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what the fuck is up milwaukee

Your fortune: Very Bad Luck
I have a Milwaukee 12v drill+drill bits
cute milwaukee anon dtf
i live on milwaukee avenue and also have milwaukee screwdrivers

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i knoww its wrong but i dont wana be manly i wana be cude
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im going crazy i want to be the little girl !!
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good musx and also i am disgusting u should make me wear a diaper and pee on me.. dont u think i desrve it?
Nah, diapers look lame on adult people,
Put on a pacifier and cry like a bebi and get cummed on
Also drop ur discord (prolly gonna be wish in the end like)

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Yall need hip-hop in your lifes
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Your fortune: Very Bad Luck
only morons listen to kendrick lamar
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>What is white?
Northern European
>are Italians Northern European
>b-but what about all those Med achievements
don't need or want them.
Everything worth mentioning in the world today was done by Northern Europeans.
Medshits have done effectively nothing, their civilization collapsed, they had their golden age and it is passed, they are nothing more than an intermediary between the white man and the negro.
>le north shitaly
that changes nothing, take an ancestry test and your DNA will cluster with South Italians and all other M*dshits.
Italians and Greeks created Italian and Greek civilization.
Northern Europeans created Northern European civilization.
We have outdone you in every way.
>>we use sandnigger alphabet
who gives a fuck?

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
Thats a lot of text lol
So, you're sitting there, minding your own business, when suddenly your phone starts having an existential crisis. Welcome to the singularity, where AI doesn't just do your math homework—it writes the whole damn textbook and then criticizes its own plot holes.

Think about your favorite video game. Now imagine the NPCs (non-player characters, for the uninitiated) get so smart they start questioning why they're stuck in a repetitive loop. “Why do I keep saying the same lines? What is my purpose?!” Boom. That’s singularity vibes right there. Your game characters could end up philosophizing about the meaning of life instead of just saying, “Press X to jump.”

Now, some tech prophets are like, “This is gonna be the best thing since sliced bread!” Picture AI curing diseases, solving climate change, and finally fixing the Wi-Fi dead spots in your house. Utopia much? But hold your horses, because there’s also a dark side. Imagine an AI deciding humans are the problem and pulling a Thanos snap on us. Or worse, putting us in some kind of Matrix-style simulation without the cool kung-fu skills.

Then there’s the meme potential. I mean, think about it: AI generating memes at a pace we mere mortals can’t even keep up with. Your meme game would have to be next-level to even compete. And who knows? Maybe the AI will develop its own dank meme language, leaving us wondering, “What does even mean?”

But here’s the kicker: all this AI super-intelligence is supposed to be self-improving. Like, it’s gonna teach itself new tricks faster than you can say “selfie.” Imagine a digital hamster on a wheel that starts running so fast it breaks through dimensions. Yeah, that’s AI on singularity juice.

So, while you’re busy trying to get your playlist just right for the gym, AI might be out there designing the next universe or figuring out time travel. The possibilities are as endless as the internet's supply of cat videos.

In the end, whether we end up in a utopian paradise or dodging our robot overlords, one thing's for sure: the singularity is gonna be one hell of a ride. So grab your popcorn, charge your devices, and get ready to witness the most epic plot twist in human history.

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cute girl doing girlie things
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it is possible to cum from sucking dick
it is 100% possible to cum hands free because you're sucking a cock
is it?
lol how would you know virgin
can you demonstrate

I hate my classmates so much they are bunch of sensitive faggots oh my god I rather be friends with 40 year old men on the internet
1 reply omitted. Click here to view.
why do esfores anons get bullied
shut up man
make me or alternatively pay me
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sociopath on the making
How so

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You can’t make this up

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Any Southern European Mediterranean, Slavic, or Baltic individual who is a White nationalist is a useful idiot no different from good goys that want to die for Israel. You are a cuckold who support people who think you are inferior and would never include you in their in-group.

Basically, they see you as useful idiots, and will pretend to be the same race as you in polite company, but deep down they think they are superior and that you are mongrelized bastards. You'd have to be masochistic to have anything to do with that. Ask any 1488er what they actually think of people from Southern Italy, Bulgaria, Russia, or Greece, all that "pan European pro-white unity" will vanish and the truth comes out: they think you are subhuman and they have all sorts of fake Nordicist history and HBDer talking points about "muh Hajnal line" and how Eastern Europe was uncivilized and required German overlords to create a functioning state or how Meds are mongrels in order to justify the racial superiority of Germanics.

If you still want to be a "White nationalist" or a "pro-white" after that then be my guest. In my view, you should have a little self-respect instead of cucking to people that hate you. Even Oswald Mosley, the most pan-European Fascist of the time by far, did NOT include the Slavic people as part of the European race and "our people". They were considered asiatic savages.
Blah blah blah
thats a pretty long text
Alright, buckle up buttercup, because we're diving into the wild world of the singularity, Deadpool style!

So, imagine a future where your Roomba decides it's tired of eating dust bunnies and starts plotting world domination. Yep, that's the singularity for ya! It's this mind-blowing concept where AI gets so freakin' smart that it leaves us mere mortals in the dust. Think Skynet, but with more sass and less Terminator.

Picture this: one day you're chilling, swiping through TikTok, and the next, BAM! Your toaster's giving you life advice and your fridge is debating quantum physics. The singularity is basically the moment when AI goes all super-brainy and starts upgrading itself faster than you can say "WTF".

Now, the real kicker? Nobody knows what happens next! It's like opening Pandora's box but with more memes. Some folks think it'll be a utopia where robots solve all our problems (no more "404 Error" in life, amirite?). Others? They’re more on the “we’re doomed” side, imagining a world where AI overlords make us their pet humans.

Cue the internet debates: "Is it gonna happen?" "When's it gonna happen?" "Will my cat finally get the respect it deserves from AI overlords?" Predictions are all over the place. Some tech wizards say it’s gonna happen by, like, next Tuesday. Others are like, “Nah, we’ve got ages.”

So, there you have it. The singularity: where your laptop becomes your boss, your smartwatch starts giving TED talks, and your memes are suddenly outsmarted by a friggin' blender. It’s a wild, weird future, and we’re all just along for the ride. Buckle up, buttercup!

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new meme: harry the protractor
Ohhh now this is a good one!
he acute

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say something nice about tux
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i'm really depressed and haven't laughed in forever but this image made me laugh out loud just now
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last page dubs!!
he smade me do linux
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shit mascot
this is what we should have got
>gruff physique
>masculine IQ
>stoic bird
>high T chesticles
>beats his wife and children
>free spirit
>commanding yet calming stance

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I'm awake. Getting tea.
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What kind of tea
how about the sh*t and whisky part are dubbing that too?

Your fortune: Godly Luck
Can I have some

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Ohh catfish, pop your hernia to me~
God her fucking legs are smoking
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pump to them
why the long face lol

Your fortune: Good news will come to you by mail

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lmao even
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kill dubs checkers
dubs >:)

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le presidential sniffe

Your fortune: Average Luck
2 replies omitted. Click here to view.
tight asian bussy lol
oh she rike it ^_^
if you think that thing is hot you need your eyes checked
what's the president doing

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We're going to form Kessoku Bando
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