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So his whole life's destiny was to throw a guy in a fire pit? Why?
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And he fucked Kira’s mom
>not after this current era of nutrek fizzles out in a couple of years and the next people retcon half of it away

This. Everything just gets recycled and reused. Creativity is dead in movies and shows
>How will people judge nutrek which lasted from 2017 to about 2026 from the sounds of it?

So… that happened.
Will be memoryholed probably

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what did I think of it? was it better than Druk?
Doesn't hit as hard for foreigners. If you're Danish it's fucking scary, though. It plays -a lot- on the way society works in Denmark.
really? cuz brown people rape Danish children every day and not a single man steps up to take out the brown trash
Is it time?
Denmark isn't Sweden
He was guilty, right?

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>doesn't want to play trans characters anymore
>wants to "be a girl" both in real life and film

Um, wtf is her problem?
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I'm unable to suspend disbelief.
Sorry Hunter, only cisgender people can play cisgender characters.
Remember this is the world you wished for.
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>man pretending to be woman doesn't want to pretend to be a man pretending to be a woman but pretend to be a real woman while still being a man pretending to be a woman
bro has pretty good trapezoids, how much does he bench?
Didn't he write in his nutter diary that he wanted to become a woman so he could be submissive to men or something?
It's creepy misogynistic larping. Why are otherwise feminist actresses totally on board with this?

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keanu feeties

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Bond, most kino Bond
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It's Brosnan for me
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their problem
Destroying planets is fun.
3 heads no hands
Three heads, two tails, big wings…no gf.
Poor guy couldn't just jerk off, he had to blow himself.

He just didnt
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ryan "the cracker" reynolds won
wesley "taxman" snipes lost
won being the biggest homo cracker, perhaps
hey yo

Game Of Thrones fucking broke these people.
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she doesnt look like herself any longer.
imagine you are her baby and she comes one day looking like this, you wouldnt recognize her as your mother any longer, its like her scent changed.
Her daughters need to stay with their dad or grandparents
Propha Brimmy Slag
Manlet Swarthoid can get cucked. This lass deserves a propa footie baller or a chav
jonah deserves a loyal, practising jewess. nothing good about alchies m8
To each it's own.

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>The Ten Commandments
>The Passion of the Christ
>The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles
>Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom
>Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark
>Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade
>Der Untergang
Thank me later
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i don't get it
It seems self-explanatory to me. It puts the movies in chronological order, cuts out the two newer ones, and gives you some explanatory shit for the artifacts.
>>Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark
Does not fit in at all with your theme retard
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>Pixar Theory
Ideal Indiana Jones viewing order:
>Temple of Doom if you're really that interested
>Kingdom of the Crystal Skull
those are the only decent ones.

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Why can't /ck/ be a branch of /tv/?
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the heat of the jannies cooks the kino snack threads
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>That sounds interesting. I tell you what, why don't I take that cause I'm going to the loo in a minute and I can have a look at it and then I can wipe my fucking arse on it!
The Devil and Miss Jones. 1941

Charles Coburn plays John P Merrick, a tycoon who suffers from stomach problems. The only meal he can manage is Graham Crackers with milk. His manservant George, played by S Z Sakall brings a tray into his office.

>George: Would you like Graham Crackers individual or shall I crumple them into the bowl?
>Merrick: Individual. No, crumple them for a change.

Merrick crunches up the crackers into the bowl and adds the milk. Merrick proceeds to eat them with a spoon.

Later Merrick is spending his lunch break with co-worker Elizabeth played by Spring Byington. She offers him a 'tuna fish popover'. Her own invention. Merrick is so taken with these tasty treats he asks George to make some for his lunch the next day.
>food analogy
based trips

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What do y’all make of the current uproar over so-called “nepo babies” in Hollywood? Is nepotism really so bad?
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it isn't wrong if the nepo baby is actually talented in whatever their upbringing stuff them in.
if you are just the kid of someone who knows teir shit and you are an absolute loser then yeah nepotism sucks. but if you got what it takes then nepotism works
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Sex with Ever Anderson
That's fine until you realize your nepo child is barely fit to handle a Starbucks order.
where are Hamas paragliders when you really need them?
Is an acting job something you should inherit? Actors used to have bad reputations

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This is pure fucking fanfiction.
Why was Lucas allowed to defile Irvin Keshner and Lawrence Kasdan's character like this?
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Its a prequel.
Yoda has fallen to the dark side in the prequel, he has grown soft and fat on institutional power, he has weakening insight, he is lost and frustrated repeatedly in ep2. Things are changing, and he feels powerless.

Then, out of nowhere, this army is gifted to him, enabling him to help his tribe, to *do* something, to feel young and powerful again.

He does this, he battles his old apprentice in a ludicrous display of power and he declares the shroud of the dark side has fallen, full of self assuredness and fear.

Its a commentary on the character. It genuinely gives weight to the Yoda appearance in ESB and RotJ. It makes clear that exile and a shift in ideology was a necessary choice, because his old ways were irrevocably destructive and hurtful. He was wrong, he was party to dark powers and they used him.

His fall was one of the greatest in the prequels.
Wars just made the jedi weak and destroyed them. Yoda knows this first hand.

People wanted more of the same, but failed to realize that Jedi were a dying breed by ep 4. How could this happen, how could Yoda be the same at the height of his power?
Did people even think this through at all?
these are newer quick-draw models of lightsabers which only later became canon. Lucas wanted to put the quick-draw lightsabers into the OT but he cycled after he received bad advice from his ex-wife. she mocked him and called him “Quick Draw” George but I think there was more to the story
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Prequeltards really need to learn that one single set of reviewers didn't make everyone hate prequelshit.

Besides, even if they did, it would mean that it just took three dudes saying the emperor has no clothes for everyone to realize how much the prequels sucked.

You fags are always wrong HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA
oh no, random text pulled out of OP mom's dirty slut ass
will /tv/ ever recover?!
just took a big fat fucking shit in my toilet and now the toilet is clogged, what the fuck do i do bros?
>using the same diversion tactics like they did with Starflop

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Aubrey Plaza is really getting into character by pulling pranks on the sets of both Agatha Megalopolis and being a prankster!

Did you all know this? Apparently she is a well known prankster. Previously she pulled a "sick" prank on the White Lotus set that left Adam DiMarco on the brink of a psychological break. Plaza also once got into a prank war with Gabriel Bateman, who played her onscreen son in the Child's Play remake. Here are her recent prank details below:

>Aubrey Plaza's Agatha All Along Costars Recall the Hilarious Prank She Pulled Off on the Show's Set
>"One day, Aubrey had schemed with the props guys to put a champagne bucket and rose petals on the floor in the tent," Locke, 20, shared before LuPone corrected, "[next] to the Equity cot."
>"That was awesome," Hahn, 50, said of Plaza's prank. "[It was] leading to the cot."

>“I would literally go from one to the other and would put my Wow wig on and my Wow costume on. And then the next day, I would go to the ‘Agatha’ set and I’d be dressed as a warrior witch with a dagger and stuff.
>At one point, when I was dressed in the Marvel character, I snuck onto the ‘Megalopolis’ set and I started harassing Giancarlo Esposito and Adam [Driver] and everyone,” Plaza recalled. “It was absolutely insane behavior.”

It looks like they all had a lot of fun and comradery making both Agatha and Megalopolis! Agatha will be a "witch focused" series and help create and develop a lot of the magical lore that is so important to the Marvel universe!
You shouldn't mock the elderly.
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Sarah Gadon is the better prankster, remember when she upstaged Aubrey Plaza by cutting the directors hair in the middle of an interview
same energy as Jared Leto's pranks as the joker
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Same thread five times in the last 3 days.

Hello JANNIES?????

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