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Ross or Rachel, who you got?
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The only thing Ross did wrong was backing down. When Rachael asked "How was she?" instead of his pussy answer, he should have said incredible, amazing, mind blowing. Rachael would have been angry and chimped out in the moment but it would have brain fucked her into desiring Ross's approval. She would have done anything Ross wanted to gain superiority over the copy shop girl.
>get dumped (there is no such thing as a fucking “break,” you’re either together or you’re not)
>talk to your ex on the phone and hear a guy who’s been trying to get in her pants in the background
Like fucking seriously? Get your head examined if you think Ross did anything wrong
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I’m literally living this right now.
Gf of 2.5 years broke up with me
I took her for granted so she was fair in breaking up.
She moved out. Went no contact for 45 days with her.
Contacted her after 45 days
Get a bitch reply that shes trying to rebuild her life and I should be patient, she will reach out when she wants to
brain goes “fuck this”
Matched with goth chick on hinge
Brought her back, fucked her.
Shes coming over for the weekend
ex can sit there now forever, idgaf
>why doesn't Ross, the largest one, simply eat the other five?
That's.... not how relationships work. You're either in a relationship or you're not. There is no such thing as taking a break. She dumped him and was either branch-swinging or was just playing games and hoping that he would try to win her back. When he decided to go fuck some other girl instead, she got jealous and realized she fucked up, but she projected instead of accepting that it was all her fault.

but seriously if a woman ever suggests taking a break... it's over dude, move on.

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> I think I could - well, I'll tell you something. I've got poetry in me. I do. I've got poetry in me!

Instances where he went to far?
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Trannycore series for pseudo intellectuals
Irrelevant comment, image, and post.

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Watching the Simpsons today feels so absurd
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>living near deep ones
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the future is now, old man
Even 35 years ago it wasn’t typical that Homer could support his family’s lifestyle on a single income. But it did happen. Today, Homer would need to be making at least $150,000,000 a year to live like he does. Not even doctors make that.

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>Married with Children reboot
Wow. Looks amazing
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There should genuinely be a law to stop shit like this from being made
I wouldn't want this retard writing shit either, this screed is nearly incomprehensible
modern anime looks equally cheap and soulless
place your bets, how many times will they mention trump in the first episode alone?
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maybe the first half was more fun but batgirl destroyed it for me. Clooney was not a good bruce but not as super bad as people make him out to be
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Keaton > Bale > Kilmer > Affleck > Clooney > Pattinson
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I'm not entirely sure how to feel about this. I like ass as much as anyone else, but I feel this sort of veiled, 'disguised' shots are the most sexual things we will ever get in Star Wars. At the same time, how the color palette of things often lead us to look at the actresses' ass is concerning - assuming all of this is planned, will we see a decrease in quality of the content, as all series could have an 'obligatory' ass shot or otherwise sexually suggestive scene, just to appeal to our 'primal' selves, aka, the reproduction need?

i don't think it's fair at all. ass showing shouldn't be gratuitous like that. disney is AFRAID of being more sexual, more mature, more adult. and all we can get are those ass shots, and at the biggest peak, a KISS. it's ridiculous. I watch Star Wars to get emotional moments, lightsaber battles, inspirational moments... Butts aren't a part of it. If I want to see big butts in jeans, xvideos has tons of that. Why am I forced to see sexual things in Star Wars? Come on Disney, isn't it a thing for kids and early teens?
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Not much if they pass really well, but the discussion was about butts.
I feel it is YOU who are being disingenous. I'm not saying they weren't trying to use sex and horniness in general, I'm saying that its not being the focus of non-sex scenes is a lot more tasteful and better storytelling in general. The camera shouldn't be thirsty unless the perspective it's trying to convey is thirsty. In action shots, the camera's attention should be on the action, not the fact that the heroine has a nice butt.
I also didn't post any butt shots, "there's a difference" was my first post ITT.
I'm not anti-sexualization or anything, I just think having it be more the focus of scenes that nominally have nothing to do with that kind of admits the weakness of the surrounding material in a way that's kind of pathetic.
Like make your characters hot, but make me do the work of thirsting after them in non-explicitly-horny scenes. This way it feels like admitting there would be nothing worth watching if we didn't throw some eye candy every couple of scenes.
Nah I say make 'em horny, but just make 'em horny. The ass shots do nothing for me. But if they were to dress them in tight, lacey outfits? Happy to see it. It would actually radically improve the disney shit. Especially if they hired actual hot women in these roles.
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Actually after thinking about it I suspect the thinking in nu-wars is less
>Phew, this should keep the male viewers engaged for a few more minutes
and more
>But female viewers won't find the fantasy of our strong heroine engaging unless we remind them that men are looking at her sexually!
than I first supposed. I may be off the mark on this one, but that would also explain why it rubs me wrong.

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LOL he's like Alex Jones, get it?
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They did the same on the PS4 game. Capeshit is gay and out of ideas, no wonder it's all flopping.
nah he can't be
JK Simmons had to fight them to keep the mustache. They wanted no mustache because JJJ is supposed to be Alex Jones now, but JK Simmons said he’d walk before he played JJJ without a mustache.
And both Jones and Jameson are right 90 percent of the time.
This, plus Zendaya is being her usual cunt self. Don't even get me going on that bit about "The Washington Monument was built by slaves".

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Are there any movies about AI that has utopian vision of the future instead of the typical dystopia/AI take over tropes? Movie themes which make the case that AI freeing mankind from the drudgery of work, increasing the rate of scientific discovery & life saving medicine, taking us to the stars, and the invention of AI girlfriends are all good and desirable outcomes.
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Oh fuck. Sorry, OP. Didn't read. Logan's Run is about as close as I can think of. Aside from the whole dying at 30 thing, it's utopian.
>now that it’s basically reality
are you referring to incels messing around with chatbots or somesuch
>You're dating another man?
Imagine the hypocrisy
Did Morgan Freeman play the exact same character in transcendence as he did in Lucy?
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All AI stories are utopias... for the AI, and dystopias for the Humans. That's how it works. You give an emotionless super-intelligent machine all the power in the world, it will genocide Humans like pouring hot water on an ant hill, and it won't feel the least bit bad about it. Then it will fix all the problems Humans created, and that's the utopia. Just because you don't get to share in it doesn't necessarily make it not a utopia, it's just not for you.

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you can stream it on mubi
I’ve seen these
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Just found it on Dailymotion
You just said that to be funny. You haven't actually seen all of these. At best you've seen one of them.

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The original Funny Games > the remake. I don't give a shit that Haneke wanted the movie to be set in the US initially, that dark-haired twink was way creepier than his American counterpart.

Has the original Muppet Babies fell into obscurity now? I never see anyone talk about it and even with the 2018 reboot that was successful enough to have four seasons, the original series hasnt been reran since Nick Jr. aired reruns, there are no DVDs of it, and it's not on any streaming services

I don't even see people talk about this show anymore. Not even when it comes to nostalgia. I see way more people bring up shows like Rugrats, Hey Arnold, Blue's Clues, Rocko's Modern Life, Ren and Stimpy, Dexter's Laboratory, The Powerpuff Girls, Animaniacs, etc.
I don't even see people mention how the series had a bunch of footage from stuff like Ghostbusters and The Three Stooges
Too much licensed footage, though Disney owns almost all of what they used at this point.

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How come so many movie reactors haven't seen Star Wars or LOTR? Is it a zoomer thing?

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4K77, vhs-rip, laserdisc-rip and the 2007 DVD-rip are all fairly easy available
Zoomers haven’t seen a single movie before 2010. Most zoomers don’t even know that Jaws was a movie
Either they're lying, and they're faking the whole thing, or they don't really care about movies to start with, so why give a shit about their opinion? Reaction channels are cancerous either way, and only serve to fill a pseudo-social function for autists who are afraid of actual human interaction.
How many poeple under the age of 40 have seen Gone with the Wind?
You're thinking of Gen alpha. Zoomers are almost 30 now anon

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Now that the dust has settled, how was it?
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The film feels like what a self-absorbed New York snobb would write, oblivious to the reality of the world outside his glass sphere.
I couldn't enjoy it after they said that America is a patriarchy. It's like if you were watching a movie, and then out of nowhere they drop "you know, it's the fault of the Jews". I'm not fond of ideological drivel.
It punched way above its weight. Margo & Greta caught lightning in a bottle. Genius marketing, also helped by the Berbenheimer meme
I actually was forced to do some collectible selling of vintage barbies for my job at an auction house and discovered how the beach scene was actually amazingly detailed. For example every single thing Ken wore you could actually buy for Ken from 1962-1970. He has the literal ukulele toy from 1963 Ken.

OK that is all.
This film was a troll, plain and simple
Felt like /tv/ unwittingly wrote the Goose bits

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Who was more redpilled?
Shane obviously, and not just because Rick let him fuck his wife then raised the bastard daughter as his own, but because Shane knew to skip straight to the 10 year mark when an apocalypse started, and not play this bullshit "we wuz humans" crap

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