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Do you love Ireland?
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I dont hate any white country except for Ireland. They must be flooded with bbc and their men must be sissified and sent to Israel to serve IDF soldiers(both male and female)


He’s evil and stupid. Prime example of an Irishman
It is honestly hilarious how much this girl doing a 'le edgy goth' song at fucking eurovision triggered chuds so much.
>this girl

It's a perverted, mentally ill irish male.
I miss when Ireland was moderately Catholic
SHE is a woman chud

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It’s over ummah bros. Saudis are doing the unthinkable in the holy land. Gulf Arabs are becoming secularized too quickly. How the fuck do we stop this?
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Most normies obviously arent quranists but they dont see the hadiths as an equal to the quran like they most normied think pork and alcohol are haram (these are mentioned in the quran ) but not the other stuff if you go by hadiths even music,any drawings..etc are haram most muslims dont think like that,so yeah the moment they see hadiths as equal to the quran is the moment they go down the isis pipeline
thats why the isis-tier ones are a minority and salafism a religious ideology whose main focus is the hadiths being on the same level as the quran is seen as fringe and radical
i'm not muslim but this is how things work in most countries in the muslim majority parts of the world
I see.
Thanks for clarifying my questions
what will happen once islamcels secularize? they are mono-cultural unlike say, protestants, the only reason they endure is ignorance and poverty. protestants have backup groups saved in the cloud like amish and mennonites, meanwhile muslims are all the same and follow the larger mass, will they go extinct eventually?
say 500 years from now on. all secular western goyslop is being tailored to be islam friendly, its basically a troy horse
why are visajeets like this?
i know a guy from my town who went there to get s cleaning job. he hasn't contacted his family for about 2 years now

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Please ignore my flag I promise I am a good person
How many german tourists did you beat up today?
But you don't pay your taxes
can I come to Greece?
i believe you anon
i want to think everyone is a good person
Wtf I love Greeks now

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Kino radio broadcasting cool classical music, opera, rock classics, 80s 90s hits, and pro Ukraine turd

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British English is so cute and comfy, I go to YT just to watch brits
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so many people turning gay and bi lately, I blame women, porn, and industrial society though, people used to marry at 18
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Literally what the fuck is the appeal of him, he's just male Belle Delphine and his cock is small
Imagine you're Chinese learning about the century of humiliation, and on the opium war section you see it was Angloids that started the unequal treaties.
Imagine you're a pajeet learning about the East Indian Company & the British Raj's colonization of your sub continent by the Angloids
Imagine you're French Canadien learning about the Acadian deportations and British conquest of British North America by the Angloids
Imagine you're the 30% of Africa (Egypt, Sudan, South Africa, Botswana, Kenya, Uganda, Nigeria, Zimbabwe, Tanzania, etc etc) learning about your former colonial overlord, the Angloids
Imagine you're Irish learning about the Irish famine by the Angloids
Imagine you're Icelandic learning about your country's forced occupation during ww2 by the Angloids.
and this >>197462270 is the race of men that did this to you…

You can earn money by that so it's already superior to average women
Still can't believe this average looking guy made millions with his face.

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does Paris sill have brothels?
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idk i want something classical, shit sucks
Europe VTM is called Redemption
kinda based. for the pimp as well I guess, it's human trafficking, here we call it proxenetism or being a "fish"
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techno music, underground raves
second most insanely cucked law of all time, just behind paternity tests being banned

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I know 4 languages menwhile children of yakub say shit like "I could care less"
English, Brazilian dialect 1, Brazilian dialect 2(same as 1), Brazilian dialect 3(same as 1)?
Children of Yakub where learning trickology to start the Trans Atlantic Slave trade whilst Brazilanon was becoming cultured

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kurva anyátok
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na ez, van egy lengyel csaj nagyon Ki akarom Nyalni
NogymBx Jo lengyel puncogo
Nem lehet szendvedni lengyerodzygabm
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Aztapaszta ilyenek felraknam baszod mi elvetemult nok laknak ott hat Kell az a A szláva pina

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Will you join the latest Progressive movement?

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I have no gf or friends in my country and I'm legit worried, I'm a grown ass man
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Ah, don't worry about it too much. This life will be over before you know it anyway.
I'm the same, mostly
I have some "friends" in uni but they are more like... associates or friends of convenience.
yeah i've lost contact with most i knew. pretty much have one friend but he lives in another country so the habit has been a yearly meet up. also i've never had a gf.
How? Doesn't everyone there know everybody? Also couldn't you just pork a Chinese tourist?
im pretty bad at socializing even by the standard of nordics being bad at it.
>Also couldn't you just pork a Chinese tourist?i i just never go where the tourists are.
i live in an suburban area and there are no tourists around. and the idea of going downtown alone is just something i find to be awkward to do.

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fine i'll do it myself edition

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233 replies and 32 images omitted. Click here to view.
You need a special kind of constitution to be able to sit in front of your computer doing Anki everyday for 3 hours straight, and keep this up for years.
question for efls
could the verb render work with nouns without using into?
e.g. to render nuclear waste energy
is there ant verb that works like this?
yeah why not
Ich habe ein blaues Auto und ein weisses Fahhrad
Sie geht zum Geschäft, um einige Früchte zu kaufen
Nächste Woche fahren wie in die Ferien
Nächste Woche werden wie in die Ferien fahran
Der Film beginnt um 7 Uhr
Bitte hilf mir, meine Schlüssel zu finden

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Does this happen in your country?

ps it was self induced pleasure from playing honey select
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be less obvious, glowie
>Does this happen in your country?
Kind of. If I don’t jack off for a long time the first ejaculation isn’t really that pleasurable. But it is powerful
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My left testicle shrunk a few years ago and sometimes my nut goes inside my body when i bust. Also gives me pain at times...

asking the important questions

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Why do british people speak funny?
We don't ya fucking drongo. Carrying on like a pork chop, that went down like a fart in church ya ocker dog cunt.

ok fellas, i got two girls in the bag, one is british the other spanish (born mexican). they're both ready to help me with the papers, which passport is more valuable?

pros / cons :
spain gets you citizenship in 2-3 years, uk its 3-5
the british girl is much sexier and down to earth, probably a 7, the mex/spanish one is is literally crazy and a 6 at best
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We are full. She will claim you raped her when you leave her and will put you in jail before you get to see a judge.
Is it worth it to spend 2-3 or even 5 years miserable with some stupid bitch you don't even like just to get some papers?
ok jose
Its a sacrifice im willing to make for a better life
Are these girls you got a reply from on twitter and now you think they are your wife?
Is this the level Albania has fallen...
They screen it very heavily now after Brexit because people think this place is some fucking haven
its girls ive been banging for about a year now. the uk girl is from yorkshire but lives in london, she keeps telling me uk is the worst place on earth but london is very lively

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>wake up
>fall asleep
just part and parcel of living in the suffering capital of the world, not that any of you would understand...
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>living in the suffering capital of the world
Fratello italiano...
>wake up
>jeet steals your job
>can't afford $2000/month rent
>end up on the streets of toronto
>get beaten up by gangs of teenage girls
>get referred to MAID program
This what life is like in Justin Trudeau's Canada
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>I SuFfEr iN a FiRsTie wOrLd cUnT
Why did you quote me?
It's because of Israel mr.Bjornson.

You should support the poor palestnians more.
That would improve your life.

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