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Disregard their juicy asses.
I'd like to get the white nikes plz.
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thank you!

do not notice the asses, plz come on.
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>airmax 270
seems like an older version of it since the new ones don't look the same on the back
Can I jump rope in this?
no, they are too bouncy, the exercize has no point then.
yes I think it is allowed

We need to bring back cloaks and capes.
>65% polyester 30% cotton 5% spandex
I've always thought they were rad. I also think trenchcoats and dusters are rad. and hats like they wear in film noir. these things have a reputation
Absolutley everyone was wearing a trench last winter. You just missed it...
I wore a oversized peacoat, it was wonderful

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where do i find clothes like this? like, twice i've found colorblock windbreakers in my size at goodwill, but that's it.
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I dressed like this when i was 6, but gays have ruined colors for me.
I wish we'd go back to a simpler time when wearing bright pink didn't imply pushing feces inside someone else's rectum.
only real men can wear pink these days. pink is a manly color. shit in rectum pushers psyoped everyone to think it's effeminate
ah yes, the gays of the 19th century were notorious for terrorizing the russian and french coffin industries

Hate to say it but in all honesty a ton of random small instagram brands do shit like this.
>citing trannipedia

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I just got a pair of dress boots from Mexico called botines. They look like chukkas but with the traditional pointed toe. Do western boots go best with denim only or can I pair them with other material?
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some good non chinese cowboy boot brands? Want to try scouring ebay but it's going to be tough in the UK.
No one fuckin calls em that.

Chisos, Hyer, Anderson Bean, Horsepower, Ariat Premium, Blackjack.
these are extremely expensive.
You think being a cowboy is cheap?

All of these boots can be used to ride a horse, Meant to be worn for a lifetime. Additionally, Cowboy boots are seen as an investment and are peoples first real boot more often than not. Here its about quality just as much as look.
Try out Tony Lama or Justin Boots

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>no interior design thread

Is there any way to salvage a bedroom with zoomer grey furniture and white walls/beige carpet? I impulsively bought a pretty much new set of grey bedroom furniture from what I can only assume was a break up/divorce sale, but now I'm stuck with all grey furniture and my room looks more or less like picrel.

Is green/plants the only way to make this look less depressing? I dont want any bright splashes of color in my bedroom but blues and purples and other dark colors seem pointless

worst case I could honestly flip this furniture and if anything make a meager profit off it but idk the brand but its significantly nicer than my hand me down ikea shit that was falling apart
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>>Thought cost of living is cheap in eastern europe?
Not anymore, everything went up 4-5 times in the last few years, whoever bought or inherited property by then is renting it out now to immigrants and tourists and whoever didn't can die in a ditch (I didn't). The only people left in the country are those who inherited multiple properties and can live from nothing basically, and the underclass who was too stupid to move out when they should have (me).
>>it sounds like you both know how to fix your situations and improve your lives
Hardware you can buy online and replace that, paint if you're feeling like it but yeah bedroom sets can be soulless. Wayfair has inexpensive ones but sometimes you can find them at um antique stores.
unironic bot ai post

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Anybody can tell me the name of this thing for the hair?

Thank you
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We black folk call them hair bobos.
Thank you so much
yes yes obrigado to you too latinx
more inspo pls
Not so sure that's for hair

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Are they effay?
ID on the shirt & pants?
Idk they're milsurp from Americana Pipedream (#notasponsor) I pulled the images from there. Just go to their social media page and scroll down until you see these photos.
Italian milsurp khaki shirt
Hard to tell on the pants, they've sold quite a few different kinds of post-war vintage trousers and the ones he has on in the pic are one of the less recognizable ones. Maybe swedish with the colorway on it, but most solid color military uniforms look way too similar to distinguish based on pictures
Also to actually participate in the thread, they're effay only if you're someone who lives in the woods and hardly leaves or if you're homeless in a major urban area. No other human being alive today can get away with it

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Grid thread
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nudity is only natural.
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combinations change depending on the season, but this is basically my entire wardrobe.
That little tin coffee cup is so fucking based

Neopeasant outfits
I'd bet you're conservative and minor threat would have hated everything about you
Good fit and great collection of clothing but entering gaudy territory for sure
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i like to consider it an improvement from abt 1 year ago worst part is that this is basically my entire wardrobe

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Should I wear picrel or is fruity?
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If the chain / necklace was thicker you'd get away with it, that small width is for petite girls.
That’s a ladies’ chain. It’s a ladies’ pendant too, but mostly this >>18120999
If you don’t want to spend money on a thicker gold chain, just get gold plated. No one will know and I won’t tell them.
If it was 22 inches long an 3-5mm thick it would look better. As it is it's very feminine. But guys wear 18inch chains and fucking pearls now so who tf knows. If you are chad you can wear it.
dat nigga likes to drank from the hose
nigga thats a womans necklace, get a blokes necklace ffs, needs to be bigger and thicker, less dainty

another angle upscaled
Migrant core in early 2000s and late 90s
It's quite classy actually. Tbh if I saw someone wearibg that i would think he is the coolest person
He was wearing a lot of Fila shit, maybe some Diadora too.
He musta crawled inside the sweatuh for warmth.

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post iq
>rick owens
lmao i had to look up that loser boomer
i'm 21 get some fresh fash grandpa
credit ben shapiro the next time you rip his shit bar for bar.
Consider killing yourselves, faggots
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peep stole dgsbe's flow while dressing like more of a homosexual en route to an opioid overdose and eminem was never cool. you're exposing yourself as a gen Xer or VERY early millennial desu

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Robes are literally the most underrated piece of clothing in the planet. I have yet to meet someone who is smart enough to use a robe.
>Piece of cloth.>
>Indoor Jacket.>
>Too cold to get out of bed? Robe.>
>It even has a belt.>
>You look like a smart-ass billionaire when you wear it.>
>For some reason nobody wears it.>
Everyone's been brainwashed by the Anti-Robe media for far too long. I signal the Robe Revolution.
i remember watching The Osbournes back in the day and mirin' Ozzy's robe.
the guy that made those died not too long ago. so i guess if i had a lazy $10,000 for one the dream is over before it began.
Wait until you discover overalls
Absolute based. I have several robes, you need a few depending on the weather. I have thinner ones for the spring and summer, heavy fluffy ones for the fall and winter. If I'm not leaving my apartment I just walk around in underwear, a wifebeater and a robe and it's supremely comfortable

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... when you walk down the streets, just because of how you look or dress?
it's happened to me maybe twice in my life. and i DO dress like a faggot.
It happened maybe 7 times in my life and it hurts every time :-(
No, I’m 6’2”
No, but sometimes they slap my ass and startle me.
Never. I'm 6'3, bald, and have soulless autism stare, I've been told I look like I'm a minor inconvenience away from committing mass murder. Once people get to know me they tell me I'm surprisingly friendly and helpful, I just look at bit intimidating at first.

And I do dress like a faggot so maybe just look like you're about to go for a mass shooting high score at all times?

Why is masculinity dying and femininity taking over?
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This is from my observations as a schizo
I feel like Alt girls hate prettyboys and gym bros tho
Alt girls go for mid guys, guys that fulfill their niche fetish, other girls, druggies and older guys
Normie girls usually like prettyboys and gym bros
Alt girls also include e girls too
You know why
bro... just shave it... you're living in a fantasy world
I only go to concerts of good artists so the average age is 40 and the most common hair color is bald

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How do I get a good fitting pair of jeans? Mine always look like this
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pre-washed jeans never get permanent creases because the fabric is softened before you ever wear it, leading to shapeless fits like this.
buy raw denim.
i recommend resolute, they focus a lot more on the fit than other brands.
if you want a more specific recommendation post a picture of jeans fitting the way you'd like and i'll tell you what you need to get.
that looks good, but if you don't want them to sit on top of your shoes like that then get them hemmed an inch or two. personally i like some piling on top of the shoes, but your pic is kind of in the awkward zone where there isn't a gap between the jeans and the shoes, but they're still short enough that it interrupts the flow
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the broken ankle effect happening here?
go slightly shorter
go slightly longer
or taper them in a bit
any of those fix it
t. used to work at a denim botique
Honestly, those look pretty good. Do you live within or near a major city? If so, there’s probably a shop that specializes in selvedge denim which is preferable to visit since their fits are going to be way better and more consistent compared to mass produced jeans. If you don’t live near one, go to any department store that sells Levi’s and bring a tailor’s tape measure to measure the waist, upper thigh, and front rise dimensions of the best fitting pair of jeans you find. Take note of those measurements and then buy a good pair of raw selvedge online with comparable dimensions. Make sure to try on many different cuts (straight, slim straight, straight tapered, slim tapered, high rise, medium rise, etc)
That's pretty much spot on for straight leg jeans

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