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Two of my hiking friends are going to the USA for two months leaving me alone for the summer without hiking friends. I don't get it. I am from the Netherlands, which yes is flat and boring but Europe is better than America for landscapes. Want mountains? Go to urals, Carpathians, Alps. Want canyons? Go to Greece, Turkey, and France. Want deserts? Visit Spain. Want grasslands? Visit the European plains. Want forests? Visit England, Germany, Baltics.

I have been told American plains and flatlands and grasslands are more interesting because the heat lightening and powerful storms are awesome. But so? So you're saying Europe cannot do awe inspiring stuff?

To me it's Americentrism. Like we all must go to America for nature. Europe has so much more and yes I know people will say america has areas of super sparse populations. Okay, so does Russia. So what? If you go into nature in germany or france it won't feel any different than Alaska or Montana besides the landscape.

In my view people should stay in europe because then our nature will be more accurately seen as as good as or even better than americas. America has mythologies around their natural areas which sadly causes europeans to think it is worth it to visit.
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Yes America sucks dont come here
>hiking in USA to see plains, mountains, canyons, deserts and forests
>just go, maybe watch out for bears
>hiking in Europe to see plains, mountains, canyons, deserts and forests
>lol, get a passport, learn local laws for every place you're visiting (as camping may be practically illegal) and learn at least 5 different languages first, then maybe we'll talk
y-yeah, europe sure is great bros
>get a passport
Is that even a problem in the US?
>learn local laws for every place you're visiting (as camping may be practically illegal)
It's literally a google away. Just avoid the countries with nazi laws and expensive tickets (Germany, Austria and Switzerland) and you'll be fine. The entire Scandinavia has ultra liberal camping laws, same goes for most of Eastern Europe and the Balkans. Even if you get caught in some of the places where camping is illegal, they won't do anything.

Also, reminder, you can sleep anywhere if nobody sees you. Avoid very popular tourist destinations, do stealth camping, sleep under a tarp or a bivvy, also the authorities are usually much more friendly towards foreigners, unless you're from an "enemy" country.

>learn at least 5 different languages first
Every other person in Europe is at least communicative in English, and usually the authorities are fluent. No, you don't really need to learn any language, unless you're planning on moving there, but it's a whole nother story.
Correct. Don't come here. Stay in your bug hive.
lmao even

is european buckthron further evidence that europeans ruin everything they touch?
Europeans love walkability. Right is so much better. Left = car culture
right = public transit
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>likening public transit users to invasive species
I like you.
North America looks nothing like when the euro-trash started coming here en-masse in the 1700s.
The entire west coast of the US should have 600-1000 year old trees and they not only cut all of them down, they refuse to ever let most of them grow back.

The entire midwest used to be loosely packed beaver dams and wetlands and during the western expansion that was all leveled for farms and hundreds of millions of beavers were turned into hats.

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Hi /out/. I humbly seek feedback on new gear acquisition. It has been many years since ive done anything outdoors related. I got stuck in my city after covid and never made a real attempt to change that until now. I have done one overnight backpacking trip years ago along with previous camping. I want to get back into backpacking, camping and thru hiking. My short term goal is to do various day trips and get comfortable with overnight stuff. My ultimate goal is to survive in the wild for up to two weeks. I live in the southwest. Im willing to spend more upfront for gear that will last a long time in nearly every weather condition.

>Durston X Mid 2
Sleeping bag
>Nemo forte
Sleeping pad
>nemo tensor extreme

>Pathfinder M40 cook set
>alcohol stove
>canister stove
>homemade MREs and camping meals

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Sounds like you're more prepared than most people who come here. Good work mate go get it done.
I can only think of a few bits that you might want.
>sponge. for condensation/desert water collection
>tin pot. for charcloth making/storage
>salt. for electrolytes
>wire, line/hooks and paracord. hunting, fishing respectively
>duct tape. for repairs
I'm in a similar boat, gone on plenty of day trips but now planning more overnights. You learn a lot from experience, you will make mistakes no matter how much you plan so it's important to just get out. Couple of things I learned:
>don't bring overly dry food or food that can go stale (like bread), this will make you more thirsty
>bring some fresh fruit, you'd be surprised how amazing it is to have an apple or orange on a long day
>bring extra water for your first few trips, it will be heavier but you will quickly learn how much water you need
>don't underestimate how cold or sunny it can get, i'd recommend bringing less total clothes but more that you can mix/layer together to avoid freezing your ass like i did a couple of times, or getting sun burn because you didn't bring a hat/long sleeves

I just ordered the x-mid as well. One problem I had with my previous pole tent was sliding around so much because of plastic pads on plastic floors on plastic footprints etc. Would recommend either bringing a very thin layer of eva foam to put under your sleeping pad to stop it sliding around or what I did was apply stripes of seam sealer to the underside of my sleeping pad.
Thanks anons, much appreciated

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How do I get my front yard and backyard to look as good as this yard?
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Ahh Summer. Where at any given time you can hear some person mowing
That's another reason reel mowers are superior.
Assuming you don't have any ant colonies or underground root systems that are tapping the sod dry from below:
>set your lawnmower to its highest setting
>aerate every year or two
>weed and feed.

Regular watering if you want it to look really good.
I like it here. If there were no pine barrens I would have left Jersey by now. There's all sorts of abandoned stuff everywhere, some going back to the 1700's. It's challenging to grow stuff here tho...the topsoil is maybe 2-3" thick and it stunts the pines and anything else growing here.
The previous owner of my place (half acre in a little neighborhood in the middle of nowhere) mowed down the natural flora and put grass and other non-indiginous (?) shrubs and trees here. I'm slowly doing away with a lot of the grass and planting natural stuff to make it more like the Pine Barrens and less like something it's not.
If you have a mower, and it's early in the season, set your mower to a very low setting, remove the bag if you have one, and go over the lawn slowly. This might be enough to crush and break up the clods of manure, or hopefully they will get sucked up into the blades and chopped up.

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saw or hatchet/axe for outdoor?
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tips for choosing a nice hatchet?
I've used Estwing Sportsman hatchets for years. They come in different sizes. You can pick one up for around $45.
Qiwiz makes a bucksaw, the Lil Buck. It weighs less than 4 oz. and fits in a tyvek envelope. Will cut 6 inch logs but it's best for 3-4 inch wood. The Lil Buck together with a 6 inch knife for splitting dead wood logs equals really easy fires. Used this weekend in Northern Michigan with great results.
Hatchet is the best all around for general use. If you want to do bush crafting or need to get through bigger branches or small logs a lightweight folding Japanese pull saw will cut through clean and quicker.

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theres a mountain about 3 kms away from where i live and there are always tons of rabbits there.
maybe im autistic or something but i think it would be really cool to try hunt them only using primitive tools/weapons (nothing more advanced than a bow, and thats already pushing it).
has anyone tried it? or tried rabbit hunting in general? im just looking to get a couple every few weeks or so, nothing too crazy
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Hey, it's that guy! Haven't seen you post in ages.
Blunt are used because broadheads will fuck up most of the small amount of meat and it's better to crush the ribcage entirely than skewer through it.
In my opinion game blunts, even for rabbits, are not particularly effective. The only good thing about them is that they make it harder to damage or lose an arrow.
Bump, I like this thread
me and my brother used to hunt rabbits using 2 different methods when we were bored tweens.

the first method we would use is find a creek with a lot of bunny dropping and climb up into a tree with a big rock. then we would wait and when we saw a bunny we would drop the rock on it. worked pretty consitently but requires alot of waiting

we also would make long spears (~8 feet) and just really slowely approach the bunny until we were with arms reach plus the length of the spear. then we would take a big lunging step and stab out and down. this method takes some practice as you cant look directly at the bunny becuase our predator eyes make them run away and me and my brother could only be quiet enough when we were barefoot.

hope this helps anon

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Here is your pocket knife bro
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The only ones worth stabbing anyone with have locking blades.
We have an enormous number of foreigners in our cities that really hate us and each other, but don’t have access to guns, so just have to make do with continuing their millennia old conflicts and expressing their total contempt for the natives, who’s taxes pay for them to kill around on the streets all day doing nothing, before working as Deliveroo drivers in the evening, by stabbing everyone for fun and profit.
turns out that people who want to hurt others will find a way to do it whether they can get a gun or not. people seem to forget that you can cause a lot of damage with pretty much any car and they're everywhere, no need for a weapon
So... a new model? With a new design, newly manufactured?
>due to crime wave
fucking where? they think anything happening 'murica or even UK affects the largest pocket knife manufacturer in the world, located in Switzerland?
they're just looking to expand and being so dominant they only just now found an opportunity - a BRAND NEW, TSA safe product
it's the problem of an english language that it has no word for a multitool of the style
mine does

I love going up to the mountains and trundling.


Best fun to be had while /out/
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>Going around ruining aesthetically pleasing structures for no reason
Nigger behaviour
Rock rolling is based. All these fucking mud mixers must fucking hang.
If anyone's doing this to major rock formations that are famous they can get fucked.

Otherwise if its a commonly used rock climbing path or otherwise on some's private property or about to fall anyway I see no harm in knocking rocks down.
You must stop trundling because any boulder you roll is one I won't be able to. If you were smart you'd also have this mentality and keep the very idea to yourself.

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>blocks your path
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They have massive warning signs on a river near Manchester I used to walk around.

But no attempts whatsoever to control it. They've just accepted it's here, and warn people not to go near it.

The thing is, it wasn't there 5 years before. But when it arrived, it fucking loved the area and took over, outcompeted all the native plants and the response of the council was just to put up signs. Now we have to permanently live with it.
>The plant was common only in the Caucasus area until it started to be used as a silage plant in other parts of the Soviet Union. As a result, it quickly spread in many areas of Russia, Belarus, and Ukraine. It is now a highly invasive plant in the Baltic States, Russia, Poland, and Belarus

>The decision to use the plant for silage was made in 1947 under Stalin's rule, so when the species later proved to be highly invasive and difficult to remove, people started to call it "Stalin's revenge
Psychotropics are also supposed to be a poison so you could just assume the whole thing is a bundle of poison.
So this is the fabled faustian spirit
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Why is Europe prettier than the US?
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ew, manmade structures...
it's not tho
I wouldn't be interested in thrhat at all.
The likes of which you never leave
because europe has been handcrafted and molded over thousands of years, and most of the continent is developed. the US is built like minecraft over the course of 200 years juxtaposed against much larger natural areas

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McCandlessbros.. our response?
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>give me money, housing, exemption from all laws and expectations of functionality, also sexual access to your children!

Did it feel good knocking down that strawman you just built
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makes this post:>>2729252
calls this post strawmaning:>>2730828
lol, take your meds faggot.
also; stop perving on kids.
>is homelessness a housing problem or a mental illness and drugs problem.

Both. In Finland everyone who wants can get a house. There are still homeless people and fucked up drug addicts, but relatively less than in other places and they are relatively better integrated.
He killed it with a single .22 round. It died instantly.
He could have killed it with a paper airplane for all the good it did him.

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2 questions
Does anyone else here use the app iNaturalist to search for plants, animals, fungi etc


What GPS device can I use to punch in co-ordinates that won't run out of reception half way there like a smartphone?

I need to enter a latitude and longitude into a device and for it to tell me when I'm exactly there no matter how isolated the area is.
I use inat but have never used it to find anything like what you seem to be interested in.
>What GPS device can I use to punch in co-ordinates that won't run out of reception half way there like a smartphone?
Your smartphone should have gps anywhere regardless of your reception. I use gaia but it's paid only. I'd look for a free as in freedom app, it might be hard to use but won't have bullshit like locking you out of using it when you're without reception. Bear in mind gps accuracy is often only to around 100ft or so depending on what people use when uploading to inat. You should just aim for the vicinity and then look.
Smartphones have gps but to load the webpage again if you accidently click out of the specific page you need phone reception/ internet to load the page again. I have seen people use a dedicated gps device to reach lat and long coords
I use books.
Plan ID is significantly more involved than just looking at pictures.
Also, iNaturalist is shit for trees or anything bigger than a shrub and it is mostly for home gardens and imported species.
If you need exact location a smart phone is almost the worst option you could go with. You're way better off getting a dedicated GPS--even off the used market--than using a smartphone if you need a grid location.

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Have any of you lived in Gustavus AK? What's it like there?
Yeah. It sucks, and Greg still owes me $40.
Air freight is expensive, so the ferry system is your shipping lifeline... and Mike fucking Dunleavy keeps hacking away at the budget for vital public services. If you aren't fishing, then you work for the state, see above note about corrupt administration. The rain and wind through the inlets will beat the hell out of you pretty frequently.
All told, though, if you can handle the isolation and the limited options... it ain't bad living. Just don't spend the rest of your life there without seeing any more of the world.

*mogs your grass lawn*
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>My yard was a sparse mess of weeds and sand when I first purchased my home,but it's slowly beginning to resemble a lawn without the use of herbicides or fertilizers.
Same. My lawn was completely paved over when I started out. Tore it out only to find a layer of sand on top of a layer of clay. I took a pitchfork to it to mix it up, then added a layer of acceptable topsoil.

Three years down the line now, I have a lawn lined with little (grafted) pear and apple trees and a small wildflower patch. Couldn't be happier.
I planted that shit! Fuck grass! grass is a soil eater and water hog, if you try keeping ti green year round. I've never understood the desire for a monoculture lawn. I actively try and add clovers, vetches and the like to my lawn. No fertilizers, less water, much softer to walk on!
You know what would be cool.
An entire lawn of creeping thyme.

Imagine how good it would smell when the wind blows.
Herb lawns in general sound really cool. If I were in a warmer climate I'd try to make lawns out of all kinds of things. Do you think a basil lawn could reseed itself reliably if you stopped mowing when flowers appeared?

For the past few months I've been finding myself going to local parks more and more, off the beaten path, and just loving being out in nature. I figure I'm at the point where I'd like to start taking it a step further and get some camping gear and a nice off-roading bike but I don't really know what brands to go for as the marketplaces are flooded with different brands.

could I get some recommendations on some starting gear for spending a night or two out in the woods? The bike is probably the thing I'd like to spend the most money on to begin with as I like to ride bikes in general so I figure that's the thing I'll get the most use out of.

Also, I hate to add to the already bloated request, but any general tips for somebody just starting out on backpacking and camping out would be much appreciated.
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Gotcha, I got a flat, wide foot so the arch support is always fun to deal with in finding a good new pair of shoes. The double sock thing is something I'd never have been thinking about though. Appreciate all the advice. Looks like I got an REI about 15 minutes away from me so that'll work out.
(though I may or may not have lost my job tonight, so might put a wrench in the funds lol)
Any reason using trekking poles would cause bicep pain? Went out on a trail with a backpack full of waterbottles for the weight, didn't feel too much different than usual, but my right bicep was hurtin' by the end of it and I'm kinda wondering if I'm using the poles wrong.
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>about to go uphill, let me stop and adjust my poles
>hold on guys, looks like the grade is changing, I have to adjust
>is everyone holding their arms at 90 degrees? My level says we're on flat grou-shit, it's going back up again, we have to stop
>does anyone know what grade this is
>guys, wait for me, I have to adjust
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You're really supposed to adjust the positioning of your hands on the poles. On top, in the middle, and lower.

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