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For thirdies.

Or for Europeans, what are American tourists like, in your country?
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>advertise yourself as big bunda drug country
>scam and kill 90% of tourists
>only the most ignorant white trash flocks to you
>*le surprised pikachu face*
>beggar, white
so korean bvlls should've kidnaped them and forced the guy to watch while they rape his gf.
Because they don’t have money, but still insist on travelling the world.
My thoughts about Japan when I went there. Actually most of the world is kinda like this.

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East Coast bros…
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>Maine in third quintile
Its over.
at least we aren't chicago
Only the happiest survive
the older I get, the more I feel like being sad is a waste of time. I know that sound faggy, but I find myself being sad at times and I'm like, what the fuck am I doing

The map has a rough correspondence to white people vs. black people. Being black, or even being around large numbers of black people is so unbelievably god-damn bad that it necessarily leads to unhappiness.

It is very, very difficult to top raising a white family in a peaceful, predominantly white community where people are reasonably intelligent and things are relatively cheap. This lifestyle is so objectively appealing that the fact that there's "nothing to do" from the urbanite point of view (read: shitty nightlife, restaurants, museums full of shitty art, sports games played by blacks that no one care about, etc) can't overcome it. Urbanites routinely ignore the appeal and possibility of enjoying nature with one's family, which is just about the most enjoyable and meaningful "something to do" that there is. Yes, even out in the prairie, the sticks. Because you're with your own people, on your own terms.

They murdered millions of us and now 80 years later they joke and laugh about it on the internet.
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>they were at Auschwitz guarding the camp when suddenly das Telefon ring
>HITLER DOOD. What nou?
That's afrikaans, commonly attributed as dutch to make fun of dutch people. You fucked up times two at insulting germans
I know it's Afrikaans, a dialect of Dutch even THOUGH they are the same. Appreciate simple comedy next time.
It didn't even make sense, it just made you look foolish to the point where I just assumed you didn't know this stuff. It's like me making a joke about spanish then showing something on italian.
These Syrians are raping your girlfriend, bitch
She says, “Leave me alone,” but he doesn’t catch her drift

I break your neck, then shoot me some testo
I come and turn your ghetto, into Charlie Hebdo

I listen to German rap to fall asleep
Because it has more window shoppers than a truck that sells ice cream

And because of me, they are armed when they're on stage
My body's more defined than that of an Auschwitz inmate

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>el peruANO calls brazilian a monkey during a football match
>brazilian start seething, yelling "racists" and later writing walltexts on social media
>brazilians on social media act shocked like "you can't be indigenous and racist at same time, you aren't white"
Seriously this got to be the most globohomo country on earth, while you have Peruveans, Bolivians, Argies, Uruguayans and Chileans swearing each other in the most horrible things imaginable, brazilians start crying at first bad word you say to them.
it's ridiculous how easy the average brazilian swallowed American leftist propaganda
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I don't give a shit about your ooh ooh ahh ahh monkey drama
If you didn't give a shit about it you wouldn't waste your time replying to a thread about it. Actually, you do.
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So this is who is calling us something
You're retarded if you can't understand why other Latinos calls Brazilian monkeys.

What is the only South American country that has significant African heritage?

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Learning about lutheranism.

It seems that they believe that you're saved through faith, right? Does that mean that I can sin and be saved if I have faith?

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>LARP as le enlightened liberal country, home of revolution and working class dignity
>literally running an empire in stealth and cruelly exploiting its current and former colonies for their resources

why the fuck do they want to hold onto colonies in this day and age? give independence to new caladonia already so that they can stop being opressed and chart their own economic course.
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Not part of France. If they still were, they'd be far better and you know it.
my grandfather fought the french in the late 40s but he was an absolute ouiboo regardless
>Not part of France.
Francafrique? It is.
> If they still were, they'd be far better and you know it.
Are we talking about the same countries? France has only ever despised Haiti, and France had no ability to protect Indochina.
they are not executing people anymore and women can vote so there's that. liberal and enlightened means more rights for jews and freemasons aka religious and sexual deviants(1st) and for arab/african minorities (2nd).

I can't believe how their gubment is NOT executing all those violent migrants without papers.

btw european presence in 3rd world areas is a beacon of hope and civilization
Vive la France, kill vile angloids.

>jap girl posts a pic of her committing suicide
>japs in the comments are making fun of her and posting memes
>the only ones concerned are foreigners
Why are they like this?
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I can read the first post. I am a genius.
I can fix her
It mostly is, that looks to be over 10 floors or 30 meters, straight into concrete. If you don't die instantly you'll be unconscious and die soon after, there's virtually no chance to survive it.
Disgusting slant eyed gook bug one less good riddance
you cant move in the air as easily as in minecraft bro...

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EFLs be like
>I'm so smart because I know my native language perfectly, while you can't speak it properly, no matter that you are know at least two languages and I speak one
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basically I'm just not gonna learn it (a second language!!)
I know... UGH I know.....
I'm sorry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It's just that I'm not gonna learn it is all
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ESLs really do
idk i dont believe english language exists, as far as i know, i only learn american language, thats being said i'm ASL, not ESL

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Swiss mountains edition

Previously on /flag/: >>196659853

>do (You) like going to places, taking photos and blogposting about it?
Welcome to /flag/ + /extraflags/, a lovely general for users to blogposting about our trips, discuss flag collecting, ExtraFlags, and autistic activities while funposting.

>What is Extra Flags?
ExtraFlags is an open-source userscript that lets you choose regional flags, like states and provinces, to add the already existing national flags on /int/, /pol/, /sp/, and /bant/.

Instructions and video guides for installing ExtraFlags can be found here: https://flagtism.gitlab.io/Extra-Flags-for-4chan/
Requests to add or change flags can be made here: https://gitlab.com/flagtism/Extra-Flags-for-4chan/-/issues

>Collecting flags? Filling maps?
World template: https://gitlab.com/flagtism/Extra-Flags-for-4chan/tree/master/maps/World.png

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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Sector 5
>The gay nibbers don't have the kino flag of Bern
Fuck this gay board
>the flags i uploaded yesterday are already being dumped
these are all sector 3 btw, fix pls

this post is so canadian
astrakhan region
some place near Kazan (probably)
maybe gonna explore more Moscow

BIG maybe some northern shithole nobody wants to go to because i want to swim in white sea

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i am allergic to labour
100 years ago, no one would think that your average person would still be working nearly 40 hours a week. I have no idea why we still work that much.
Because we are ruled by oligarchic parasites that think networking and nepotism is work.
It used to be the normal 8 hour work day with 7.5 hours work and a 30 minute paid break but then the government made a law that employers had to give full time employees a 30 min unpaid break
employers obviously weren't going to take that off the working hours (i.e. 7 hours work, 30 min unpaid break, 30 min paid break) so they just added it on so now a workday is 8.5 hours
so now everyone is at work for an extra half hour per day and we aren't earning anything extra

Debts, wastefullness and zombie social behaviour and habits.
I am unironically thinking of becoming a hermit.

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Her accent is not thick enough
Would not date
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>Sheilas hate yan-ACK
She's Kiwi saaar
that is a zainichi kiwi
I would do bogan shit with.

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Eдицiя Peзepвy+

Пoпepeднiй: >>197389514
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Toecть дo пocлeднeгo yкpaинцa? Boт бы вac вceх cyк зa шквapкy дa и в oкoпы
Fake country
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is ukraine going to fight until they're wiped out as a people? I fear for the ukranian race

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India doesn't look that bad desu
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The weather and the people suck though
When people post "good indian spot" it's always the south...
>The weather
It's pretty nice in several parts, but I do understand if the monsoon cycle in several areas aren't your thing at all.
alright lets say it how it its. The most unindian neighborhood

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Why're south east Asians considered human buy these are not?

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Which sandwich is your country
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Now I have to go to Publix and get a Cuban, thanks OP
are you a gril
no, why would i be?
all the girls left poland so they could come to the uk in order to fuck the blackest most african men you've ever seen in your life, straight off the dinghy, direct from the darkest heart of the congo, yup, polish chicks can't seem to get enough of em

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