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Why are boomers so based?
Nobody else takes photography as seriously.
Because they are motivated by getting the best shot they can instead of mincing about with the bling brand their choice of, trying to look cool and waiting for someone to notice them.
What this guy said. They're a pre-internet generation, so they're not vain and hollow and terminally self-conscious. They know what they like and do it regardless of what other people think, and this extends beyond their willingness to ignore "social norms" to achieve it and into their actual photography.
When a younger person does this we call it "cringe" or "autism," and we have a negative term for every possible artistic effect reserved for photos taken by such people.

Just look at that incel. No fashion sense, no grooming, using outdated hipster gear. Probably being a nuisance in a public place, probably being laughed at. No doubt he hasn't gotten laid in decades. Probably shooting some lame street shit, for God's sake he doesn't even have a tripod.
And the worst part is he doesn't even care. Imagining him being happy for so little effort and money makes my millennial blood boil.
based on what?
Their seriousness is probably based on their age and the environment they grew up in. Hard times build strong men and all that.
Meanwhile a zoomie would worry about touching grass
>sees an old man being dumb because his iq score drops 10 points every year
>omg based!
They’re too blind to use screens. A diopter on an ovf is literally mandatory.

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feel free to contribute.

starting with daido moriyama

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Erwin Olaf
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Ed van der Elsken
classic /df/ thread!
So are we posting the dog's name or the owner's or the person who snapped the photo's?
Elliott Erwitt

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>all 3 centipedes I found today escaped
I had to settle for woodlice and millipedes. Also used a wrong setting and my pictures weren't as vibrant as I would've liked. Anyway I got a magnified lens and tripod for non-macro shooting

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are they dangerous or something?
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Stone centipedes are completely harmless

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Post woodlice and millipede pictures. Asking for a friend.
>All centipedes are venomous and can inflict painful stings
You are a liar and a centipede
Literally too small to bite
Give me a second. I have tons

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I took a break for like 6 months and today I opened dpreview and other news sites and there's 0 new interesting shit coming except:

- Panasonic S9 (which is a joke because of the missing viewfinder)
- Fuji Xt50 (which is an overpriced XT30 with IBIS lol)
- a m43 leica compact with a fucking built in zoom lens (this would be actually a great cam if they only used a fucking 35mm equiv. prime and not some retarded power zoom faggot lens)

and that's it. that's all innovation we got in 6 months. not one really interesting piece of kit from nikon (still no smaller sized 35mm prime). canon is still a joke (who even cares). micro four thirds is fucking dead in the water except for leica releasing dumb shit. sony no idea because I'm not into gay sex.

meanwhile neighbor zoomette got the newest iphone and sends me horrible photos with fake DOF blur (that often just cuts off ears and noses) and tells me how no one needs old cameras anymore

photography is such a fucking shitshow if you're not a fucking animal butthole enjoyer. why can't the fucking chink retards release a camera with soul that one actually enjoys and doesn't feel like a fucking burden that makes you miss moments because you're diddling with a fucking soulless piece of shit camera?

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this. its fucking unreal how far behind nikon is now.
>"inconvenient and huge dslr"
>point and click, f2.8
>"garbage" sony
>point and click
>"cannot pos r"
>point and click
>"nikon is the only mirrorless brand that makes sense because s-sony makes me turn off shading correction to push shadows and canon is expensive and dslrs are baaaaaad"
>point and click
>miss focus
>hold down fn1 and turn the front wheel
>no the back wheel
>limited area af might work
>no it wont

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Even if the larger sensors are fine, that doesn't mean the bodies or lenses will be.
>anything mft

They are actually 6th.
this poster's entire social life is 4chan

well, maybe it's also a furry convention every now and then
>I missed going to parties and getting herpes because I was outside actually producing something

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>New Panasonic S9
>New 26mm pancake lens
>Manual Focus
>This will sell our FF mirrorless camera
What the fuck were they thinking??
go home Panasonic, you're drunk.
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I sure hope you aren’t trying to imply that some races can in fact be as a whole smarter than others, cause that would be a pretty problematic and possibly anti-Semitic thing to say, anon.
liberal copes about environment aside, they are definitely superior. the narrow distribution meme from /pol/ is just that, a meme. the "japanese innovation void" is due to their risk averse and slow moving culture. remember japan has an independent space program and the US depends on russia to run theirs. we're talking about a country that had earthquake-proofed buildings before the west had steel, but had second thoughts making buildings of anything but wood because they are conservative to the point of being irrationally afraid of potential issues associated with change.

meanwhile "the innovative west" is charging at top speed into global trannyland and legalizing horse marriage

>low iq: mft good lol spend money on camera bad
>midwit: MFT IS SHIT D850 OR BUST
>high iq: mft is good but ff is better because look at this 61mp sony
>high iq, japan: mft is good i'm not so sure about that sony let's see how the read noise of small photosites and FPS hit compares in the long term and lenses really aren't sharp across the field yet while being small ok i'll stick with my panasonic lenses on olympus bodies
Culture and genetics aren't independent, risk aversion isn't just a matter of culture. And it applies on more than one level too, the genes themselves are more risk averse - there's fewer excentricities, in both the negative and positive sense.
>legalizing horse marriage
Like something bad
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>All the photos and marketing make it look small
>Its actually bigger than the Snoy a7c line
>Theres even empty space where an EVF should be

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what is your most used photo/video software? also editing you use post processing
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Super curious, what color tools do you especially like in Resolve? Which tools of Adobe's do you find garbage?
>I don't know how anyone can stand using captureone, all of the sliders are so fucking sensitive
Hold alt to adjust anything slower, or click into the value box and use mouse wheel or arrow keys, or make use of Speed Edit keys
Surprised your able to work well in Resolve, but can't figure out C1
'AI' in a product name is purely marketing slop, and topaz fucks everything up, but go ahead and make your photos look like watercolor paintings, you might even people to believe you did it for 'artistic purposes'
canon digital photo professional
okay luddite

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post flowers
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These are my attempts at taking "unconventional" bird photos. Thoughts, comments, critiques welcomed.

Most of these are cropped and formatted for IG, hence the white borders. Sorry about that.

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Very nice pics anon, thanks for sharing
Thanks a lot, anons. Your kind words are appreciated.

If it's not too much to ask, could you pick out which ones don't work for you? No need to explain why or think too hard about it, just want to see what you might mean.

Yes it is, but it's honestly a heavy crop. See attached Pic.

Most of these were taken around the areas where I live, in Western Visayas. Panay Island, to be specific. I heard from some wildlife photographers on Youtube that your best images come from shooting locally, so that's what I'm trying to do. Luckily, we have a few endemic species and that at least allows for some of my images to be unique.

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Oh shit, someone who puts thought into their photos and reaps the positive results? I never thought I'd see this on 4chan.org/p.
Lurk moar noob, there have been plenty but jealous losers always put them off
I know. I was one of them.

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and even though i as a 40 year old millennifart boomer often shit on gen-z i think it is kinda cool. Just imagine them going to whatever social gathering they are assembling in, bringing out all these cool semi-vintage digicams that nobody gave 2 shits about until recently..
The market is absolutely booming right now.. they want it all. The shittiest model you can imagine? Guess what.. they want it and they want to pay more than yesterday.
In certain niche markets these things sell for even above ebay prices which is insane.
Gen-z is unironically making photography fun again?
It is also quite interesting to think about the conditions that made this possible in the first place. So what happened exactly? My viewpoint is the following:
Younger Gen-z social media users have only used cellphones for photography.. they have finally realized that the platform has limitations.. they look at pictures their parents took of them when they were kids using digicams and want that particular look etc, meanwhile the large camera companies have completely neglected this market segment thanks to plebs only using their phones. just look at Canon for instance.. they haven't released a single Ixus model in 7 years and their last hoorah was nothing special in terms of specifications so we have to go back even further to find their high end models. Other companies have done the same.. there is nothing to be seen from the likes of Nikon, Sony, Olympus, Fuji, Samsung or any of the companies that for years made these ultra-compact and cool looking cameras.
It find it all really strange. You have a generation that simply loves this type of stuff and nothing to sell them. Just imagine these cameras with updated hardware, maybe some fresh colors and "limited edition" varieties.
Also feel free to post pics of cool digicams.
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So absolutely nobody is buying these old cameras because they genuinely like digishit, right? They are buying them because zoomers have used swiss army knife do-everything devices their whole lives and they are just rediscovering single-purpose devices now.
YEEEEESSSSSS finally can sell the old shitty cameras to dumbass zoomers for a massive profit and buy something that isn't shit, wtf this is great.
Umm... no, they're buying them because they're popular, and anything with the word """"vintage""""" brings you status in the world of zoomers.
they're buying them because they want to 2000s CCD look
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I dont have high hopes for the CCD look but who knows

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>bayer filter
horrible, but a necessary compromise in the early stages of digital imaging due to limitations in tech
a good idea with the potential to increase color fidelity but never actually implemented in a way that actually realizes that advantage due to sheer laziness on the part of Fuji
a great idea, increasing light gathering by at least a full stop, while providing better sharpness and detail
All the advantages of monochrome but with full color, but at the cost of limited ISO range due to noise
All of the advantages of Foveon but none of the downsides, more dynamic range, flexible, more choice in terms of body and lens choice. The only 'disadvantage' is increased post processing time, which is actually very fun (so no downside)

Why is film just strictly and obviously superior every time? Digicucks are constantly coping about 'quality of life' and have spend thousands upon thousands of hours trying to reproduce 'the film look', when they could just easily start shooting film like lmao, it's not that hard
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The test is to compare a 4x5 film system to a modern mirrorless system to see which had better IQ. I already knew that film wasn't color accurate enough for what I was doing. I had to reshoot the piece anyways, so I had the chance to compare the IQ of the system.
>Why does the film shot show some fine details but lacks coarser stuff like the paper texture?
this seems like the lighting changed between the shots pretty significantly
The lighting is a bit different between the 2. For the film shot I used 4 xexon flashes, digital is one d50 led hot light. The angle of the light on the artwork really affects how the texture. Its possible the lighting was more favorable for that detail.
The main problem with film its not its soft MTF, which can be fixed with appropriately sharpening, its the noise. There is a haze over everything with film, s1r HRM at 100 iso is basically noise free at 14bits. The only advantage film has over most digital systems is resolution. 4x5 is gonna mog 24-36mp systems regardless of how low their noise floor is since the resolution is so much higher. I really wish I would have taken a single shot image to compare.
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Look how much went into rigidity and precision in this camera. This is what high end art reproduction was before digital cameras and they most often used around a 1:1 magnification ratio. You think his test would have shown better results if he had a proper set up like this?

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>a good idea with the potential to increase color fidelity
how does skipping entire rows of some colors "increase color fidelity"?
Bayer is far from horrible but naturally not even close to glorious Foveon, which together with 3CCD actually has the ability to increase color fidelity.
You know when was the last time Fuji had a good idea? Back when they had SuperCCD, now that had potential. X-tranny is a cope and a bad one at that, it only sells because brainwashed basedboys and trannies will buy it.
35mm Copex Rapid has more resolution than the D850 could hope to ever approximate. Seethe harder.

35mm copex rapid might equal a d850 for real photos
it will surpass it for flashing test charts only and only small areas of real photos

>this is the bullshit that filmcucks will engage in to compete with a palm sized black box
hes already comparing fucking 4x5 to a coin sized sensor
this is ridiculous

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Did any of you guys watch the film Civil War? What did you think of it?

I had this really strange feeling of shock when I saw it because I've never seen a movie that felt like the director was speaking so directly to or about me. Very odd experience.
Reminded me a lot of Nightcrawler.
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>Not killing so you can photographically document their death
Holy fuck Kerstin Dunst hit the wall at Mach 3.
It’s really quite grim. Why can’t all women have that Marisa tomei/jennifer Connelly genetics where it’s like “yeah, you can see I’m older but I didn’t go full goblin mode”
She's a 42 year old mother of 2, hitting the wall is pretty acceptable at that point.
>not using a camera strap

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Anything goes even commie block brutalism
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Nice bro
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>image limit reached

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How the fuck does literally everything stay in focus with this camera?
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He's lying, he never did that. He's imagining what that would have been like.
>He's imagining what that would have been like.
internet poisoned zoomer
are you 12? this is a universal experience for anyone born before 2000
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People born in the year 2000 are 24, two years out of college.

Last time I naturally saw a film camera was 2009 as wedding favors. Got into film myself but for all intents and purposes film basically died in 2008 for common purposes.

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I appreciate you posting this for the insight it gives into the zoomer mind

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Anon, I need your advice. Should I buy the X2D, knowing it doesn't have a flippy screen or joystick, or should I wait for the X3D and hope those two features will be implemented?
Which improvements could be made besides those two?

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>Oh and you are an awful fucking photographer
I have never posted a single photo ever.

I am vindicated. >>4319768
clearly you should hold out for the X4D. What? the X5D also doesn't have those two "features" of yours? well, wait for the price to come down on used X6Ds and preorder an X8D instead
or grab an X2D today and forget about your feature bloat.

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How does one get better at photography?

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To expand further it’s more your life which dictates things.
Somebody who works in a big city who always finishes work at night and has to go through the cbd of a city every night for years will see what looks good and eventually buys a camera and dedicates years to shooting the city at night.

Another guy lives in the middle of the wilderness and is a hiker, he hikes for years and eventually buys a camera and takes it on hikes and does this for years.

Both of these people are going to mog some random person who comes along and just tries to shoot landscapes or night street photography once per week for a few months.

It wasn’t skill, it was the combo of their life and who they are. Most people are just copying something while living a boring life themself, that won’t lead to much, you need to find the thing for your life and who you are that is interesting to photograph.
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I just don't really understand what defines good or bad photos

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That’s the best way to be, stay like that for as long as possible.
Because there is no real definition

see >>4319275
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