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me for the next 5 month
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>feet are too spicy for some sensitive people
You learn something everyday
i'm more of a fan of flip-flops myself
God I wanna suck the cum out of your balls
They have been jerking off to those tranny socks for so long that they freaked out at mere sights of bare feet
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meanwhile..in the southern hemisphere

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We used to do this thing called 'blackbirding' where we raided the Pacific Islands and kidnapped locals to work as indentured laborers on sugar plantations. We stole so many people we created a new ethnic group 'South Sea Islanders'
I don't give a shit about your chinese/indian/arab filled idland Bruce.

I hope all of australia burns because of climate change.
Like those huge fires you had a few years ago.
they look the type netflix would cast in leading lady roles
chang more like
You are slaves though
You exist to mine rare ore for Anglos
Least schizo Israeli post
and now you cant even insult one of them or they will beat you up and/or get you fired from your job

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i love my own race, white culture, and white countries. i do not hate other races, i have no desire for an interracial relationship. i love qt edgy white women and only want to procreate with one
and there is nothing wrong with that
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beautiful picture. imagine if white countries did not feel the need to repress the desire of this image
i love my race. i love white civilization and white contributions to the world. i love qt edgy white women and their wonderful smiles, big doe eyes, qt ears and necks
and there is nothing wrong with that
what's the point of repeating these threads
autistic countermeasure to discord troons and jeets spreading their filth on this site?
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i love my race and white culture. i love white discovery of physics and chemistry laws, and more. i love white inventions. i love qt edgy white women and their wonderful smiles, their big colorful doe eyes and unique button noses. i only want to procreate with one
and there is nothing wrong with that
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because i love my own race. and i love qt edgy white women
and there is nothing wrong with that

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Cuck edition
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I hope I don't wake up tomorrow
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It's anotha Apocalypse!!! Ce ingeniosi sunt astia de pe Reddit.
My whole body is burning up. I can't sleep.
So i am at a party and its awesome
>son why don't you have a girlfriend are you gay

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100 years ago, no one would think that your average person would still be working nearly 40 hours a week. I have no idea why we still work that much.
Because we are ruled by oligarchic parasites that think networking and nepotism is work.
It used to be the normal 8 hour work day with 7.5 hours work and a 30 minute paid break but then the government made a law that employers had to give full time employees a 30 min unpaid break
employers obviously weren't going to take that off the working hours (i.e. 7 hours work, 30 min unpaid break, 30 min paid break) so they just added it on so now a workday is 8.5 hours
so now everyone is at work for an extra half hour per day and we aren't earning anything extra

Debts, wastefullness and zombie social behaviour and habits.
I am unironically thinking of becoming a hermit.
>Your average loo spends almost 24 hours a day trying to redeem gift cards

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East Coast bros…
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at least we aren't chicago
Only the happiest survive
the older I get, the more I feel like being sad is a waste of time. I know that sound faggy, but I find myself being sad at times and I'm like, what the fuck am I doing

The map has a rough correspondence to white people vs. black people. Being black, or even being around large numbers of black people is so unbelievably god-damn bad that it necessarily leads to unhappiness.

It is very, very difficult to top raising a white family in a peaceful, predominantly white community where people are reasonably intelligent and things are relatively cheap. This lifestyle is so objectively appealing that the fact that there's "nothing to do" from the urbanite point of view (read: shitty nightlife, restaurants, museums full of shitty art, sports games played by blacks that no one care about, etc) can't overcome it. Urbanites routinely ignore the appeal and possibility of enjoying nature with one's family, which is just about the most enjoyable and meaningful "something to do" that there is. Yes, even out in the prairie, the sticks. Because you're with your own people, on your own terms.
>West Virginia and Oklahoma
>Black people


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We Flips should have listen to the japanese

Behold, the protagonists!
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Hey spaniards on int are cool, insult someone else. Like italians, they actually deserve it
One spaniard (dominican) girl is worth 10 norwegian girls
>he doesn't know Burundi is the real world protagonist
>evil soulless extermination and colonization obsessed empire building colonizers, genociders and slavers

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Sarees etc look traditional but can fit into modern settings at the same time. Can look modest but also sultry. Can look elegant but also quirky. Can be understated but also flamboyant.

Does any other country's traditional garb compare? Post examples.
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My gf is indian and it's true they are so pure and modest, but they are also passionate at night. It's a good thing too.

>be me
>meet up with an Indian woman on Bumble
>date at an aquarium and Enoshima beach
>keep holding hands in the aquarium
>go to beach, she didn't want to get wet so we just sat on a blanket and see pacific ocean and Mt.Fuji in the distance
>kiss her cheek then she starts getting aroused
>she kisses me mouth to mouth in public, the beach was so crowded and I start to get embarrassed
>go back to my car
>the second match starts we lie on the backseat and tight hug each other and kiss tongue to tongue more than an hour

I think Indian women love lame romantic situation like Japanese women but the superior thing is they don't ask men for money. She always offers split the bill or sometimes pay for me at restaurants.
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I read somewhere that some gypsies still worship Kali in some form (even though most are Christian). Any idea if that's true?

How to get Japanese gf? I'm 6'3.
It's a shame they can't wear the sexy stuff without sexual assault.
Girl from sikkim makes my peepee hard
Why do you want a Japanese gf when you can get an Indian gf? Indian women have every good things East Asian women nowadays lost.

Do you guys really add cream to your coffee or is it just another way of saying milk?
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This has no dairy products in it by the way
somethings lost in translation somewhere for sure.
I use "cream" (finn. kerma) for coffee but its definitely not whipped cream (finn. vispikerma), but I have no idea what the definition of cream is then
It's just milk mixed with cream.
more fat than milk, more milk than butter.
>mixing black coffee with white cream
Quintesential angloid obsessive passion for their interracial fetishism.

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Why are shitalians so easy to beat, bully and abuse? Is it because they're balding, manlet, shitskinned, skinny-fat fraily built, garlic smelling, arabesque creaturas? TOTAL SHITALIAN OBLITERATION

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I want to fuck 8=D

>that place far away from spawn?
>can't be bothered, just put like a billion enemies there
>make them all look the same too
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No, but they are the final boss against the protagonist
Abrahamics are the antagonists. onky underdogs are protagonists
Only if their leadership doesn't go full retard
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Trust the dialectic.
shitalians are
>terrible at war
>like garlic and noodles
>white women won't fuck them

Why the fuck are the Irish unable to just put down the fucking bottle. My aunt married a wealthy Irish dude and she separated from him for 3 years because the bastard just wouldn’t give up getting piss drunk even for his wife and kids.

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China is so ahead of any country on earth, it's actually embarrassing. I always thought the firewall was to keep Chinese from coming to the global internet, but now I see it's to keep the global internet away from the Chinese

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>posts more disgustingly overpopulated smog filled cities, but with LED's
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oh and another problem is that people using car sharing programs once weren’t using any cars at all to begin with, so that means the easy access to vehicles is an INCREASE in overall car use.
kill yourself nigger.
Well yes that is what it's for. Don't need foreigners with their silly ideas of self-worth and collective bargaining invading Chinese society.

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What does /int/ think of this plan?

>Official retracts proposal to feed pigeon meat to poor children

>Provincial wildlife chief said that the birds are an "abundant resource" and emphasized their protein content. After other agencies denied such a plan, he admitted it was a "personal idea."

>Poor kids should eat pigeons and thus combat a plague that has invaded streets and public spaces. This controversial proposal sallied forth from the mouth of an official in Córdoba (Argentina), and was unanimously rejected from several quarters, after which the official qualified his stance as a "personal idea" rather than a completed project.

>It all began quite by chance, during a radio discussion in which the wildlife director of Córdoba province, Oscar de Allende was asked about reducing the sparrow population. He was then asked if any plans were in place to combat the overpopulation of pigeons. Without compunction, Allende stated that there was: "We have spoken to the people at Paicor [a provincial program for impoverished schoolchildren] about doing a project to see if we can finish off this problem using a nutritional approach."

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That's a collared dove
But i thought the free market will solve all social problems? Milei should shut down all the government programs
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Such a superior Aryan country, I kneel argensissies
Argeruanos comepalomas

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