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What was his problem ?
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he became digital
Sylvester's a cat, Tweety's a bird.
Can I make it any more obvious?
Granny's a senile cunt who never remembers to feed him.
Just call them animals. Why did you have to go and make things so complicated?
It's just one of those things. You'll have to get over it.

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This is pure fucking fanfiction.
Why was Lucas allowed to defile Irvin Keshner and Lawrence Kasdan's character like this?
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Wars just made the jedi weak and destroyed them. Yoda knows this first hand.

People wanted more of the same, but failed to realize that Jedi were a dying breed by ep 4. How could this happen, how could Yoda be the same at the height of his power?
Did people even think this through at all?
these are newer quick-draw models of lightsabers which only later became canon. Lucas wanted to put the quick-draw lightsabers into the OT but he cycled after he received bad advice from his ex-wife. she mocked him and called him “Quick Draw” George but I think there was more to the story
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Prequeltards really need to learn that one single set of reviewers didn't make everyone hate prequelshit.

Besides, even if they did, it would mean that it just took three dudes saying the emperor has no clothes for everyone to realize how much the prequels sucked.
watch the RLM reviews

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is it actual dogshit or worth a watch?
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yeah can't wait for the exact same movie only it's 6 hours long and they say "fuck" a few times, it'll be great
Yes it is dog shit. But you should watch and form your own opinion.
It's great, pure action kino.
actual dogshit
I haven't seen it but it's a masterpiece (I'm waiting for the 18+ version)

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ITT: kino actors with underwhelming filmographies
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Anon that's not Christopher Meloni.
oz is trash
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Chris Pine
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I highly disagree. consider the The Adjuster, TMNT, Crash, Cyborg 2: Glass Shadow

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>"Unfortunately, nobody can be told what the Matrix is. You have to see it for yourself."
why not
why couldn't you just tell neo that he's in a simulation and his real body is being used as a battery by machines from the future

even if he doesn't believe you, it's still possible to explain it to him without him having to take the red pill and be unplugged
movie is now a 7/10
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The allegory of the cave is not about the eye, but about the perception of reality.

"A philosopher aims to understand and perceive the higher levels of reality. However, the other inmA philosopher aims to understand and perceive the higher levels of reality. However, the other inmates of the cave do not even desire to leave their prison, for they know no better life."
Yeah doesn’t really make a lot of sense since all of us were able to see it depicted on screen
>there's a difference been knowing the path and walking the path
Seems like they covered this in the movie as well.
Butched the quote

"A philosopher aims to understand and perceive the higher levels of reality. However, the other inmates of the cave do not even desire to leave their prison, for they know no better life"

Then Cypher knows the reality, but it is not a better life. Not for him anyway.
Touch grass, autist

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I am recovering from major abdominal surgery and as such I have been prescribed a hefty dose of painkillers. While I'm taking these things are there any good, relaxing movies I can watch while I'm kinda loopy?

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so is this actually any good?
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Imagine being more obsessed than the actual waifuposter.
That isnt a waifuposter, that is a Blacked spammer.
one of Scorcese's under known ""gems."" Watch it and Bringing Out the Dead. Both good to great, sometimes quite funny too.
unno.. cool poster tho
Amazing, as usual with Scorsese. Also, underrated.

You fags are always wrong HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA
oh no, random text pulled out of OP mom's dirty slut ass
will /tv/ ever recover?!
just took a big fat fucking shit in my toilet and now the toilet is clogged, what the fuck do i do bros?
>using the same diversion tactics like they did with Starflop
>nielsen streaming chart
This is possibly the most jewish thing I've heard all day, and I watched CNN this morning.

>ITT: times you acted like Laser Blast
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All the time.
Awesome, what's that from.

Uh, been kinda sorta uncomfortable at a lame pool party.
Didn't stop a low energy uncoordinated rape attempt though.
Mainly because there were no low energy uncoordinated rape attempts going on. But I totally could have if there were.

Godzilla Minus One Edition
Have you watched it yet? Or are you waiting for the official release?
Previous thread: >>199200091
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the tone was all over the place, initially dark and creepy then ridiculously campy
Anyone seen the sequel?
it's a made for tv movie made in the 90s what else do you need to know?
So it's kino?
And yet it made more than half it's budget in the very first day

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Why the fuck did Legolas shoot Grima when he finally redeemed himself?
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It’s so stupid. He was already shown to have superior reflexes. He should have know Saruman was already dead and to spare Grima in case he knew anything.
because sauron's man was about to name the jews before rasputin killed him
War: War never changes...
because white men need to die
>betrays his master and stabs him in the back
Motherfucker had no loyalty

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You will never see a PlayStation franchise being a billion dollar box office smash that everyone excitedly went out to support
they're literally making a zelda movie produced by SONY

sony won
nintendo lost
Microsoft won. Fallout s the biggest show of the year and the upcoming Minecraft movie will break 2 billion.

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We are way past the whole “dood what if le female villain was le misunderstood” trend of movies that peaked with dreck like Maleficent.

Also weird that they held off a Wicked movie for so long considering it was the originator of this type of awful femslop.
>their faces when they see my PePe
Should have cast Sarah Gadon.
>gotta steal everything including culture from whites
>hates stereotypes
whos the white ghoul?

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It's aged better than any other "Golden Age of Television" series. A new SoA film or movie is returning, and Jax Teller is returning. What do you want to see in it?
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>It's the only one that actually had fun with the medium
not true, not a legitimate merit, how the fuck would you even prove anything remotely related to this?
You are legitimately a retard but if you praise sons of shart in any way I'm not very surprised
the show takes itself extremely seriously, to the point of parody
the tattoo episode was a hilariously bad example of this
it got too full of itself after a certain point. the stupid cartoon drama, the dumb shit like the snowglobe beating with the song playing. it got incredibly gay
i just need the car chase scenes to use jazz again
Hey look. It's one of those uninformed opinions I've heard so much about.
Did your other thread about this gay show die? Also, I love you brother.

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>you known what let's explore the creepy dungeon instead of leaving the house
Stop raping dogs.
why didnt homeless guy just knocked and politely explained her the situation she was in?
horror fans are the worst
Could they have not just stared with the long guy and made it half an hour shorter?

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