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Why You Should Copy Anime:
Naoki Saito: https://youtu.be/8jsZGeaWkhE?si=6HZIvG9Bx3y9qoHs&t=12
AnimeShijuku: https://twitter.com/animesijyuku/status/1717415459778347358
Krenz: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kbKqIJcIUCw

**Strive for quantity AND quality.**

Anime Studying:
>Copy anime references exactly and draw them from memory. Use illustrations, screenshots, anime figures, 3D models, etc.
>Don’t copy recklessly. Use construction, color theory, and other fundamental concepts to rehearse a drawing process that you can later easily manipulate for original artwork.
>Post all of your anime studies. Post even when you’re told not to. Create an art community that actually draws and improves together instead of just talking about it.
>Number your attempts and link to your previous posts.
>Critiquers should lead by example by posting their studies.

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Keep trying bros, I believe in you
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I'm a complete retard so bare with me here. Is there a name for this rendering (?) style where only a few colors are used? I like the idea of simplifying things
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Flat shading or cell shading
You should do both, and be mindful of what you're drawing. That way eventually you can turn off your mind and not think about it. Think of it like driving a car, at first you learn the rules and controls, but eventually it becomes automatic and you don't have to think about it but to get to that point you need to make the fundamentals (of whatever you're copying) second nature so you can recall what something should look like based off what you want from memory
I think cel shading is what I'm looking for. Thank you moainon

Seriously, what exactly do some of you guys have against construction drawing?
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Pretending to construct while not constructing and passing it as a tutorial for constructing, basically.

Since they are eyeballing it, the foreshortening of the lower face is all wonky. They even pay attention to foreshortening of the nose, but not of the mouth and jaw.

Hope this helps. You may think I'm hung up on realism, I'm not, I love all sort of cartoons and anime styles, but there is a difference in stylizing because you deliberately choose to do so and using style as a crutch because you don't know how to draw certain things. If you still don't get what I'm talking about, then f it, idk how to explain it better, and in the end it makes no different to either of us.
Stop talking about anime. It’s a western artist. Anime has nothing to do with their style
Yeah, these random lines probably make sense to you, but I'm still not seeing whatever is such a big problem for you, I thought you would redraw it. It's not a great drawing but I've seen similar "mistakes" in actual professional animation, most anime is pure mediocrity. I agree she should have never presented herself as the guru in the first place, these tutorials are always cringe.
It's anime you fucking (d)weeb
What does the red line indicate on the top head? That the chin is too high? It’s looks too low in the bottom one. I can’t make sense of the two long green lines in the bottom one either
Top is tracing the original construction lines of the left one, the construction is passable, not too picky about it.

Bottom is also tracing the original construction lines of the left one and trying to make sense of the construction. As you see, the lines are just there, they don't align as they should, some are in wrong angle, other in wrong height.

Yes, the chin is too low in the bottom one.

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please post more step by step guides like this please
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Looks like he's using transparent/low opacity round brush and then blurs.
Bottom pic is a lot of time spent on rendering.
>Bottom pic is a lot of time spent on rendering.
Ye but how
>but how 2 paint
magic, bro
we'll never know
only the ass and cock/balls are rendered, everything else looks awful

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If you do not deeply internalize perspective (how to create three dimensional form on a two dimensional surface) and an understanding of how light interacts with those forms then everything you create will be crippled by your own ignorance.
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a even more common issue with the modern man is their disinterest in learning at all and even resentment to those who do learn

if you had it your way all perspective would be in one page so no one could learn more than what you coudn't
> if you had it your way all perspective would be in one page so no one could learn more than what you coudn't
That's a ridiculous claim, and a purposeful misrepresentation of my point of view.

Suit yourself; think about it again once you have a few years of actual art practice behind you.
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You really don't need a super understanding of perspective, trust me .
A computer can do that
thank you! you're awesome man
there are some courses missing though do you know where to find them?
>That's a ridiculous claim
so is disparaging someone's search for knowledge
its a terrible habit to find information and decide that you only need the first page before finding out how deep something actually is
especially when you're only quitting because you get confused

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/ic/ humour
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Toonboom when you click L by accident while flipping between frames
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int/ & /beg/ [sic]

Last one: >>7121414
A bad sharpener will slow you down and ruin your pencils.
A good sharpener is like a fresh breath of air, such as pic.
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Forgot to mention how "green" shit only makes products worse and more expensive while remaining equally or worse for the environment.

Wood is the most renewable resource but we gotta waste billions of gallons of water making cellulose paper instead of just cutting a three for quality pulp.
> Wood is the most renewable resource but we gotta waste billions of gallons of water making cellulose paper instead of just cutting a three for quality pulp.
You mean, toilet paper compared to bidet?
"eco" papers are made of trash. It takes three times more water to make a ton of "eco" paper acid-free and bleach it, than to make new paper from new wood. And that's accounting from the tree's whole life of water consumption.

Recycled napkins and toilet paper, the brown and scratchy trash quality ones, are ecological. "Green" paper supplies for the art and office are a scam and they're not even economically viable as shown by Fabriano discontinuing the Rusticus line in record time.
I figured that the ugly recycled paper that's almost brown and full of bits and pieces of fiber would be cheap, a decent toned alternative to newsprint or something, but no. It's straight up more expensive per pound than its equivalents, so there's 0 reason to buy it. 100% an illusion, it 'looks' cheap and ecological so people just sort of assume it must be until they see the price tag.
Your pic is already the high end for graphite artist, no need to aim for more expensive one.
If you just like doodle, I suggest the yellow Staedtler 134, it's the best cost efficient pencil for sketching.
Some Asian artists in my group suggested me a Chinese brand name Deli Nuevo which is said used the same material as Faber Castell. I haven't tried it yet.

What does /ic/ think of the new art social media platform Cara?
>it's anti-ai btw
>made by Jingna Zhang, chink photographer from San Francisco, who works in Seattle/NY/LA, so you know it's good...
>another artist echo chamber so you can't market to normies
>looks just like artstation combined with IG

Pros...all the other website are complete dogshit
how are you supposed to get commissions when the social media is filled with artists just like you?
Nice but useless, a site with just artists mean only other artists are looking at your work. Not people who might have money to pay for things.

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General dedicated to posting and discussing art of either:
1. Manmade objects, vehicles, tool, weapons etc. (of any kind and any historical era, as long as they fall in the ballpark of "technology") and fictional derivatives of such
2. Objects,vehicles, creatures etc. that aesthetically fall into the visual space of mecha/robot/artificial/cybernetics etc. regardless of level of realism.
Helpful to mention the level of realism, if any, you are taking into account in the art.
Old general resoruces (hopefully these ones aren't empty):

>Scott Robertson's How to Draw

>Scott Robertson's How to Render: the fundamentals of light, shadow and reflectivity

>Cache of /m/ artbooks (Patlabor, Gunbuster, Muv-Luv, etc.)

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Most or the drawing is a motorcycle so tecnically is ok to post here.
Tips on how to make it look more like a giant robot?

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Post boggu links. X/Twitter, Instagram, Patreon.
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Pixiv themselves recommended affected users to change to japan.
Is it worth it to post trad art on social media or will I get drowned out in the sea of digital bros?
That's actually interesting. It's literally a retard filter
I sincerely dunno man
I steered off socials all my life, now that I'm there I'm asking myself why these tardos spend all this time here if they're conversationally stunted just about the same they are irl
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Does /ic/ agree with this guide?
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That's true to an extent, but having as much of a presence as possible online helps you with that as well. You can also brownnose to bigger accounts and stuff, but I never liked this kind of pety approach. I know, it's adumb ideology to hold, especially if you draw porn, but I really can't help it.
Sure, but it looks like crap and it wasn't drawn by me, which is what my clients want.
why are you lying?
There's a benefit to being a literal who and it's that it makes you more emo
This is pretty accurate.
Personally i only use x and discord .
I would also say consistency is the most important.
Both in what u post and how often.
Establish what ur followers see when they follow u.
Also make appealing shit (unless ur technique is great you cant just draw a person and get a lot of followers, ur art needs a voice)
Step 4 is the most important.
Ur art probably lacks narrative, niche, skill if you think its a pipedream
Agree, though if ur stuff resonates with ur followers u can get away with some opinions or if those opinions relate to ur subject matter.

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>0: Thread for people who are interested in trades.

1: Post a brief backstory if your original character has one.

2: Character design critique and discussion is welcome.

3: Keep it fairly SFW. Lewds are fine but no explicit porn.

4: This is NOT a request thread. Artists ONLY. No spamming original characters/infodumps without proof of prior delivery.

5: Be sure to thank Drawfrens for their hard work as soon as you can, it's just common courtesy :^)

6: Avoid off-topic discussions and DO NOT respond to bait posts.

7: Leave all the chit-chat out unless to thank drawfrens. Draw more and talk less.

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Thanks, I'll try it a bit later.

>Also a thick outline across the whole outside of your drawing by a few pixels might look cool too
I dunno, don't really like that kind.
Thinking line could be a bit thinner. Like a something that you did on the pic.
Really love this wack. Can you told more about him? Why he's purple?

>Thinking line could be a bit thinner. Like a something that you did on the pic.
Are you going for a more consistent line weight across the entire drawing? If that's the case you could try to lower your pen pressure settings on your brush

>Really love this wack. Can you told more about him?
Visually I made him look as much as a dork as possible but in reality he only looks like one. He doesn't even like videogames that much but thinks the merchandise looks cool. He doesn't have any real hobbies besides annoying his family but somehow acts like he's smart and cool despite being kind of a looser. Think tallest purple sort of vibes from invader zim.

I'm never too good with character descriptions sorry lol

>Why he's purple?
Most of my character's just have random non human skin colours just because I think it's more unique and appealing then actual skin tones
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>Are you going for a more consistent line weight across the entire drawing? If that's the case you could try to lower your pen pressure settings on your brush
Yeah, that's works. Look way better for me, thanks!

>I'm never too good with character descriptions sorry lol
That's fine. You have done good job with the design, he looks really nerdy and even younger than 20

>I think it's more unique and appealing then actual skin tones

Also, i draw him with the next post. Your style is kinda hard to mimic, but fun to play with.
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Here he is. Just standing there... Menacingly!
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Looks incredibly cute, thank you so much! Love the way you draw faces. Yours is this one >>7156958 right?

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is it over for me bros?
I don't understand this concept, it feels like ppl are trolling. Are they seriously seeing it as if it's physically there, or is it a more vague mental representation?
a bit of both sometimes its one sometimes its the other for me
I can see it and manipulate it vividly, carved sliced, bit. But I can only focus on one or two objects, more than that it becomes abstract.

I can also manipulate and as many as I want and play an animation of a scene, but it's never something real, that I would confuse for physically existing, like in a dream, it's sort of at the back of my head.

Let he who can draw a kangaroo without reference cast the first stone.
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That's close enough. Reminds me of Sonic for some reason.
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better than your recent stuff, TG
Its bigger than just the kangaroo. It was pure proof that being a constructoid was a terrible terrible condition. Proko is great at drawing, yet can't draw to save his life.

What if someone broke into hid room with a gun pointed at his head and told him to draw a kangaroo? Is that what he would have come up with? How do all those years of drawing wrinkly old men in one perspective help him draw better?
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Why are like majority of professional artists all thirdworlders????
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>ITT: Rightoids getting triggered that Southeast-Asians and Latine are taking over and revitalizing the homogenized anime art sphere with their superior skill and sense for aesthetics.

The future is anime and diversity.
it's you. you're in a bubble. the kind of art you look at to the point that it's the very conception of art to you just happens to be that kind of art, which i assume is anime. for whatever reason third world artists age 14-35 online mostly do anime, at least the ones who post online. japanese, korean, and chinese, also almost exclusively do anime or anime derived styles, but you may not encounter them as easily due to different languages.
it's like if i ask why are all artists first worlder if i almost exclusively look at modernist/postmodernist art that those become my conception of what is art.
who knows, maybe there are a lot of third world artists out there who do not do anime and do not occupy the online space for commerce, but rather operate locally since not all art forms can find success satisfying the wants of terminally online weeaboos.
anime is dead.
I said anime is dead.
>too busy learning a 'valueable' skill to learn the basics about how money flows
peak goy cattle

What's the story of Algenpfleger? He grinded for 2 years and got magic the gathering jobs after that, that's the short story. Was there more to it?
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if you want to get good fast then yes, different kind of learning from just reading books and remembering hard facts
its all about mileage but you also have to be smart and notice mistakes so you can correct them. selfteaching is pretty hard, people did it back in the day but also had friends that were doing the same thing to bounce criticisms, also pros would give advice and could tell you if you were on the right path
its still possible
not if its mindless
he had pros around him who were giving him advice that he took to heart and also knew where he wanted to go
Reminder that this was all on conceptart.org where amazing artists and budding enthusiasts all kept a sketchbook thread on the forums. Jason Manley took this from you.
I miss CA and EP, DA is the reason art community is full of talentless hacks.
is this supposed to be good? There is absolutely no expression here, just technical skill.

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