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what the hoodie?

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Let me guess, you "need" more?
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I didn't make the claim. Your response?
Id pls

Google image search, negroid
Thank you my black Friend

>wears provocative clothing
>nooo don’t sexualize me you PIG!
why are doubles standards in favour of women socially acceptable?
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>This is man thoughever
What’s with women trying to pick up dudes now? Happened in the last few years women in their 30s coming up to approach men on their own in grocery stores, Home Depot or if they notice you’re eating alone at a restaurant after work
wtf those jeans have 3 yokes
is this bullshit ai generated?
This would make me so uncomfortable especially when just trying to eat alone, I hate confident women thank god my gf is a mouse
it's not a double standard. just hypocrisy

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Is there a specific name for this style of bikini top? This would be perfect for my tiny tit gf
What the fuck are you talking about?

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I'm an elder vampire (female) in an upcoming video game, rate my fit.
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mentally ill lesbian femenist phenotype
I'm just thankful the sides aren't shaved. again
Hello maam i am indian maam
Can i smell your pussy maam?
looks like shit, should have had the jacket draped over the shoulders if they wanted the shoulders to look comically wide

>second from left
when will this garbage copy+paste going to stop, it feels so dated at this point.
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Migrants, third worlders
Why? If I’m going to the supermarket I’m not putting on a fucking pair of leather soled shoes
If your just going to the supermarket than why put on some fragrance then?
damn i might need to look into getting me a pair of dose shoes bro
I enjoy it

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What do I go for bros? My hair has looked shit for years now I never really do anything with it. Guessing some kind of fade? I wanna see what else people suggest though because literally every single man has a fade now and it's boring. Help me bros.
Yeah, you’d look good with a fade. Good head shape, jaw, skin tone and good neck for it. As for the top, you might use a bit of sea salt water and any kind of matte product and give some volume. As for how you comb it — to the side or keep what you’re doing and go for the messy/volume look.

If your hairline is receding, get on The Big 3 early or just ride it out and enjoy your hair now. No biggie either way. The only time men don’t look good with hair loss is when they’re “in the middle” of having and not having hair.
What kind of fade? You got some example pics? Think I'd stick with a messy look.

I don't think it's receding yet I'm only 21 lmao. What are the big 3? If I suited it I would get a buzzcut just easy no hassle but don't think it would look good.

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Why do most men's shorts options end up being polyester trash or gym shorts? I've been looking for stuff like pic related (mostly cotton or natural fiber) and find very little that genuinely seems worth buying. Any recs?
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the upper blocks on shorts are always cut goofy and the thighs are always too billowy and huge for my legs.
i buy chinos or raw denim jeans then cut them off into shorts. jeans are fine with a raw hem but you want to go like an inch too long because they will shorten and fray over the first few washes. chinos should be folded and hemmed cleanly where you cut.
looks way better on my twink physique. gets constant compliments and irl w2c asks.
I just go to the thrift store and buy jeans I can make jorts out of. 5" inseam max btw.
I don’t think there is any way for men to pull of shorts other than an athleisure fit full lululemon or something comparable. There’s no khaki short fit that doesn’t look you’re about to do it to em. Maybe if you’re literally on a boat it works.
i found some that look exactly like pic related at a local thrift store made by polo ralph lauren. cost $3
ive been wearing the same pair of patagonia shorts made out of recycled fishing nets for the past 5 years or so. if youre concerned about plastics against your nuts then just cut out the mesh. i wear wool underwear with mine and theyre great, super durable and dry quickly

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You might as well get the use of it before you die. Goth chicks would love that shit too
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looks expensive
You can use it when you die. It'll smell of shoes but it's not like your nose'll be working
That was blatantly a silly joke and you're calling it edgy? Re-calibrate yourself

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Its weird as fuck that tall people, even hot chicks, always notice him
I thought manlets were losing
Hes like 5'5, jacked interesti g style and hair and carries himself like royalty even though he only has normal merchant genes
Im feeling a bit jealous even though im taller than him
Im 6 3
Why do people notice him? And not me
I have better genes than him
What the fuck
It sounds crazy but i am not lying
His face is average looking
My face is better btw
Idk if im underrating him tho
Im pissed off
he exudes charisma, meanwhile you silently seethe with jealous rage. women don't care for your petty loser mentality, they want someone that's at the very least likeable. which you clearly aren't. it's not that difficult to understand
simply put; you're the sidekick.
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its a generational thing
manlet hate took off with tiktok. if you're millenial or older and a manlet you never really experienced it until the last few years, if ever at all. i'm 5'6 and i had to teach all my 6'+ friends from high school how to talk to girls without shitting & cumming their pants. manlets can avoid manlet hate by simply avoiding contact with people who use tiktok, which is easy for millenials xers and boomers.
He's confident and charismatic and you are weak, jealous and bitter. People can feel you give off that energy and are repelled by it.

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Why did this outfit became so fucking popular in asia?

Literally all the girls wear this style when going out.
Asians are thinner and have no qualms showing their flat bellies (and their legs as opposed to their prudishness for deep necklines).
They're a singular hive mind. Consider the propensity for females to follow the herd, then add the fact that they're asian; we're talking about a doubling of conformity here.
This is how every girl under 28 years old dresses in the US as well.

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Picture a younger version of this guy and you get what im talking about

All that daddys money and trust funds just to look like a normal google software engineer
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10/10 rage over totally innocuous statements
Homegrown Koreans or american transplants?
both. the 'han' must be a real thing
>All that daddys money and trust funds just to look like a normal google software engineer
Because they want to look "relatable" and one of the plebs.
>Oh, we're not a bunch of super rich trust fund kids who are swimming in billions while our daddies' corporations pay you plebs in peanuts! No fellow goys, we are just like you!

How much do you pay for jeans?
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Rotating how often you wear them and regular dry cleaning. Stuff like dirt and sand and other abrasive daily objects contribute to wear and tear. But you can only control it so much. That said I have a 10+ year old pair of N&F that still look fine, and thats only 13oz. So you can preempt this by buying a heavier fabric I guess, but even if I only got 10 years of wear that's still really good. But having a larger rotation (3-5 pairs) stretches the wear over time. Also if you notice hot spots, take them to the tailors ASAP (or DIY) to have that area fixed and the fabric replenished.
I won't go over a grand
>that jawline
Is this the chick from Stranger Things?
selvedge rustlers or selvedge wranglers?
there are wranglers in cone mills selvedge but they're harder to track down

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I bought a dress like pic related. Can you wear pantyhose with that? Are you supposed to wear a bra with that? I don't have boobs yet but I feel a bit naked.
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Why is this board 90% trannies ? Go back to your containment thread (waywt)
good morning dear sexy lady
write me I'll precious you, many soft nipple kisses yes?
beautiful so holy <3 <3 <3
hes a tranny, there are no girls on the internet
I would say dont wear a bra unless the straps go under the straps of the dress. wear pantyhose if its cold or u dont wanna shave idk
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If anyone can recognize it. Also scholar aesthetic appreciation thread. Bonus points for economy/maths teachers.
nigga u r pathetic
I'm white though, sorry to bother african fellow.

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