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/p/ - Photography

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Just got a camera, I cant wait to take some pictures :)

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Went with family ya dingus. Sorry i didn’t elucidate enough for you.
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Why would I assume anyone on /p/ has a family, let alone a gf?

Also you seemed to be paying a lot of attention to what teenage girls were doing, anon.
You have projector lenses strapped onto your eyes, anon
True. I do be doin' that.
Prime cunny territory
Where else can you find them without having your 150-600 mm lens stare out the window of your white broken down van parked next to a kindergarten?

Pre-summer 2024 edition

All video related questions and discussion is intended for this thread. Here we discuss techniques, gear and anything else related to capturing video footage. Please don't pretend to be an expert if you don't know what you're talking about. Kindly leave your ego at the door.
Posting short films/scripts or other work you've done is encouraged.
We tend to use and recommend DSLRs/mirrorless cameras because they provide phenomenal picture quality for their price, have large sensors (ie the same size used in high-end cinema cameras and higher) and have interchangeable lenses.
In contrast, consumer camcorders often have much smaller sensors and a fixed lens.

>STICKY - https://text.is/QZ1J
>Helpful guide, additional books and more in-depth FAQs - https://web.archive.org/web/20200926115310/https://pastebin.com/kG0gRmTZ


Previous thread >>4294741

Quick FAQS

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Should I buy a DSR-PD175P for 150 EUR?
>Ligma projectors are cheap on ebay
>make sure to get one with an modern hdmi ligma out
>/vid/ knows as much about projectors as ligma
>hopefully avatar fag ligma (aka zach) can give you a balls deep rundown
Are you a transexual or some other kind of sexual deviant? Because I can’t think of any other reason why you’d willingly use that website other than wanting to engage in degeneracy.
there is nothing inherently wrong with the website
nah, if you're going to buy miniDV, at least get a CCD one

24-70 f2.8 vs 24-105 f4

Currently on a cannon 60D but Im hoping to move to an R8 in the next few years. Id like to buy a quality zoom lens that I can use on my 60D now and later adapt to the R8.
Trying to decide between

Tamron 24-70 f2.8 G2

Sigma 24-105 f4

I like the longer focal range and lower price of the sigma, but Im worried about the slower aperture as I like to shoot at dawn and dusk

I like to shoot landscapes, animals, cars and architecture plus a bit of portrait

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Does cannot really not have a 24-120 or a 35-150? Lol
Not quite those numbers but they have the 28-200 boomer vacation lens and the 28-300L, and the super old 35-350 and 50-200 and a few other oddballs here and there. Don’t think they have anything besides thr 24-105 and 24-240 for rf yet since it seems they are more focused on expensive “pro” lens coverage vs these boomer zooms
It does.
There's the 35-135mm
Take your meds

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Spring in full swing, summer on the horizon.

Old thread reached limit:

Post em.

Is this a Female Eastern Bluebird?

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Missed the focus like always.

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First time out with the new lens. Definitely some things to learn

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Other than rich hobbyists, is there a reason to use camera this expensive? I don't think I have yet to seen a photojournalist rocking latest leica m or hassey other than youtube shills and reviewers.
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Annie leibovitz claimed she used a fuji gfx in an interview, but in most real photoshoots she is always using a combination of cheap canonikon DSLRs and sony mirrorless.

Most pros are like this. Being seen once with a hassy is self marketing. IRL they shoot generic ff.

So no
Reason? “Medium format” is less big compared to full frame than full frame is to APSC and the professional down low on apsc vs ff is already “NEGLIGIBLE IF EQUIPMENT WAS OF EQUAL GRADE” (camera companies cripple apsc hard, ie: no ports no features no wr, xtrans, worse glass, to keep the money flowing from consoomer impulsive starter camera>upgrade patterns)
The way these people work is you need to pay extra for them to use a medium format camera because they actually rent it. It’s pointless unless you truly need 100mp+ for your printing specifications.
The event photographer at the party I was at tonight was using a Leica mirrorless.
pics or it didn't happen
Bruh it’s 3:40 last call was like a hour ago. I can find her IG when stories get reposted.

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Do any zoomers shoot black and white film as a regular thing? It seems like they have no interest or nostalgia for the medium.

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Here where I am the only reason is once you factor in development costs (either lab or diy), colour is like 4 dollars more expensive per roll, and so being cheap I just don’t shoot color. If I really need colour I have an eos R and a full set of nice lenses which I can use, or my griii, or old 1d if I want to retro larp, etc. I just like developing film so black and white is good enough. It’s the process more than the product, basically.
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bonafide zoomer here (2004) and ive been shooting film for a few years now. ive shot 3 rolls of b/w and like 15 of colour. i have 3 rolls of trix that im going to shoot over the rest of the summer though. i mostly shoot colour because of my belief that with colour, you can always just desaturate in gimp, but with b/w you can't really easily colour it.
that being said, does anyone have example pics with an orange contrast filter? i'm trying so hard not to gearfag but all of my b/w in the past has come out pretty thin so i feel like a contrast filter will suddenly make me ansel adams
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zoomers heard BW dev prices are skyhigh but dont know about the C-41 BW so they just still with "filtered" color film like cinestill

sad i like BW a lot

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Why c41 if shooting bw? Purely so Walmart/etc can still develop it or some other reason?
nta, but my lab's c-41 price is like half of the b&w price, so if you didn't want to/couldn't do it yourself it would save you money provided you could get it for the same price

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Here are some photos I took today. Started
photographing "properly" yesterday, so I'm open
to criticism.
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Why would the idea matter? Critique what you see, this isn’t Reddit pics where you need a life story with every photo to get your updoots.
nta but as i understand it, judging intent against result is the basis of critique, generally
decent frames OP. i kind of like the datestamps
For fine art paintings, maybe. These are snapshits. The story will hardly improve anything
i disagree, and i'm not even going so far as 'story'.
i want to hear what OP aims to show or express with each photo
>These are snapshits.
This is the point. Snapshits have nothing to critique

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How did I do?

Anyway, is Nikon kinda shit? Yes, I bought dead Nikon 1 J3, tried fixing it. At first I was kind of frustrated at overall design, since it wasn't really obvious how to disassemble, but whatever. I found the fault (blown backlight fuse), and I was happy. Then I tried to fix a lens which was absolutely horrible failure as plastics they used are so brittle in attempts to figure out of aperture gear is broken, i broke aperture with no force what so ever. Oh, and chink whoever assembled it did fuck up with flex cable for something and it was broken too at bend point, but i didn't get to fix it.
I said ok, whatever, no lens, will try pinhole mode. So I've put in good working SD card. It said its bad. I tired again, and it only worked if you press hard on the SD card. Okay, solder joint issue? Let's see. I reflowed solder joints of the card slot, same shit. In the end i disassembled shit so many times it was getting more and more fucking angry. Last drop was me blowing backlight fuse again. So i fixed that. This time i didnt even remove flux... And fucking SD card still didn't work, so it was the last fucking drop, and i just went all in with hammer therapy.
Nothing in this fucking camera was good. Shutter button feel? Awful. PCB layout? retarded. How shit comes together - even more retarded. Combine that with no service manual and lenses that all fail because they are dogshit design too - worst fucking experience ever. That have beaten the HP printer, other device that got hammer therapy.
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>N1 system was bungled by Nikon. It may have had potential, but the sensors they chose was poor
Small sensor means you need less glass to get closer to the object. We really REALLY need small sensor cameras right now in my opinion. Because even m4/3 with its crop factor of 2 isnt really compact. And these days even small sensors are pretty good, phones can see in the dark like nothing and they have tiny 1/3" sensors or somewhere around there. 1" sensor, at least these days, would be a pretty good compromise. Compact and cheap (smaller glass is cheaper), yet better than most compact cameras and phones, since sensor would be equal or bigger.
>But the images were underwhelming especially in less than perfect light.
Idk, here is one of the few photos ive taken with that Nikon (yes, it did work sometimes but I suspect it was dying SoC or broken solder ball somewhere which is really hard to diagnose and id have probably killed it anyway during the repair). Id say it did well. Obviously not as good as bigger sensor (especially modern sensors), but decent enough.
That was taken indoors with artificial light, approx 1000 lux at desk ? with a pinhole (since lens dead).

Idk. UI of that thing was retarded too. "creative mode" my ass. Why not make standard "full retard" P A S M and whatever.
>Pentax Q
Yeah, something like that would be pretty good. Essentially a digishit with interchangeable lens. Maybe slightly bigger sensor would have been better. 1/1.7" or 2/3 or whatever.
Other problem of those meme cameras is mount.
Nikon 1? There were like only 3 lenses made for it, rest is unobtanium, or variation on same shit. Adapter to F mount? $200!
It's like guns, camera should be made for lenses, not other way around. If it had F mount compatibility for reasonable money, or other mount (MFT or whatever)... I might have not hammered it and continued searching for fault.
You can get snoy sensors from alibaba for $10-20... The 1/1,7" or whatever.
I should try making emount digishit.
Lay off on the caffeine, you tremble like my grandfather with Parkinson's.
I was about to destroy a camera I tried to repair, so i was bit nervous.
Soooooooooo... I've been having second thoughts about killing that thing, until I realized that ive recorded some videos with it too.
There were no sound, and I was talking bullshit whole time i was doing it because I was in a videocall.
After trying to find any sort of repair manual for any sort of nikon camera (which is pretty fucking hard), it did indeed seem like that SoC ASIC had a ball issue, and since camera had no signs of impact (hammer proves that any sort of impact will leave a dent on aluminium-magnesium-whatevererium) it is safe to assume that issue is in the balls between chip substrate and silicon (its fucked) , and not balls on PCB (could have been repaired). This explains SD card being intermittent and responding to bend.

Another lead-free solder victim. Or Smasnug semicon fab victim, idk.

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Thx in advance

All shot on 35mm and 6x6

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lil more lively here, an old county fair I was at. I miss 400h

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one of the shots im most proud of

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Image Created2024:01:26 01:15:
Personally I’d say composition seemed almost entirely absent. Harsh criticism to follow, I’ve never been a believer in positive encouragement.
No subject. Looks like a random accidental photo.
It’s a bridge. So what? The eye travels around and settles on the janitor’s marker.
Beautiful area, but you don’t capture the beauty. Unbalanced, unfocused, again the composition seems accidental
I assume this was taken when you sat on your camera.
You took a poor photo of someone else’s boring art. Why?
The first one with ok composition, but indistinguishable from any other cemetery photo ever taken.

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Didnt see this til today. Taking at least some of this as actual criticism of the compositions, so appreciate that anon. a good majority of these arent shot for "meaning" so that whole banksy rant's pretty funny to me (swear Ive seen it copypasta'd on here before). In all seriousness though what's some actual composition tips you could give?

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Camera SoftwareAdobe Lightroom 9.3.0 (Android)
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clean your lens holy shit
the only good one

Why is fuji so incapable of making decent eyecups?

prev thread >>4286424
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the only good player in /gg/ was, WAS, bluejem (yes, froosh sucked too)

jcope and sam are equally bad.
>bro you want out of time, out of tune 50s wank or out of time, out of tune 80s wank

in terms of skill lgbtele and eric (our very own pant5uit, in fact) eclipsed both of them as absolute beginners. lgbtele had more creativity and skill, eric had vastly more creativity despite less technical skill. i had a 30yo cousin pick up guitar and he eclipsed both of them pretty quick by learning megadeth solos, then he quit guitar and learned soprano sax. he only plays silent whisper and the epic sax guy riff. that's the level we're talking about here.
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hey /fag/s

i recently came into some money, and want to treat myself to a new camera. Digitally, I've been a nikon shooter for years, but my d3500 is getting dated and i want to try something new. I shoot film most of the time, but want to go back to digital for awhile.

I had my eyes on one of the fuji x100 series, especially the x100f. however, prices have gone up so high I dont think it makes sense to get one. My budget is around 700 or less. Is there another fuji camera I could pick that does rougly the same thing? I love the rangefinder look as most of my film cams are RF's, and i love the film simulations and build quality that fuji brings. Their lineup is sorta confusing, could I get any help?

Ill post some pics as a thank you if anyone responds.

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The X-E series is Fuji's EVF-only rangefinder-style ILC while the X-Pro series is the more premium line with hybrid OVF/EVF and a bigger body

The X-E3 is the same sensor as the X100F but just the body alone might hit your budget limit

The X-E2s is the next step down and its sensor is the prior generation of X-Trans sensor. If you can get a good deal, you might be able to get a lens as well and stay under your budget.

As for the X-Pro series, your budget limits you to the original X-Pro1
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ok, thank you!
are those older cameras still worth getting, or should i save up for something more modern?
have some medium format as thanks

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Do you guys have any recommendation for a cheap 3rd party wide angle ?

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What is a photobook you would recommend to
a newcomer?
I wouldn't you look at them at all. Just go out and take photos and find your own style. Then once you've developed a base you can look at other people for interesting ideas.

The problem is if you start out "emulating" someone else, it becomes foundational and you never really stop emulating that person. I've seen people that have shot for years/decades producing extremely derivative works of much better photographers and they never broke out of it because they believed they needed someone to tell them how to shoot.
New york by Reinhart Wolf.

The book is big, the printing is very high quality, and the images are inspiring. :D

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What is the best mirrorless camera for cheap?
>pic not related
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I'm not cANON. But I wish he'd be my friend, he's funny and cool.
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On /p/, you'll get this. Pic very related. This board is full of literal jobless manchildren. They live in their parents homes. They sleep in twin beds. These are the people insisting on DSLRs. They don't want you to enjoy photography! They want you to be a "serious" autist like them and shoot building corners.

Ignore the people saying real men this and that, they are skinnyfat noodle armed nerds who derive their sense of masculinity from operating a camera - a toy computer. That's like saying "real men compile linux from the source code". Just imagine the kind of prematurely balding pizza faced fuck that would say that.
>i prethed a button on a computer to make the number correct im THO MANLEE *farts*

Using a mirrorless is freeing. No more doing the "asian tourist pose". No more black blob making people nervous. You can just take your camera with you and be a more normal person. A GOOD camera, that doesn't spit out blurry colored fog if you shoot indoors without flash. Some of them even fit in pockets.

This is the truth. Overall mirrorless has better lenses and smaller cameras apples to apples. Physics applies some (an f1.8 lens needs a front element of a certain size, a 50mm lens can only be so small) but generally you can get a smaller setup if someone has made the option. Autofocus is also better, and there's exposure preview - but autofocus is NOT better on Nikon's Z cameras.

Mirrorless can also have larger lenses on the smaller cameras because removing the mirror makes room for exotic optical designs. These lenses are super sharp and closer to the optics used for spy planes. They are totally unlike anything you can put on an SLR except for $$$$$$$$$ "cinema" lenses. You can not compare them to DSLRs. Nikon's Z mount is infested with such incomparable lenses. They really are super sharp compared to DSLR lenses, but why would you want them? Just get a sony or olympus, stick to the smaller lenses and enjoy life instead of pixel peeping.

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That the ISS is sponsored by Nikon?
All of 4chan is powered by performative contrarianism to cope with their past of being shoved into lockers

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Used my art lens for the first time in a long time. Didnt have much time to compose these photos but I had fun taking them!

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>Lens Aperture f/3.2
Are you okay?
D for uptown dandy?
>she would legit cut me
Where, with what and how severely?
>Needed years or therapy afterwards
This is good haha, look at his face

Are there any anons here practicing erotic photography? How do you find your models willing to pose for such photos? Or do you have to pay them?
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>not gay
As someone who like trannies more than you, you're at least bi
We DESPERATELY need some women on this board. RIGHT. NOW.
women ruin everything though
The implication you are making here that liking a trans woman is anything but heterosexual is extremely problematic chuddie
I don't care. I will hold this opinion and still choke on thick tranny cock multiple times per day everyday

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Why are boomers so based?
Nobody else takes photography as seriously.
Because they are motivated by getting the best shot they can instead of mincing about with the bling brand their choice of, trying to look cool and waiting for someone to notice them.
What this guy said. They're a pre-internet generation, so they're not vain and hollow and terminally self-conscious. They know what they like and do it regardless of what other people think, and this extends beyond their willingness to ignore "social norms" to achieve it and into their actual photography.
When a younger person does this we call it "cringe" or "autism," and we have a negative term for every possible artistic effect reserved for photos taken by such people.

Just look at that incel. No fashion sense, no grooming, using outdated hipster gear. Probably being a nuisance in a public place, probably being laughed at. No doubt he hasn't gotten laid in decades. Probably shooting some lame street shit, for God's sake he doesn't even have a tripod.
And the worst part is he doesn't even care. Imagining him being happy for so little effort and money makes my millennial blood boil.
based on what?
Their seriousness is probably based on their age and the environment they grew up in. Hard times build strong men and all that.
Meanwhile a zoomie would worry about touching grass
>sees an old man being dumb because his iq score drops 10 points every year
>omg based!
They’re too blind to use screens. A diopter on an ovf is literally mandatory.

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