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anons what are some of your pet peeves in art? what media embodies it?

for me its genshin impact
>homogenized, bland anme designs with no variety in facial features or body type
>bad gijinka of preexisting concepts (paimon especially)
>polish and detail == good design
>designs are not evocative of any emotion or concept besides idle and purposeless decadence/class
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I don't like Genshin impact because of the absurdly high amount of fluff the character designs have.
>anons what are some of your pet peeves in art?
Cataract pupils in anime girls
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Mihoyo games have
>woman body type
>teenage girl body type
>loli body type
>adult man body type
>teenage boy body type
>no shota body type
this shit infuriates me so much
They way people nowadays are more concern with emulating popular styles rather that developing their own. Social media, trends and fight for visibility and marketability changes a lot of things in art communities over the past 20 years. People were mocked and run off forums for copying other people color pallets, now the "you can't copyright a style" is a mantra

Kinda ironic that the same people are upset about AI when it's driven by the same mentality of producing for trends, just on mass scale. You all dug your own grave.

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Where do you find references for horses with riders on them?
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I was not familiar with Dr Seuss game
>Those legs
Yep he has never drawn actual horses
Classic rookie mistake
Google The Art of Animal Drawing, it's on the internet archive. You are welcome.

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As someone who is only starting taking art seriously and drawing daily at 22, how do I cope with the fact I will never compete with much more experienced and superior artists younger than me purely because they started in their teens?
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I'm convinced these kind of posts are made by exactly one raging schizo off his meds.
You don't. Just keep worldbuilding
"Comparison is the thief of joy"
There are people who draw all their life and still are bad at it, so them being better than you doesn't automatically mean it's because they started in their teens.

Just draw and be smart about it, the time invested is important, but so is the way you use that time. You are older which means your brain also should be more mature and you can skip the aimless doodling everyone indulged in their teens and start right away drawing with purpose instead.

And stop comparing yourself to others in this negative manner, it will only pull you down.
Thanks for encouraging him to make ten more of these threads

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How does he know his method works if he didn't use it himself to learn to draw???
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>considered the gold standard for learn to draw art books
by who? This is literally a book largely targeted at children, it's not actually teaching you shit, most of Loomis is genuinely useless except for making you draw frequently (so literally, 'just draw'.)
>inb4 le japanese
whenever people mention actual artists recommending loomis, you tend to see it's never fucking fun with pencil, its his figure drawing books..

tldr fuck fun with pencil.
can (you) draw from imagination?
why are you like this? https://warosu.org/ic/thread/7103182
His method doesn't work. His book is an easy pickup thing for when you are at the bookstore and flip the pages. His methodology is outdated, his concepts are flawed. A lot of important things difficult to understand by doing and worthy of explaining he dismissed them as not important.

To Loomis, just grabbing a pencil is enough. You will never learn with loomis.

You need proper study in perspective and anatomy. No resource I have found so far provide these the easy way. I could do it but what am I to gain?
>by who?
>inb4 le japanese
You've gotta be shitting me. You're essentially just saying:
>Heh, who's recommending this guy?
>J-j-just don't recommend any artist from the country that's currently producing the most illustrated work in the world...
Regardless, almost any art institution or art teacher worth their salt, Eastern or Western, will recommend Loomis' books.

>whenever people mention actual artists recommending loomis, you tend to see it's never fucking fun with pencil, its his figure drawing books.
True, FWAP is a starting point, and usually talks are about his works are directed to those who are beyond just starting out.
However, that doesn't change the fact that fwap is a solid starting point, and all the lessons it teaches are solid, and are (or should be) taught in any other book that you may start with. The only thing I can really be critical of with the book is just how ugly some of the bloops (or whatever they were called) are, but there are still quite a lot of nice drawings in there as well.
By the time you've gone through FWAP, you'll be ready to go through FDFAIW after.

>You need proper study in perspective and anatomy.

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I struggle with it a lot and want to see how other artist handle it. it's hard trying to find landmarks because they change at every angle. I've seen others do trapezoids, reverse trapezoids, spears, boxes, and triangles, but none of them make any sense to me. those are symmetrical shapes. The shape of the pelvis from the front and back don't line up symmetrically like a box does. So what do you do?
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like this
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Does it look like I can't? >>7181826

Bad simplifications. The point of studying anatomy is not to "replicate" shit. It's to understand how a body moves.

And that thoracic cage is way too narrow. A thoracic cage is dynamic, the sternum puffs up and the ribs get pulled closer upwards at inhalation. The 10th to 12th ribs are pretty much horizontal at any point. A well positioned sternum is what makes boobs beautiful.
Why is the simplification of the pelvis bad? Also, the ribcage seems fine, far away from "way too narrow" at least. The pelvis and ribcage are generalized to 1 head wide in most anatomy books, the pic shows an example close enough to that fact, especially accounting for all the actual variance in size in the real world. ALSO, I don't get where you got the impression that the pic or post implied that the point of studying of anatomy is to "replicate shit", stating that there's an objective point to it is a bit strange too.

>what do you think are the least common skills/abilities?
the first that comes to mind for me is mecha
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>The ability to go and draw without making these kinds of threads.
Designing a cool mecha requires knowledge and skill. However, drawing them isn't that hard (for a pro, anyway) because it's easier to nail the right perspective and correct proportions when you're literally just drawing boxes and cylinders. This is the first thing you learn when you start your journey as an artist. Drawing basic 3D forms is a skill every pro artist has, so I don't think drawing mechas is super hard.
> least common skills
its good composition, and its not even close. second would probably be good colors.
good taste
Landscapes perhaps? Sure some amateurs paint them, but professionals don't seem to these days. People are just too attached to having a human focal point.
You're more likely to get a hundred characters floating in a void, than you are to get one solid landscape piece.

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Please list the following pics in terms of how much skill is required to make them.
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>neurotically compiling this image and making a thread instead of drawing
T is the AI-generated one. I won.
T is by Range Murata
beg here

I can copy Z, I and MAYBEEEEEEE L
not op but i only know Q is deepseaprisoner/ogekom


Mine will be focused on color theory 101:
just blatantly steal from pixel artists. best palettes.OR https://ebin.pub/pixel-logic-a-guide-to-pixel-art-2022nbsped.html
helps too.
specifically the shit about color ramps and hue shifting.
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"this color theory" meaning a specific kind. though it's still somewhat anachronistic to refer to whatever they gained by judgment, tradition, and necessities of their materials as color theory, but more importantly impractical.
that just supports my statement that old masters did not know or preoccupy themselves of it, had no theoretical and summarized system of color to govern them. except perhaps the very periphery of "old masters" as late as the turn of the 1800s if you consider romanticists like runge who should have worried more about learning how to draw.
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Color theory is nonsense made up by "art critics" so they have something to bitch about and don't lose their jobs.
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Thats not what color theory is. I dont even know how anyone could come to that conclusion besides saying " duh, theory mean sciense. color sciense." god I live in the most braindead generation

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I have a brain injury and cant learn to draw and crumble my attempts a lot but this time I kept it simple and it turned out ok
This is the most I've done since february

I dont want to be a good and successful artist I just want to be satisfied with my insignificant little creations while I sit at home alone in my welfare apartment

Also would modafinil help me regain interest and desire and focus to learn again?
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If you have the chance, some art classes might be very useful to you, because the teacher could guide you through the difficult moments, so that you're having fun rather than being too hard on yourself about things like crumpled paper and smudges. They would know when to push you and when not to. Perhaps there's some community classes or something local that you could attend?
either way, this is a nice drawing, I would say don't worry too much about perspective and things like that, just try to enjoy the mark making itself. Perhaps try drawing without really thinking too much about what you're putting down. draw circles, branches, organic shapes that focus more on the lines and the shapes more than an outcome.
Good news, everyone is brain damaged here.
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I forgot to add that just having fun with organic lines and shapes can take the pressure off of trying to get it "correct", and the mistakes lines won't really matter so much, because you're not trying to achieve an outcome, you're just sorting of going with the flow. perhaps try drawing with a ball point pen, too. it won't smudge as much, and you can change the line pressure a bit like a pencil.
or, maybe a whiteboard? doodling on a whiteboard can be fun, and you can wipe away mistakes. though it could get messy for you and stain your hand, if you have difficulty with coordination? but you could wear a glove. it could be fun whilst still being a good way to practice.
If its difficult conjuring images to put on paper you could just do life and still life drawings, they are a very no thoughts head empty style. It gives you an excuse to go outside and go places so your parents would probably love it.

>paper torn up and smudged from erasing
Hmmm, what if instead of a pencil you just go straight to pen? What helped me a lot in improving is stopping myself from erasing and just letting my original lines suck and restating them.

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Imagine drawing porn that's so popular that it fundamentally alters the direction of art on an entire platform
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Most 14 year olds aren't this dumb its just a handful who are colossally noisy and autistic.
Social media algorithms also push these sort of constant outrage content to the front since they farm the most engagement.
this reminded me of another thread i saw of another nsfw artist calling out another one for tracing, using ai and stealing art.
One trip to their media gallery and it was all traced drawings.
This guy had 100k followers and was trying to call out a 500k follower account.

Seriously what is it with the adult art niche that is full of immature people?
You'd think internet IDs aren't coming but the government really will find more than enough reasons to enforce it.
The quality of 14 year olds on the internet has declined significantly.
It used to be that:
>a) You needed a computer, and therefore, some snippet of technical skill, and
>b) you needed to lie about your age - and generally act more mature than you were - since most places would either ban you or relentlessly flame you for being underage.
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My 14 year old shenanigans mainly got wiped, but two remain I'm proud of.
my gamefaqs for Animal crossing Wild world, written at age 14 and pic related whose caption was:
>Posted: 10/30/2005 21:37
"A Character ive been drawing, ive been trying to go a new style of anime, a bit more abstract., its my first submission here, and im happy with it

45min MSpaint"

Now that the internet is everywhere, the bar of entry is so much lower, but i'm sure that there are still good eggs who can be respectful. I know because I was always respectful on the internet, because i genuinely wanted senpai to notice me :)

The only record of my 14yo days is a forum profile with an evangelion pic, and some posts I made about PC building and the parts I should pick with my savings.
Nothing I'm really ashamed of, not like current 14yo ruining their lives over likes or getting groomed

All this time Ive been studying the nuances of art theory, anatomy, composition, and video courses waiting and hoping all that knowledge will amount to something...Until I realized nearly most artists just learn to get to their level primarily by intuition and repetition.
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Make sure you have application projects going on concurrently with your studies, because unless you plan to become an artist who only draws realistic figures from observation or reproduces other drawings 1:1, the things you study won't immediately carry over to the works you wish to publish.
Think of doing leg extensions. Doing these regularly with increasing weight will increase the size and strength of your quadricep muscles, which might be the goal in and of itself if you want to be a bodybuilder. But if you want to be a football placekicker, you wouldn't just do endless leg extensions and expect that alone to improve your kicking skill to a professional level, you still need to practice the act of kicking the ball between the goalposts to make practical use of your gym exercise.
Getting stuck in a studyhole where you just endlessly copy things, watch videos, and read books is a good way to stagnate and feel hopeless about your art.
Is the right supposed to be better?
Except that can't be true because there are far more artists now with high technical skill than in the past, obviously because resources are common now. 25 years back they hired any retard that could remotely draw.

This is how it actually works. You practice a shitload and then you listen to some theory and pro advice on the matter. Suddenly you will understand nuances that were impossible to grasp for the no drawer that just does theory.
>Implying caveman art wasn't based
it's possible to figure out perspective and figure etc from raw practice just grinding on reference images and self-critiquing.
it's stupid to do that in the 21st century when we have art books and ebooks of them, but, ya know, it's an option if you really just hate yourself like that

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Where the sudden transition between each lines makes the intersection stand out leaving a texture across the hatching that can be used to add form
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just add chalk texture to a basic hard round brush
i don't know how this japanese nigga got away with naming himself "bone nig" kek
asians can't be racist only whites can
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did they use csp?

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What aspect of art is your strongest? Which is your weakest?
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comic stylecel
You tell nothing but truth.
Mid int anatomy you must be joking
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>what good is this if nobody pyw
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Post autistic art made by autistic people.
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That waist looks straight out of Alien but I kind of dig it
Google [your name] the hedgehog
That's an Eva btw

Ok now this, THIS is definitive proof that we should just simply STOP autlstIc people from ever making art / drawing again, like this is some serious Chris Chan looking shit right here!
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Just take some time to learn anatomy bro.
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she is cute ty for sharing OP
How haven't I ALREADY, like why don't they teach that shit at schools instead of fucking gender studies like!?
>how haven’t I
I can tell you haven’t because of the way you draw. And you don’t need to learn it at school. Read the sticky.
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