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india is where a majority of pharmaceuticals are originally made. it is the pharmaceutical hub of the world.

on a side note, i bought tret from alldaychemist and it definitely was tret because my skin flaked off like a snake so i had to order a lesser concentration.
>gives you disgusting greasy skin
>ages you prematurely
I’ll pass
cant be me when my skin texture is oatmeal cookie
>he doesn't use emu oil for skin
it's tough finding ethnically sourced emus in my region

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which anime character has the best fit?
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I'm not sure there's manga about fashion that are more /fa/ than jojo's
>le sigh
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Yeah but what are you supposed to do with the built in belt when the jacket is open, it looks downright clownish
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If you feel that way and prefer things looking neat and proper, it's not for you and that's just fine, your comfort and confidence matter the most.
Biker jackets are only cringe when the wearer ignores this instinct, you need to have the (for lack of a better term) personality to pull it off.
They also elicit extreme butthurt among those who desperately WISH they could wear them with confidence, these types are extremely self-conscious and uptight which is precisely the opposite of what this aesthetic projects and demands, like this /fa/g >>18121536
>They also elicit extreme butthurt among those who desperately WISH they could wear them with confidence,

i'll admit, post-lookism, /fa/ and /fit/ have been ruined by narcissists that absolutely would try to sabotage an anonymous person on the internet they would never have to meet and compete with.
but i warn people about shit like this because i absolutely did make a lot of spergy mistakes and i'd like others to avoid my mistakes.
these jackets are a hard mode fit. if you're on 4chan you are way less likely, even than average, to be able to look good in one of these.
at least go to the store and try these things on, first.
also, if you cop second-hand: you can probably get someone else to cop it back off of you later and not lose much money.
>/fa/ and /fit/ have been ruined by narcissists
They are homosexuals and incels, call them what they are
>i absolutely did make a lot of spergy mistakes
Read the first sentence in the post you replied to, that's all that counts
>if you're on 4chan you are way less likely, even than average, to be able to look good in one of these.
As opposed to what, r*dd^t? You're buying into the "internet hate machine"-incel strawman too much. People visit 4chan because they have a functional sense of humour, the stereotype is reinforced mostly by bots, discords trannies, and a few terminally-online incels who actually fit that mould.
>at least go to the store and try these things on, first.
Of course, you'll probably buy one or maybe two leather jackets in your lifetime so make sure it fits. Or, just order online and return if you're not pleased with it. You're overthinking the process too much because you're uptight.
no, i used narcissist on purpose.
you remember the old bit where fat feminist women were saying they had to smash beauty standards? ie. brainwash sexy men into fucking them?
that's a narcissistic behaviour.
what these guys on /fa/ and /fit/ do today is kind of like that.
they will post threads on /fit/ all day trying to demotivate men to stop lifting because this seems to them a more functional plan than just... lifting weights and losing body fat.
so, if you went on /fa/ ten years ago there would be absolutely no dudes trying to stop you from looking cool.
but that absolutely could happen on /fa/ today. you could post a picture of you looking objectively good and a guy would rag on you because he is fucked in the head and thinks if you stop looking good he will look comparatively better and win.

it's absolutely not a strawman that the people that use this site would be less likely than average to look good in a perfecto jacket.
and most normal people would not look good in a perfecto jacket.

i have used this site a long time and there has always been guys that fetishize leather jackets and damn near no one ever posting photos of them looking good in leather jackets.
this is because it's a hard thing to do and the type of guys gravitating towards them are the least likely to do it well.
I appreciate your thoughtful and earnest response.
>no, i used narcissist on purpose.
Fair enough but I think you're underestimating the overlap between narcissists, homosexuals, and incels. They're usually comorbidities.
>here has always been guys that fetishize leather jackets and damn near no one ever posting photos of them looking good in leather jackets.
Exactly, they have a fetish for the leather jacket aesthetic which goes beyond the garment itself, I addressed these types in my previous posts, they wear it like a costume.
Posting pictures of yourself and your fit for anon strangers to judge is already deviant and insecure behaviour, under the best of circumstances, and it's completely at odds with the personality traits of those most likely to pull off the look.
Selection bias is at play because only insecure cosplayers are posting pics for random faggots to judge. The rest of us wear them to dingy bars and trendy restaurants where we pick up rocker brunettes and blonde bimbos who feel like getting fucked by a legit "bad boy" instead of the usual cunts with exposed gold chains and the promise of free coke.

Previous thread: >>18115434

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I didn't know they made a 50 ml. That's one of those fragrances that is so inexpensive that there's really no good reason not to blind buy it. You have to really like vetiver to jibe with it, but if you do it's great. Probably the best fragrance you can get for the money.
I save lavender and vetiver. Real oakmoss is already banned by ifra and we can just replace patchouli with cannabis and chocolate
I dabble in perfumery and honestly it isn't a very noticable smell and I barely smell it, but my nose is probably fried from smelling so many different scents
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rather smell like gasoline than picrel
laughably mediocre

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How are you preparing for Pride Month(TM)?

I think I'm going to ironically buy this shirt and probably get a rainbow band for my apple watch.
Consider pairing your fit with a rope around your neck
I'm not catholic or whatever they are

Heaven yeah, we effay today

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Anyone tried these Saucony Omni 9 before? How do they compare in comfort and durability to similar New Balance and Asics?
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From there you can look for a pair of casual loafers, only one step above sneakers in formality but you'll look like less of a cunt
>less of a cunt
Get off the internet for a while dude
>tee hee look what I posted, mom
Enjoy your Nikes and gooning
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>Enjoy your Nikes and gooning
Kek you got me. Well played..
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Pay around just under 1/3 extra for a secured pair from an international store

Or try my luck with upcoming raffles where they are hard to get tin my cou try. I could end up spending more than intended if I win a bunch of them. Or completely miss out all together. Then if I miss out I will be forced to probably spend double on retail

I've always wanted these and desu will probably be my last pair and I'm out the sneaker game

Why is almost all professional athletic apparel made from synthetics/polyester?
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Turns out you arent the only person in the world and... Other people do sweat, crazy
Do you wear plastic underwear?
ok prince andrew
>Turns out you arent the only person in the world and...
Yes I am.
>Other people do sweat, crazy
No they don't. I'm the only person in the world, so.
>inb4 samefag
Yes, I know.
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have you considered silken wool 100% cotton trousers goon sire??

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>”w-why is that lady complimenting your boots!?? DOES SHE KNOW THEY HAVE NON-GUSSETED TONGUES!? Why isn’t she complimenting my simply exquisite shit-tinged “Leroy” 238s complete with golden freakin rivets??????? IM GONNA KILL MYSELF!!!!
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exactly lmao

the ultimate /fa/ blackpill. no one cares about your “high quality” boots if they’re homeless-man-core.
this but unironically
i was a GYW phase for a good couple years and spent thousands upon thousands of dollars on boots and shoes but one day i just woke up and realized it literally doesn't matter
Damn dude we already know you’re Indian, you don’t have to make it so obvious
>boots made me mentally ill so you shouldn't wear boots either
It's weird how the "no one cares about X" always translates to "consequently you shouldn't be wearing X". I guess this is because some posters work heavily on external validation while others care more about internal. The external validators can't comprehend wearing stuff for oneself, because you like it, it's comfortable or makes you feel good. That's why so many "girls don't care about..." replies, as if the only reason for wearing a particular item is getting girls' attention, or compliments from others.
Cue the replies in the line of "what's the point then" or "nah, you do care". It's like trying to explain how the sun looks like to a blind.

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What should i wear to tropical island?
cotton shorts or swim trunks with a linen button down, sleeves half rolled up

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How do I look more feminine with a cut like pic related? I hate wearing wigs
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Have your body do most of the work
you will never have sex
sadness would be a dumb reason for op to shorten her hair
there are plenty of good reasons to do it, though
wear eyeliner and lipstick
if that's not enough for people not to mistake you for a man you could wear feminine clothing, but then there's a chance people will mistake you for a man in feminine clothing
it's unlikely people will mistake a female frame for a male's though, if you want specific advice you should post a picture of yourself
Wait then explain how I just fucked your mom tho?

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You just look good dressing like this in summer. Like an adult. You look well put together. You look fun, you look like you enjoy life.
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Nobody is dressing like that here in Texas
That looks like the kung fu shit that old chinks wear.
? you feeling /fa/ngry?
straight leg pants look like complete fucking dogshit and i am beyond tired of pretending otherwise
>wearing pants and long sleeves during summer

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Is it effay to wear kino schizo glasses to make sure no one is sneaking up behind me at all times?

like rear view mirrors, but for people.
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I also know how to tie over 12 different kinds of knots and know how to use Microsoft Excel and can speak conversational latin.
made me kek!
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>over 12
this is pasta right?

or is this fresh pasta?
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not schizo enough. we need to go a layer beyond

Why do pigtails mog all other hairstyles for women?
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are you a bishop?
Because you can use them as handlebars
Head is better and more effective as a handlebar for a blowjob/facefuck, hips and long open hair are better handlebars for backshots
Are you all virgins here
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Only mentally ill women have those.

Why is the down jacket such xenotech? With the appropriate layers, its good for -20 to +15 c.
Did the aliens bring this?
because birds dont live in houses you fucking moron

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