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sprich nicht so über deinen Vater.
Anyone ever been to a prostitute/brothel/saunaclub?
What was Germany. Were the prostitutes nice, worth the price (overall not just sex), etc

Probably go to one if I ever get the chance to go to germany.
Zum Fenster (zum Fenster), zur Wand, (zur Wand)
Bis mir der Schweiß über die Eier rinnt (meine Eier)
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aufgestanden und soeben abjesplasched, danke der nachfrage
zu was denn so?

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Do you have incel eyes or Chad eyes in your country?
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I remember you are that German jew. Shalom
you're the same guy


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thoughts on North Korea and Kim? will North Korea survive in the future or will globohomo south koreans take over?
If it falls it will be to a Chinese backed coup, otherwise it'll remain as is. Kimmy as too many weapons for anyone else to do anything.
a poor shithole like china but unironically nk is much more safe than brazil

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I have no gf or friends in my country and I'm legit worried, I'm a grown ass man
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Ah, don't worry about it too much. This life will be over before you know it anyway.
I'm the same, mostly
I have some "friends" in uni but they are more like... associates or friends of convenience.
yeah i've lost contact with most i knew. pretty much have one friend but he lives in another country so the habit has been a yearly meet up. also i've never had a gf.
How? Doesn't everyone there know everybody? Also couldn't you just pork a Chinese tourist?
im pretty bad at socializing even by the standard of nordics being bad at it.
>Also couldn't you just pork a Chinese tourist?i i just never go where the tourists are.
i live in an suburban area and there are no tourists around. and the idea of going downtown alone is just something i find to be awkward to do.

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fine i'll do it myself edition

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233 replies and 32 images omitted. Click here to view.
You need a special kind of constitution to be able to sit in front of your computer doing Anki everyday for 3 hours straight, and keep this up for years.
question for efls
could the verb render work with nouns without using into?
e.g. to render nuclear waste energy
is there ant verb that works like this?
yeah why not
Ich habe ein blaues Auto und ein weisses Fahhrad
Sie geht zum Geschäft, um einige Früchte zu kaufen
Nächste Woche fahren wie in die Ferien
Nächste Woche werden wie in die Ferien fahran
Der Film beginnt um 7 Uhr
Bitte hilf mir, meine Schlüssel zu finden

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Does this happen in your country?

ps it was self induced pleasure from playing honey select
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be less obvious, glowie
>Does this happen in your country?
Kind of. If I don’t jack off for a long time the first ejaculation isn’t really that pleasurable. But it is powerful
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My left testicle shrunk a few years ago and sometimes my nut goes inside my body when i bust. Also gives me pain at times...

asking the important questions

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we're not white and stop making posts about us
Balts are some of the whitest people I’ve ever seen
well you're american so that's kind of a low bar
"Balt" literally means white

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edycja robienia loda duchowi
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ty kurwo
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s-seks.... ze mną (w minecrafcie)???
mam nadzieję, że panowie są zdrowi na umyśle
Problem ksenofobii wobec polskich imigrantów w Europie nasila się

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Why do british people speak funny?
We don't ya fucking drongo. Carrying on like a pork chop, that went down like a fart in church ya ocker dog cunt.

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What is your favorite Battleship in your cunt?
I Just Want To Fuck, Man... 8===D
Hood was shit
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Borodino class
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I have a 1/200 Mikasa kit but I do not have the space to do it justice
Feels bad man

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How tf did the English fumble this?
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>Angevin Empire 1154-1214
>Capital: Angers
>Official language: Old French
The answer is right before your eyes
>france vs france
>france won
>the English
It was just the king's domain. It would have been dominated by the french half if it survived.
How to translate this into American...

Imagine if the Burger King launched a war against Ronald McDonald and things went amazingly well. The filet-o-fish® fleet was sunk in a stunning victory and then scores of victories followed that culminated in destroying or capturing all the McDonald Corporation's senior management and humiliating the Ronald himself. Plus Wendy got involved along the way because she believed that Ronald had killed her father.

But the King's boys while competent on the battlefield were people like the Hamburglar and that purple retard so whenever he captured a restaurant they would just loot all the product. The Burger King was like 'oh well, patties ain't free' so raids and pillaging became a core strategy that Ronald got punked on because he was compelled to go out and protect his restaurants - until one day he realised the game. It also became a serious problem that the McDonald's empire was huge and simply fielding a big enough army to take on the franchise was ruinously expensive - so much so that Burger King would continually find himself running low on patties whenever someone got the urge®.

ok fellas, i got two girls in the bag, one is british the other spanish (born mexican). they're both ready to help me with the papers, which passport is more valuable?

pros / cons :
spain gets you citizenship in 2-3 years, uk its 3-5
the british girl is much sexier and down to earth, probably a 7, the mex/spanish one is is literally crazy and a 6 at best
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We are full. She will claim you raped her when you leave her and will put you in jail before you get to see a judge.
Is it worth it to spend 2-3 or even 5 years miserable with some stupid bitch you don't even like just to get some papers?
ok jose
Its a sacrifice im willing to make for a better life
Are these girls you got a reply from on twitter and now you think they are your wife?
Is this the level Albania has fallen...
They screen it very heavily now after Brexit because people think this place is some fucking haven
its girls ive been banging for about a year now. the uk girl is from yorkshire but lives in london, she keeps telling me uk is the worst place on earth but london is very lively

Who was in the wrong internationally speaking.
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As a Chinese person Im glad God saved us by sending the coronavirus plague before the Americans could nuke us like they originally planned to do in 2020
everyone (yes even australia)
no but seriously what a fucking gay ass war that was. globohomo cringe
US should have got the permission to invade the North

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Would you work in japan and hard kiss with the office lady?
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in japan no means yes
in japan, maybe means no, and yes means maybe
>Would you work in japan

No mr. Kitajima.
Why would I want to be a salve for Matsumoto corporation and work for 12 hours a day, then have to commute in a crowded train to my tiny apartment and eat some noodles.
Um yes? I understand their women turn on sexual assaults, is this true?

For thirdies.

Or for Europeans, what are American tourists like, in your country?
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>beggar, white
so korean bvlls should've kidnaped them and forced the guy to watch while they rape his gf.
Because they don’t have money, but still insist on travelling the world.
My thoughts about Japan when I went there. Actually most of the world is kinda like this.
greentext it a bit. when did you do that? how long did it take? etc.

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