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Please share this - it has been offline for days:
[Loyaldk] My Little Pony 4K Upscale

and this which is also offline:
4chan /mlp/ full images

I hope that the right people see this thread so I can download the files I have missing for those torrents. In the meantime I will dump/bump with some images (+metadata) not found in searches.
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Mares thinking about each other's vaginas:
Grabbing thebronybase.booru.org-2024-05-18-21204e62 - an 800 ms delay resulted in HTTP errors, so back to a 900 millisecond delay.
>follow a lead to possibly solve the OP
I worked on that recently.

I'm thinking this is an edit:
So yeah, I didn't do that, got "distracted". Maybe I will do it after the next ~8 hours.
Okay it's pretty clear that you are. Were you also the one that archived a lot of youtube comments? I'd like to get a copy of those if possible.

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I love my precious, plump, purple princess!
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I'm just glad to finally have some variety. It was getting boring seeing the same ships involving Hitch over and over.
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And with Hitch they just feel obligatory
She's dear to me

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eternal rivalry edition

Previous thread: >>41012855

/ourlobby/: Leaf (rip)

Console release is here! (Nintendo Switch, Sony Playstation 4 and Playstation 5, Microsoft Xbox One and Xbox Series X/S) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=psdeHoARfYM

========= Events =========

None at this time


>Steam page:http://store.steampowered.com/app/574980/Thems_Fightin_Herds/

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I like her. Reminds me of Tempest so I'm stealing her for my hero
We could have had an elephant or a giraffe or some other kind of unique animal, instead we get a recolor.
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don't wake her
I like her more than Tian, she has a personality
>Reminds me of Tempest
Another good reason to like her

Howdy, partner!

What you see here began as a series of comedy-centric stories with the concept of an alicorn-ascended Princess Applejack trying to change a mismanaged Equestria for the better by humorously interacting with the other, quite lazy, princesses. Plus late night pink antics.

Not to mention a whole bunch of Changelings with nothing better to do but cause mischief.

The whole thing was set in motion by this gem:


>So, wait, why am Ah' a princess again?

>Because you seem to be the only goddamn one of those ponies who gets that a Princess need to do actual work regarding maintenance of the kingdom. You know how much city planning or trade negotiations Twilight or Luna have done? Fucking nothing. Everyone is obsessed with the world ending threats they think I should fight, but the minute I point out the free health care I have to work to maintain everyone goes quiet. And don't even get me started on Cadence, who can't even manage a basic meeting with the Equestrian Games representative. Fucking annoying. Go do actual princess stuff, because apparently everyone else got the pamphlets mixed up or something and thinks "Princess" means "Beat cop."

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She wants to be filthy.
No cap?
That cannot be where that came from


poke poke

>Come onnnnn, do a twience and save the day.

"Pinkie, I do not have time to come up with something to beat a god out of my butt."



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>Alright, Dashie, you're up!

"...I beg your fucking pardon."

>Your turn to stop a major threat. Good luck!


>...Is this the one thing you don't do fast? We need fast.

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>"What's the matter darling? You're looking a little red."
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Sweet marshmallow milk
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Classic feeling

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Saddle up anon, time to get buckin wild anons, post your favorite pictures story's, and fan contest about the best and leader of the cutie mark crusaders.

Uncle Anons Christmas: https://ponepaste.org/7761

CMC, Caped Crusaders of Ponyville:

Blooming love:

story of the blanks: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QYQCPBpnSTM&pp=ygUUYXBwbGUgYmxvb20gZmFuIGdhbWU%3D
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I'd buy that apple...
Buy some apples

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Y'all are lazy fags edition

Previous thread: >>41015697

Fauster's Story Archive: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1XiJRe1NWl_kIoWsHssZ27BMV7bZAe1jgX59-dWggYkA/
Uh-hmmm's Prompt Archives:
Have a broken Pastebin link? Replace pastebin.com with poneb.in

not to save anything of value on Pastebin
ignore all attempts at early new threads
ignore new threads by the cheerimac poster
keep your thick, colty mare (or mares) perpetually pregnant and give 'em the licc
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Hasbro better be taking their fucking notes.
I prefer to think that ponies assume that human women are simply retarded, and unable to appreciate the blessings given to them.
Thus, Twilight formulates a 12-step plan to teach the aforementioned women how to treat their men better.

this but every time a buggo get to close to you they start to buzz like cicadas
If they've invested in a whole pheromone profile specifically to let them identify other changlines as family, that should matter. It should matter that some stranger isn't actually part of their family but is trying to blend in.

However, if the point of the pheromone cloud is to keep changelings feeling safe and non-aggressive and docile and low-energy, then they probably wouldn't attack peaceful strangers violently like bees. In that case, the cloud is there specifically to stop real fights and/or rampant and expensive impersonations.

Any other potential purpose for the pheromone cloud?
sorry I rushed that out on mobile I can remake it if you want?

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As a nonfrequent visitor to this board I've always found it curious how AJ seems to always come in last place relative to the rest of the Mane Six. Is there a reason for this?
If she tends to rank last than why are there so many rabid AJcucks on this board?
It's a meme spawned from Hasbro's retardation of only getting testing data from urbanite hellholes in the US, AJ has always had a stronger global presence but you'd never know it seeing how the toys are advertised/packaged due to that
She's just kind of boring. Pinkie is fun, Flutters is pretty, Twi is the star of the show, Rarity uh. Rarity looks nice?
And of course Rainbow Dash is the worst of them all, and her fans have shit taste, but at least she has her whole sport/speed thing.

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Give cute NEETs a home edition.
Previous: >>40915942

>What is this general?
NEET/Misfit Pone is a thread for ponies who despite their best efforts (or in some cases complete lack thereof) struggle to fit in with the rest of society.

>What sort of stories can you expect to find here?
• Slice of life stuff.
• Lots of odd cute ponies becoming the waifu stories.
• Lots of being the cute oddball pony stories.
• A few NEET-recovery stories.
• A lot of smut, if you're into that.
• Lots of ponies to get you started with a variety of personalities and quirks. Don't like one of them? Give another NEET a try!
• Much, much more!

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Quick bump
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No offense, (yet offensive nonetheless, but there's not many ways to say this kindly), but if all of your social encounters keep ending with people being irate and hating you, then that makes you the common denominator in the situations. It's doubtable that you just happen to have such terrible luck that everyone you meet is an asshole.
There has to be something more to it than, "Everyone blows up at me for no reason." If all of your managers keep hating you, than you must be doing a subpar job. Most common reasons managers hates workers are:

-Call in frequently.
-Spend excessive time in the bathroom/getting on phone too often.
-Work too slowly, accomplish small tasks in exorbitant amount of time.
-Terrible hygiene. Neither your fellow employees or customers want to smell that all day.
-Upset other workers, usually by doing the above and making them pick up the slack, which makes them complain about you to the manager, which they don't want to have to listen to (generally they just want to collect a paycheck and go home like everyone else).

I don't know you nor do I work with you, so I can't say if you are or aren't as innocent as you seem to think you are, but regardless, here are some other jobs that might be more your speed if you have social anxiety, which it seems you have.

-Animal caretaker. Animals don't judge you harshly like people. Try and get a job at a local shelter. You might be cleaning kennels of shit and piss, but at least you get to play with dogs and cats.
-Librarian or an assistant to one. It's like shelf stalking, but at least you're in a place where shouting is frowned upon
-Landscaping or grounds keeping. I worked at a campground for a summer once, decent pay and I was alone most of the day. Just picking up trash, cleaning and stalking outhouses, clearing firepits, that sort of thing. It's somewhat hardwork, but it's quiet.

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maybe I work slowly. Other than that I show up early and leave late and I shower and shave before every shift. I make it a policy not to argue and never to make myself look mad. I'm rarely mad. If anything I'm just sad, tired or afraid. I never know what I did wrong if anything until something happens like the above..
~ ~ ~
>”...And you don’t remember the name of this drug?”
>Vee wriggles in place, clearly agitated by the barrage of questions she’s had to endure.
>”N-no? She just put it in a cup and I never got to see the bottle…”
>Wisteria squints at her book and flips a few pages. “Do you by chance recall the color of the liquid?”
>”It was like… whitish purple? More white than purple, I mean…”
>”Anything else of note? Like texture and so on?”
>Vee scrunches a bit. “Bleh… How could I forget? It was all warm and bubbly and tasted and smelt like somepony dumped expired cough syrup into a batch of pancake batter and then let it go bad…”
>Wisteria stops pacing and lets out a drawn out sigh. “That… doesn’t sound like anything I’m familiar with…”
>She then turns to Vee. “Do you even know what it was for?”
>”Mom said I needed it. That's about all the explanation I got.”
>You give Vee a comforting nudge in the shoulder.
“Are you… feeling some kind of withdrawal? I know it’s been a while but you must have felt something different.”

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Spunky Sporty Fillies Edition

previous immature horse: >>40985348
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Yes that's how they'd smell like.

she can't see but she can feel, good enough!
do you ever think like
how the fuck do they know what a tree looks like. they can't touch the whole thing
are they given little figurines of objects? to teach them the shapes?
Every bratty filly is a princess carry away from becoming completely infatuated with you.
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pet horse

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Who else would immediately fall to this?
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Link to whatever fan thing this is from? Looks like that one animation channel where the ponies never talk
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>"Stop falling for me, I'm not even trying to do anything, human"

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>lewding Sea Swirl
>by throwing her into an orgy
>against her will
Uh, Twilight. You didn't go back and fix the ponies who got lust-ed. You kinda just left the room. Twilight?! Those ponies are being raped right now and they don't even realize it, aren't you gonna go snap them out of it? ...TWILIGHT???

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Post anything Izzy here.
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Busy Izzy
That face says she will wait patiently until you let your guard down, and then she will rape you.
>"You see this pineapple?"
>"It's going up your pooper."
Poor Izzy, Alphabittle's "Not Daughter".

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Chapter 1: Harbinger

Within the bowels of the Canterlot dungeons, the wails and cries of the outliers, traitors, and defeated foes would echo. Pony, changeling, griffon, diamond dog, and more. All sealed away here after chaos would subsume Tartarus, no longer could every issue be solved by stoning or locking away problem individuals anymore. The frequency of such rebels increasing year over year, as if the world itself resisted the 'peace' that was afforded to Equestrians.

Now you lie here, an outlander who was mistaken for an beast, the mark upon your hand proof of your suspicions. If such a creature possessed their own cutie mark, was the blessings of their race leaving them to bless lesser beings who couldn't understand friendship? Absurd!

Thus we're you thrown into the deep dungeons, where crystal and stone lie, the deep cells no doubt, for the worst and most dangerous threats to Equestrian military and ponies security.

Sitting in your cell, you look around, your roommates of a sort being an wall shadow and an changeling of a certain beauty. It's been quiet for a few days as the two were rather quiet and weak. Only given the bare minimum to survive.

[What do you do for the time being?]
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How they look?
"Its...it's them." Chrysalis and Nightmare mutter in fear and malice, wary of their power to overcome them despite the odds.

You peak from the shadows as you spot an Pink Mare with an bouncy personality, an yellow mare looking shy yet resolute, an blue one that was bragging to the others about how they would win this no problem. Then was an prim and pompous mare who fears they might have to go in after you three in the dusty cave. An orange mare with a stetson, and lastly an purple mare who seemed to be their leader.

"Looks like we'll have to beat them to get past..." You mutter as the other two seemed apprehensive, "If we work together as one, then maybe we'll have a chance." You tell them as the mark on your hand glowed dimly.

[This was it, the moment of truth...victory or defeat.]

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Previous thread >>40869005

This thread is for the bestest BFFs ever: Sunny & Izzy! No, this is not a shipping thread.

Greentext stories short and long:
>>39561001 Izzy has something for (You)
>>39584734 Izzy has to choose
>>39869258 Sunny & Izzy get confused in prison
>>39959545 Hitch discovers something about Sunny
>>39965565 Izzy discovers it too
>>39985594 Izzy is probably drunk
>>40075364 Anon is distressed
>>40077312 Sunny and Izzy sing a work song
>>40147731 Sunny trains Anonfilly
>>40171581 Misty makes dinner for her friends

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Alt version
Based trickster Sunny
What's even on her snout?
Probably a band-aid.
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No Misty thread? Let's fix that
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Probably will be canon in a few months
If they all become alicorn, whatever. If Misty does so alone I'm probably going to leave the g5 fandom
The fact you haven't by now means you never will.
>Implying S2 is canon
Everyone has a breaking point

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