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/p/ - Photography

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what is the shittiest old digital camera i can get that still records video. I want only the worst video quality.
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Probably one of those Panasonic Superdisc cams

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Why are zoomies like this?
>worst video quality
I have one of these 20 euro toy children's cameras. It's basically 00's webcam quality.
If you let it use the internal upscaling to give you fake HD resolution video things get really quit dire.
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Camera-Specific Properties:
Equipment MakeCanon
Camera ModelCanon EOS 1000D
Camera SoftwareAdobe Photoshop 7.0
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Image Created2010:03:28 17:29:24
Exposure Time1/80 sec
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FlashNo Flash, Compulsory
Focal Length55.00 mm
Color Space InformationsRGB
Image Width1000
Image Height720
Exposure ModeAuto
White BalanceAuto
Scene Capture TypeStandard

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Apologize right now /p

1.1 billion revenue, up 20% year on year, Fuji is absolutely killing it. They are making cameras that people want to buy, the proof is in.

The era of FUJI is upon us.
57 replies and 9 images omitted. Click here to view.
Its a photography hobby thing
All the non ugly people are doing selfies and vlogs, which means sony is sponsoring them
I wouldn't really blame china for this. Nobody wants to buy a $13000 hand built camera and lens and actually take it anywhere. And even if you do save up for it and buy it it's just a Sony senor anyway. That's why they're all studio cameras. Fuji manages to sell their medium formats just fine. Same would have happened to Leica without the L mount alliance
Can someone tell me if these cameras are trannies or bayer?
They have too many models I'm unfamiliar with, and I assume anything not medium format for Fuji these days is their shitty xtrans.
they use the 40mp sensor, so I believe they are xtrans. But you should google it to double check
cruise control for wit

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who else is drawn to the mundane little details of everyday life in their photography?

i moved to the US in 2020 from my home in the UK and it feels surreal here. i don't know if i'm just drawn to utterly boring things that nobody else in the world would care about, but i love wandering around capturing all this shite

don't wanna be self indulgent, post pics here if you also photograph the mundane

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Camera ModelRICOH GR III
Camera SoftwareAdobe Photoshop Lightroom Classic 13.2 (Macintosh)
Sensing MethodOne-Chip Color Area
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Image Created2024:05:21 21:09:12
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FlashNo Flash, Compulsory
Focal Length18.30 mm
Color Space InformationsRGB
Exposure ModeManual
White BalanceAuto
Scene Capture TypeStandard
Subject Distance RangeClose View
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The point of photography is to capture the sublime in the mundane. There's beauty everywhere if you're looking for it.
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Now derelict factory I used to work at.
The table in the foreground is where I took my breaks.

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Camera-Specific Properties:
Camera ModelNIKON D5100
Camera SoftwareVer.1.01
Maximum Lens Aperturef/3.6
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Focal Length (35mm Equiv)27 mm
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Lens TypeNikon G Series
Lens Range18.0 - 55.0 mm; f/3.5 - f/5.6
Shooting/Bracketing ModeSingle Frame/Off
Noise ReductionOFF
Camera Actuations78136
haunting anon
luv me fish n chips
luv me factory
luv me nikon
simple as
Time to get a polarizing filter.

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Do any of you guys take pics of toys, figures, model trains, dioramas, or anything of that sort? it's something I've been wanting to try my hand at.

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Camera-Specific Properties:
Camera ModelNIKON D3300
Camera SoftwareAdobe Photoshop Lightroom Classic 12.2.1 (Windows)
Maximum Lens Aperturef/4.8
Sensing MethodOne-Chip Color Area
Color Filter Array Pattern846
Focal Length (35mm Equiv)57 mm
Image-Specific Properties:
Horizontal Resolution300 dpi
Vertical Resolution300 dpi
Image Created2023:11:16 14:47:48
Exposure Time1/100 sec
Exposure ProgramManual
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Exposure Bias0 EV
Metering ModePattern
Light SourceCool White Fluorescent
FlashNo Flash
Focal Length38.00 mm
Color Space InformationsRGB
Exposure ModeManual
White BalanceManual
Scene Capture TypeStandard
Gain ControlNone
Subject Distance RangeUnknown
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Camera-Specific Properties:
Equipment MakeGoogle
Camera ModelPixel 6
Camera SoftwareHDR+ 1.0.540104767zd
Maximum Lens Aperturef/1.9
Sensing MethodOne-Chip Color Area
Focal Length (35mm Equiv)24 mm
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I did toy photography what seems like another lifetime ago
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Yes I was a /p/ user before I started building models. I haven't put much effort into photographing them but I spend a lot of time on custom builds now. Pic related was the last gundam kit I finished.Mg hazel.
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new cheap lens I'm quite happy with

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Camera-Specific Properties:
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pretty cool, poast moar

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for a while i've had this in an amazon list, the Godox MF12 but idk if a ring flash would be better. i think i'm finally getting close to wanting to buy one, whatever it may be. i don't really need it to do anything super crazy fancy, i just want it to light subjects evenly and be on the camera so i can try focus stacking in the field. i currently am using the little flash that came with my olympus on a stretchy cord with a homemade 3d printed softbox and that's worked ok but i can't focus stack with that unless i put it on an armature which i've tried in the past but it's a pain in the ass so i'd rather just get something like a ring flash that mounts directly onto the end of the lens.

i've heard though that ring flashes can make really flat harsh artificial looking light and they are best used for macro with a diffuser but then i don't know what i should get that would come with a diffuser or has one available to buy as an accessory. i'm not sure exactly what my budget is. for everything i would need, whether it be all a self contained unit or a flash and separate controller, maybe $350ish just to throw a number out there but if there's a good beginner model that would work fine then i would gladly get that instead.

the lens i have and plan to continue to use also is the M.Zuiko Digital ED 60mm F2.8 Macro which has a 7.4 inch minimum working distance if that matters for the size of the flash. a lot of bugs i find are on the ground and i like to get a relatively low angle for taking pictures of them so it looks like you're on their level instead of looking down at them.
I would buy something that you can use off camera. Otherwise I'm not sure it's worth upgrading
just use a fucking hot shoe cable
mounting the flash to point straight out from the camera erases all shadows and depth and makes everything look flat. are there pointed straight up and bouncing off the ceiling like a dipshit, or get a cable and hold it away from the camera
this can be used off cam
gonna second this
off camera flash + light modifiers would probably be cheaper at at least more broadly useful for photography

How is your tripod situation? You mention wanting to do close to the ground low angle work, might be worthwhile investing a bit there. Would make focus stacking less cumbersome

Very armature pictures on iPhone

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Image OrientationRight-Hand, Top
Horizontal Resolution72 dpi
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Image-Specific Properties:
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At least you aren't oversaturating them in post like NPCs. I've seen them up north many times and the shots you're seeing on the news are basically fake.
Trolling is a bannable offense
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? I genuinely want Apple to come out with a "real" camera since its digishit days
large (compared to a phone) sensor, computational ai built in, connectivity to Apple ecosystem
would be a gamechanger

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when somebody sells high end camera gear and can't take proper photos of what they are selling?
Pic related is from an ebay user that has an account from 1999. For 25 years this person has used ebay and still not realized the importance of taking good photos.
>Oh yeah selling this awesome costly (product). Here you have some shaky high iso photos taken with a potato under severe Parkinson's tremors of (product) in terrible lighting conditions.
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How would an android tablet mitigate the problem? As the other namefag stated, USBc card readers exist also. Do you really buy and sell that many used lawnmowers that transferring image files to your phone from your computer would significantly impact your day?
I could; although, the phones are micro USB.

>How would an android tablet mitigate the problem?
They have USB type A connectors and I could use my regular card reader.

>Do you really buy and sell that many used lawnmowers that transferring image files to your phone from your computer would significantly impact your day?

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Camera-Specific Properties:
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Camera SoftwareVersion 1.5
Maximum Lens Aperturef/2.8
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Image Width2560
Image Height1920
Exposure ModeManual
White BalanceAuto
Scene Capture TypeStandard
Gain ControlHigh Gain Up
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Why would you want to buy camera gear from a professional who's beat the shit out of it? You want to buy from an idiot who left it in the closet the whole time.
depends on the item.
cameras, yes, lenses? maybe not.
>when somebody sells high end camera gear and can't take proper photos of what they are selling?

Indication that it could be stolen....or some boomer selling something he hasnt a clue about...despite insisting ''he knows what hes got''

This weekend I’m doing a shoot with a girl who is 5’2, very short and the goal is to make her look as tall and slender as possible in the photos. She’s already pretty thin, but the short height makes her look kind of dumpy in most photos. There’s obviously always photoshop but I’d like to do as much as possible in-camera. Any good shooting ideas?

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Camera-Specific Properties:
Image-Specific Properties:
Horizontal Resolution72 dpi
Vertical Resolution72 dpi
Color Space InformationsRGB
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go wide, shoot angled upward, adjust height, angle and distance to subject to get the proportions how you want them. i would just have them stand at first until you get your shit close, then pose otherwise you can end up having them pose too long
I laughed
>assblasted that he tried to feel superior by mentioning something everybody already know
My condolences
>Confirmed nobody in this thread photographs women.
Why would I? I hate women.
I only take photos of nude manlets and birds.
ESL or just shaking with anger?

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• Theme: Furniture
• Deadline: From 19 May to 9 June

• The submissions have to incorporate furniture

• Photo must be taken during the timeline. Images taken before this thread was started won't count.
• Post images with exif, if possible. If you can't, just state that they were taken during the timeline.
• Three entries per photographer max.
• A day after the competition ends, all valid images will be posted for voting.

• You're encouraged to post your images that fit the theme even if they're out of competition.
• You may name your images if you wish.

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Voting has concluded for challenge 57 "Windows", and the winner with 4 total votes is:
11 "Empty Cubicles" >>4284804

The runner-ups:
10 "Flower Shop" >>4284802 (3 votes)
4 "Barneveldse Kraanverhuur" >>4282863 (1 vote)
12 "Downtown Restaurant" >>4284805 (1 vote)

Archive of the thread:
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1.16 MB PNG
Voting has finished for challenge 58 "Morning" as well, with the winning submission with a total of 3 votes:
2 "Morning Above Clouds" >>4287142

The runner ups:
3 >>4289584 (2 votes)
5 "Nothing Ever Happened" >>4291881 (2 votes)
9 >>4293566 (2 votes)
1 >>4286049 (1 vote)
4 "Morning" >>4289610 (1 vote)

Archive of the thread:
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305 KB JPG
Voting for challenge 60 "Money" has finally begun, everyone gets up to 3 votes, so vote for the submissions you think are the best
Link to the poll:

List of entries:
1 >>4304613 https://i.4cdn.org/p/1713208457363262.jpg
2 "Zoo in Sweeden" >>4308479 https://i.4cdn.org/p/1714377062476839.jpg
3 "Money as in Buildings" >>4310473 https://i.4cdn.org/p/1714902258442468.jpg
4 "Payout" >>4310827 https://i.4cdn.org/p/1714980186154877.jpg
5 "I'm Loaded" >>4313620 https://i.4cdn.org/p/1715689647030050.jpg
6 "Apocalypse Loot" >>4314441 https://i.4cdn.org/p/1715883411035823.jpg

Archive of the thread:
Link to the poll:

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
And for a general update on everything, turned in my 2 week notice today, so the next challenges should start without any week long delays
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Getting a better job, right?

Anyway, postin

"The Chair and the Fumo"

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Camera Softwaredarktable 4.4.2
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Found and old digishital (Nikon L840) I bought a decade ago recently, and decided to give photography a whirl. I've gone ahead and done a lot of research on tech and techniques, and settled on a Canon R50 w/ 18-45mm f/4.5-6.3 lens kit. Bought a 50mm f/1.8 to practice bokeh (yes I get it's effectively an 80mm).

I'm slowly getting the idea of things, understanding the basic idea of how to make things not look like shit, etc.

How much am I leaving on the table with getting a crop (1.6x) sensor? As far as I read up, it's mostly noticable with higher ISO noise, and low-light situations.

I'm appreciating the super light weight and small form-factor, so what am I really missing out on as an intermediate photographer?

[EXIF data available. Click here to show/hide.]
Camera-Specific Properties:
Equipment MakeCanon
Camera ModelCanon EOS R50
Camera SoftwaredigiKam-8.3.0
PhotographerCody Avery
Lens Size18.00 - 45.00 mm
Firmware VersionFirmware Version 1.1.0
Lens NameRF-S18-45mm F4.5-6.3 IS STM
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Image Width1620
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Subject Distance0.930 m
White BalanceAuto
Exposure Compensation3
Sensor ISO Speed332
Color Matrix132
You will not find answers or consensus here. You will only find more doubt, confusion, and indecisiveness.
Nothing, you're fine, go take pictures. You're a big boy and can decide when you need more equipment. Honestly you'll probably lose interest in a couple months and move on to some other hobby, so don't lose sleep over it.
You'll feel frustrated in low light
I upgraded from a 20mp crop shitter to a Z7II and don't regret it at all. It blows that shit out of the water at every output size and looks "less digital" and more like portra 160 in 645.

People who make excuses for bad digital cameras look like ken rockwell to me now. If you can't afford a super good digital, at least get an A7II/A7RII.. or the III versions. If you can't afford FF at all, at least shoot film (which is also FF, at the smallest usable format). Good film like respooled vision 250d blows most low end digital cameras out of the water.

Just dont waste your time with DSLRs unless you are a "real photography starts when you set up yer tripod" type of boomer because their autofocus, and focus in general, is so inaccurate it makes manual film SLRs seem luxurious and they are ugly oversized blobs with arrays of dedicated buttons just for chimping lmao
>Z7II and don't regret it at all. It blows that shit out of the water at every output size and looks "less digital" and more like portra 160 in 645.
dis nigga lmao

I see this a lot on social media where they act as if they are some famous hotshot photographer. Even worse when they try to be "fashionable". Covered in shitty tattoos, or dressing in "vintage fashion" from the 50s or 60s pretending to be a beatnic.

The post is usually something like
>people always tell me they want to live in my photos
then proceed to post the basic, uninteresting, over-edited garbage I've ever seen

It just makes them come off as very narcissistic, while every photographer I've ever met irl has been super nice. Is this just people hamming it up for their social media or are these retards just so full of themselves?

Why does photography attract so many unlikable and self-absorbed people?
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copying metadata into an instagram caption is top tier faggotry

nobody gives a fuck about your ISO and aperture. i think it makes normies see a bunch of numbers so they think its complex
Photography went from a fun hobby and something you can do professionally to creating a pretentious persona online for engagement.
But those people always existed even before social media. I blame the rise in smart phone technology for everyone who even touches a camera considering themselves a photographer. Normies just see bokeh and better photos than their phones could take and assume some amateur is some artistic master.
Inferiority complex: they are poor as fuck and anyone can master their skill in less than a year.

Social media in general is toxic af. I networked more in the last two days working with people I ran into at the springs in Florida than in the last 6 months on social media. Met some chill ass people and some other underwater photographers and had just overall a great time.

Social media is just a huge pissing contest, it's a bunch of people who peaked in high school and are trying to hold on to their popularity. Most of it is fake and in the last few years has become hijacked by politicians and corporate interests. Most of the profiles are fake or bots or people from Nigeria or India trying to scam you.

Social media isn't about networking anymore, it's about maximizing your engagement time to sell you the maximum amount of ads and it will use its algorithm to show you whatever increases that time.

tl;dr: go outside
>Inferiority complex

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Spring Edition
Previous thread:

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Exposure ModeManual
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1.37 MB JPG

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Image Created2024:05:16 14:10:53
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File: Z5161042_DxO.jpg (3.46 MB, 3651x2739)
3.46 MB
3.46 MB JPG

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Camera-Specific Properties:
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Camera SoftwareDxO PhotoLab 7.3
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Image Created2024:05:16 14:28:02
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would be perfect with a touch of vignetting correction anon. very nice silhouette

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42 KB
I don't understand. I've been taking photos and videos for over 10 years yet they still suck. I don't know why that is. I get told by family and friends my images are good, but every time I post it on the net there's someone there that says it's awful.

Do you all know?

(Side note to mods. The pepefrog image is related to photography. It shows him using a camera).
225 replies and 29 images omitted. Click here to view.
Okay, have a good day. Thank you for viewing my pictures.
there is an archetype of person that never ever ever improves because they can't stand even the possibility of doing something wrong or needing to change themselves.
We should all laugh at zach. He got banned for off topic whining on the film general when he admits to not shooting film.

All his posts were deleted too. Lmao.
Dear Zach, I think you should do the following: Set a ‚trigger‘ for each day you are going out taking photos. These triggers can be anything. The color blue, bikes, a pretty sky, anything specific. When you go out to shoot with the specific trigger in mind, I want you to shoot at least 500 photos. Try different angles, distances, use different elements to frame your subject, like branches, inbetween two parked cars, whatever is there. Look for ways to either frame your subject or put it in perspective.
From what I see, you always fill the frame with your subject, which is good, and you always scan your image edges for distractions, which is also good. I think I can see where you want to go with your very subject orientated images. But maybe you just need to go a bit wider, a change your angles a bit. Sometimes you have to do things differently for a while or things you don‘t necessarily want or like in your images to get a better understanding for what you actually want to do. I also know it is hard to work with criticism when you have autism, and yes: many of the comments here were very negative to you and your photography. Bur remember the following: There are no rules. The only thing that matters is that you are having fun. Don‘t break yourself trying to do what others deem ‚better‘. Sometimes you have to leave your comfort zone to improve what you actually want to do. This is true in all art. So take the bitter pill, do things completely different and against your instincts, if that‘s difficult for you, maybe try with just one shot a day where you deviate from the usual. You don‘t have to tell or show anyone. I really want you do enjoy photography and I hope this comment helped you.

I am also very active on reddit (AskPhotography, postprocessing, photocritique), and I think the overall more positive environment there could help you more to get where you want to be.
>every time I post it on the net there's someone there that says it's awful
That's because there are always cunts on the web who want to tear down other people. No more so than in this fucking shithole.
Keep taking photos, anon. Godspeed.

File: DSC_1007.jpg (1.45 MB, 1071x1500)
1.45 MB
1.45 MB JPG

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Camera-Specific Properties:
Camera ModelNIKON D700
Camera SoftwareAdobe Photoshop CC 2018 (Windows)
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Image Created2024:05:20 15:44:55
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Focal Length200.00 mm
Color Space InformationsRGB
Image Width1071
Image Height1500
Exposure ModeAuto
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Scene Capture TypeStandard
Gain ControlLow Gain Up
Subject Distance RangeUnknown
57 replies and 41 images omitted. Click here to view.
Am I crazy or do all these images look a bit washed out or overexposed in post

Looks like a really fun day
I like this one with the sweden colored cars plus the flag
Thanks man, i sorted out over 1000 images to get these lol

Yeah idk my d700 likes to wash stuff out if its REALLY sunny like that day, i usually keep it at 1/3 stop under but not today for some reason, also there was a LOT of dust in the air despite them watering the track like three times.
Were you shooting raw or jpg? Either way would be dead simple to correct in post, wouldn't it? I like the look fwiw but I could see it not being to everyone's taste. The subject isn't my cup of tea but you did a great job capturing the energy here.
I shoot raw, and these are corrected lol, they were even worse before.
Idk maybe lightroom hates me cus in camera raw it was better
1/1600 isn't very fast, and was about right here considering the comfy amount of blur in the dust. IMO, people focus too much on getting max wheel and background blur to the point of it being a meme. It also ruins most of their shots and they appear to be in denial, still posting them with the entire car blurred... often the wrong direction too because they fucked up the pan. There are people here with 1 second exposures of cars and they look ridiculous.

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126 KB JPG
TIL /p/ is a chud board that hates poc

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6 replies omitted. Click here to view.
They say the perfect hobby doesn't exis....
Didn't kodachrome banish blacks to the shadowrealm?
I recall seeing pics of old HS yearbooks and the pics of people with dark skin look like a parody where only their eyes and teeth are visible. I seem to recall some screeching about this as well, retrospective screeching.
>whites and blacks, fight now!
>Sarah (((Lewis)))
Must be an election year where the media and parties chose two candidates america didnt want by pressuring everyone to quit and deplatforming anyone else
It was obviously kino for documentary photography that dark skin colour turned out that way. The effect is universally imitated by journalists in digital photos to this day, nyt themselves use photos like that in Sudan coverage right now.
jk, its just that dark skin inherently requires a brighter exposure and would blow out the scene, not to mention the issue with contrast
Are you suggesting the surname Lewis has a certain ancestry tied to it?

Well I Googled it and it's northern European blend.

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