
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Solana, January 2024 vibes

Doge predictions
>X payments pumps to $1
>retail zoomies zoom on in for $2
>anticipation EOB top pumps to $2.20
>reddit finally buys I'm and it pumps to $2.25 and then dumps to .40
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Because a) it's inflationary b) nobody really uses it c) the meme is stale.
>dem cataracts
just remember that i need to get a vision exam
Another day, another OCPD post not mentioning Pinksale...
t. famous last words
D coin will be the main digital currency for the plebs which means it will take off right behind bitcoin.
Kek baggieeees!

how are we feeling eg frens?
Next stop 20m mcap. Once we pass that disgusting meme roost, then we can take out that scam brett. There is no second best.
i sold 10m mcap.
hope it dips hard before 20m

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How do I buy crypto anonymously? No KYC bullshit. Is bisq good ?

Create a walking robot with encrypted AI

Tell it to go to the hood and buy monero. Then it will send you the monero over the interwebz, all anonymously

If the feds get your robot, it ain't saying shit to the fuzz because it is programmed that way, and nobody can break the encryption so you are good
Ahh, so you're retarded, gotcha.
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>No KYC bullshit
Only way to do it is over the counter. Which might lead to you getting shot or scammed, depending on how much you’re buying.

Just do the KYC. Or are you a pedophile?
>DOOD! Just give them your name, email, DOB, address, phone number, ID card, a selfie of you holding your ID card, a list of previous employers, a stool, blood, urine and semen sample! We need it to uh.. Uhh, fight anti-semet- I mean terror- uh I mean climate change!

Fuck you schlomo, not paying your tax or submitting to your kyc cuck show.

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What if the ETF were to be approved next week?
That would surely catch many people off guard, hehe.
Not gonna happen for another year at least.
Who’s this cute man?
what do you know, sweatie?
fags trying to find people to buy their other end of their put options
if you lose money longing ETH into the denial you deserve poverty
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John has a long mustache.

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Is passport broing just simple market economics? How does /biz/ feel about this geo-arbitrage of dating markets?
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I didn't stay in europe long, a week in sweden and a week in germany and tried setting up a tinder there and got lots of matches and the girls actually talked to me! Compared to in Canada where I'd have tinder for months and very seldom get a match and if I did they wouldn't respond. Then compared to Mexico where I'd actually get laid through the app, lots of matches and dates.
these w*men need a good beating
>you’re an incel just have sex
>no don’t have sex with younger women or outside your country not like that! >That’s unfair and cheating! Date single moms over 30! Man up!
Depends on the goal. If you are moving there permanently (with some sort of 1st world income)or just want to fuck around then it makes sense. If you want to marry her and then take her back to your home country, then it's a horrible idea. Ultimately it depends what sort of advantage you have over the other men that are around you.
>Being concerned where other men put their dick is an admission that you are a beta virgin. I don't know any man who is concerned where other men put their dick who is a sex haver yet still chosen to be concerned where other men put their dick. Funny that...

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Once again, uncle Ted was right. Let's face it, old people after they retire have no place to go in current society. At best, they can hope to help with raising kids once a week if they're lucky that their offspring has reproduced at all. Before they had an important role as guides and acted as beacons of knowledge and experience, now they get left alone after being chewed by the cogs of wageslaving, which depressingly enough becomes their reason to be. They feel that they're contributing to something by working, and when you take that away, it's over. Capitalism has successfully brainwashed people into unconsciously killing themselves after retiring
Can’t retire lol. Fun would have retired him a decade ago
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What's the solution? I'm trying my best to retire early. Already at mid 6 figs with crypto in my late 20s. i feel I still have the fire in me, but it's certainly dying down after a decade of waging
Damn you're well off. The solution resides in finding meaning outside of wageslaving and gratifying the (((reptilian))) overlords
Did your hair come back?

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2021 GME squeeze worked because there were naked shorts and they were valuing a profitable business at 0

shorting vaporware bullshit doesn't work the same way because the real value is 0

gonna end up like the last week's GME pump where the people who orchestrated it dump on your heads
What is crypto index and how is it related to FFIE? It looks like Friday they shorted the stock super hard just to make all the options (((they))) sold us unprofitable. They know how to play the game and they dug a bigger hole for themselves by shorting that much on Friday. I guess when they saw how 10s of thousands of itm calls they would have to pay out they decided it is cheaper to dump it and hope to kill it. Regardless on thursday it closed around 1.50 and on friday it closed around 1$. It only looked terrible because it pumped over 2$ from the thursday's close.
>gamble on shitcoin of a stock nobody heard of until 3 days ago
>immediately after unloading GME bags
No thanks
The one available on Pinksale or what the fuck are you talking about?
Tried to buy on Friday but couldn't because it was already frozen. I hate the fucking regulators.

Why the fuck wasn't anyone posting about BNED today? Could've made thousands if I knew.
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>Why the fuck wasn't anyone posting that BNED would jump before it happened?
Because nobody knew it would before it happened.
they were waiting for the last Vromans to fall....
But you'd think someone would post when it's on the rise.
I followed big number % gains, didn't even know Reddit had changed targets
I followed the money, maybe you want to show me your 200 iq plays instead of talking out your ass
Buy now and sell low. Learn2/biz/

>If it's yellow let it mellow
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He's 100% right though. Imagine willingly being a cuck because of some biz mantra like "I'm just not gonna pay lmao"
Good luck finding s girl who can't even settle down with you because she'll be bombarded by creditors who want their money
>B-b-ut they can't get money from her!
Who fucking cares? No one's gonna deal with that shit.
eating cheap, shitty food is never a good investment. If you live on rice and beans your health will suffer badly. The most basic and best investment one can make is buying lots of good quality eggs and meat.
I wouldn't expect a boomer to understand that thouhj
There's absolutely value to living below your means and avoiding debt. If you can generate enough income and invest wisely, you can 100% make it just by not being a fuck head. One of the problems of biz is they hear about someone leveraging borrowed money to build an empire, and they think that's the same thing as them maxing out mommy's credit card to buy link.
>eat lots of eggs and meat
>die of a heart attack at 45

good plan faggot
The ducks at the park are free. Cut out the excuses.

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Trying to verify my "Onlyfans" Ai Model on Bumble, Tinder, Badoo etc

You guys know a sure proof method?

I've tested DeepFaceLab with one of the default models (Keanu Reeves) but the result was not believable, are my setting not good or do I need a better model?

OR do you think it's possible to just make a girl take these verification selfies for my accounts, upload some pics of her and after a few days delete these pics and upload the ones with my Ai model?
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hmm, not sure. I have a feeling there's security that gets triggered if you suddenly want to change your sex.
Sounds gay and slightly transgender
kek nice bait
What or who would be a good example of an ai model that coomers send money too? I am just curious I couldn’t imagine and it’s tripping me out thinking of simps sending money to fap to a jeet ran ai model that makes revenue.
This is more business than most threads

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