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Opinions and facts about cheap high quality forests to live near.
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West Virginia. Wyoming if you'd trade dense forests for rocky mountains. Overall, owning a home isn't cheap. If you're on such a strict budget that you have to ask this, no matter where you move you're going to be living in very close proximity to neighbors or in an apartment complex away from the forests.
Based on what I saw of the horrendous temperatures throughout North America last summer, the only place that remained consistently cool that wasn't on top of a mountain, was Edmonton, Canada
What would constitute a sense of genuine community? Ask yourself that, and then try it in practice. See who sticks around.
Quincy and Susanville California, oddly enough, gave me a sense of clarity and mental reset.
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Could you upload clearer quality?

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hunters of /out/, what's the last thing you hunted & ate?
The main thing to hunt where I live is deer, Venison is really good but its illegal to sell anything. I have some pelts but idk what to do with them
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Last thing I've hunted and ate is a deer in my back field with my .50 cal flintlock, next hunting season I want to try an get an elk. For that trip I might bring a 30-06
agarthan phenotype
Should I even care about CWD when it seems to be fucking everywhere and is basically undetectable except for the very late stages?
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Deep fried and saucy
It's in my county and I don't care. The area I used to hunt was not officially part of the cwd zone but it was literally the county adjacent to it. Safe to say it has always been here and just never officially found in tests. NBD imo but I'm an oldfag so for me the risk is low.

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Is it true there's a hidden boy scouts trail to get to the top of Mt Tammany? I remember some anon on here told me once but I forgot to save the directions.
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Mt Tammany is where we lose all our anons
Some guy on here literally decided to go on his first ever hike there hours before a bad rainstorm hit the location, he never gave any updates afterwards.
And the guy who went to look for him also never posted again
you park in the first lot off of 80 west then walk back along the edge of the highway until you get up to very edge of the ridgeline. it will be turquoise markings and a worn in path going up to your left. I call it the boy scout trail because near the top theres some marker for a boy scout troop? idk i left nj 8 years ago so it might be different
lol anon dont go that way its infested with black bears

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The purpose of this general is to encourage people to go /out/ and find cool fossils and artifacts. This thread is also a place to share our own collections and things we find when we are /out/ hunting.

Rules are as follows,
>To just post and discuss fossils and other related geological subjects.
>When you post about a fossil in your collection, please label it with what formation it is from, what it is, and where in the world it is from.
>If you don't know where it originated or the species that is ok, just label it as so
Helpful Links
Geologic maps of US states (usgs.gov)
A Beginner's Guide To Fossil Hunting - Fossil Hunting Trips - The Fossil Forum

classes have finished for the year and work has slowed down so hopefully I can keep this one alive. I've made some amazing fids in the past few months that I have been gone and I hope to see what all you have found since the last thread as well. First fossil of this thread is a Placcticeras sp. about 9.5 to 10 inches in diameter was super stoked when I found it. Upper Britton Formation of the Eagle Ford Group, Denton Co. Texas
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Last pic. It took me about 4.5 hours in total.
cool crab!
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Picked up some stuff at a local arts fair thing. Finally got a nice fossil block. It's got shark teeth and shell fragments in it. Not sure if it's limestone or sandstone, but it looks like sandstone so it's probably sandstone...
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Also have this neat aragonite crystal cluster.

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Is there any chinkgear out there that's actually a good value for the money?
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Looks like they're a little more expensive
Perfect, thanks anon.
Anybody well-versed in chink ultralight tents?

What's the closes chinkshit alternative to MSR Freelite 1? I've been using Naturehike's Cloudup 1, supposedly another MSR knock-off and it worked great, but now I need something really light for thru-hiking SMT (Slovenian Mountain Trail), ideally freestanding and under 800g. Frelite 1 fits the bill, but the price (at least $500 where I live) makes me want to consider chink alternatives.

Been thinking of >>2703642 as well, but I don't like the limitations of relying on a pole and stakes (while backpacking in alpine environment), and the weight benefit is negligible.

I mean, in a free standing tent your still relying on poles, potentially even thinner more easily broken ones at that comparing chinesium to chinesium. Lanshan 1 you would have a backup if your using 2 hiking poles on your trek.

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Sunset Edition
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Just because a wooden boat looks good doesn't mean it's not fucked under the hood and wood is a HUGE pain to fix, have to pull apart the hull and do all sorts of specialized shit rather just patch and glass the problem area. If it's a good price then it's a good price for a reason. A classic wooden boat that is in genuinely good shape is usually expensive. Buy a 70s fiberglass boat m8.
thanks for the advice guys. how about durability, like if i (god forbid) run it onto the rocks would fiberglass just shatter into a million pieces vs wood could take more of a beating? i have visions of carbon fibre bike frames that snap into shards from the slightest provocation
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Very roughly speaking, the durability is about the same, and it varies depending on build type like you would expect it to. e.g. a thinly-built, weight-reduced racing cruiser made of wood or fiberglass would be highly likely to break apart if you hit rocks at speed, whereas a beefed-up, thick-hulled blue water cruiser (whether wood or fiberglass) would have significantly better survival odds. For example, Westsail 32s have extremely beefy fiberglass hulls and you can find stories of people getting hit by ocean freighters, ramming into shipping containers, sailing through cyclones, 30ft.+ rogue waves, etc. and not breaking up (this is on the extreme end of durability though, obviously lighter ships would not survive a lot of that).

Video related, Westsail 32 getting picked up and thrown by a rogue wave.
If the boat is on the rocks it's fucked no matter what. Stay away from rocks. After that fibreglass is basically bulletproof and is dead easy/inexpensive to repair yourself. A good starter is a 20-24' keelboat built in the 60-70's out of fiberglass. Go out and sail, fix things yourself.
>would fiberglass just shatter into a million pieces
fiberglass isn't glass lol, it's not going to shatter. Fiberglass is very robust. Grounding on rocks will still gouge the hell out of it but its not a brittle material.

/out/ings with a Pipe
Old thread: >>2701176

This is a thread for enjoying a pipe while doing outdoor activities. If you ask why this belongs on /out/, you've never spent an evening by the campfire with a pipe silently enjoying the nature around you, and you're missing out.

>how to get started
Purchase a Missouri Meerschaum Legend and a pouch of Half and Half or Captain Black tobacco, available at most smoke shops. You will need a lighter or match, and something to tamp it with--a large nail works well if you don't have a pipe tool. Fill the pipe with tobacco, pack it down halfway, top it off, pack it down to 3/4, top it off again, pack gently and enjoy. Smoke slower than you think you need to, the tobacco tastes best when it is burning cool. Tamp and re-light as needed. If you still have trouble, try different methods on YouTube until you find one that works for you.

>smoking a pipe will give you cancer
While any tobacco consumption comes with some risk, the cancer risks from occasional pipe use are pretty minimal. Educate yourself and make your own informed health decisions. Some info here https://aacrjournals.org/cancerpreventionresearch/article/10/12/704/46541/Association-between-Cigar-or-Pipe-Smoking-and

>muh weed
Not the time or place. Start your own thread

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How much does weight really limit your travel distance?
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But this is an indoor board.
I remember doing that in an RPG game I played.
Did you meet a park ranger that took an arrow to his knee along your travels across the land?
Lmao I didn't get it at first

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>researching cheap dinghy, stumble upon faggot-redditor thread
>"hey guys is this boat for $300 okay"
>uhh, that's literally a toy, retard, I was just on Facebook Marketplace five minutes ago in my area on the opposite end of the world, and there's a bass boat for only $20,000
>your budget is $500? dude just add $15,000 to it, it's not a big difference, and you'll have a marginally better boat, better yet, just buy a $300,000 yacht, now that's a proper boat
>what, your towing capacity is only 1,500 pounds, and you can't tow a 25,000 pound yacht whenever you feel like it?
Why are Redditfags like this?
Worse than gun "enthusiasts".
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the canoe is the way. that's why they are so popular in canada and alaska. the aluminum ones last a lifetime too unless you total them on serious whitewater or something. which people ave done kek.
Kayak saltwater is fine if you just know your limit, have common sense and don't push your luck. Don't go out of the harbor when the swell/wind are too rough. Always have your life jacket on Don't sit at the strong current at the mouth of a harbor to fish. Kayak can come in and out of a current well if because you point the kayak in the direction of the current but if your kayak is perpendicular to the current (which can happen when you are inattentive and distracted by fishing) you gonna get flipped by a swell. If you are in reasonable fit shape, you can recover from a flip.
Of course, I am also in socal where water never get that cold to be instantly deadly if fell in.
you can't google shit about dick without getting at least one reddit thread in the results and it's usually more useful than the 14,000 AI/indian generated listicles and paid ads.
If you just want to float around on the water inflatable kayaks are pretty great, just don't be stupid. I have a little sea eagle inflatable I payed like $200 for and its super comfy and I can lay down on it and chill in the water. Just know that cheap inflatables are only for lakes, not for rivers salt water.
Wat r /outs thoughts on china made Amazon tier inflatables like the intex seahawk. Or just your general pack raft recommendations

Currently assembling my at home and outdoors first aid kit. What is essential gear that I need to have? Or are there any preassembled kits that y'all reccomend that aren't just fancy band aid packs?

I'm already getting tourniquets and cpr masks (I know CPR doesn't use mouth to mouth but mouth to mouth is used after Heimmlich and other forms do respiratory arrest) and I'm also getting big ass scissors of course.
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>And if he doesn't need it, but panicks and uses it, he's also fucked.
Not really

There is essentially no risk of ischaemic injury to nerves or other tissues if a tourniquet is left on for less than 2 hours, and even up to 6 hours there remains a strong chance of saving the limb (although surgery may be necessary and as you approach 6h the risk of at least some permanent complications increase). There has even been one case where a chopper pilot was shot in the wrist, had a tourniquet left in place for 16 hours and the eventually regained near-normal function in the hand, enough that they were back in cockpit by the end of it (that is admittedly a bit of a medical miracle though).

You're not wrong to say that tourniquets are dangerous if they're used unnecessarily but that's a reason to go out and get training, not a reason to avoid carrying one. Stop The Bleed courses are free in most areas and Wilderness First Aid courses are worthwhile for anyone who goes /out/ regularly.

And hell, if some anon overreacts and puts a tourniquet on unnecessarily only to realise that medical care is more than 2h away then he can just take it off again (assuming he does so within an hour). At the very least the tourniquet will have given him some time to properly dress and bandage the wound without pouring blood everywhere.
That said, never remove a tourniquet once it has been left in place for more than an hour. After that point toxins can build up in the injured limb which may cause a cardiac arrest if released. Losing the limb is better than losing one's life.
Do any of you carry Potassium Permanganate? If so, what for?
if op thinks an extremity hemorrhage is the most likely thing he'll come across and is the first item on his make believe shopping list, there is not a strong enough way to express how retarded op is

>snake bite medication
I'm now 100% convinced this is bait
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It's big. With 70% and 90% blood clotting bandages and tourniquets. Aspirin and poop medicines. Tick pullers and tweezers. Just got back from a leg warmernin Da Yoop. Only use the aspirin and melatonin. And electrolytes in the water.

Where can I just walk for like, years and years? Florida? California?

Lease ending in a few months and for the last few years I've basically been holding onto society by a thread. I can't keep it up anymore. I'm out of jobs that I think I could do. I'm out of money. I lack the parts to be normal. I'll probably miss my last rent payment, but I am just too crazy to get a job. It's just not there for me anymore. That ship has sailed. So it's time to be a hobo. Walking is all I've ever been good at.
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Sounds cool got any stories? I walked south to north a few years ago and had a blast
Ive never had any issues with this, got stopped once by bored cops cause i was walking w traffic and they told me to cross the road and walk on the other side. You sound like a pussy, stay in your cope shed.
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lmao america is dystopian, zero freedom
If youre gonna walk, you should walk a long trail. PCT, AT, CDT, arizona trail, florida trail, coloroado trail..etc

Otherwise, look into bike packing.

just beg for money. hold a sign and ask for money. theres no shame being a traveler. its fun

I'll be wild camping in a place on the border of mountain lion ranges but it's very common for them to wander into the area I'll be.

I'm not bringing any food since I plan to eat fish. So the only odor shit I'll have is toothpaste. So should I bring baking soda? Does that have any smell affect on mountain lions? I'm not going to be in grizzly country so mountain lions are the main concern.
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black bears are a far bigger worry for smellables storage. I’m assuming there would be some because generally the ranges overlap. mountain lions do not give a fuck about our food, or us in general.

BUT i would not care at all about toothpaste. I never put that shit or my chapsticks or sunscreen or whatever other non-food smellables in a bear can or anything. preventing access to any smellables is really only an issue in places with serious bear problems, like campground in national parks in the sierras.
far more of a concern is any of your cooking/eating stuff that has fish smell, but again way more of a concern for bears than mountain lions.

ultimately I’ve never known anyone to take precautions for mountain lions, only bears.
How is a moose dangerous? Just stand behind a tree?
>ends statements with question marks
>woman logic
Checks out
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>I wouldn't worry about it.
yeah ok i know what you're up to
Way better to bring your own vac sealed de-hydrated meals than fish freshly caught.

The fish oils will persist. Chili mac with water aroma flees.

Good luck avoiding critters, anon. You'll need the luck.

>I live in New England, birthplace of faggot ass Lyme Disease, ticks are everywhere innawoods
>Already had Lyme twice in my youth, never want that shit again

I bought a pair of $100 pants from Duluth that were branded as "no bug/tick" which according to the label is some proprietary Permethrin infusion.
>catch tick
>put it on pants
>watch it walk all over for several minutes, completely unbothered by the "kills bugs and ticks guaranteed!" pants
>return pants because they clearly do not fucking work

So were these pants just trash? Or is Permethrin ineffective?

What is the best way to protect from these little fuckers? Between hiking, mushrooming, and camping i'm off trail at least 75% of the time essentially bushwhacking through trees and brush.
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I'm living alone. If a tick latches on to me in a place that I can't see, say ass or back of the scrotum, how the hell will I even tell I have one before I get hospitalized and have permament brain damage?
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Lose weight. I can easily see the back of my balls. And can see my backside in the mirror. It's easy if you aren't morbidly obese.
idk fren, it's unpleasant to consider
I've read online that Picardin is underwhelming compared to Permethrin

What are the best long distance walks in Europe?
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The GR20 is considered one of the most beautifull and pretty difficult, not the longest tho 180Km, 11/15 days



>Europeans aren’t into it
Dude what the fuck.

Mountain ranges in Europe are always busy with hikers from spring to fall, certain mountains where I live (Tatra) are memed to oblivion because they're genuinely crowded with people, especially on the holidays.

A lot of people in Europe do what you'd call hiking and other outdoor stuff, it's just they don't treat it like their whole personality, don't buy tons of gear and scream about it on the internet.

Also there isn't a big outdoor sleeping culture here because there are hotels all around you and for a lot of people it just doesn't make sense, unlike in America where there are no options for sleeping outside a tent in a lot of places.
>a handful of European companies that make decent hiking gear
>literally half of the high end alpine/hiking footwear manufacturers are european
ever heard of salomon, asolo, scarpa, zamberlan, hanwag, and so on, what the fuck
I'm working my way through the Scandinavian bits of the E6. So far it's been very enjoyable.

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Just got certed and i think it’s my new favorite activity. General discussion, also anyone in CO want to dive some alpine lakes with me?
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Are you one retard or multiple retards pretending to be the same retard? You have such a distinct and retarded style.
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ishould,,,benamefagin.,easy tofilter.,
,,,,,justoldays,,,keepme amuzed.,
,,belly almostouching sand swiming cruise 3 feetsdeep(thats 1 yard foryou euros),,,,
,,,rainbows,,,,EVERYWHERES!,,cleanwaterwavesunlight,, rainbows.,
,,,pass over SeaSlug outon thesand,,?slugscant do Sand!,,little guy mustbewilderd,
,,arch in tight circle,,super long finsin sight@.,
,,,,swoopup to SS,,just lift himback on rock,,hand talks back to brain'nope',,,?
,brain 'i know itslimmmy,buthe little guy needsour help,now grabit and lets get pasthislittle misshap?
,hand'notouching THAT!'
,brain 'listen HAND!!im the DECIDER around HERE>GRAB THE VAGINE SLUT,,uhh,,SLUG AND PUTIT on the FOAMY ROCK!!!'
,,,hand'you are illinformed on thesituationotouching THAT,,brain?ask theyes then get backtome'
,brain useseyes,,move close,inchsaway,,SS,frilly gills,purpley splochy,,,single wide suction foot,,2 big intelegenteyes,,,
,,,,wo,holdup,,eyes?,,?,on a SEASLUG???,they dont HAVEYES!!,
,alright seaslug,,whathell areyou?,

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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,,,vertical rock from 9 feetsdeep(3 yards)to 40feet up(justover 13 yards?),very scenic sand swoops down sloop into deepest blue,,,oooowaitheresaglow moving up the sloop,,a big WHITE glowy thing foggy approach?,
,BIG WHITE!THING!!, look for hidey hole~,NONE!
,,,noknife,,,just me against WHITEY!,ya im abouto DIE!,
,,,,,,,flows up from the DEEEEP,,comes into focus,,ELEPHANTHANK GOD!,
,,seaelephantakes alap,,headstraight for ME!,ooOONO! its payback time for when i rubbed thelephants ASS when hehauled up!,
,,elephant passuper close underme,,curled up fetal my fins brushed down back,,,BIGGGGGG with scars everywheres,,slid back down the sloop intothe DEEP,,didnt even take one breath.,impressed,,,thankfull norape.
>doesn't know baconrider
how new are you? go back where you came from nigger
I want to do this so bad! Anyone in SoCal wanna go?

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