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Best film of the decade
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>...the film focuses on the life of Auschwitz
They ran out of money and could only use the film negative during those scenes which were shot last in the production.
I just like better films.
There hasn't been any.

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What is some quintessential Afro-European Kino?
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The blatant racism towards European white nations is insane. Such a hateful bigoted show, can't believe they show it on tv
Afria Addio
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europe is a molested mutt that had its pussy reupholstered and groomed by BBC, the pussy has ownership title
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This painting is about kings from all around the world traveling to see birth of Jesus. Meds.

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>thats when the cannibalism started
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This is the correct form of courtroom outburst.
Chad genes wasted on psycho degen faggot
One of those "vexed by wealth" situations.
>Chad genes
How do you think genes work?
gotta admit, Dahmer was pretty kino. first few episodes of that Netflix show is ok

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nothing brave about being an incel chud
got his ass
Based killing Nazi kino. Why is the slaughter of fascists so cinematically satisfying?

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Is this still good or is it dated?
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anybody have reccomendations for films like that?
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where can I find this version? which blu-ray release has it?
it has a woman talking and i think theres a black guy in it as well and its also a well liked movie so its slop
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can't top the hop
1 is excellent, 2 is passable, 3 is meh and 4 is pants on head retarded

It's over for Coppola and Driver
Very based if this kills Driver's career. Never liked that faggot.
How can Driver be the star of so many flops and still keep getting hired?
Why does it look like they stole the volume graphics from the batman?
Is the volume the worst Hollywood meme?
He started off using Volume but had to bail because it was super expensive so he went to greenscreen/cgi instead

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>New V/H/S coming 2024
>late night with the devil succeeded
Analog horror won
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The first two VHS movies are the only good ones. Rest are shite
Good stuff <3

Shudder in general is the best, they have been on fire lately!
New VHS? Very nice, I thought 85 was the new one already. The only one I really disliked was 94
Shudder sucks man, the only good VHS they did was the first one they made, which still pales in comparison to 1 and 2.
VHS is very hit or miss with every version have more than a few turds but there's always at least one short thats kino. I'm glad of the fact they release a new one every year. Nothing more comfy than snuggling up with my cat and streaming the latest VHS while sipping some hot cocoa.

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What defines a western?
Is that Nicholas Sandmann?

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Punished Carrie edition
prev: >>199246807
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Do you guys still get visibly scared watching horror? My dad and sister still do and hate scary movies because of it lol
No. It's rare for me to even feel creeped out by horror movies, I'd never be "visibly scared."
>Do you guys still get visibly scared watching horror?
God I wish
Yes, like how other remakes weren't shit. I know it's shocking to find out that not all remakes are bad.
Not really, but I can still feel that lingering existential dread sometimes.

>I will give 100 million dollars to whoever gets me the hell out of here.
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Hector, nooo.
Tax free?
how was the netflix reboot?
didnt watch it and apparently theres a tv show but i didnt watch that either
Yeah, the movie was based on the 1975 show.
Ive seen some clips of the netflix one that seemed pretty cool. I wanted to know how much of it delved into deductions and strategies of working in a S.W.A.T team.

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Has there ever been a franchise that significantly changed its focus or themes from what it was originally about?
Jurassic Park
Fast and the Furious
Pirates of the Caribbean
Just off the top of my head.
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>So capeshit but for dinosaurs
No, because that's what you already get with World.
>dinosaur but in another park
>dinosaur but in a big house
>dinosaur but at camp
>dinosaur but it's a tiktok
>dinosaur but it's in some med shithole
>dinosaur but in another park- wait a minute...
How about movies that should have let go of the old premise, like Prometheus. I'd rather watch cool space exploration and navigating ancient alien planets than stupid slasher shit with genius scientists acting like retarded stoned apes.
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>She's... right behind me... isn't she?
I thought "Cape shit" was the lack of variety and rehashing the same shit again, that sounds like basically them throwing shit at the wall to see what sticks. The opposite of Capeshit. Doesn't make it good, but doing the same "Survivors on a dinosaur island" thing over and over again is more Capeshit-like than what you listed. Just watch the first film if you want a good version of that story.

Born in 1993, didn't really grow up with Fresh Prince but had to watch through re-runs on Nick at Nite, if I was even able to stay up watching in the first place.
I'm from the 80s, for some reason we had a lot of reruns of 50s and 60s sitcoms back then.
And i remembered this one only for the intro, for obvious reasons (very visual for a baby):

>Budget: $1 million
How the fuck did they do it? Are movies cheaper in Bongland?
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It was a different time.
Passion, pride in production, high morale, unity, and well-maintained finances.
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>tfw in hell

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Anyabros, we are so back
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she haves aids yuck
Alien qt
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I preferred the old model but this new version is growing on me.
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i'm thinking i will continue to enjoy her kinos
I like this image a lot. I has both side boob, under boob, and that little but of armpit flap. And you can see the outline of her nipple. I think I might save this picture. I wish you could see her belly button though.

Ok, I’m confused. Yes, the movie does have a character who is supposed to be Cuban-American, but if they’re gonna put a disclaimer for the movie’s portrayal of Cuban-Americans, why not mention the movie’s portrayal of native Cubans in the disclaimer? Most of the native Cuban characters in the movie are just as bad.
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None named characters area actually played by Cubans
So they're implying that those Colombians with a chainsaw are accurately depicted.
>Also their version of Spanish is terrible.

So Al Pacino’s Spanish was accurate?


For the longest time I thought this was good Spanish.
It’s like Tony first thought of the sentence in English and then mentally translated it into Spanish without changing the sentence structure.

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