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>mogs lord of the rings
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sorry but cuckoldry will always be limited by cuckoldry
it can never achieve greatness
Anyone who would understand Britain and be a white man must watch and love Excalibur. It surpasses mere kino. It is überkino, das Ding an sich.
For me, it's Prince Valiant ,the sunday strips of course.
I love fate with my life

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How bad is it?
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That's like saying Godzilla vs Mothra is a Mothra movie. It is, but it's also a Godzilla movie.
Kong is carried by Godzilla like white men carries black people through taxes.
Godzilla felt like he was in this more than the 2014 one because that movie obscured his model in every shot. At least we could see him this time.
I watched it yesterday and thought it was trash. It's just a boring Kong movie but the bad monkey has a dragon so Kong needs Godzilla to beat it.
All the Kaiju stuff is fun, but goddamn is the dialogue cringe. It's like Marvel slop times ten, it's all quippy trash, all the characters are annoying. It made me wonder if they were trying to make it bad on purpose, like was it supposed to be a parody or satirical or something? If not, then wow is it bad.

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I…I don’t like this…
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Ironically, Bobby would do well in today's age of podcasting lazy comedians.
Someone big would catch onto his small-town-hick-while-trying-to-sound-cultured flavor and help make him a star.
>becomes a NEET
No chance in hell. Hank would never allow it. At most it could be the theme of one (1) episode, but even then it's a stretch.
Bobby should be an assistant manager at megalo mart
>it's a Bobby becomes a twitch streamer episode
They just should have made Bobby Hanks age when the show started and have him become a new father in his 40's, a political moderate, in an Austin suburb, married to a not as smart as she thinks but generally well meaning southern brunette (or heavily anglofied Latina)

This is what became of a Texan millennial in the 2000's generally, why not keep the tone that made the original good and unique by staying grounded before flanderization ?

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What were they implying when the Apes said she smelt so strongly? What could they smell?
The obvious answer is pussy, but you're actually thinking of soap based on racial coding.
She was an advanced Human sent from that lab thing.
She was wearing tight fitting clothes.

Staring at her white girl ass and thigh gap and padded bra titties the entire movie.
Stank Jimmy. Stank
I thought this scene was very rude about Freya

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which is the worst out of the three and why?
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Unironically true
Just fast forward through all the weird elf shit in the middle of the movie and it’s a 9/10. Easily had some of the best moments of all 3 films (helms deep, going to esoras, etc)
I skipped all the aragorn elf romance bullshit
Twin towers has helms deep and the tree niggers.
The changes Fellowship made to book 1 are honestly worse than the changes made to book 2.
>movie opens with an unnecessary recap that shifts the focus of the story too early out of the Shire
>no conspiracy, Merri/Pippin/Sam are just clueless retards now
>no farmer Maggot being based
>no Buckland
>Ringwraiths have brain damage and can barely form sentences
>no old forest or barrow wights to establish that the hobbits aren't ready for the perils of their journey and need someone like Strider to guide them
>no absolutely insane magic battle between Gandalf and the ringwraiths that everyone mistakes for a thunderstorm
>Frodo is a pussy who doesn't fight back against the witch king
>movie keeps cutting to Saruman who doesn't do anything and isn't relevant yet
Replacing Glorfindel is nothing compared to all this.

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ITT: yep that's food kino
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Airfryer is good for boiling eggs. 15 mins in there with 0 effort, and peels easily
Hey its that bone headed paddy bogtrotter
The heat of the egg cooks the gate
Nah man.
Put a little salt and pepper on that shit, maybe some peppers. Side of toast, coffee or tea, shit is good. Scrambled is fine if you dress it up a bit, few tomatoes on the side or maybe a strawberry.
Looks comfy.

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this movie would've never been made if the roles were reversed
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>Red Rocket

it literally came out the same year
I refused to watch it because it was tagged as "jewish" on IMDB.
I don't think anyone sane pretends she conventionally attractive, but they do have a couple of bangers.
>what is Leon the professional
Im just going to say it. P.T. Anderson makes some of the most boring movies ever. They are complete snoozefest that are always way too long and for some reason, people love to ride his dick
>b-but ____ was really good dude!
Yeah, sure, when was the last time you actually watched one of his movies? Im convinced people force themselves to sit through his bloated and directionless movies at least once just to say that they did it and then never EVER think about rewatching them just because hes a go to name for good directors.

There Will Be Blood, Punch Drunk Love, Boogie Nights, this ect. all have some good aspects to them, but they are such dry boring shit.

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>spells it jooz because just typing jews is haram to them
Post nose
you can still block all signals by putting your phone into a microwave or a faraday bag.
everyone had always just accepted it. I remember when the Patriot Act was passed back in 2002. Every dumb boomer and millennial was like "I don't care if the government reads my emails! I've got nothing to hide!" Then a few years later they introduced digital voting machines and no one cared about the potential risks then. Americans are dumb nigger cattle and they deserve to be hooked up to growth farms like in the Matrix.
Drumpf mindbroke half the population.
well here's a radical idea
if you're going to go plan or commit a terryism don't bring your personal fucking cellphone
it makes no difference now whether you have a smart phone or not. Everyone else has one. So even if you're the one guy on the bus without one, everyone else on that bus is helping the government spy on you with their phone.

You may not have a facebook, but that doesn't stop your boomer mother, idiot sister, or some random guy you went to high school with from uploading your name and photo and whereabouts. Now Zuckerberg knows who you are and where you've been.

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Reminded me a bit of Pan's labyrinth especially the Tony part.
Manon Maindivide is one hell of an actress. I look back at Emma Watson in her HP days and there's just no comparison.
Anyone else like this? The opening and closing scenes were the most enjoyable part for me with Daniel being my favorite character.
There's obviously not a lot of special effects but the doors and the spider at the beginning were well done.
Cinematography was also very enjoyable. I liked the framing of the red door against the snowy backdrop.
Acting was superb.
I like these unusual movies that come out and feel different than all the other slop competing for shekels
Corner Office, and Come True also off the beaten path a bit, and to a lesser degree The Menu.
Any other kinos in this vein? Also enjoyable: no blacks, which is also true for the other movies I mentioned.
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>jews? bad
>christians though? also bad
>muslims? mAsHaLlAh bRoThEr chadface.png
gee I wonder who the fuck keeps posting these responses
Thx anon
You should check out his earlier film as well. It's neat.
“All the gods in the sky” or “perfect blue sky”?
Both seem to be very thematically similar
I don’t get why Daniel head the music at first but then the screams
Was it because the little girl hasn’t died yet or because the judge of whether we go to hell or it is ourselves and once he saw the little girl died he judged himself unworthy of heaven

I didn't care for the animal liquidation episode but other than that 10/10 series
yea it was kino
first time I tried it I couldn't make it 15m but later picked it up again and enjoyed it a lot. requires the right mood I guess

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>pov you are watching a british crime drama
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Keeley Hawes is another one who has done several random bong cop shows
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Kino machine
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how did he regrow his hair over 20 years?
love this nigga

It's over for Coppola and Driver
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>3% Kino Detected
Is he holding at lens to make sure he can see Mexico in the distance?
Why do they keep casting this afghan hound looking guy
He's a great actor.
>character names are bizarre: Wow Platinum, Hamilton Crassus III, etc
>LaBeouf and his sisters are fucking each other, and he also goes down on Aubrey Plaza as she cuts off his rat-tail
>there's a pop star called Vesta Sweetwater whose selling point is that she's still a virgin, with a fundraiser held to keep her virginity intact
>LaBeouf releases a deepfake of her and Adam Driver to thwart the campaign, leading to Driver being accused of statutory rape
>there's a scene of Jon Voight revealing what initially looks like an erection but is in fact a tiny bow and arrow, which he fires into the ass cheeks of one character
>at the end of the film LaBeouf is tied up by a mob and hit in the stomach with a MAGA cap
even as someone who likes a lot of Coppola's past movies this looks like dogshit, but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't interested in seeing how much of a clusterfuck this is

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Why did Temple of Doom get a reputatin for being "bad" or worse than Last Crusade or Raiders? It's amazing
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I don't get it either. I'd even say Temple is better than Last Crusade. Such a fun movie.
Isnt this the one where the main girl was fucking the director?
yes, we know, this is how han solo got his name and became a smuggler
5 is better than 4. The action scenes are more grounded.
temple is way better than last crusade, the best is raiders though. the worst of the trilogy is by far crusade anyone saying otherwise is a retard.

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Long weekend edition
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Having white rum and cheap scotch
henry westons and ganja
drukbros... on a saturday... already dead.....it's over...
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patience padawan https://youtu.be/gBl2G8Bd-aI?feature=shared
Beer, nachos and the hockey game. Going to put back several pints and have the wife drive me home.

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Is this still good or is it dated?
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hey anon yeah quick question what the fuck do you mean by this?
>Official The Pie Lance of The Clams Parody
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I watched it in 2014 and thought it felt dated then.
Making incels seethe since 2014.

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