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Bit of a stupid question. Are crampons sold as a set or individually?
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is there no /out/ archive? I wanted to look up discussions of mountains and hiking in my state (NC)
You aren't missing much. Any discussion of east coast mountains inevitably dissolves into mindless shit-flinging because of anons with differing definitions of "mountain".
Saw moms box in the bathroom once, think they come in packs of 8, 10 or 12
Weird, I also saw your mom's box.
For lower UPF stuff like 30, you can get some pretty light nylons that wick well. At maximum UPF like +50 nylons are typically dark colors, polyesters can still be white but don't breathe as well, still wicking though. Personally when it's 90F with humidity it's not bad because the alternative is sun burn. I say grab a thinner one on sale like a OR echo or similar. If nothing else it works really well for travel. Packs tiny and layers easily.

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Enjoying the breeze?
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the most homelesses are on the west coast
just because you're used to it doesn't mean it's normal Califag
its normal now
O Daughter of Babylon, you destroyer,
happy will he be who repays you
for the suffering you inflicted upon us!
Happy will he be who seizes your babies
and smashes them against a rock!

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Anyone use these for camping?

I like the idea that you sleep off the ground and it sets up fast
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Why don't you just get a hammock tent?

It's easier to hike in and out with a tent suspended by straps than stilts. They're a lot lighter and they accomplish the exact same thing.
I bang your mom inna hammock tent
I got a usb-fan-with-battery at Walmart and it literally has a lithium battery that is removable as if a normal AA or AAA battery. Just pop off the cover and pull it out like normal, but it’s a big ol’ lithium battery, probably 18650 or whatever.

I think the idea behind everything being rechargeable (removable battery or not) is that you can use small solar to recharge or to trickle charge constantly so that it’s always ready to go (like a flashlight in a power outage)
Because it's a no brainer to use the number one connection standard for typical electronic accessories. What else would you use, besides a cigarette lighter? When even then, almost everyone will have a cigarette lighter USB plug inside it, should their vehicle not have USB ports from factory
>I'd still have to turn on the car, plug it in, and wait.
If you own anything rechargable, why would you not ensure that its charged at all times prior to your trip? Not to mention most rechargeable things sport stupidly dense batteries for their size and efficiency and if need be, you can carry spare batteries if possible
>but if I'm carrying spare batteries, why would I want it rechargeable
Not ensuring your rechargeable tools are charged when necessary is entirely the same as not having a battery already installed for a non-rechargeable tool. I use a Petzl actik and I have a bunch of its rechargeable lithium-ion cells and have keep it on the charger at all times to make sure its charged. Not to mention, portable battery stations are becoming super common and super cheap and they're able to be charged at home, in your car, or via solar; where you can then use that power station alone to charge or power anything you deem necessary when the vehicle is off.
I keep your mom fully charged

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What are some underrated, legal psychoactive plants that are relatively easy to grow in your garden?
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one last.....Quora says they do contain the alkeloids, wokapedia says they do and don't with two different sources. And there are other sites that say both as well. So, take your pick? Aside from ceffeine, there aren't any other stimulants associated with the ephedra plants. They have a high tannin content. But that's not going to help you. I'm not sure what the "medicinal" properties would be without any ephedrine compounds. Unless it's just the caffeine..
I found the seeds are not generally available in the US, but I got some online. The only poppy varieties I've seen in stores are California, Iceland, common/corn poppy, and oriental poppy. Iceland poppy is really nice too, but I don't think it has any opium, just pretty flowers.
You can legally order psilocybin mushroom spores in the US
I only bought and ate datura inoxia seeds online. I woke the next day with no memory of what happened and I was alone so I'll never know what it was like. Only for true space cadets

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>gives 10 hour lecture about ancestors and being in touch with nature and feeling the spirits and energies
>drops out after 24 hours
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pretty sure you were gay before you donned the hat anon
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i'm with you on ppl that wear faghats for fashion, but wearing a hat outdoors is basically required to not have the skin of a 70 year old when you turn 40.
Why are whites with dreadlocks such insufferable douchebags
>why are people without jobs such insufferable douchebags
you answered your own question
Pretty sure he's a Paid Professional Protester though. Or maybe it's just that half the protester's you see look exactly like him.

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rule two
No one cares, brownoid.
honey you need chemical peels or laser for those acne scars

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I bought a tent, maybe camping soon :)
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I just bought a very similar looking tent from the zon... https://a.co/d/eb76rEr
Remember to post pics of your first trip with the tent here fren!
Warning: IP Logger link
Were did you get the tent, did it come with the cat or was it sold separately?
That's great, anon! Mine is actually this one! https://a.co/d/9FBxP9X
We're budget tent buddies now!

Apparently Saltic is making a "barefoot" kind of climbing shoe, the model is called "Eliot".
Do you think acceptable precision can be achieved with such a seemingly wide tip?
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NTA but I get what he’s laying down. For crack (hand/fist size cracks) I’ve always thought some Vans with climbing rubber resoles would be one of if not the perfect shoes for such a task. These shoes just have a lot of rubber, flat footed (not rounded for edges like traditional climbing shoes or even pointed like super gnar v15 shoes) and would give pretty good area to just slap a foot in the crack or on a wall and get the purchase you need with the added bonus of your little toesies not hurting so much. Toe fatigue is real man!! The area/purchase argument applies to slab too (though not hard slab as by then you’re abusing the edges God/the FA’ers provide you.
They'd be okay for bouldering I guess, but climbing is not a natural activity it's gear assisted and good stiff shoes are part of that gear. You really don't want to load your tendons all.day in your meme shoes.
Rubber compound seems to be the same as other Saltics.
Those honestly don't look very foot shaped to me. Mad rock Phoenix is best for wide feet
>Mad rock
How much do you downsize Mad Rocks for an tight/performance fit? The new Sharks look like they would fit my footshape and needs for indoor bouldering. It's rare to find MR's in store in EU though so cant try them on.

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I looked for a tent thread to post this in, but search didn't bring up a general thread.

Anyway, The Cloud Up 2 is a solid tent from what I've read and it's way cheaper on Aliexpress than Amazon (£104 instead of £155!) so naturally I want to get it from there. But is it real, or am I buying fakes or factory seconds?

Recently i bought some Vans shoes in their "sale" but what I actually received were clearly cast-offs that they couldn't sell as standard quality due to bad stitching -- this has never been the case paying full price in 20 years of buying them. I don't want to get a shit tent for 60% of the price of a good one so please advise me /out/.
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the reason the tent is hot is because the mesh doesn't go all the way to the bottom btw so check on that
>I promise you that tent is hot as fuck
This is actually a good thing for me, it sounds well insulated. Holt sunny weather is a luxury for us, we get maybe 3 scorchers per year, so the fact that it holds warmth is exactly what I want. Cheers.
You never know what you're going to get from Ali, but give it a go by all means.
Last month I rolled the dice on "Genuine NEW" Garmin Instinct Solar for a fraction of one from the shop, and a high spec tablet on sale.
The watch is definitely genuine and new.
The tablet was trash, but with a couple of clicks I got my money back.
This is in line with what I've come to expect - quality is a bit of a gamble, but it's not difficult to resolve any issues. I've never had a refund declined.

Tent specific, I got one a while back and it was fucking great - seam sealed, snow flaps, a ton of alloy snow pegs etc.
Right up until the zip broke.
I actually got it with zero expectations for the kids to garden camp, but ended up using it in the hills because it was lighter than my $$$ tent. Never quite trusted it for winter in the mountains though - it's Ali after all : )
Naturehike and Lanshan are pretty good. Know a couple of people with them and they have no problems with them. You can find people who have taken them on through hikes and they have held up alright. Just got to make sure to seam seal as some are not from the factory.

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what's your gaymen/entertainment setup when backpacking, /out/?
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Nintendo games always seemed gay to me. I loved my PSP as a kid, it's such a shame that Homosexualtendo doesn't have any real competitors anymore.
Is the Switch tied to your account or are you using your friend's? It should function fine offline. The whole point of the Switch is to be a portable platform, for backpacking, travel, camping.
wow, 2008 called.

i take my phone with podcasts and whatever my game of the month is on it. And a battery pack always at least 5000ma but sometimes a 20k one. If I plan to write I pack a foldable keyboard. The mini's ones suck because i have man sized hands.

if I'm "working remotely" i take a laptop and full power supply. Weighs over 10 lbs so I'm not carrying that stuff hiking, its staying in the car or campsite.
>2008 called

>Any suggestions?
Take a book and read by candle light.
>You can drink
That's basically a given.

>*dies in your path*
what do?
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based worm
i love worms so much, i save every one i see
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Eat it. You think you just gon leave it down there? Huh?
I've found at least one worm on the sidewalk that was still alive, but dried up and almost dead. All it took to revive it was to pour a little water on it, and I could release it into some nearby dirt. Felt nice to do that :)
Put it in my urethra. As God intended

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I'm a beginner tanner, I've been practicing by tanning a few hides, never seen this before though. I noticed the skin is striped? This was a wild black tailed jackrabbit caught in the West Coast USA. Is this normal?? I researched it to death, and I can't find anything about what can cause striped skin in a jackrabbit. It was a healthy looking rabbit, very responsive, no lethargy or anything like that, just wondering if this is normal or some sort of disease?
This is pretty normal anon AFAIK. Rabbits have really really really thin skin, almost as thin as a bird's, and that means you can see the coloration of the skin through the interior. If you ever had a multi-colored dog with spots and parted its fur in different locations, you'd see that some spots are pink while others are black. That's what you're seeing here. Sometimes that matches with the coloration/pattern of the fur, sometimes it doesn't. Don't worry about it; completely normal.
I'm afraid that this is a classic case of rabbit AIDS. Please go get tested anon.
was the rabbit female? if so, look into X chromosome inactivation. females have two X chromosomes but one is deactivated randomly upon embryonic elongation. this is why calico cats have a mix of mom and dads fur color. human women have this too but is only visible under UV spectrum cameras
This is pretty normal. I think it occurs when the coat begins to transition from winter to summer. I've seen it in cottontails and jackrabbits. Other furbearers will sometimes display this as their coats are changing, too. I don't think I've ever seen it on any pelt between October and the beginning of January, possibly the beginning of February.

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Previous thread >>2721535
hit the image limit
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Pointing out that OP is a fucking retard for starting a plant thread with a fungus is autistic? You're fucking retarded as well.
>We didn't say...well, tell that to the books written in the 1700s.
You didn't, because you have no sense of humor and take everything literally and can't just chill the fuck out for a second to smirk at a stupid joke.
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Fuck you, get skunk cabbaged
>nuh uh my big rant isn't autistic, you're retarded!!!
You could win Americas Next Top Autist with talent like that.
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this is now a mushie thread

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Only reason I use a tent is in summer for snakes, mosquitos and spiders. In winter and colder months I try just sleep under the stars.

In saying that, we don’t have big animals here that will fuck your life up.

Don’t actually know what I’d do if camping in the US. I’d be terrified of being taken by a fucking wild cat. That thought of that is just insane to me lol.
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If you live in Europe you most likely have wild boars who are more dangerous than bears and lions, because while they will try to avoid fires and sounds, boars will actively try to fuck your shit up because they meet lots of humans
I think I got bad blood or something because mosquitoes don't bite me and ticks don't even dare climbing on me, even when I go into tick territory and my friends get at leasta a couple on their legs. My grandfather was also like this, mosquitoes would sit on his arm and fly away a second later without even trying to bite.
wonder how often the Big Bad Wolf was your neighbour who strangled you and then dumped your body in the woods, so wolves would get blamed after they ate it.
Bears will generally leave you alone and mountain lions aren't a problem in most states.
idk I think its cool to have wolves in the ecosystem again the way god intended. All things considered, wolves are supposed to be frightened of humans and will be ultimately inconsequential to most. Stay strapped, clap back if they start getting too bold

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Post your trailcam photos. This is the only thing I’ve captured in 4 months.
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>see fox in a field
>hmm, maybe the fox will go in the woods at the wooded valley area between fields rather than be so in the open
>just get videos of squirrels and deer
Rofl....I feel your frustration. Half of the videos I get from my traps are squirrels(tree and ground). I've found that heavy traffic animal trails are less prone to squirrel bombs if they don't have a spot they can get high enough to climb and spot from. No stumps, logs or anything else they can sit on top of. Seldom uses dirt roads are often very productive. You'll still get deer... you'll always have deer if you're watching a high animal traffic spot. But you're also more likely to see other animals too.
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i've been hoping for this guy to come back around but i haven't seen any more of him yet.

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