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hey /tv/, look who I just met
Kojima is on WB's payroll confirmed

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I can't enjoy anything because everything revolves around sex
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>he can't keep a woman satisfied
sex sells, we're all programmed to reproduce whether we want to or not
there is sexless media out there, it's not mainstream but it's there
>t. never been desired
>he can't keep a woman satisfied
there is like 0.00000001 % of hyperchads that can keep women satisfied at all times whit his dick alone
everything else is resources and baseless worship
While I don't agree that everything revolves around sex, an enormous amount of things does. Or about love. Especially in popular culture. It's the reason why I don't like engaging with it neither.
>not being friends before laying pipe so that your relationship isn't built on dick and resource allocation
try that sometime

Do you people actually dislike this show or are you just meming because of the woke shit? I finally watched it after two years and I gotta say, it's not that bad aside from the weird london multiculti vibe I keep getting.The visuals look great and the acting is not that bad. The story is allright if you're not a nerd about lotr
Oh lawd dem rings

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I kept seeing him in silk milk ads. They kept implying he felt great and was back. This dude's dick is so destroyed there's just no way.
Castrato confirmed?
He requires a special toilet nowadays
Jenitals Rended
411 on the 5.5?

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How come he never made it in Hollywood?

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>WISH -$130 000 000 losss
>STRANGE WORLD -$197 000 000 loss
I've seen both now.
Wish was an actual movie, as if some sort of professional writers/character designers/producers had something to do with it. All told, not bad.
Strange World, on the other hand, was the biggest piece of dog shit I have ever laid eyes upon in my life. It felt like Disney had taken some 19-year-old nobody animation student's derivative r/worldbuilding project and spent 200 million on it for reasons we shall never understand.
They were both trash.

What am I in for?
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Disney fucked Pixar by releasing everything straight to disney+
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it's okay. Not a fan of the ending. Pic related saved it though
What the fuck does that have to do with what you replied to?
zesty ass

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comfy kino that more people should see

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How bad is it?
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Fuck off.
I hate the humans in this but their future technology is petty cool. I like how the ships look and fly. Any scene they have flying next to Kong looked nice. They needed to tone down the black guy a little. I get it, he is us the clueless audience. Do movies still need this role? I always get told by people "oh character x is supposed to represent us" but why do we need that character anymore? These movies are dumb as is.
I wish they showed that because at the start he acted like we was cornered before one of them fell into the trap
>Do movies still need this role?
Yeah, but it doesn't need to be so clunky. Sometimes you just need to get some information out there and a guy asking
>What's that for?
Is the easiest way to do it.
Yeah I think that was the implication. It makes the lil nigga more heroic in the end when he is a big reason as to why they end up stopping the world from ending. It's like Finn from star wars but done correctly,
>a bad nigga turning into a good nigga and saving the day

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I don't have the screencap but there was a document posted saying so.
its for the libel/slander lawsuits

the leaker doesn't name them, it's a seperate website that does that.
Nobody cares even half a fuck about this eceleb podcast bullshit.
you gonna cry bitch boy?
Kek, CDAN trolling, but it would be Rich and Mike.
Rich is the Meme Man remember. Mike is the brain and attitude. Jay is the boring, resentful nerd who makes any female guests feel uncomfortable with his uptight self consciousness.

Jay is either Garrett 2.0 waiting to happen or another trooning.

I fucking hate Aaron Sorkin's work
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Hicklib is a more recent meme perpetuated by pictures of Yellowstone or RDR2 where a character of authority spouts obvious liberal sentiment but wears cowboy boots / hat and drives a pickup truck or whatever to try and imply that he's 'one of you' meaning the hick/middle America intended audience. In RDR2 the characters even discuss feminist shit and other talking points that are completely anachronistic. Jed Bartlet was expressly a 'moderate' democrat from New Hampshire and Will McAvoy was even made a Republican for the same type of messaging purposes.
>Why yes I enjoy huffing my own farts. How did you know?
all of his movies are democrat propaganda
>a gormless smarmy liberal with the same exact views as someone like Mitt Romney or McCain.
in other words, a republican
Moneyball, Social Network and Molly's Game are all brilliant but his last two films have been very meh.

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What went wrong?
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The producer was an asshole.
I think Burton must have had a Munchausen type mother or something. That rat man aint right.
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As I read, Kevin Smith recommended Tim Burton to direct the script he had written and then Burton voted that script out and left Smith out of all that.

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>Watch the Indian game dev guy last episode
>Spends the whole episode saying WE ARE IN LE VIDEO GAME XD while bringing up Schrödinger's cat while Joe just seems regretful to bring him on
>Go on Joe Rogans reddit because they seethe at every episode cause joe isnt some joe biden cocksucking liberal

Holy shit one of the worst guests ive ever seen on Joe Rogan and reddit for once is sucking his dick cause WE ARE IN LE VIDEO GAME OMG HE'S A GENIUS
Indian dude was actually quite interesting to listen to. This fucking nigger makes no sense tho.
only to literal brainlets. He said nothing that proved that we are in some video game simulation. He's just terminally brainrotted by video games
You can't prove it, but the stipulation is fascinating.
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So this dude hinges everything on that to him it doesn't make sense that the square root of 2 added to itself is higher than the number squared.

He doesn't understand multiplication of fractional numbers. Pic is from the end of his book.

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>Best friend kills wife annd gets away with
>you regret helping him with his legal case and soon dies of cancer
>All your daughters grow up to become the most vapid whores to ever exist.
God fucking hated Robert Kardashian, the only vindication he got is that the dude that fucked his wife trooned out.
God punished pretty much everyone involved in OJ Defense

>Johnny Cochran immediately killed by brain tumor
>F Lee Bailey disbarred shortly after, Robert Shapiro even testified against him
>Alan Dershowitz is viewed by literally everyone as a devilish pedophile jew
Ross was so fucking kino in this show, easily my favorite of the cast. Also Vic Morrow as Barry Scheck was way cooler than he had any right to be

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It would be really funny if this was all DJs fantasy and olsson had no idea.
Hot if true
Olsson has already posted that none of it is true
>top 5
>captain america
What the fuck?
If he was a zoomer he would become a tranny
This is what no pussy does to a beta

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