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I’ve been bouncing on a bunch of ideas on how I could live my life as I am increasingly growing tired of living in my parents house (I’m currently working minimum wage at autozone delivering car parts to different stores while I am in school for welding.) but the idea of van life seems genuinely interesting to me. I’ve also heard of people working from their vans and I am willing to do just that. I am thinking of driving out west from the mid-Atlantic with a dirt bike/adv bike in the van. How do you even get started? What vans should I look into? What are the legal steps I need to take (if any)?
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Legal steps:
>get a permanent physical mailing address
There’s a place in Texas that has always done this, you just have to sign a letter saying that you promise to “uphold the Texas way of life” and mail it in, then you become a citizen of Texas and can pay monthly for a “real” address (that doesn’t actually exist) so that you are technically legal and can get a Texas Driver’s License (and register to vote and never pay any state income taxes)…although you could just use your parents house too, you just need an address
>establish an LLC
Then rent a room in the name of the LLC to stay at a hotel in South Dakota for 1 night…you are now legally entitled to do business in SD, including making tax free capital improvements on your business, such as the purchase of a van or RV to live in and run your business out of…you can buy the car in any state just have the dealer do the paperwork for SD so that it remains tax free

I guess those arent really specific to van life, more so for telling the govt to fuck off and find some other source of funding, but they do still apply to van life and working from your van
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Damn, nice job.
>I'm really glad I had them build it with 2x6.
Yeah I've heard from some builders that if they were to build their own house, that's how they'd do it too. Especially up north where they value the extra insulation space or anywhere with strong winds.
Outhouse is superior to an inside shitter anyways.

Really nice job.
What the fuck is that picture?
>rich white instagram sluts who've never had a real job are insufferable

>What vans should I look into?
>ford/chevy 2500/3500 cargo vans
personally i recommend a Mitsubishi Dicklicker or just getting a Toyota Landcruiser with a canopy on the back. Fords are kind of shit.
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I dunno, some random internet art I thought was neat.

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Homestead General /hsg/
> Biochar Edition
> Thread #07

Talk gardening, farming, livestock, beekeeping, building, electricity and plumbing, earthworks, waterworks, permaculture, raising children, market gardening, selling produce, barter, home economics, composting, mulching, pest control, diet, health.
Anything relevant to living on site, making a home out of the land.

Old Thread: >>2676468
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if they dont comply with regulations, then they get closed. If they comply with regulations it gets expensive. But the big companys are somehow able to survive, arnt they?
So in total, they need to step up their game if they wanna keep their farm, some middle aged farming techniques with old ass machines doesnt work today.
Same as jobs are being laid off because people dont wanna educate themself.
>dont educate yourself somewhere else.
Its easy being lazy and reap the same rewards as someone who does R&D.
Our whole land is contaminated with nitrate, it stinks everywhere, its bad for the soil in the long term as the bad parts of shit go deeper into our water thus why water treatment facilitys need to up their cleaning capacitys. Its like to clean up after yourself.
The planet is not yours, you cant do whatever you want, you can on a small scale as a hobby, but as soon you get money, there will be people watching.

Anyway, why are the small/local farms are being shut down from your point of view?
>Anyway, why are the small/local farms are being shut down from your point of view?
Greed, of course. Possibly Agenda 21/30 conspiracy where they intend to prevent everyone from growing their own food so a large portion of the population dies of starvation while the rest is forced to eat bugs.

Your post is confusing, btw. You list these things big corpos do but get away with, then blame small farmers and hobby gardeners.
Organic small farmers (such as the Amish and others) don't use the synthetic fertilizers contaminating everything; they don't need to. Neither are they trying to cheat the system someway; people are simply willing to pay more for the health and quality of their products. Yet they are the ones getting targeted and forced to sell their land for cheap.
>$1 shopping credit has been deposited to your monsanto-fanclub membership card
Small farms still feed more than half of the world population with much less land, industrial inputs and funding. They also keep the genetic diversity of our crops and domestic animals alive and are generally less harmful to soil, water and natural ecosystems.
Small farms have just been taken out to remove competition for agrochemical cooperations. All regulations and laws are written by their lobbyists. They are trying to even make exchanging your own seeds illegal ffs. You already need a loicense to sell seeds and it needs to be from registered variants. Supporting this is suicide on a civilization level.
Weed bad
So true

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It's just another way for retards to virtue signal and feel superior about.
>heh I'm better than you because I have a milkweed in my backyard
But it's funny because then these fags start infighting about how native a plant needs to be.
if you don't want "invasive people", does that somehow make invasive plants good?

you do get people that do this. but condemning the whole idea because of them is like condemning the concept of drinking coffee because of the one guy making it with a whisk.

a lot of the time they're just opportunists. so for instance if you cut down all the trees in an area and weed out all the plants growing higher than a few inches, you might end up ultimately with lots of (invasive) dandelions. you would probably agree that does not mean dandelions are better than trees.

I agree with this entire post and wish more people had this mindset.
>Weeds we can't get rid of because rosties won't quit planting them
This plague carrier.
most boring looking plant i have ever seen
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Why do you like nature more than people?
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I disappoint people, nature doesn't care.
sea is a harsh mistress
Have you ever been around people dude?? Theyre god awful.
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I had rather die at 30 as a free man, than live to 80 as a (((slave))).
>Ancient humans lived till they were 30
Ancient humans lived longer, it’s just that the extremely high infant mortality rate pushed the average year of death down.
>their teeth rotted out
Most of them had better teeth than an average modern person because they were eating natural foods and not ultra processed sugar goyslop.
>of they died of some horrid shit
Good thing that doesn’t happen anymore, right?

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Is there an easy way to tell which mushrooms are edible? Like an ap or something?
I'm fully homosexual.
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iNaturalist is really good for fungi

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For all things fire lookout / fire tower!

Previous: >>2694387
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forest jannies razor wired this one off despite it being at the highest point in the ozarks
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i think this one was a gabled L-4, very beautiful
love the base structure
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here's what it looked like inside
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Fryingpan Mtn, NC

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What do you guys hunt with? Whether its small or big game
What kinds of guns/bows/knife equipment do you use/recommend
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Squirrels live everywhere. They don’t give a fuck about streams they follow the acorns if anything.
Bear, elk: Tikka T3x Lite in 300 Win Mag
Deer: Tikka T3x Superlite in 270 Win Mag
Squirrel/Rabbbit CZ 457 Varmint in 22lr or Mav 88 12 gauge with high-brass #4s
Turkey: Mossberg 500 Tactical Turkey model
Ducks: Benelli Nova

Day hunts i use a Mystery Ranch Sawooth
2 to 4 day backpack hunts i use a Beartooth 80 bag
5+day hunts i use the Marshall bag on my Mystery Ranch frame...although now that Yeti(which is explicitly anti-hunting) has bought them out i wont be giving them a single penny anymore. So any new pack company recommendations are welcome.

Boots Kennetrek Uninsulated unless its below freezing, then i use the 400gram insulated Kennetreks.

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>So any new pack company recommendations are welcome.
my squad has stone glacier but they're kind of pompous about their gear. Their backpacks are really solid though.
Ruger American .30-06
Marlin 336
Marlin model 60.

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Moobies with /out/ feels.
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It still pisses me off that they normalized making camp fires, i guess it was different back then. It should be absolutely illegal now during the summer at least. Wayyy too many forest fires now due to global warming and things being drier now. The risk isnt worth it and normalfags are too retarded to be responsible with it.
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depenz where you live. generally places like New England and the Specific Northwest have minimal or even negligible fire danger, and most of the deep South and Southeast. West and Southwest of course is a nachtmare, and almost everywhere in Australia
>get lost near a stream
>choose not to follow it until they find something
Pure lack of basic skills, just like /out/!
Lol. What a stupid useless faggot you are.
Gen x, just hit 55 this year. So, which one have you heard of? The first two you should check out are Jeremiah Johnson, and sorcerer. The Black Stallion and The Earthling are more kid originated. The Man Who Would Be King is colonial advantage by ways of Rudyard Kipling. two retired sergeants head to a mystical kingdom north of Afghanistan to loot and pillage.

Dudes I went to high school with now have house, wife kids truck dirt bikes side x sides and fuckhuge camper trailers

I'm fucking disgruntled
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It is sort of crazy. A woman I work with mentioned doing a reno on their house, pouring a pad, and adding a metal shop to their backyard. She told me that they paid for it by cashing out her husband's 401k and then taking a loan as well. They have matching UTVs that aren't paid off and a travel trailer. I make more than she does and her husband makes a little less than her. Fucking crazy. We're all mid thirties and make decent money but some people spend like it's going out of style.
i used to fully agree with you.

Today in the age of clown world I'm starting to wonder if they're really the smart ones living for now and not worrying about it.

My wife and I are textbook middle class. mid six figures in a high cost of living area. if it wasn't for "buying the house we really can't afford" 6 years ago it looks like we'd never have been able to buy. Ever at this rate. When the government comes out and clears debt of these idiots (bankruptcy) but lets them keep the toys while I (tax payers) are on the hook for it. Who's really getting screwed here? Sure seems like it's me being responsible and not them.

lol do you actually believe this? Santa isn't real either anon. The guy I buy EBT cards from for 65 cents on the dollar drives an escalade and has a nicer house than I do. He's easily clearing 5k a month in cash, thats 60k a year with no taxes taken out. I sometimes forget the 4channel sterotype of fat smelly basement dwelling virgins who never venture into the real world is actually right on.
yeah i finished my bachelors in business two years ago but i did HR because accounting and finance was fucking soul killing for me, literally couldnt pay me to do that work. but yea in two years ive had one semi real job. HR is fine it seems but i cant get into the fucking industry because there's like no entry level work (lots of senior level work though)

HR? You're on 4chan so you're probably a white or mystery meat male. Why would you ever think you have a chance in the realm of dowdy cat women and minority diversity pimps?

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>west virginia
Holy shit I share a board with plebs
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Allegany County. The western half of the state borders WV and the mountainous regions of VA/PA.
Yeah but what town is that? Is that the forbidden overlook of Keyser where there was a no trespassing sign up and I chickened out?
Looked it up and it's Cumberland.
ok i guess its from the other side from wills state park then
I wish I could get to the secret Keyser overlook now
I mean you could just park there and walk there is a fucking lot or I guess you could park nearby but there's a RISK of getting caught
I think OR should be slightly higher than WA for the sole reason that OR has fantastic beach access and WA does not.
In OR, you can literally surf and snowboard in the same day. You cant really do that in WA.

WA should be a 6.5 and OR should be a 7

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Welcome to /hive/ -
beekeeping general. Discuss apiary and bees.

Old thread: >>2657231
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well yes but you're also much bigger than HIV and that hasn't helped you, has it? You naughty little fellow.

If honeybees are spending lots of time going after sunflower seeds on your bird table then something may be up with them, e.g. not enough forage plants in the vicinity. If you were to plant a more pollinator friendly garden that might well solve the issue, and also be good for native bees.
Nothing is in bloom yet but the weather is warm enough that they've activated
are you sure they are honeybees? That seems very unusual behavior for honeybees
Yeah they are
I guess it's not that uncommon

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>researching cheap dinghy, stumble upon faggot-redditor thread
>"hey guys is this boat for $300 okay"
>uhh, that's literally a toy, retard, I was just on Facebook Marketplace five minutes ago in my area on the opposite end of the world, and there's a bass boat for only $20,000
>your budget is $500? dude just add $15,000 to it, it's not a big difference, and you'll have a marginally better boat, better yet, just buy a $300,000 yacht, now that's a proper boat
>what, your towing capacity is only 1,500 pounds, and you can't tow a 25,000 pound yacht whenever you feel like it?
Why are Redditfags like this?
Worse than gun "enthusiasts".
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you can't google shit about dick without getting at least one reddit thread in the results and it's usually more useful than the 14,000 AI/indian generated listicles and paid ads.
If you just want to float around on the water inflatable kayaks are pretty great, just don't be stupid. I have a little sea eagle inflatable I payed like $200 for and its super comfy and I can lay down on it and chill in the water. Just know that cheap inflatables are only for lakes, not for rivers salt water.
Wat r /outs thoughts on china made Amazon tier inflatables like the intex seahawk. Or just your general pack raft recommendations
Hey frens, OP here.
Made up my mind - gonna buy a canoe.

To avoid flipping and drowning, I'm going to attach an outrigger to it, and I'm putting a tent on the platform the outrigger makes.
I'll also be using a 2HP motor to move around at a snail's pace.

It'll break down pretty easily, and I could haul it around without trouble. Inflatables are going to be a bit too flimsy for what I need (unless I'll be getting a bigger RIB, but then a canoe is cheaper).
P.S. Thank you all for the information and advice. I really appreciate it, anons.

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I own a piece of land that is connected by a county road, and these amish fucks have recently started moving in near the road and they fucking DUG A 5 FOOT TRENCH IN THE MIDDLE OF THE COUNTY ROAD WITH SOME GAY PRIVATE CONSTRUCTION CREW AND IT IS UNPASSABLE can I call the law on these retards I want to actually be able to access my land....
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Amish are great believers in incest, domestic violence/abuse and rape. They are based for keeping to their beliefs and ways as well as they have and these sorts of people/communities will survive upheaval. But like all other religious sects they devolve into the dark desires and power.
t. ex-amish, got a away thanks to my dad figuring things out, but I got abused and still feel confused about them
They tend to be "protected", they are well known for their abuse and other fuckery and yet little is done about it.
And they do have guns, basic shotguns/rifles but no pistols. Most aren't keen on them and/or hunting but there'll be someone to balance them majority that does know and will shoot you.
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son, if you can't read that, it's you who can't read english...
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I require more ticks
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I mean ticks
Oh I fuck it up...
Sister... The ticks...
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Yes, sister?
I need the proteins for the hard work I require ticks
fat fuck
Does chickens eats ticks? Can they make my backyard safe for the kiddos?

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*blocks you path*
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Where the fuck is this and what the fuck is it talking about? Reads like a bunch of gibberish.
Those warnings aren't even proper English. It doesn't even say you will be fined if you trespass. That's what the spirit of the sign is, but the down syndrome stroke patient who wrote it did a terrible job of conveying that message.

you guys think soverign citizens are retards but 'native' reservations basically function the way these 'retards' want to live.
they used Grammarly
But the difference is that Indian reservations are ordained by the US government and held in trust by the indigenous tribes that occupy them. Sovereign citizens have literally no legal basis for whatever claims they pull out of their ass.

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