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Ik heb nog nooit een minuut van helduikers gezien, nochtans stond /v/ vol met draden uitspraken en beslissingen van die CEO. Waardeloos bord
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Poh er heeft iemand gelooksmaxxed hier
>Voor degene met zijn schuilhoek achter glas
>Voor degene met de dichtbeslagen ramen
>Voor degene die dacht dat hij alleen was
>Moet nu weten we zijn allemaal samen

een tattoe laten zetten door anon oets

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Are young people getting these lines earlier in life?
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i saw a very faint forehead line and panicked and started a skin care regimen + being more careful with how i express myself. worked desu
I'm 36 with zero wrinkles and I don't do jack shit when it come to self-care. Genetics are a bitch.
Yes I can see two lines. Hard to see from distance but when I look in the mirror closely it's noticable. Only 24
Nah I think young people are getting them later than ever before because they've finally realised that tanning is skin damage and that you need to wear sunscreen

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would the import of BBC make the numbers go up?
someone in Morocco typed this.
of birth rate? yes

of gdp? no
It takes a few dozen BBCs to turn an entire section and whole blocks into a slum

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Brazil 92% Import Tax. Thank you, Lula
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Then what's the point? Currently america is the only country able to go full Japan sakoku and still be able to guarantee their citizens decent living standards while still being a superpower
Based af desu muh family. Try working for once.
That will never happen. That's the point. In the past, the US simply unilaterally made a country sink economically; today it can't do it anymore. That's all that's changed.
muito é fácil querer mais impostos pro outros quando você tá num país com bem menos impostos
>Economic Freedom Index
> United States 25 70.6 Decrease 1.5
> Brazil 133 53.3 Decrease 0.1

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>that was the only thing he was prosecuted for

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I did my night shift I can do whatever I please with my free time you swarthy ass, nappy headed, yee yee ass nigger.
Fury lost
yeah you hate the attention so much that you spent last 2 years posting your face all over /int/
reading Baudrillard makes me want to kill myself, what a retarded faggot philosopher

You can't suffer in USA, their women are beautiful and based
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How is this based?
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I fight for the american jewish woman. that liberal white wh*re will not hurt any of my jewish queens
OP pic is a Jewish woman, you fucking idiot. Look up the etymology of the surname Danon

don't care, not reading any of that anti-semetic shit you're posting

You know just by interacting with Israelis here on 4chan I feel sad because they aren't really bad people they try hard to be friendly and nice to us Arabs despite everything, we could've been best friends had they decided to colonize somewhere else, like Madagascar for example, or maybe even Alaska or Wyoming. So I'll give you this offer, pack up your shit and Leave our fucking land immediately and we'll be your best friends.
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Sorry, I don't know any heretics by the name of yoshke
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Let's ask this Arab expert
>Leave our fucking land
Its even more french than its yours lmao
Kill all arabs. Behead islamic dogs. Roundhouse kick a sandnigger dunecoon khamas supporter into the concrete. Slam dunk a dead flattened Phallustine baby into the trashcan. Crucify filthy Lebanese. Defecate in a Iraqis food. Launch Saudis into the sun/launch the literal fucking Sun encapsulated in a rocket right towards Mecca. Stir fry Syrians in a tava. Toss Iranians into their active volcanoes. Urinate into a Afghan's gas tank. Krav Maga toss Libyan pedophiles into a wood chipper. Twist Jordanian heads off. Report Algerians and Sudanese nafris to the immigration authorities in Europe. Karate chop Kurds and Turks in half. Curb stomp pregnant arab women, breeders of vermin. Trap Emiratis in flash floods. Crush Tunisians in the trash compactor. Liquefy Moorroccans in a vat of acid. Starve Gazans. Mummify Egyptians and make pyramids out of their numberless corpses. Exterminate human animals in the gas chamber. Stomp protestor skulls with steel toed boots. Cremate palestinians in the oven over Shabbat and get a teary eyed shabbos goy arab 'israeli' "Kapo" to do it. then throw all them in afterwards along with the self hating orthodox hasidic haredi jews. Lobotomize all the famous whiny activists that get quoted non stop and the bastards at al jizzya MEE paid propaganda news network. Mandatory abortions for West bankers. Grind West bank fetuses in the garbage disposal. Drown Omanis in fried matzo ball grease. Vaporize Yemeni pirate wannabes with a IDF super advanced cutting edge star destroyer. Kick old Qatari sheikhs down the gold plated stairs for sheltering enemies of the state. Tie Bahrainis to F1 cars and run laps till their brains are in their ass. Slice Gentiles in half with a Sicarii.

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shut the fuck up
Why do Lithuanians have this weird complex where they're self-deprecating but at the same time highly nationalistic?
we don't want to deal with foreigners of any kind, the less you know about us, the better
>we don't want to deal with foreigners of any kind
Even Latvians?
especially žirgo galvomis

what's the difference? are there other french canadian groups i should be aware of?
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One-third of all the soldiers rescued from Dunkirk were French you unbelievable moron, and plenty of British units stayed behind to cover the evacuation, some being the Royal Norfolk Regiment, Royal Warwickshire Regiment, Royal West Kent Regiment, Durham Light Infantry.
>they bombed a French port in Algeria and killed 1.2k people because France had been invaded by then
Because the fleet was perceived as a threat and French naval commanders refused to sail to England or even go to another neutral part further away from German and Italian forces. You know there's a reason they scuttled their own fleet at Toulon? The Germans attempted to capture the fleet there during Operation Lila. Like sorry that the Allied invasion of Vichy France was inevitable but that's the way the cookie crumbles when you're sign a separate peace and become a puppet state. Don't know what else to tell ya. There are frogs which lived though that era that don't even think about this anymore, but for whatever reason the frog from Canada (where frogs famously rioted at the mere thought of helping liberate France) has an almost pathological obsession.
That is exactly right. I am Acadian, that is like 95% of my family.
We’re kinda forgotten, but we just have different accents and are more rural than Québécois generally.
why is labrador part of newfoundland instead of quebec? never made any sense to me. there's only like 10000 people living there, just make them learn french and fix the border.
It was never French. It's not even Newfie, it's mostly all Aboriginal. Quebec would be a mere fraction of its size if we started divvying up along ethnic lines or language lines.
It needs to be denazified, it’s rightful Québec land. Non negotiable territory and useless by itself.

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Eдицiя Peзepвy+

Пoпepeднiй: >>197389514
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is ukraine going to fight until they're wiped out as a people? I fear for the ukranian race
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oooo drug, hto nemaje azbučnu klavijaturu. my zahidny hlopci tak pracujemo.
nu, ukrajinci moji, jak spravi? ja vas vse duže kohaju :)
Любитeль пepeмoги из Пoльши
Tипичный Tapac Пapacюк

In your country?
Its like the developer realized how much the materials cost and decided to go cheap to pocket more money instead.
Top: Soulless
Bottom: Soul

Do you have sex check in your cunt
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Yes, we are in fully agreement
With that info you can finally deal with the incel problem.
That's right, you'll easily know who to send to the front lines of the Russo-Ukrainian War
I have had sex before... With a Ukrainian girl. She broke my heart, so I will still fight for Putler..
arrested for being an incel

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Do you have incel eyes or Chad eyes in your country?
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I remember you are that German jew. Shalom
you're the same guy

manliest german poster
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If you were forced but given a choice to be any woman, who would you be?

I choose rhea ripley
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i think this lady is pretty so ig her.
I dunno a pornstar, if I'm going to be the inferior sex then I will spend my life as a complete slut with cocks in every hole 24/7
thats your inner phantasy
Elsa Jean

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Learning about lutheranism.

It seems that they believe that you're saved through faith, right? Does that mean that I can sin and be saved if I have faith?
I don't give a shit about that
I just want to fuck 8==D
>Does that mean that I can sin and be saved
I'm pretty sure that's part of all forms of Christianity.

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