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>mfw I just realized that full frame is the micro four thirds of film and I have to buy medium format now
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Mm hmmm
>anon it's just a technology box that makes pictures
It is that. But that is just one dimension of what it is. That's like saying a $100 bill is just cotton paper with designs printed on it. That is true, but you're missing the vastly powerful other dimensions to what the money is, does and represents.

I wish it were possible for me to show you how ignorant and ridiculous you sound to me.

there is that word again. it's very interesting that everyone here has been programmed to call any idea outside of strict and fundamental materialism "schizo", did you ever stop to question why that word was memed?
Paper bills were made to be used as an exchangable generic object in trades. They physically represent the concept of currency, thats it. You don't even need them anymore in order to use currency, banks just tell eachother how much you owe them and to you in computer numbers.
A camera body gets an image projected by lenses onto a light-sensitive medium to form a photograph, either via various electronics or photon-reactive molecules.
There's no metaphysical aspect to either, you're deluding yourself
you are the kind of person to drink bleach to btfo the big pharma shills
Your favorite photo is a snapshit, anon. I'm sorry.

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Have you guys been Pentaxmaxxing? I've bought 4 Pentax bodies in the past 2 months. I guess you could say that I'm SLR-pilled and Pentaxmaxxed.

These things will be worth their weight in gold once the economy collapses, but I still wouldn't sell because the photographic experience they provide simply isn't being matched.
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nah, each body has a specific purpose and function. Each useful in their own way. They are tools in my toolbelt
Four hammers and not a single nail?
Because I already hammered them all, like you'd expect from a man with four hammers
So you're done with photography?
In a sense, I am. In that it would be vulgar to call using a Pentax merely "photography", when it is a completely different order of artistic creation

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i have a old point and shoot i wanna use for its lo-fi effect but i rlly wanna use my rangefinder focuser, a watameter. However it 's calibrated to focus for 50mm lenses and the camera has a 44mm lense. I'm worried this will affect focus , Am I right or will it be totally fine. My camera has no zone focusing so other than guessing, this would be the only way.

Oh sorry for the annoying pic of a leica as the thumbnail , but i need the clickbait for thou's wisdom, if that makes sense.....

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why would it affect focus?
It should have no relation to the lens focal length, you are relying on the distance scale. Properly calibrated rangefinder will say 10ft, set lens to 10ft, and so on.
What kind of point n shoot has a focus helicoid with distance scales? Let alone manual focus?

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give me thou best bug shooting tips

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that's the issue, if i'm understanding it correctly. the dof is so shallow that i get insane blurring and a resultant loss of dynamic range when it gets stacked together.
A bigger sensor will give you an even shallower DoF
wait, so that means the problem i'm experiencing should be even worse with a full frame. if that's the case then why the fuck is full frame better for macro? it seems like it should be worse.
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you are retarded and so is he
just stop down and turn the flash up, same DOF, higher quality

a larger sensor can capture more light so give it more light to capture. raising the ISO just makes it look like a crop sensor but sharper with more megapixels.

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ITT: Post a picture, tell a story about it.

This was taken in Busan, South Korea. It's hard to see, but it was drizzling a bit at the time, and a few minutes later, it was pouring rain. I didn't bring an umbrella, and I was completely lost. I stopped under an awning outside of a restaurant to use my phone, and a Korean guy (maybe in his 40s) who happened to be driving by at the time stopped his car, got out, handed me an umbrella, got back in his car, and drove off, all without saying a single word. I tried to politely refuse (I actually like the rain), but he wouldn't take his umbrella back.
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Are you a femaonon?
>ass in leggings perfectly in focus
Happy little mistakes
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I was going on a bushwalk and almost stepped on a snake

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Maybe I should go to dog parks. I want to see caked up sluts in yoga pants and repeat "you JUST KNOW" under my breath over and over again

Post your favorite shots of animals that you've taken. This isn't so much a gearfaggotry thread, but discuss your favorite telephoto lenses if you'd like. For me, it's the Sigma 150-600 F5-6.3.

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Of course. I hope your dog cheered up a bit after that pic. :D

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I had someone holding a treat behind me so she'd stay still for the picture, she's a very high-energy dog so trying to get her plus their whole family in frame for a photo was a huge challenge. Cats are a bit easier in my opinion

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Camera ModelCanon EOS 6D Mark II
Camera SoftwareRawTherapee 5.9
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Image Created2024:04:24 21:15:11
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Went outside and saw lots of bugs the other day. And you know what? I'm gonna go outside and see lots of bugs tomorrow. I will no longer allow the Big Indoors™ to keep me silent on this matter.

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If this doesnt get you laid, nothing will.

Fuji really does have the best looking cameras.
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KEK, no
The 8x8 chunk size in JPEG favors bayer far more than fuji's 6x6
if Fuji wanted to be based, they would simply release an 8x8 pattern and include things like panchromatic luminance samples, IR, UV, yellows, and various bands of greens/reds in that 64 to generate some kind of super pixel but instead they're just doing weird non-bayer non-beneficial meme shit jsut to generate worms
it is a bit squat
X-Pro4 should have a design based off the GW690
They talk funny out there man.
And yeah but he definitely did, I was being very flirty.

At least the how I imagine it now he was passing really well. Hope I didn't make him feel bad when I suddenly made my excuses and ran. Until then it looked like we were gonna bone.
does fuji offer this 3x3 and 6x6 downsampling natively?

>go mirrorless they said
>it will be small and lightweight they said

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My secret to great cheap bokeh is the MC 105/2.8. It’s slow to focus but it does amazing headshots.
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That’s what the lens is colloquially known as anon I didn’t make up the term myself. Take it up with the internet lol. Personally I prefer 135, but I love em both. Which child do you love more kind of thing
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105 f1.4 has more blur for the same subject framing
85 f1.2 and even 1.4 also have more blur for small subject to background distances (like 3-10m)
>105 f1.4 has more blur for the same subject framing
thats a retarded way of coping that it has less bokeh. also i'm not sure why you would be retarded enough to put a 200 f/2.8 in there when it should be a f/2

Did you know that Eisenhower was a big fan of stereo photography?
That's pretty cool. Are there still stereocameras being made?
Not really. Unless you count extremely wide FOV VR cameras. The last proper consumer stereo cameras were the FinePix Real 3D W3 (2010) and the Lumix DMC-3D1 (2012).
That's pretty cool anon
There's also the Canon 5.2mm lens; it's not consumer level though.
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The Kandao Qoocam Ego is recent.

Opinions on his skills?

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>Opinions on his skills?
I'll be happy to offer an opinion. Let me know when he gains some skills.
I keep telling you, this is the real literally me film
how to into this field? is it really that "easy"?
I love how he was ruthlessly hitting on Russo and wearing his watch inside the wrist. He’s just like me.
It's a really solid movie, hard to hate. Good acting, nice idea and also shows that you can do a lot with a "medium" sized budget.

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Post photographs made with CCD cameras (in which the sensor plays the vital role, such as in the one I posted).

No EXIF, sorry, I lost the original jpeg. This was shot in Brace Jerkovic, Belgrade
>Post photographs made with CCD cameras (in which the sensor plays the vital role, such as in the one I posted).
wtf does this even mean? How is the CCD integral to this image? You mean the god awful high ISO performance? There are plenty of CMOS sensors you can get that with
maybe its a bad example, but the CCD streaking when it meets light.
not shit enough

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>Be me, research fisheye lenses.
>Look online how people put them into use
>It is all just skateboard related content
Sure, there are some who are able to find creative purposes, but it seems to me like whenever someone intends to show what a fisheye lens is capable of all they can think of is taking photos and videos of skateboarding. How strange! Just because some faggots in America used them for that purpose in the 90s.
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joining in to reminder you to commit le suicide lad
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>photography has fallen into a realism hole
yep but it's just one style of photography, one that dominates the market, but still only one style. there are a lot of photographers trying to create something surreal, impressionistic or atmospheric than realistic. probably the first thing that comes to mind is that whole "backrooms" aesthetic, which has really exploded as a genre of processing images: lots of noise and compression, blown-out highlights and psychedelic colours, or simply a "degraded" look which is supposed to evoke a poorly-remembered past or grim future, not something realistic. I understand you're describing the general market view of photography as a process but there's definitely a weird, creative and experimental underground even to this day. As long as there's another generation growing up with cameras there will always be photography from new perspectives.
overlooked comment.
wide angle lens are good for shooting indoors or in other cramped spaces like alleyways, cars or trains.

unfortunately I can't contribute with a wide-angle lens photo of my own so here's a cool one from this page:

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I dunno, I'm not the most creative person, but I do like to capture what I think is a good looking landscape or animal in a certain lighting so I've taken up the hobby of photography to capture what I see. I'm not very good at it yet, but hopefully I'll get there.
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I thought about your thread OP and remembered this music video my ex-girlfriend showed me which has some unusual use of a fish-eye lens:
Music videos are probably where photographers have the most room to experiment with unusual perspectives like this.

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>im a retard that cant use a camera

Anyway, here's something that was filmed on a camera that's older than you & me.

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>"don't clean your lens with alcohol wipes it will damage the coating"
>"only use designated lens cleaning products"
>buy lens wipes
>they're just alcohol wipes
I'm upset
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>hurr my pixel peeping
you never had foreign police investigate your camera to find out if it was a fucking bomb?
fuck off retard
just throw something decent on it (aka german or japan made filter) to prevent it from travel or polizei damage
>putting some dogshit $20 plastic filter on the front of his $800 lens for 1 more element and internal reflections

DO NOT DO THIS ON EARLY COATED LEITZ LENSES!!!!!! Fuck me I found out the hard way Zeiss had the patent on hard coatings in the 1950s.

Even using optical cleaner and lightly rubbing the surface with a microfiber cloth I still damaged the coating. Kodak cameras from the period with coated optics, shit like the Signet and Medalist can do this too.
If you care about cleaning damage to lens coatings, use a protective filter and clean that. Dishwashing fluid and water works for dirty filters.
Even basic $5 multicoated UV filters from ChinkExpress are optically good enough for handheld snapping. Expensive brandname filters do have better coatings and noticeably better quality frame.
its about 100$ and the based krauts or japs make it so you know it's good

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am i shit or am i piss
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That sounds like it will just create a bad habit. Just get your frame right in the camera
colors are nice, everything else is old piss
get a nice 50mm and just shoot with that lens for a while to help you really concentrate on your framing. maybe get a book on composition just to get your brain thinking about it
good colors. i can appreciate some film blur, i love shooting with disposable cameras, but like i said buy a nice lens
nice attempt, it would have been better if both subjects weren't cropped
I like that you have multiple subjects with deep DOF, it would have been better if you didn't crop the dominant tree on the left
I suggest you leave extra negative space on all sides of your photos then just crop them later. sometimes, the viewfinder lies
cool vibes, I like the subtle layering
also cool vibes. the modern chair is an eyesore, unless you have another idea in mind
love these

I have heard very very good things about the Ricoh GRIII on YouTube and Reddit and am about ready to pull the trigger to make photography fun again and have a camera that is truly always with me so I don't miss any special moments.

But recently I have checked some of the photos from the camera on Instagram and they seem really poor. The smearing is almost worse than an iPhone 15 Pro and it's a lot bigger and almost the same price. Has anyone here actually used one or have links to good photos taken with them? I don't want to waste money if it is just a meme and not actually good.
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You can thank Daido Moriyama for that.
two bombs wasn't enough s2g

The Ricoh GR1 was always an expensive sought after camera. The current $500-600 eBay prices aren't too far off the $400-600 prices quoted by Japan Camera Hunter in 2012. They were sold at around $450 in 1997 ($880 in 2024 dollars). Not a lot of cameras like it so they've held their value even the build quality didn't match the price.
so, will Ricoh bring back the built-in fill flash in the next version?
>bottom lefts legs and bum


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