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>600$ daily volume
I am forgotten
BNB chain itself has to go on a run, we can't carry it by ourselves
nobody knows when binance will ACTIVATE it but it should happen at some point
>Doesn't raid
>Doesn't organize
>Just sits like a bunch of retards on tg doing nothing

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Sup, choads, im starting a one page shopify t shirt shop as a creative outlet and just wondering if anybody has the btdt on it? Like, are people gonna accidentally order the default size and return it a lot... will putting my domain on the shirt hurt the sales numbers... that kinda thing. Dont tell me there is a reddit for that.
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This will happen, especially if you are marketing it for women. Women are so retarded and return half of all clothes they buy because they think they are just trying it on like in a normal shop.
If you are marketing it to men, it will mostly be fine I think. And you can adjust your prices based on how much money you are losing with returns after a month.
But yeah, items that aren't returned much would be much safer. Like stickers or something.
Is this legal?
Legal as a concept is pretty much irrelevant now. After 2020.

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So you honestly believe that $10 is on the cards? By next year?
Holding comfy and waiting for the June 12th and then can just sit and wait. Only a fool would pass up at least suicide stack at these prices. Might really be the last time we see around $0,30
It's over
I doubt it hits $10 this cycle, that's a 100 bil market cap. I'm staying "conservative" and aiming for $2-3. But it all depends on what the market is like. If the market looks really overheated and a BTC top appears to be in, I'll sell most of my GRT even if it's only at $1.
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If you only knew how over it truly is

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By the second "How old are you" I meant - how much money do you have and what skills.
define "start"
define "business"
define "(YOU)"
starting a business in crypto is like creating a meme coin you get a group of like-minded ppl create a whitepaper with some big promises add in some flashy tech jargon and throw in a meme culture reference for good measure once you have the hype machine going its just a matter of building a solid team and a little rug pull action to keep it all afloat boom instant business success in the crypto world
One that makes money, 22, and $15k saved up
anyone own a gas station? it seems comfy

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>be me
>at the grocery store
>chatting with qtπ cashier while paying
>she smiles and asks how my day is going
>"all good, just chilling. how about you, how do you feel about gpt-4 taking your job?"
>she stares back, genuinely puzzled
>"what's gpt-4?"
>stunned, brain.exe stops working
>recover and explain her about what gpt does and how humanoid robots are coming
>her eyes, empty
>"never heard of it"
>wtf? feels like i'm in an episode of black mirror
>"you seriously don't know about ai? like chatgpt, dall-e, anything?"
>she shrugs, "i'm a senior in college, but i don't really use that stuff, and we were told it was useless and dangerous."
>internally screaming, "yeah, sorry, ngmi", leaves without saying goodbye

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>some roastie probably doing psychology didn't hear about
>we're so early, BROOS!!!

I wonder when ai will hit its ceiling. There are two main factors that can limit ai, one of them being hardware, and the other one a lack of sufficient amount of good quality data. I wonder which one will become an issue first.
Compute shortages and electricity shortages are on the horizon

We've barely scratched the surface of AI adoption

We are in a very early stage
>walk into business
>talk to the first thing you see
>ask them how they're going to enjoy being unemployed by upcoming tech
>Compute shortages
This x1000. It's all fun and games while VC money pours into AI and funds the ridiculous compute and power needed for these very basis models. What happens when that money runs out? No one is going to pay real money to run a pathetic AI that gets basic knowledge wrong and can't do simple logic.

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Metal is back baby. Sorry crypto conners, your fake internet money is old hat, people want real currency when it matters.
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shiny rocks aren't as cool when you can go on the internet and see shiny things all the time
good thing some of the precious metals are useful in other ways
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>Silver has no value
Decades of undermining of silver has lead to little investment and a consumption of above ground stockpiles.
In 1980 there was something like 10 times more silver above ground than gold. Now the above ground stockpiles are the same or perhaps now these is less stockpiles of silver than even gold. It takes years to get a new mine online and as a anon said Silver is primarily mined as a byproduct of other metals meaning you cannot simply just increase silver production as alot of the effort will go into mining other metals that may be less desirable.

Silver price has been fixed for decades via paper silver and the comex. What happens when during a inflationary economic environment, a crucial industrial metal that has in the past been used as a monetary metal is being stockpiled by your adversaries whilst you are trying (and failing) to keep the priced down via market manipulation.

Perhaps you get one of the most insane supply shocks/ short squeezes of all time? All I know is when Silver pops off it will be impossible to attain it.

1:1 GSR when? Perhaps you may see Silver rise above gold in price for a time.
>10000 worth of gold or silver cross border
not something i have a need to do quite literally fucking ever in fact i never want to do anything but hoard gold and have it hard to take from me, not easy to send far from me in an instant.

Are you ready to schlurp the florida housing fire sale?

I sure am.
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I was just there for a few weeks. Great state, but too fucking hot.
yeah because you're an evil zionist who worship negros.
i'd have to go in with the knowledge that i'd never get insured and i'd never resell for a profit, so to that end i'd only buy a mcmansion that i could buy outright in cash for under 200k. best case scenario i'd ride it out for 20 years before it falls apart.
Nigger your anti deep state saviors all suck AIPAC dick. You're a psyop'd npc
There only 14 white people in Orlando

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How do I turn this into 6 figures by the end of 2024?
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L1 gem like QAN is still a solid buy right now. Doubt we'll see most alts this cheap again.
Go all in on FFIE Monday morning
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We still have at least a 40X to go.
$BANANAS on Base will likely explode
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Okay. I'll go with this just to see the explosion.

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Bitcoin could 2x any minute.
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Not 2x but 1.5x within 3 weeks
I'm all in but where crabbing until Halloween.
a 2x is fucking nothing, theres a lot of shitcoins that suddenly do that like its nothing
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Would be really funny if it crashed though.

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How come? You don't want to bid up the price of ETH so staking ICO buyers can dump on your ass? Don't be so selfish anon, think of the needs of stakers who have already made it.. They need to have someone to dump on.
I hate your spammy threads. This is the 12th one today. We already know how pathetic your shitcoin is. Why can't you accept it and move on?

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actually it's pumping because it's a frog. all frogs will pump this year. it's just how to is.
What the fuck? Even BOOMER and other shit tokens on base dusted users with similar amounts of tokens in usd or more. Pathetic anons, get your act together

sage goes in all field, not giving these fags a free bump
What’s the ticker?
$PissCumShitFart on chainlink
Based retard. I thought this place was bit better than reddit, I'm realizing it's just the opposite end of the spectrum. Kinda like on /fit/ when you realise 95% of posters can't even bench 2pl8

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>No matter how good your new thing is, you need people to understand it for anyone to be willing to buy it
>The first people to understand the idea essentially get to dictate the price of it because they're the only market for it

Do you think that this is true?
Do you have a counterexample? What is something that people don't understand that they spend money on?
Yes. Literally any tech startup. I don't think that the finance bros working for VC firms really get what the tech bros are pitching to them a good 90% of the time.
People “understanding” your product is marketing I think, you’re making people aware of what your product is or does. The inverse of that would be low or no marketing companies I presume, that thrive off of product engineering and word of mouth alone, like Valve/steam maybe is the one I’m aware of
Fidget spinners
Yes it's called price Discovery

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Previously >>58411815

We're back, comfier than before

>Buy XRP on:
Coinbase, Binance, CoinMetro, etc

>Why hold XRP?
>Newfag Tutorial:

>XRPL Guide:
>XRPL Explorer:

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Shhhhh..... Don't tell them about the super secret date
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>am I cooking?
When nothing happens on September 22nd 2024, you can reuse this for September 22nd 2025, and so on.
back on board bros' lets make this thing sing
theres always a way
make the call already

>3.5 years already
fuck man
pretty good interview by brad

Question: which of these options is less risky: A) buying stock of single company or B) buying index fund?
Around 70% of women consider themselves financially literate, but only 25% of them answered this question correctly. Majority of people overestimate their financial literacy.
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I love women and I don't care if that's a good financial decision or not!
women fart out of their asses with stinky gas
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I can and have fapped to that, so I don't care! I love women!
Trick question. You buy LINK instead.

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why would that be worriesome? the biggest assets in the world all have unlimited supply, just look at the dollar
I just fucking lost money in rug omfg
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Silly Goose tiker $GOO or your mother is gay
best SOL play is selling your sol for xmr

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We're in election year so that means its time to americamaxx
>3k on MAGA
>3k on TRUMP
>3k on CONAN
>3k on GOP
>3k on TRUMP2024
>3k on MABA
rate my investments
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like with conan o brien? you have all tokens based around trump and the republican party wtf has that got to do with the rest of your folio
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checked, all of them, you're making it this bullrun
>3k on BIDEN
>3k on DEI
>3k on ESG
>3k on WOKE
The Adults WILL remain in power.
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>MSNBCNPR tranny posts his cringey boomer image
>sits back and chuckles as he closes the tab to load up his bbc troony porn

Disgusting! We need to get this weird freak pedophile off our board!
>2 days ago MAGA was 2.5 million
>1 day ago it was 5.5 million
>Today its 20 million

How high is this shit gonna pump ?

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Something is coming…
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Looks like it ain’t coming, hoss.
I at least want the airdrop even if the shitcoins are worthless
Anon, he ain’t even launching the contract. He took your pre-sale ETH and went offline. He’ll probably delete the chats soon.
No reason not to use a launchpad or stall for weeks
>few more hours, anon, I swear
I would never give someone money for a 4chain based ICO. Airdrop only. That said it's over before it even began isn't it

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Price prediction?
Wtf is the animation on cmc
Seriously fuck you guys now everybody is going to do it
I hope whoever came up w that gets the worst case of ass cancer in history
Like a new type that gets named after them
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I do not understand you. What are you talking about?
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What about Kusama? I miss Kusama, it seems so dead/deserted.
why would I use dot over solana or avalanche?

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The fact there are so many rug pulls shows nobody has morals in the crypto community. A bunch of thieves who don't want to see others succeed. They will FUD your coin just because they arent invested, they want to see others fail. They can't just strive for success and wish te best for others, or help others, its always how can they scam you next, how can they demotivate and confuse you. Fuck everyone in the crypto community, literally all depraved pieces of shit
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thanks to link I am paying for my college, shut the fuck up faggot
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true. we need some kind of law enforcement token to rally around so we can brutalized the bad actors with tear gas or else swat team shotguns
I FUD shit that I'm bullish on because it's funny
tell me youre only looking at twitter
because moral people work on the protocols
with the exception of a few miners most people who actually contribute to the projects are good people

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Allahu Akbar !!!!
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It's infinitely harder to 100x 6 figures than it is to 100x 3 figures.
> I told them that even if I graduate I won't have a job anyways because there are too many lawyers.
This better be a joke. This is 'merica, there will never be enough lawyers. Even if there is, you just have to be slightly better than average to make it.
Don't be a disappointment anon. Finish law school, get your license and join a reputable firm, so you can support your parents in old age, since it's clear they'll need it.
yeah, ur in a sticky situation. I hope u get lucky and land a nice job
I am not from America and I personally saw in this January a lot of lawyers begging for a job when I was doing some paperwork to legalize our family business: "hire our serivces, we can help you to finish it quicker" "if there is something you don't understand, we can give you a free advice, and if you trust us you can hire us to finish the paperwork". It was just pitiful and I can imagine myself joining their ranks.
I plan to graduate since I am studying for free but I just don't feel confident about getting a proper job. I went to the best university in my country just to raise my chances but the future seems bleak. It doesn't help that I am in my mid twenties now and my parents will be 60 when I graduate and I obviously don't want them to work at that age.
Any chance those lawyers didn't come from your prestigious university, and perhaps weren't the cream of the crop of their profession?
> my parents will be 60 when I graduate and I obviously don't want them to work at that age.
Right, this certainly confirms you're not American, as those would be unrealistic expectations over here.

All I can tell you is do you best, man. You're young, you're bright, you're going to get a good degree from a great university. Don't expect to settle for mediocrity.
Find examples of lawyers doing well in your country. I know they exist. Figure out what they're doing that the guys you talked to weren't.
It's much too early in life to give up.

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