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How much do you pay for jeans?
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Rotating how often you wear them and regular dry cleaning. Stuff like dirt and sand and other abrasive daily objects contribute to wear and tear. But you can only control it so much. That said I have a 10+ year old pair of N&F that still look fine, and thats only 13oz. So you can preempt this by buying a heavier fabric I guess, but even if I only got 10 years of wear that's still really good. But having a larger rotation (3-5 pairs) stretches the wear over time. Also if you notice hot spots, take them to the tailors ASAP (or DIY) to have that area fixed and the fabric replenished.
I won't go over a grand
>that jawline
Is this the chick from Stranger Things?
selvedge rustlers or selvedge wranglers?
there are wranglers in cone mills selvedge but they're harder to track down

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I bought a dress like pic related. Can you wear pantyhose with that? Are you supposed to wear a bra with that? I don't have boobs yet but I feel a bit naked.
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Why is this board 90% trannies ? Go back to your containment thread (waywt)
good morning dear sexy lady
write me I'll precious you, many soft nipple kisses yes?
beautiful so holy <3 <3 <3
hes a tranny, there are no girls on the internet
I would say dont wear a bra unless the straps go under the straps of the dress. wear pantyhose if its cold or u dont wanna shave idk
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If anyone can recognize it. Also scholar aesthetic appreciation thread. Bonus points for economy/maths teachers.
nigga u r pathetic
I'm white though, sorry to bother african fellow.

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Where can I find this shirt /fa/?
the faggot store
Maybe try Grailed or Depop?
fuck that coon

>Topics appropriate for discussion

- Pens, Pencils, and various other types of stationed equipment

- Paper brands and types

- Inks

- Carrying Cases

- Pen Design

>Previous Thread: >>18053134
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So do you want a handwriting book or a calligraphy book? Because they're different things. Calligraphic scripts are drawn, handwriting is written.
But to answer your question:
>Is there a more comprehensive guide to learning different calligraphic styles
Zanerian manual is the standard book for most things. You'll need to be more specific if you want more special books
I want something that one could learn old Euro (German and French) cursive styles from.
How do i fix my shitty handwriting in a week ;-;
It looks worse than a child's handwriting
Write more idk what else 2 say

Write a story about a little butterfly and his trip down south

Are they more promiscious than american women and asian women?
The same as American. There's no longer any cultural diversity in the West
The must have item for European cities in 2024 is a burqa to prevent acid attacks and to make sure you don't accidentally tempt a pack of heckin peaceful muslimerinos to rape you due to economic uncertainty.

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>vid related. pic not.

i wanna give the /fa/ tyrants a middle fingering too! and stop being a consumer scum.
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This pic reminds me of... Never mind.
she's tartar roots.
very nice. she even has that peasant physiognomy
You don't have to wear the real historical clothes if you don't want to. You could just incorporate a lot more wools and linens into your clothing materials, instead of relying on synthetics.
i wanna a noble grapist though

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Why do trans "people" find this hairstyle unattractive on men but women love it?
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I fuck trans women - doubt they would dislike this

They tend to just like more traditional masculinity desu
hahah this guy fucks dudes. FAGGOT
Bro why would you give a shit what troons think about anything? Literally all they do all day is rummage around for shit one social media to be offended about until they eventually ACK.
huh? I have been trans a long time and never heard an opinion on this hair good or bad. It is the pretty generic hair everyone has in my country at least. maybe theres some trans person online who says it looks like the hitler youth haircut who went viral? I wouldn't know but it's all I can think of
Shaved sides and poofy hair seems low class imo

That includes e girls right?
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Belle's an e-girl. Less sure what makes an e-girl, but it's more pink and more sexualized, like thirst traps.
Hannaowo also an e-girl, but closer to alt because raven black hair. But alt gorls don't post thorst trap stuff and don't exist only online, that's an e-girl.
"alt" is an umbrella term that includes all intentionally cultivated styles (usually associated with a particular subculture) that aim to differentiate themselves from the norm/unconsidered fashion. goths are alt, ravers are alt, scene girls are alt. anyone who's making an effort to dress in a way counter to whatever the current default style of dress is, so like athleisure, jeans and a t shirt + nikes, zara-core. "egirl" isn't really a description of a style, more of a lifestyle. someone like pokimane clearly isn't "alt" in any meaningful way, but the kind of archetypal thigh highs/tennis skirt/platform boots/heavy eye makeup egirl look would be, and descends from a (sanitized) mashup of various counterculture looks
Yeah alt girls and e girls are hoes
Theyre always into weird shit
High test chang

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can someone ID this yellow thing? It looks like some kinda linen cardigan but it also looks oversized as fuck

also tips for finding this color? when looking for yellow i only get ugly dark yellow gold looking shit
Possibly linen, but more likely merino wool

I literally just bought this, which honestly closely resembles what you're looking for

Unfortunately it's sold out in the US website market so I had to purchase it from the European website and had my friend in Europe act as a shipment forwarder. Apparently it's arriving in 1-2 weeks, their country mailing courier is slow as fuck lol but then again so is USPS...
thanks man that actuallly looks pretty close but the difference seems to be the seams/collar, is it just me or does it look thicker, like sewn or something on the middle seams
The outfit looks really nice and fresh but I'm not sure if it would work as well with lighter hair color.
i'd call that lemon yellow
or close to flax which is less saturated

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Now I need help putting together a closet. I've posted before about my internship, but now I'll have some money to get some real stuff. Please help me out.
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Amigos, decidimos hacer un viaje rápido a Marruecos antes de volver a América. ¡Qué experiencia!
This is a fashion board, not your blog
Yup strong jawlines and straight white teeth
Euros have crap teeth
I enjoy whatever this is (I learned not to wear black suits)
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Morocco. What a place.

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Disregard their juicy asses.
I'd like to get the white nikes plz.
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thank you!

do not notice the asses, plz come on.
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>airmax 270
seems like an older version of it since the new ones don't look the same on the back
Can I jump rope in this?
no, they are too bouncy, the exercize has no point then.
yes I think it is allowed

We need to bring back cloaks and capes.
>65% polyester 30% cotton 5% spandex
I've always thought they were rad. I also think trenchcoats and dusters are rad. and hats like they wear in film noir. these things have a reputation
Absolutley everyone was wearing a trench last winter. You just missed it...
I wore a oversized peacoat, it was wonderful

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where do i find clothes like this? like, twice i've found colorblock windbreakers in my size at goodwill, but that's it.
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I dressed like this when i was 6, but gays have ruined colors for me.
I wish we'd go back to a simpler time when wearing bright pink didn't imply pushing feces inside someone else's rectum.
only real men can wear pink these days. pink is a manly color. shit in rectum pushers psyoped everyone to think it's effeminate
ah yes, the gays of the 19th century were notorious for terrorizing the russian and french coffin industries

Hate to say it but in all honesty a ton of random small instagram brands do shit like this.
>citing trannipedia

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I just got a pair of dress boots from Mexico called botines. They look like chukkas but with the traditional pointed toe. Do western boots go best with denim only or can I pair them with other material?
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some good non chinese cowboy boot brands? Want to try scouring ebay but it's going to be tough in the UK.
No one fuckin calls em that.

Chisos, Hyer, Anderson Bean, Horsepower, Ariat Premium, Blackjack.
these are extremely expensive.
You think being a cowboy is cheap?

All of these boots can be used to ride a horse, Meant to be worn for a lifetime. Additionally, Cowboy boots are seen as an investment and are peoples first real boot more often than not. Here its about quality just as much as look.
Try out Tony Lama or Justin Boots

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