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I am the Litecoin Sage. Here is my prediction. #1 anyone can see coming. #2 will blow you're mind

>Litecoin is the second crypto ever made. By now it has historical relevance, not as much as bitcoin but a lot.
>It established itself historically as a pair to bitcoin, the silver to the gold. This historical pairing has been significantly bolstered by litecoin being a testbed for bitcoin
>This year, it achieved the title of the most used crypto as currency. That is a beast of a title, making litecoin one of the most fundamental projects in crypto
>Litecoin works exactly bitcoin, except it has 4x more supply
>Anon ignored litecoin for years for some reason, but institutions are priming it as the next best thing after bitcoin
>Also, the Litecoin ETF is coming very likely
>All of these reasons will cause litecoin to explode in price to something closer to 1/4 of bitcoin's price: That is, one Litecoin currently worth $80, will soon be worth about $10k

Now this is hardly a prediction, anyone can just see this plainly. Here comes the prediction that will blow you're mind

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how would a chart that you'd like to buy look like?
y-you just wait anon
>he'd rather buy a top

It´s the /biz/ way

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Except this time you have your super advanced anti-jew ai autotraders to predict the market movements and give you actual proof that his isn't , actually, the end
>t. i've been using flur.ai
Remember when people thought sanctions would actually work and Europe wouldn’t just buy second hand Russian oil from third world countries?
How is it that only the frenchies got this right?
France takes strategic autonomy extremely seriously. Basically the polar opposite of Germany which has been relying on American protection and Russian energy for decades.
2022 I remember it as a time when we were all screwed, all my memecoins were barely making a profit and I had to wait 2 years to get something like KENU to get some of that back

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>when we break the $3-4 crab we will make it
>when SmartCon comes after DeFi summer we will make it
>the 2021 bullrun will be focused on DeFi! Then we’ll make it
>when staking comes we’ll make it! Supply shock baby!
>when Arbitrum gets released we’ll make it
>we’ll make it in two weeks when DTCC starts buying our bags!
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UHHHHH actually my ZOOMER bro, that's not how snailing works, LINK is just pretty fucked
>when we break the $3-4 crab we will make it
Erm, we did. it's $16 now
>when we break the $3-4 crab we will make it
Well it did do a 10x from there.
sol last week couldnt care less about it gaining $2 this week it will go back down very soon when you've held for 6 years you know this. Neither do I care whatever it does in the future
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chainlink is becoming more irrelevant every day
sergey missed the window he had to deliver anything that works
it didnt even pump during the bear and is being outperformed by everything this cycle
kek baggies

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Is this still a based buy? Mooned almost 30% this week up to $1 before falling back toward $0.90.

Lots of hype as Blackrock's future coin. Youtubers and crypto twitter hawking it as a guaranteed 10-50 X.

What does Biz say?
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Short-term, based on chart astrology bullshit, about $1.7.

Long term, with the bullrun in full swing and the narrative working out, mcap just under $30,000,000 (which might be conservative considering the last bullmarket) would put it at about $20.
How many ondo to make it
Bruh I dunno, no one ever really established a clear Sui / Make it. Probably like 200k to make it?
1mil sui
1bil make it
That make it stack is over 3 times the daily trading volume and nearly the full marketcap of the token lmao

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I decided the only alts that matter are L2 to Bitcoin. Shill me them all I know is Tectum And ICP.
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Post hands.
Truth is most of us don’t understand the deeper issues with projects. We just see a transaction work so we conclude oh it works. Like Solana can ‘work’ but it’s still a piece of shit. Anyway I don’t like these backless s o y s but the guy on this podcast seem to know his stuff. He pretty much says Stacks had to backtrack on their tech cause it didn’t work.

ICP's makeit stack is 250,000,000 because all it's worth is $0.02.
This is so weak. It's funny because it's literally impossible to fud ICP as it just does everything better than the rest. 100 Sui and 1000 make it. Always was and always will be.

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We going all the way to 50 with this shit right? Daddy Altman won't through us under the bus?
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sorry my dude i cant be a wld chad, i solded, i cant support daddy anymore, i think after this im just going to get out of crypto completely, maybe dedicate myself to sports betting or waiting until gravity labs releases

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This is an on-topic thread, I believe. But delete it if you must.
Just 1 month ago, all 4chan users' attentions were drawn to the stock market. They were presented with a simplified market where as long as you played it smart you could get insanely rich quickly. This was made apparent by seeing wealthy anons sprouting up all over the site via their names.

I'm about to make a huge non-logical leap, but have you noticed how some biz generals are always up? /GME/ for example. It seems like the bakers don't sleep... Or there's a team.

I propose this theory: 4chan is one a network of many where the goal is to get us to get filthy rich/collapse the stock market, possibly to lead to a new regime, or maybe in a more boring alternative, just so manipulators can get richer.

The April fools was programming the anons here. I bet millions of anons started to look into stocks after that.

Also notice how GME was one of the only few real stocks.
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it was this year's april fool's for the entire site
Its a canary. We then had the /biz/ dox via email shortly after. Now we had a minidox wait time of 15 min. Rumor on otherboards is that is enough time for the glowie tools to track you in detail. Both shat relies on cookies though and there's always plausible deniability options ala campus, wardriving, bumming off a connection, botnet, 7 vpns, etc etc.
Millions is an understatement. QUADRILLIONS of people were introduced to the STOCK MARKET thanks to this year's psyop.
I think the email thing was also to draw attention to biz from other boards

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Maybe sometimes leaving things for the imagination is not bad.
3 days until Kevin will make Mexico pay for the wall.
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Me in the middle wondering what they're doing because girls can't love girls.

Are you saying we should turn the lights off?
And are those two statements related?
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If girls can't love girls, why does my heart flutter reading about them?
The statements were not at all related. I apologize for any confusion.
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Cute image I like

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>Basic Information
https://gmetimeline.com (up to 2021)

>Daily reminder

>Mandatory study time
>The Everything Short
>Naked Short Selling and Systemic Risk

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>Hope you're all unvaxxed
Of course. I'm mildly hopeful to have a future with the vaccinated people removed from the gene pool.
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I thought you were trying to imitate the "you cats" meme-fudder for a second
Ultimate play:
>DTCC Implements LINK
>GME Moons
>People ask why
>LINK Moons
>People see benefit of crypto
>People lose faith in dollar
>Silver Moons
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I had my modest gme bag for 3 years, and in the meanwhile I've been farming shitcoins that just so happened to hit their relative ath in recent months post may 2021 crash after I bought the low with free stimmy money. So I got out at 5x my initial + All the shit I've scrummed up over time in LPs that I had compound staked. And I listened to the words of a dmt smoking cunt on reddit who told me to buy before march 16th so I 11X'D MY ORIGINIAL GME POSITION AT 13 DOLLARS.

In short, shut up bitch
roaring kitty is not a cat

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Good idea to buy this shit?
The protocol got hacked and the token dumped 50% but already seems to have hit the bottom, plus doing an LP with this on beefy is giving 3500% APY
It's an obvious scam.

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Ethereum fumbled their #2 spot when they decided to give up on the L1 scaling problem.

Have you ever talked to a normie about L2s and tried explaining it to them why they have to pay a retardedly expensive fee to use their Ethereum on a different network? I have, their eyes literally roll back in their head. It's a retarded, expensive and clunky process to buy cryptocurrency already. To have to do some nonsensical bridging operation on top of that is just too much work.

Normies aren't going to use base despite it having the backing of one of the most normie-friendly companies in crypto.

L2s are dead on arrival.

Solana will win because it can onboard normies into an ecosystem that's frictionless and low-fee. Simple.
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Potential wasted
Imagine not owning ArcBlock. Talk about normie friendly? You can literally build an app with zero knowledge of how to code
is she still with her "wife"?
>L2s are dead on arrival.
S e x x o o o s

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So I haven t payed some taxes since January and if I add money to my card the state steals it from me.
I have a little bit of money and I want to buy something from banggood.
Is there some service which allows me to create a card and add money to it using crypto without the state knowing???
Disclaimer!!!: it should be more on the meme linux mental outlaw crypto side of things and not for normies.
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or you can become an outlaw from the irs and live comfy in lichtenstein with your shitcoin gains like i did when pajamas pumped op, remember every single cent that goes to (THEM) feeds the jews, and thats a big no no of the civilized man
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ngl and this will sound like a kick in the dick but holding zoomer is saving me from a bad financial situation lol
Move the money to your mother's account and use it from there. D3be a retard and move only relatively small amounts per month (I don't know, 1k/2k €) so you don't arise suspecion
Every piece of plastic is AML/KYC so you need to go cash into it. There's no way around it and if you do convoluted methods you need a big stack or it'll eat into your stack making it more profitable to pay your taxes lmao
Amazon doesn't have it? (yes, it's probably much more expensive) but you can buy gift cards with crypto

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>Largest financial market infrastructures in the entire world fawning over Chainlink
>DTCC dedicating an entire page to hype up Chainlink, ctrl+f Chainlink 13 results, infographics with Chainlink square in the middle
>SWIFT stage two results a raging success. Sergey the King of SIBOS. "We can't believe you built it this quickly". Appearing with Solé in less than two weeks
>Hong Kong Monetary Authority first to go live with CBDC experiment, SmartCon in Hong Kong this year literally talking about "The convergence" between tradfi and blockchain
>Indian Sergey telling us that the first institutions go live this year, more verticals next year, global parabolic adoption 2026
>/biz/ larpers telling us it's all happening in JUNE

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>This must be reflected in the chart
it will be in June
I’ve heard this shit for years about arbitrum and staking. They were both talked about like singularity events, but nothing happened.

>inb4 nononononoplease, this time, it’s gonna be different
This is true, past events were hyped as you say. So is this time different or not?
>stares blankly at the raging autist
>does a 360
>walks away
You mean 180 retard

Im gonna try and call the election

Trump wins vs President Kamala Harris *Biden dies in June
RFKjr and Jimmy Carter both die by August
Trump takes over for the year of the Snake like his gay poem he read years ago
Talks of Prophecy and The Third Temple are in full swing, especially when the Temple Mount is attacked by (((terrorists)))

So how do we play these events financially
I assume that most members in Congress are already heavily invested in certain companies that will EXPLODE in 2025

What companies are politicians openly invested in right now?

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>link starts pumping
>link fud threads die off
>link starts dumping
>link fud threads come back
so other than a few of them, the fuddies really are link holders huh
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I FUD link no matter the price. It's a shit scam token and Sergey uses you to pay his HR roasties. Keep buying, he needs more "Head of People" positions.
>Link might be going to $500
>I laugh at you for holding Link
We laugh with you as you hold Link, obviously.
I like laughing at Swift and the DTCC, too. Laughing is essential.
Posts like these prove this board is just neets gambling their food allowance on shitcoins, you never had any real world experience. The company went from 2 fulltimers in 2017 to 400+ fulltimers in 2022. And that's not just regular wagies, they had to fill many senior positions and highly qualified dev/finance/compliance jobs, you need a complete HR team for that workload. Hiring processes at that level are quite detailed and not as straight forward as a McDonald's application process. Even after you've chosen a candidate from sometimes hundreds of applicants, you actually have to negotiate a bunch of factors. NDA's, salary, equity options, a billion other things. Then you have 800 people working for you, they get fucking sick, change their vacation plans, have kids, have complaints, want promotions, need training in data security and compliance, have to sign NDA's for new shit, you have to check on them in general, it's not a meme job like it seems in those fake TikToks.
I haven't even mentioned it's an international organization so you have to consider different labor legislation, time zones, international bank transfers for pay, different tax shit, etc etc. Good HR people are incredibly in demand and can either create or solve a lot of problems in a company.
why don't they just pay each employee on their favorite chain by moving link tokens around? and each employee is quizzed if their colleagues did a good job and then they calculate the median to see if it's true? or is it just a front to get dollars for empty promises until the people get wise to it?
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you know what anon, you are right, people are looking at LINK's price action in far too short term, let's take a step back and look at the last 4 years price action......ACK!

>BTC crabbing
>ALTs dump
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The alts are over valued and people capitulate to that fact
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memecoins are the new alts
Not everything follows this pattern, shrl presale added like 40k within the past 2 days alone
is so that those who couldn't grab any btc have a chance, although I won't be able to do much since my Kendu hasn't pumped enough yet, or at least not as much as I'd like
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yeah i dont know anymore at this point im just waiting for gravity labs to release

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I don't understand market cap at all and i feel like a retard. If a coin has a huge market cap is that good or bad?
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What does VC stand for? And no im referring to notcoin on TON network it had like 750 mil market cap cuz thirty million people mined it. But the price isn't too great rn.
Ah ok ty
The way I understand it is that the higher the marketcap, the less volatile the coin is. The lower the marketcap, the more volatile the changes can be. As in, the more coins there are in circulation, the less likely it is for a coin to gain or lose value in a very big way, less coins in circulation means that the changes could be extreme.
I knew this board was retarded… but damn.

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Aurum Edition

>Why Gold?

>Bullion dealers
https://libertycoin.com/ (US)
https://www.chards.co.uk/ (EU/UK)
https://www.silburycoins.co.uk/ (Ancient)
https://www.luciteria.com/ (Other rare metals)
more at: https://pastebin.com/gZfZHtNE

>Numismatic search

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>Rua Gold Inc
This will be like buying Bitcoin in 2011 for $1 each
how get euro junk in usa
can next thread have all the weimar facts about money and include the Nazi silver solution?

the 88th anniversary of Kristallnacht is coming in 2026
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wen day is dark and bad or whenever you feel scare or frighten,
always rember the day you bought some cheapies
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I’ve been looking all over the web for this particular silver round commemorating 1987 Black Monday but it’s eluded me like a legendary Pokémon. At least I have a tube of 2008 ASEs as a reminder of the last global economic fuckup.

Anyway, here’s a bullion sampler tray for your viewing pleasure!

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>visit NYC
>its not hyper ambitious people trying to become rich
>its all wagies

Are cities only for normies now? I thought people who like NYC would want to start a business or get rich but they're all just happy to be wagies?
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I went with two friends and we just got fucked up in cigar lounges and shitty bars

maybe idk what the fuck im talking about anon :3
>7 million girls in NYC
>didnt have sex
You really the outer boroughs are full of working class immigrants right? This is where they go to escape their third world hellhole and it's pretty nice in relation to that so they don't mind the horrific living conditions
Jew York is a shithole.
Youre looking for entrpreneurs go to FL or Socal

In 2026, Litecoin will be worth £25k

False, it will be worth around $15k

I think the litecoin mania will take a few more years before it starts matching more closely the price of bitcoin, adjusted for litecoin's increased supply
Why would anyone buy Shitecoin? There is no usecase.
I'd be pretty happy if it was 1k.

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