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What was it? When did you realize it was bullshit?
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Pretty much all of the advice on /ic/
>worst art advice
Loomis is a diagnostic tool for your imaginative work.
You learn how it works as a system so you can apply it to your drawings when a problem arises, similarly to Scott Robertson.
There's a reason why you don't start with it if you're an absolute never-drawn-ever-before beginner, see: >>7182033
Anons redpill me on the Environment/Landscape/scenery Loomis
>NO YOU PYW!!!!!!

how can I improve my lineart?
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The brush you use makes a massive difference and don't let anyone tell you otherwise.
practice making curvy lines, use the stabiliser if your software has it, and remember you can ways use the eraser too, like a brush, to smooth out the lines.
Lineart is for pure masochists isnt it
now it has lost all taste and class it once had
It just takes a lot of practice. Way more than you realize. Get used to what you're feeling now, because it takes a lot of feeling that and pushing through anyway to get anywhere.

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What's the best art advice you received?
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What are these?
How to be better I don't want to be a retard and crab :(
You know those really low quality posts you made earlier?

yeah, stop doing that
His anatomy course
when doing studies, still life or life drawing etc, dont draw what you think something should look like, draw what you see.

look at it's positive and negative shapes, directions of angles, let the pen follow what your eye sees.

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I've been playing through the game and keep seeing this painting on the walls. I think it depicts a crusader scene. Would appreciate anyone who knows.
Artorious of Oxford

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>female artist
>Completely sfw drawings, not even exaggerated proportions
>People make sexual comments on her art on the premise that it's supposed to be sexual
>She gets mad and has to say it's not sexual multiple times
I've seen this happen multiple times, what gives?
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Bitches face looks like an ahegao. Does anime brainrot really effect people's ability to distinguish facial expressions or is it just autism?
Only thing this drawing is missing is a massive shadow of an erect phallus overlayed over the girl's face. Redditors are retards.
>female artist
Tits or GTFO
ORCED (or whatever that green guy is)

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how do I make money off commissions when I have no audience?
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I make it a point to not subscribe to/follow/interact with any women I encounter online. I can't be the only one
Me too.
Never followed a female on my art accounts.
They are leeches
you will never be a woman
Why not?

Exactly how many hours, days, and recourses until I can draw a fox like this?
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It’s a secret talent for Latinos like her

>>7183410 This artist is likely also a spic.
Damn shame, this kind of style was my dream and my inferior artistic white genes can’t achieve it. I should kms
>drama hungry kids take easily fakeable screenshots as facts to justify shitting on people they hate
we really should gas all furries and introduce internet IDs unironically.
>introduce internet IDs
Why are you here?
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you niggas really have a hard time copying simple shapes? yikes!

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Is drawing for 6 hours a day enough if you want to be really serious about art?
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thank yew, it's good ref, try it out.
Why are her hands so small?
>sick effort-post
>crabs silent
Figures. Anyway I really like that you use red col-erase, it’s a great pencil.
>complains when crabs post
>complains when crabs don't post
kill yourself
You cannot learn to draw within a few years. All working professionals have been at it for at least a decade.

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Good thing Instagram was dogshit for posting art anyway enjoy all 5 of the drawings I've uploaded on there mark
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>thread bitching about Instagram
These companies don’t care unless you’re making them money (a certain threshold) or generating views. If you’re ever denied something, put on a list, or get a bot response or have to scream for a supervisor you are worth nothing to them.
That's what you get for using "free" services. Everything you post and do on the Internet is public, that's how people should approach it.

You post your art online? Consider it public. You masturbate to weird shit? Consider it public.
About Twitter, I do have a question.
How bad was the leak? I got scammed into giving out my phone number when signing in, so it might be circulating along with the email.
I didn't use it at all, not a post or anything and it's been like five years. Is it safer to just keep the corpo thinking it's some bot account or should I recover password, log in and delete/deactivate it?
I'm having trouble logging in to delete my shit, fuck it. it wasn't that much compared to all the other artist caught in this bullshit.

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Could a non-webtoon B&W manga style comic with traditional panelling and decent to good writing and professional quality art ever get massively successful in the current internet landscape if published for free?

After Homestuck ended nothing took it's spot in the now dead action/adventure/serialized webcomic genre, and things like Ramia-Yana or Dog Nigga are still a meme and too niche to suddenly bring it back to life for the masses.
no one knows. no one can predict the future. no one can predict what will be popular and successful or everything released by major media companies would be hits and never any flops. try it and find out what happens is the only way.
The question isn't "could this be successful", because of course the answer is yes.
The question should be "how will I do this", or possibly "do I even want to do this".
A possible reason something of that description hasn't come about might simply be because it makes way way more sense to just go to a publisher instead of trying to self-publish something like that. To make it clear: self-publishing is not going to be making you money for a long, looong time, and anybody who's both a professional writer and artist probably isn't going to want to go without significant income for that period, or possibly even be able to.

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>Be me
>Retarded ass howie
>Dream of doing illustration for a living
>Can't even do it for 20mins a day with eight hours of free time
>Began "learning" three years ago
>Barely did maybe a 100 hours of work since
>Can't give up because i've done it before and i always crawl back
>Can't get good because i'm retarded as fuck
What do i do?
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Oh for sure. Information paralysis and whatnot.
Also strangely enough, I can't say I enjoy the process as much as I should but I look forward to drawing every single day. It's the best feeling when you go to sleep with a WIP and wake up the next day fired up to work on it more.
It takes years to gain any sort of external validation for your art. None of the good artists I know care about numbers, it's always subpar artists that are crying about not getting recognition. They're the first to throw the towel at any minor inconvenience, be that the surge if AI art or simply not meeting last month's statistics. It's a shallow husk of a motivation that'll crumble under the slightest breeze
whoa, rape dude. whoa child murder rape so deep bro epic
Haven't drawn this weekend yet. So over. I should just give up for good.
I still could go draw for a couple of hours before sleep i guess but what's the point even
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Extraordinary problems require extraordinary solutions, if the normal fails go for the rare, if everything fails start again from 0 and if nothing works kys

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No one is reviving the thread and I think it's so sweet that /ic/ has a space for this, so I guess it depends on me now
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Congrats man!
Great stuff, anon.

Nta but thank you for sharing
Wow. A thread where people actually draw.
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Love painting mountains

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If you are a /int/ermediate or /beg/inner in art, please use this thread to post pieces for critique or ask for advice.
Please stop replying to crabs, nodraws and howies and instead focus on posted works!

Completed: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1uwaXKU7ev6Tw_or__o8ARpUb6r2rCZYJGqwSFV9AD98
New collaborative: https://hackmd.io/UMnZVhNITW-T2wZpHw6d0Q
w/ic/i: https://sites.google.com/site/ourwici/
Hardcore: https://hackmd.io/7k0XRnIQR6SValR77TDfZw?view

>WHERE to get study materials

>Want to practice figures?

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Not those anons but tell you what.
Post an image of any fundamental (key word being fundamental, not some random full body drawing )exercises you do and I'll give an honest answer on what you should be doing to get better.
Comparing both, your target has subtler lineweight, without sharp tips and softer color choices. That's a matter of settings and color picking.
More important, hair shapes. Your bangs are similar in size, C curves and have many tiny tips for detail. Ratloli has flowing S curves and just one or two smaller tips, using less shapes.
For poses and dynamism, you'll have to break away from drawing things straight on. The good news is you can look at art you like and notice how things tilt and twist.
You mean like some gesture drawings or Loomis figures?
>replied without actually posting anything
You had a chance my dude. Well this threads over anyways.

Post realizations that made you feel like pic related.

I thought for a decade that using references is a meme but for the past 6 months I have been studying with reference and I have made more progress than I did in the entire rest of the time.
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Good reaction. It makes honestly no sense to ever argue with advice. No one is forcing you to take it. In the best case, even or especially if you don't agree, you can try looking at the advice from a different perspective and seek nuances that you have previously ignored. If you're very flexible and open-minded even trying to apply the advice for a couple of hours can be a very revealing experience.

True disciples of life will learn from right and wrong. Disciples of death will just refuse and dismiss.
Learning is easy. Just copy bodies and hands and feet and faces for hundreds of times in different poses and then dozens from memory.
If you don’t know why something looks like it does then study the anatomy for that region.
People with high tolerance for grinding will learn extremely fast. Colors are easy af if you have talent. Anatomy is tough and very hard if you don’t have a high iq.
kinda unrelated, but I always struggled with having a specific activity being time blocked and when I get a delay of, say, 5 minutes I'd just completely give up on it and feel it's worthless now; the realization was that I was putting more emphasis on the timing than on the completion of the activity itself, that little tweak changed everything for me
>Anatomy is tough and very hard if you don’t have a high iq
Look into spaced repetition and anki. Anatomy is actually by far the easiest to learn because every question has a straight answer.

It's just a shitload of questions and answers but anki makes this extremely manageable.
I know what you mean. You were probably also extremely susceptible to your day being ruined by events outside of your control that shifted your entire time table.

I still struggle with this despite knowing every single minute put into practice is worthwhile and one minute often leads to another.

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Is the perspective correct here?
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I wish I could find more about her but she doesn't have any interviews
good taste
the artist's also good, been following him on twitter
Dont car
Her, anon. The author is a woman.

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